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Bromwell High

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Bromwell High

Cast of Bromwell High
Genre Animated series, sitcom
Running time 22 minutes approx.
Creator(s) Anil Gupta
Richard Osman
Richard Pinto
Starring Jo Wyatt
Nina Conti
Gina Yashere
Simon Greenall
Graeme Garden
Doon Mackichan
Stephen Mangan
Stephen Merchant
Tracy-Ann Oberman
Country of origin United Kingdom
Original channel Channel 4
Original run February 1, 2005
No. of episodes 13

Bromwell High is an animated series about a British high school in South London. It airs on Teletoon in Canada, Channel 4 in the UK, in Spanish in the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in the Latin Americas, and on the ABC in Australia, as a co-production between Hat Trick Productions in the UK, and Decode Entertainment in Canada. The show currently runs in the United States on BBC America.

It stars three trouble-making girls, Keisha, Latrina, and Natella who wreak havoc on their impoverished school.

The show represents a caricatured view of contemporary British society. For example, the majority of students at Bromwell High School are immigrant children from the Caribbean and Asia, and some of the male teachers are aging chavs. Many of the characters on the show speak a very poor form of English, including the headmaster, Iqbal. Most of the teachers have an affinity for biscuits.

Because the show was intended for both British and Canadian audiences, the characters sometimes use Canadian language that differs from what is actually used in Britain. This can sometimes confuse viewers, especially on the occasions when Bromwell is referred to as a "public school". In Canada, this means a school open to non-fee paying students. However, in the UK, the term refers to a fee paying school. In Britain, Bromwell would be classed as a state school.

There are some differences between the UK and Canadian versions of the show, notably: The UK version has a longer and slightly different version of the opening credits and theme, and the UK broadcasts were 16:9 widescreen while the Canadian versions are cropped to a 4:3 picture.

The show is directed by Pete Bishop and was created by Anil Gupta, Richard Osman, Richard Pinto and Sharat Sardana (with Osman, Pinto and Sardana also contributing as writers to the show).


[edit] Main characters

[edit] Natella

When Natella was first born, her father sent her off to live with relatives in a tiny farming village 4,000 miles away. The poverty stricken village lay in a barren mountain region, ferociously disputed between India and Pakistan - each country claimed the other was responsible for the "stinking, hilly shithole".

It was hoped that the relatives could marry Natella to the most eligible man in the village and then she would be his problem (NB: traditionally, the "most eligible" man in the villages of this agricultural region is defined as aged 13-20 and having the most number of whole fingers remaining on each hand).

Natella asked if she could matriculate junior school before marrying and was banished from the village for possessing "ambitions unbecoming to a woman". She was sent back to London and joined Bromwell High.

Coming from a backwater village school in one of the poorer parts of a developing nation as she did, Natella is academically two to three years ahead of her Bromwell peers.

Natella is the youngest child in a family of twelve as well as the only girl. She is an errant Asian prodigy who uses her stunning intellect to manipulate pupils and staff alike. She is extremely articulate, ambitious and somewhat arrogant (but often rightfully so). She often tries to overcome depressing situations through reasoning, yet passionately abandons this when she finds out that the situation is either worse or better than originally thought. In any normal school Natella would be top of the class, but at Bromwell High - happy home of the underachiever - her cerebral prowess is considered nothing short of astonishing.

Natella's Bromwell High file number is 852. She is voiced by Jo Wyatt.

[edit] Keisha Marie

By the time Keisha was eight, she had been excluded from every school in south London. When no more schools would accept her, she was enrolled in a canine obedience class where she spent six months before being excluded for "disruptive behaviour" and "biting". At this time, Bromwell High was about to be closed down due to inadequate teaching standards and exam results (research by government inspectors had revealed that attendees of Bromwell High were, on average, leaving school with fewer qualifications than truants). A deal was stuck whereby Bromwell accepted Keisha, the government allowed the school to remain open, and no one cared about the other students whose futures would doubtless be flushed down the can with her own.

Keisha has a strong voice and big personality, with a tendency to shoot first and ask irrelevant questions later. She suffers from attention-deficit disorder and likes anti-establishment activity and physical violence; often assaulting people with little or no justification. She comes from a broken home, and blames society for treating her badly because she is black.

