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Beast (comics)

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Promotional art by John Cassaday.

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance X-Men #1
Created by Stan Lee
Jack Kirby
Alter ego Dr. Henry "Hank" Peter McCoy
Species Human Mutant
Affiliations X-Men, Xavier Institute For Higher Learning, XSE, Avengers, Defenders, X-Factor
Notable aliases  Blue Beast
Abilities Mutant enhanced agility, strength and equilibrium; Genius level IQ; healing factor; ability to emit mood altering pheromones

Beast, (or The Beast) (real name: Dr. Henry McCoy), is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero who is a member of the X-Men. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, he first appeared in X-Men #1 (September 1963).

A mutant, Beast possesses ape-like physical strength and agility and oversized hands and feet. After latent transformations to his physiology were activated, he has gained increasingly animalistic physical characteristics, extending to blue fur, feline facial features, pointed ears, fangs, and claws, and enhanced physical power and senses.

Despite his savage appearance, he is a man of arts and letters and the sciences; he is a world authority on biochemistry and genetics, the X-Men’s medical doctor, and the Xavier Institute's science and mathematics instructor. He is also a mutant political activist. Fighting his feral urges and fear of rejection, Beast dedicates his physical and mental gifts to the creation of a better world for man and mutant.

One of the original X-Men, Beast has appeared consistently in X-Men-related comics throughout the years. He was also a member of the "all-star" teams The Avengers and The Defenders. Kelsey Grammer plays him in the X-Men movies.


[edit] Fictional character biography

Henry Philip McCoy was born in Dunfee, Illinois, in the United States, to Norton and Edna McCoy. His father was employed at a local nuclear power plant and was once exposed to intense nuclear radiation which appears to have caused his son's mutation. Hank was born with a vast intellect and unusually large hands and feet for a human; in fact, his limbs were comparable to those of a gorilla and later stories reveal his nickname in school was "Magilla Gorilla". The Beast initially did not have fur.

[edit] With the X-Men

Partial cover to X-Men (vol. 1) #8.Art by Jack Kirby.
Partial cover to X-Men (vol. 1) #8.
Art by Jack Kirby.

Henry's mutation fully manifests during adolescence and although his powers allow him to briefly excel in athletics during his remaining time at school, he soon attracts the animosity of his fellow students and other non-mutant humans. As he seeks refuge, he is approached by Professor Charles Xavier, who invites him to study at "Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters". Henry recognizes the opportunities that such an institution can afford him and accepts the offer. He finds the school both a font of scientific knowledge and a place of sanctuary and is there introduced to the X-Men, who accept him into their ranks and give him the codename Beast. Alongside workouts in the Danger Room, he studies subjects ranging from differential equations to Proust under Xavier's tutelage.

Some years later, in Amazing Adventures (vol. 2) #11, McCoy leaves the X-Men after completing a doctorate in biophysics at the Xavier Institute. He becomes a research scientist at Brand Corporation, a genetics research facility. He isolates a "hormonal extract" that allows anyone to become a mutant for a short period of time, and uses it on himself to disguise his appearance while foiling an attempt to steal his research. However, he waits too long to reverse the process, leaving him permanently transformed. He grows gray fur (which later turns blue) all over his body and acquires sharp ears, elongated canine teeth, claws, enhanced senses and an accelerated healing factor. Despite these changes, McCoy accepts his fate and is one of the most upbeat and cheerful of superheroes, a bouncing, hyperactive simian and inveterate prankster and wit. Further, contrary to his feral appearance, he is an intellectual whose speech and manners are eloquent and formal; along with Reed Richards, Tony Stark and Henry Pym, he has become one of the most respected scientific minds in the Marvel Universe. Hank is a human being plagued with duality: man/beast, genius/sports star, gentle giant/feral aggressor.

[edit] With the Avengers

Not long after this transformation, he is recruited to join the Avengers, in which he remained a member for many years, becoming a close friend of Wonder Man. He leaves the team at times to rejoin his friends in the X-Men in times of need (such as the Dark Phoenix Saga). He returns to the Avengers each time, but eventually leaves so that it (now with a six-member limit) could be filled out by new recruits.

[edit] With the Defenders and X-Factor

He later joins the Defenders and is one of the final surviving members at the time it disbanded. He and fellow surviving Defenders Angel and Iceman are shortly after contacted by Cyclops and Jean Grey to form X-Factor. Early in X-Factor's career, Hank is kidnapped by Artie Maddicks' scientist father for use as a guinea pig for a treatment that Maddicks was developing to cure Artie's mutation.