Keisha's Bromwell High file number is 369. She is voiced by British stand-up comedian Gina Yashere (from The Lenny Henry Show).

[edit] Latrina

Latrina takes her name from the fact that her mother gave birth without noticing into the toilet, thinking she had simply passed a very fibrous stool, and only becoming suspicious when after two hours it still hadn't stopped crying. Latrina's parents do not reside together. Her father separated from her mother soon after he had ejaculated. Latrina's mother was unable to cope with the responsibilities and pressures of raising a child on her own so Latrina was put into the care of a widescreen television, in front of which she sat for the first six years of her life. She joined Bromwell High when she became curious about where all the other kids from the estate were going every morning.

Latrina is poor white trash blessed with blonde bombshell good looks. Academically, she is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but Latrina doesn't worry about grades. She is promiscuous and unsophisticated, but she acts with good intentions. She dismisses many things, such as "tolerance", "wheel chair access" and "not having babies", as "for gays".

Latrina's Bromwell High file number is 357. She is voiced by the ventriloquist/comedian Nina Conti, winner of the BBC New Comedy Awards 2002.

[edit] Supporting cast

[edit] Iqbal bin Ibrahim Maurice Kandallah

Iqbal arrived in England with nothing but the shirt he wore on his back, a faded five pound note in his pocket, and a Bedford van's exhaust chamber full of state of the art hydroponic equipment and marijuana seeds with the potential street value, when cultivated, of £80,000 (equal to £81,000 today). With these simple tools, he built an empire that today covers many thousand square feet.

Although he had no formal academic qualifications, Iqbal rose quickly through the ranks to become Headmaster on the night he won Bromwell High in a poker game.

Since he began his tenure, Bromwell High has consistently succeeded in avoiding closure - testimony, surely to the quality of leadership he had provided.

Gregarious and larger than life, Iqbal is not a conventional Headmaster by any stretch. His language is colourful though his understanding of basic grammar is non-existent. He tries to make money any way he can, which often involves illegal and unethical practices. He holds very long meetings and assemblies that are often filled with irrelevant and/or ridiculous anecdotes or performances (known unofficially as "Item 53", due to the fact that in each episode the bizarre story/act is promptly followed by Iqbal saying, "Next on our list, item 54..."). He can be manipulative and cocky but beneath the rough exterior lurks a conscience and occasionally Iqbal surprises everyone with (rare) moments of humanity and pastoral excellence.

Iqbal's Bromwell High file number is 1. He is voiced by Simon Greenall (of I'm Alan Partridge fame).

[edit] Roger Bibby

Roger Bibby read geography at Oxford University, where he won a Greco-Roman wrestling scholarship and had to pick an "academic" subject to graduate in.

In his first year, Mr. Bibby came under the spell of an emeritus professor, whose study Mr. Bibby accidentally wandered into one night thinking it was his own bed. It turned out that it was his own bed and that the "professor" was quite seriously mental. A friendship began that night, which eventually resulted in Mr. Bibby turning into a geography teacher.

Mr. Bibby is the Deputy Head of Bromwell High and the Geography teacher. He is extremely articulate, knowledgeable and has a very professional bearing. However, he is very stern and insensitive, and sometimes evil just for the sake of being evil (he has been known to be friendly with demons, and has links with the slave trade in Angola). He is extremely manipulative, and therefore able to commit unethical acts with the consent of the Headmaster.

Like the Headmaster, he is insatiably greedy and tries to make money through unethical practices. However, unlike the Headmaster, he is far more calculated when he implements his plans.

Mr. Bibby's Bromwell High file number is 159. He is voiced by Graeme Garden (of The Goodies fame).

[edit] Martin Jackson

Martin read mathematics at Cambridge (though never graduated). He was physically and sexually abused by his tutor, the head of the mathematics department, the rest of the mathematics department, the rowing club, the varsity football and rugby teams and the Christian society.

He spent three years as a research project for the School of Medicine -- his blood pressure was found to be high enough to clean car wheels. He did not die however, but instead whined continuously. Research on Martin led to the development of Prozac.