Once Beast is injected with the drug, he regains his original human appearance. In X-Factor (vol. 1) #19, he is touched by the Horseman Pestilence but this doesn't kill him; instead, his body fights off Pestilence's infection at the cost of his brilliant mind. Every time he uses his strength, his intellect withers. As a result, he is reduced to a childlike state until he steals a kiss from Infectia that was meant for Iceman and falls into a coma. While in the infirmary on X-Factor's sentient Ship, his body morphs between his human appearance and his blue-furred one as it fights the effects of the kiss. Eventually he awakens, once more in his furry form. He serves this team for years, while being a college lecturer and later returned to the X-Men where he remains.

New X-Men #117, depicting Beast's feline form. Art by Frank Quitely.
New X-Men #117, depicting Beast's feline form. Art by Frank Quitely.

[edit] Back with the X-Men

As the world experiences a "mutant baby boom", much of the mutant community begins experiencing "secondary mutations", often taking the form of additional or enhanced abilities. After being brutally attacked, Beast's secondary mutation is jumpstarted by fellow teammate Sage. The mutation causes Beast to develop a feline physique, which he initially has some trouble adapting to. A psychic attack by the genocidal Cassandra Nova leaves Beast humiliated, badly beaten, and haunted by the possibility that his new form is simply a step in a continuous state of devolution. Additionally, the alteration causes his long-time girlfriend, Trish Tilby, to break up with him after being accused of bestiality in the media.

When news of a "cure" that would reverse mutations suddenly arises, Beast finds himself seriously considering taking it so he can once again appear human. Hank eventually decides against it after vigorous "urging" by fellow team member Wolverine, as it would send out a negative message to other mutants if an X-Man were to take the cure. After learning that the cure was developed by fellow geneticist Kavita Rao through experimentation on mutant corpses - as well as on the X-Man Colossus - Beast helps take down Rao's operation. When the Hellfire Club attacks the X-Men, Cassandra Nova strips away Beast's higher human consciousness, leaving him with only his animal instincts.

[edit] Powers and abilities

It is possible that Beast's mutation is a result of genetic atavism. However, he also possesses neotenous characteristics, which explain him having a developed brain despite his animal physique.

[edit] Anthropoid physique

Partial cover of X-Men (vol. 2) #1 (1991). Art by Jim Lee.
Partial cover of X-Men (vol. 2) #1 (1991). Art by Jim Lee.

Originally, Hank McCoy retained the basic features of a normal human alongside a generally simian physiology (e.g., elongated limbs and oversized extremities). This mutation gives him superhuman strength, speed, agility, and coordination. He can perform many tasks with his feet as easily as with his hands. Because of his gifts and training, Beast can outperform any Olympic-level athlete, contorting his body and performing aerial feats gracefully. Later, Hank mutates further, first through the growth of grey - then blue - fur covering his entire body. He gains sharp nails and fang-like teeth, and his overall appearance becomes more bestial. With this physique, Beast uses his claws to climb vertical surfaces. Beast gains the ability to emit mood altering pheromones, causing sexual attraction in women, and he becomes strong enough to withstand falls that would crush the bones of a normal human. Beast develops extremely powerful limbs, allowing him to make astounding leaps and to run at great speeds for a short duration.

[edit] Feline physique

After being critically wounded (X-Treme X-Men #2-#4), Hank's body undergoes a secondary mutation. The result is a more feline appearance. His strength, speed, and senses increase with this change. He gains cat-like reflexes and agility, and his senses of sight and smell are enhanced. In addition, Beast develops an accelerated healing factor that allows him to repair mild to moderate injuries within the span of a few hours.

[edit] Genius intellect

Hank is doubly gifted, not only having the fantastic abilities granted by his mutation, but also possessing a brilliant intellect. He is a world-renowned biochemist, and the man who cures the Legacy virus. His intelligence and expertise in genetics rival that of Professor X. Despite this, he has never received a Nobel Prize or been invited to the National Academy of Sciences, as his colleagues see him for his beastly appearance, rather than for the gentle scientific genius he is. A Renaissance man, McCoy is well-versed in linguistics, literature, philosophy, history, art, and music, with a special affinity for science and technology and a penchant for quoting literary classics.

[edit] Other Versions

[edit] Dark Beast

Dark Beast on the promotional cover for Excalibur (Vol. 2) #9. Art by Aaron Lopresti.
Dark Beast on the promotional cover for Excalibur (Vol. 2) #9.
Art by Aaron Lopresti.
See also: Age of Apocalypse and/or Dark Beast

An evil doppelgänger of Hank McCoy, Dark Beast escaped from the Age of Apocalypse where he learned biochemistry and genetic engineering from his timeline's version of Mister Sinister. He also is directly responsible for the creation of the original Morlocks. The Dark Beast has all of the powers and intelligence of Hank McCoy, but none of his ethics. However, due to Hank McCoy's recent feline mutation which increased his strength, agility, and speed, and granted him more feline-like senses, the Dark Beast is no longer as powerful as his counterpart.

[edit] Ultimate Beast

Cover art for Ultimate X-Men #27, featuring Ultimate Beast.  Art by Adam Kubert.
Cover art for Ultimate X-Men #27, featuring Ultimate Beast. Art by Adam Kubert.
Main article: Ultimate X-Men

Henry "Hank" McCoy was born a visible mutant, his giant ape-like hands and feet causing the boy to be met with much bigotry and prejudice. With his own parents denouncing him for his genetic status, he chose to hide his immense intelligence to avoid further complications. Hank became a founding member of the Ultimate X-Men taking the codename Beast. He also took on the role of the team's elite engineer, frequently upgrading the X-Men's Blackbird X-Jet and Danger Room sequences.

Beast began an on again/off again relationship with Storm. Storm loved him very much because of his intelligence, but Beast's inferiority complex often got in the way of their relationship. He became convinced that Storm only loved him because Professor X was using mind control on her. Beast started an online relationship that eventually led to the Ultimate War debacle.

Hank has a genius level IQ. His mutant biophysiology grants him a simian appearance with superhuman strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, and manual and pedal dexterity so great he can write with both hands at once and tie knots with his toes. The Weapon X program mutated Hank further, causing him to evolve into a more animalistic form with claws, enhanced senses, and thick, blue fur covering his entire body.

Beast died in Ultimate X-Men #45, crushed under the rubble of a Sentinel attack. While his death was felt by all of the X-Men, it has had the greatest impact upon Storm.

[edit] Other versions

  • In Marvel 1602, Beast is known as Hal McCoy and retains his original appearance of a human with enormous hands and feet. He is well spoken and eloquent, and a member of Carlos Javier's (Professor X) group of "witchbreeds." When several soldiers stared at him, he glowered and attributes his appearance to his origin as an Orkneyman.
  • In X-Men Fairy Tales #1, Beast appears as the monkey, Aoi (Japanese: "blue"). Aoi appears younger and more monkey-like than the 616 version of Beast, although retaining his blue fur. Unlike the studious and intellectual Beast, Aoi is playful and mischievous. After being outtricked, Aoi joins Hitome (Cyclops).
  • In the House of M reality, Beast appears as a scientist working alongside Hank Pym and Forge, all of whom work for Tony Stark. Here, he retains his human appearance similar to when he first joined X-Men.
  • In the "Here Comes Tomorrow" story arc (set 150 years in the X-Men's future), Beast takes on the role of Headmaster of the Xavier Institute after the death of Jean Grey and the retirement of Charles Xavier and Scott Summers. Unable to cope with the pressures of this position and trying to find a cure for the looming extinction of the human race, Beast turns to the power-enhancing drug Kick. Unbeknownst to him, Kick is an aerosol form of an entity known as Sublime. Sublime takes over Beast's body, relegating him to a passenger in his own form. 150 years after the death of Jean Grey, Sublime is finally purged from the aged, white-furred Beast, who is seconds later beheaded by Sublime's champion Appolyon.
  • In Mutant X, Beast has a counterpart that goes by the name Brute. Brute has an amphibious appearance with goat-legs.