In spite of the fact that he was, and still is, the only mathematics teacher in the school, it took Martin five years to gain promotion to Head of Mathematics Department.

Martin must always be watched. He has the kind of nervous disposition exhibited by people who take high velocity rifles up clock towers in order to pick off passers-by. He is a spineless and ineffectual teacher who hates children, his job and himself. In his late thirties, he is cripplingly middle-class and hides it by living in a Victorian terrace in the shadow of a council estate in south-east London. He is the bane of Carol's life.

When he teaches, he does not discipline his students when they act contemptuously. He is also extremely neurotic, and panics at the thought of anything going wrong for him. He does not have a proper teaching qualification; he only has a certificate in plumbing technology. He often cheats on his wife, Carol Jackson, although he claims that "using a prostitute is not cheating."

When Martin messes up or does something wrong he often hits himself on the head and says "fuck" even when students are present.

Iqbal's nickname for him is "Mongo" (a variant of "mong", an offensive term implying mental retardation, derived from the original name given to Down's syndrome).

He was born Martin Shitely, but took his wife's surname after marriage.

Martin's Bromwell High file number is 657. He is also voiced by Simon Greenall.

[edit] Carol Jackson

Carol Graduated from Hedgehog College, University of the Lake District, then attended teacher training college at the Above Burger King School of Teaching, Oxford Street, London.

She then spent five years at the Amnesty International London office, waiting outside the main entrance. No one let her in but she did receive free psychiatric help and eventually accepted that she didn't work for Amnesty International and was in fact a nut.

She later met and married Martin Shitely, who took her name.

Carol is now an English teacher at Bromwell. She is in her 30s, wears organic clothes and reads the Guardian. Carol understands people of all races and creeds -- except her husband, Martin. She is discontent with the lack of intimacy and romance in her marriage, and, probably as a result of that, competes with Melanie Dickson for the affection of handsome men. When Martin does something stupid or wrong she usually replies, "Oh, Martin, you idiot".

Carol's Bromwell High file number is 287. She is voiced by Doon Mackichan (from ‘’Smack the Pony’’).

[edit] Melanie Dickson

Miss Dickson graduated from the University of Pudwacker Salt Flats with a First Class Honours degree in Chemical Biology.

She immediately gained bar work in London and very quickly rose up the ranks to become Bar Manager of "Alcoholiday", an Aboriginal themed bar in London's Leicester Square.

She moved to Bromwell High thinking it was another themed bar, but within a year she realised that she was Head of Sciences at an inner city school.

Originally from Australia, Miss Dickson now teaches all the subjects at Bromwell that nobody else wants to (History/Science/Music/Etc.), and does so very poorly. She often does not care about the subjects she teaches and chain smokes, sometimes even during class. She competes with Carol Jackson for the affections of handsome men, mainly because she has an insatiable libido (though it may be worth noting that her psychometric tests revealed she has chronic low self-worth and will likely sleep with anything that communicates to her the statement: "Your hair looks nice"). Iqbal refers to her as "the slutty one" (and she seems proud of it).

Miss Dickson's Bromwell High file number is 349. Her voice is provided by Tracy-Ann Oberman.

[edit] Mr. Phillips

Mr. Phillips grew up in the quiet, crack addled village of Chomping Frenum, on England's west coast. He went missing at age 10, after chasing a worm into the forest. He strayed into an army firing range and was hit by three medium-sized surface-to-air missiles. Fortunately they passed straight through his skull, though he did lose 80 percent of his brain matter.

On his way to an interview for a post at Bromwell High, Mr. Philips was caught in the crossfire of a gang war shoot-out. He lost 80 percent of his remaining brain matter.

Mr. Philips is Bromwell High's Physical Education teacher. He is often unaware of his surroundings or current situation, and is therefore utterly ineffective as a teacher. Iqbal refers to him as "the stupid one".

Mr. Phillips' Bromwell High file number is 999. He is voiced by Stephen Merchant.

[edit] Gavin Beale

Gavin was born in a crossfire hurricane. His mother was a tailor and his father was a gambling man. These circumstances made him turn to Christianity, which he hoped would provide some stability in his life.

He studied Theology at Durham University where he obtained a trombone scholarship.

He was ready to enter the church by 1990, in a poor, East London parish where he felt he could help ease the suffering and assist the poverty stricken. He decided to defer a year and backpack around Thailand instead.

He claims to have written the novel "The Beach", the manuscript of which he says he left in a Bangkok dance bar, possibly in a Bangkok dancer. No one believes him because he has absolutely no proof and is generally considered to be "a lying twat".

Returning to the poverty stricken parish in the East End he was struck by how disgusting it was so he got a job teaching.

Gavin is now the Religious Education teacher at Bromwell High (he considered being a journalist for NME but became a Christian Fundamentalist without having to change his taste in acoustic based rock). He acts casual in an effort to connect with his pupils, but this is a thinly veiled attempt to convert his students to Christianity. He consistently offends followers of all other faiths.

Gavin's Bromwell High file number is 742. He is voiced by Stephen Mangan.

[edit] Ms. Jenny Gosby

Ms. Gosby graduated from Oxford Mobile University in 1986. There are no records of her before this. There are, however, records for a Mr. Bruce Gosby, who seems to have vanished during his gap year before attending university.

Bruce was an accomplished rower who took first place in both coxless events. He enjoyed being coxless, as if he were waiting all his life to be without cox.

After teacher training, "Ms." Gosby taught sciences to inmates of Lezzborough Prison, Little Beanflick, Dykeshire. She was dismissed after her involvement in a rooftop protest.

Convicted of inciting a riot, Ms. Gosby was tagged by the police and considered dangerous and psychologically unstable.

She has since been appointed to Head of Biology at Bromwell High, and is also the lunchlady.

It has been hinted by other characters that she may be a transsexual.

Ms. Gosby's Bromwell High file number is 123.

[edit] Other students

  • Davis

Considered "cool" and attractive by many of the girls within Bromwell High. Although he is depicted as being intelligent, he is usually rebellious within school, and rude to teachers and prefects alike. During the episode "1x06: Valentines's Day", the girls within Bromwell High witnessed him placing a valentine's card into Keisha's and Natella's box. It remains the episode's plot to see who the card is meant for. Although Davis and Aisha have many similarities, Davis has never mentioned that he likes Aisha.

His "cool" status comes from his contempt for teachers and his skills in speaking. He is also apparently quite attractive.

  • Jamal

Davis' best friend, although he is considerably less popular with the girls of Bromwell High. He is also considerably less intelligent, but less rebellious in school. Latrina has mentioned that she did make out with Jamal.

  • T'Shaw

T'Shawn is incredibly short, and has a high pitched voice. He is also depicted constantly wearing an orange jacket, regardless of location, weather, and temperature. It is apparently these three qualities which makes him horribly unpopular with the children of Bromwell High. It has been established he has feelings of affection for Keisha, although she strongly dislikes him.

T'Shawn's catch phrase is, "Oh, baby!"

  • Belisha

Similar to Jamal and Davis, Aisha and Belisha are best friends. She is large, strong, and constantly has an angry expression. For this, Belisha is feared by many of the students of Bromwell High, albeit mostly for her scary appearance. Because of this, most of her bullying comes from intimidation, and not actual physical violence.

Aisha strongly dislikes Natella and all of her noble causes.

  • Aisha

Aisha is loud and brash. Unlike her best friend Belisha, though, she does not bully students exclusively through intimidation. She is quite willing (even happy, it seems) to physically harm students and damage property. Although she is relatively slim, and only slightly tall, she is feared by all the girls, should Aisha ever decide to attack them, for she is very violent, and more than willing to fight (It can only be assumed that she is quite experienced in a fight, in order to make up for her small figure). She is rarely seen manipulating miss Dickson in order to leave school.

Belisha strongly dislikes Natella and all of her noble causes.

  • Kiley

Kiley is viewed as unpopular with the students of Bromwell and is picked on my Kiesha, Aisha, Belisha and many of the teahcers.

[edit] Episode guide

This a list of the episodes of Bromwell High. They are listed in their Canadian air order.