[edit] Appearances in other media

[edit] Television

Beast in the X-Men animated series
Beast in the X-Men animated series
  • Beast appeared, alongside the other original X-Men, in the episode called, " The Origin of Iceman" of the animated television series Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends. He was seen only in a flashback in his original form and had no lines.
  • Beast was a regular in the original X-Men animated series and, from the second season onwards, in X-Men Evolution. In X-Men, the character was voiced by George Buza. Buza had a small cameo as the truck driver who brought Anna Paquin's Rogue to the bar in the first X-Men film. Buza also voiced the Beast in two episodes of the Spider-Man animated series, in which he aided Spider-Man in seeking a cure for his mutagenic disease, and uncovered a plot by the Brand Corporation to eradicate mutants.
  • For a brief moment, during the episode "Remants" of the animated series Avengers: United They Stand, Beast's picture is seen hanging on the wall during a meeting of the Avengers. However, Beast is never actually seen on the show, nor is it actually mentioned he was a member of the team in the past.
  • In X-Men Evolution, Hank McCoy attended Bayville school in Bayville, New York, United States and was even approached by Professor Xavier when he was a teenager. At the time, though, Hank turned down Xavier's offer of help and went on to become a chemistry and gym teacher. During the years, Hank had managed to control his mutation through a serum he developed. The serum started to fail however and he eventually lost control and mutated into the "Beast." As the "Beast", he caused massive destruction and is now a wanted fugitive. After his first transformation he was able to regain control, but he has now become permanently trapped in the physical form of the "Beast." Unable to return to his life as Hank McCoy he chose to join Xavier's school and now helps to teach the New Mutants. He was voiced by Michael Kopsa.

[edit] Films

  • Beast was set to appear in X-Men, but was taken out due to make-up problems. His doctor persona was transferred into Jean Grey's character.
  • In the movie X2: X-Men United, Dr. Hank McCoy was seen in his normal human appearance in a small cameo played by Steve Bacic. A deleted scene during the sequence in which Dark Cerebro was set to kill all mutants showed Hank McCoy affected by the machine, causing him to take on his blue-furred simian appearance seen in the next movie.
  • In X-Men: The Last Stand, Kelsey Grammer portrays him. Beast was one of the earlier X-Men, and after he graduated from the academy, he left and became involved in politics, becoming Secretary of Mutant Affairs. He is also confirmed to be a brilliant scientific researcher with great insight into mutant genetics on the official website. [1] This is never explicitly revealed in the film, though there are hints that Beast is a scientist, e.g. Beast having a doctorate, his reading of Scientific American, and his interrupted correction to Storm's words, "Well, scientifically speaking ..." After the cure is released, he contacts Xavier and informs him of the situation, saying he can understand why some mutants would want to be free of persecution. When the Brotherhood makes a move on the lab which created the cure, Beast joins the X-Men, donning his old uniform (commenting on how it feels smaller than before), and helps to hold the Brotherhood back. He seems to revert to a more primal nature in the fight, often roaring as well as defeating his opponents with a savage fighting style. He also injected Magneto with the cure. After the incident, he is made United States Ambassador to the United Nations. In the novelization and an altering ending on the DVD, he turns this position down & remains at the school as a teacher.

[edit] Video games

[edit] Quotes

  • Oh my stars and garters!
  • There comes a time 'twixt life and death
When all men stop to catch their breath.
We ask the stars 'Why?', we question our lot,
The heavens open wide and reply, 'Why not? (X-Men #11)
Beast: You should see me play Pictionary.
Cecilia Reyes: Sure, maybe after we get it ou -- *gasp* You -- You're an animal...?
Beast: It's not 'animal,' miss, it's 'Beast' ... a 'Beast' which happens to know a thing or two about the dynamic application of nano-effusive devices. Animal is a Muppet. (X-Men #70)
  • Banshee: Hard to believe th' boyo's got a doctorate in biophysics. (The Uncanny X-Men #308)

[edit] Trivia

  • The Beast enjoys Twinkies. Evidence can be found in X-Men #73, where Beast's list of New Year's Resolutions reveals that one of his resolutions is to "Eat fewer Twinkies".

[edit] References

  • Beast [2]
  • The Xavier Files, 1st edition paperback, 1994. Justine H. Korman, ISBN 0-679-86177-7
  • The Uncanny X-Men #308
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol. II
  • X-Men: The Ultimate Guide, 2nd edition hardback, 2003. Peter Sanderson, ISBN 0-789-49258-X
  • Science of the X-Men, 1st edition paperback, 2004. Linc Yaco, Karen Haber, ISBN 0-743-48725-7
  • X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse Hero Handbook
  • Allies: Beast [3]
  • The Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game, 1st edition hardback, 2003. Marvel Entertainment, ISBN 0-785-11028-3

Essential readings

  • Avengers: The Morgan Conquest TPB
  • Uncanny Essential X-Men Vol. I
  • New X-Men: E is for Extinction TPB
  • New X-Men: Imperial TPB
  • New X-Men: Here Comes Tomorrow TPB
  • X-Men: Fall of the Mutants TPB
  • X-Men: Inferno TPB
  • X-Men: Mutant Massacre TPB
  • X-Men: X-Tinction Agenda TPB
  • X-Treme X-Men Vol. I TPB
  • X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land TPB

[edit] External links


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