1x01: Tolerance
First Aired: 02/01/2005
Our three girls prepare a presentation on the theme of tolerance, a subject which highlights the multi-cultural diversity within Bromwell High, but which Latrina dismisses out of hand as being "for gays". Keisha and Natella become arch rivals in a bid to win a prize which seemingly doesn't exist.
1x02: Police Story
First Aired: 02/08/2005
When a prevalent mobile phone thief continues to evade the local police, Inspector Lehman decides to pay Bromwell High a visit. Lehman advises maverick Headmaster Iqbal that he will be leaving PC Carter at the school in a bid to catch the thief, and threatens that if Iqbal does not comply with the police, they will clamp down on his illegal animal trade.
1x03: Keisha's In Love
First Aired: 02/15/2005
Bromwell High has a new pupil - blonde-haired blue-eyed Spencer. Keisha starts to experience strange warm and tingly feelings every time she sees Spencer, causing her to shower him not with affection, but with punches. Meanwhile, the Head of Year Eight position becomes vacant, resulting in a hard-fought battle between Miss Dickson ("the slutty one") and Mr Philips ("the stupid one"), both of whom set out to impress Iqbal with their teaching prowess...
1x04: No More Teachers
First Aired: 02/22/2005
After a sensational performance at the school music evening, Mr Anderson, the English teacher, is offered a career as a pop star, leaving the rest of the teachers to ponder their own pathetic and unrewarding careers in the classroom. Depressed and dreaming of pastures new, they resign with immediate effect on their own very personal routes to fame and fortune, and Iqbal is faced with the problem of replacing an entire staff.
1x05: Fire Drill
First Aired: 03/01/2005
Keisha's fascination with pyromania has spiralled out of control and she is unable to stop herself setting fire to things, including the school premises. Iqbal's real problems start, however, when one of Keisha's fires inadvertently highlights the fact that Bromwell High has no wheelchair access.
1x06: Valentines's Day
First Aired: 03/08/2005
It's Valentine's Day at Bromwell High but Natella has persuaded our laydeez to give it a miss this year on the basis that it is a meaningless market event created by greeting card companies to boost sales figures. Keisha and Latrina are none too pleased with Natella when Miss Dickson decides to banish all pupils without cards to "ugly class", but things start to look up for the girls as Davis - the coolest boy in the school - is seen putting a Valentine's card in Keisha and Natella's box. Who is meant for?
1x07: Goodbye Mr. Crisps
First Aired: 03/15/2005
Iqbal and Mr Bibby need to raise money quickly to solve Bromwell High's latest financial crisis, so when Natella introduces Iqbal to her new friend, posh Katie, who she met at the National Science Competition, Iqbal is ecstatic - and amazed - to learn just how much some children's parents are willing to pay for a decent education.
1x08: Baby Boom
First Aired: 03/22/2005
Latrina's mum has just given birth to yet another baby, which Latrina accidentally brings into school in her bag. In a ploy to get rid of the baby in a spot that she has not previously used, Latrina swaps the infant with the sex education teacher's doll. Will the teacher even notice?
1x09: Sack Race
First Aired: 03/29/2005
When P.E. teacher Mr Philips gives Latrina a grubby old vest that she believes belonged to Bromwell High's famous sporting alumnus Leroy Thomas, she immediately displays an astonishing, and not unsurprising, athletic prowess.
1x10: Prefect
First Aired: 04/05/2005
Keisha's behavioural problems have reached epic proportions and it is time for Iqbal and Mr Bibby to take drastic measures. To Natella's extreme anguish, they appoint Keisha as a school prefect. Keisha's mission is to reduce crime levels in the school, which she manages through a carefully orchestrated campaign of violence and threatening behaviour.
1x11: Natella Takes Charge
First Aired: 04/12/2005
When the girls innocently play around with a bomb that has been left in the playground, it unsurprisingly ends with a scene of chaos and destruction. In order to fund the necessary renovations, Iqbal and Mr Bibby arrange for Albanian Fried Chicken to sponsor Bromwell High, resulting in a drastic change to the school curriculum...
1x12: Drama Queen
First Aired: 04/19/2005
Martin and Carol Jackson's marriage is in tatters, and Carol decides to put her energy into organising a school play to exorcise her woes. Latrina is given the star role but encounters an extreme bout of stage fright. Meanwhile, Iqbal and Bibby have managed to secure funding from various banks and need to decide how to invest it. A hard-fought battle between the teachers ensues, each one bidding to secure desperately needed cash for their departments.
1x13: Sweets
First Aired: 04/26/2005
When the girls find themselves in possession of a truck-load of black market sweets, they quickly discover that the sweets are - quite literally - mind-blowing. With an education article being written about "Heads and their Deputies", this is Iqbal and Bibby's chance to shine. But will the journalist be distracted by the newly formed sweets racket in the playground, and by the recent spate of exploding pupils?

This is the UK air order.

1x01: Baby Boom
1x02: Prefect
1x03: Sweets
1x04: Sack Race
1x05: Keisha's In Love
1x06: No More Teachers
1x07: (Not Yet Aired)
1x08: (Not Yet Aired)
1x09: (Not Yet Aired)
1x10: (Not Yet Aired)
1x11: (Not Yet Aired)
1x12: (Not Yet Aired)
1x13: (Not Yet Aired)

[edit] DVD releases

The first five episodes (although not int the "correct" order" were released on DVD in Australia, i.e.: Tolerance, Keisha's in Love, Police Story, No More Teachers and - billed as a "bonus" - Fire Drill (presumably subsequent volumes will contain episodes 6-9 and 10-13). Only Keisha's in Love and No More Teachers have been screened in the UK. It received an 'M15+' censor rating.

The complete series was released in the UK as a two-disc set on 02 October 2006. This release contains all 13 episodes (seven of which have never aired in the UK), extras on this release include a 15min 23sec Making of Bromwell High short, deleted scenes and outtakes, Commentary on the episode Sweets and the original animatic storyboard for Baby Boom. This was certified by the British Board of Film Classification as a '15' on 31 January 2006, presumably for the earlier aborted release. The thirteen episodes were all certified on 30 August 2006, all as '15' apart from Keisha's in Love as '12'.

[edit] Quotes

  • Iqbal: These kids are like my children. Except I'm not banned from going within a mile of their houses.
  • Iqbal: Hokay... Item 54... (Viewers often catch Iqbal just as he is finishing the 53rd item on his agenda for meetings and assemblies)
  • Keisha: Why is English not easy? I'se speaks the bitch!
  • Iqbal: Ah, Mr. Bibb. I've seen the future, and it is porn, sharks, and Nazis.
    Mr. Bibby: Hmm, that rather plays to my strengths...
  • Latrina: Miss Dickson! I'se gots a question for the fat bitch.
    Miss Dickson: That's fat lady, Latrina.
    Latrina: Sorry miss. Fat lady, why are you so fat?
  • Iqbal (regarding his school's evaluation report): Below Satisfactory! We is moving up in the world!
  • Natella: I'm a natural orator!
    Latrina: Oh, me too! It's all about tucking your lips over your teeth.
  • Latrina Either I is got stage fright, or I is pregnant... again!
  • Keisha: I got pills to control my violence. I'll just take them for once.
  • Miss Dickson (after being referred to as "the slutty one"): Yes! I'm the slutty one!
  • Mr Bibby: Illegal? Kidnapping? Are you sure? This is political correctness gone mad.
  • Natella: I have to tell that Aisha broke the swing. That is the right thing to do.
    Latrina: That is the right thing to do, and after she murders you, you go straight to heaven!
    Natella: I'm a Hindu.
    Latrina: ...Disneyland?
  • Keisha: State your business ma'am.
    Woman: I'm here to sack one of your teachers.
    Keisha (excitedly): Welcome to Bromwell High!
  • Mr Bibby: ...Well, having experience with corporate manslaughter...
  • Keisha: I is tolerant like a muthafucker.

Aisha: Prepair to take the eating of your life bitch.

Natela: you'll get detention if you set the school on fire! Keisha:And if my aunti had nuts she'd be my uncle! Carol: Keisha, you have a detention. Keisha: (to her aunt via cell phone)aunti may! you is a lying bitch!

Keisha:Lets take a shit on the teacher's car!

[edit] Titles In other languages

[edit] External links

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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