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Battle of the Beams

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The Battle of the Beams was a period in early World War II when Luftwaffe bombers started using radio navigation for night bombing. British "scientific intelligence" at the Air Ministry fought back with a variety of increasingly effective means, and the Germans eventually gave up trying to use any such system.


[edit] Background

Both the British and Germans based much of their pre-war bombing strategy on night bombing, in which the threats to the bombers from fighter interception and ground-based anti-aircraft systems was greatly reduced. However, the disadvantage of this strategy was the difficulty of finding a target at night.

The RAF thus invested very heavily in navigation training, equipping their aircraft with various equipment for taking a star fix and giving the navigator room to do calculations in a lit workspace. They put this system into use as soon as the war began and were initially happy with its success. In reality the bombing effort was a complete failure, with the vast majority of bombs landing miles away from their intended targets.

[edit] German systems

[edit] Lorenz

Main article: Lorenz (navigation)

The Luftwaffe instead invested heavily in radio navigation systems to solve the same problem. Prior to the war they had deployed the Lorenz blind-landing aid at many airports and equipped most of their bombers with the radio equipment needed to use it.

The Lorenz system worked by feeding a special aerial (antenna) system with a modulated radio signal. Two of the elements of the aerial had relays at their centre point that would either make the two halves of the element isolated or shorted together. They were arranged such that one was open circuit while its partner was shorted. They were driven such that one shorted as 'dots' while the other was shorted as 'dashes'. The changing aerial configuration deflected the beam alternately left and right of the centre line such that dots were transmitted to the left and dashes to the right. On the relatively narrow centre line, the dashes exactly filled the gaps between the dots such that a continuous eqi-signal was received.

Lorenz could fly a plane down a straight line with relatively high accuracy, enough so that the aircraft could then find the runway visually in all but the worst conditions.

[edit] Knickebein

Lorenz directed an aircraft down a line, so two crossed beams could be used to fix a single spot. Several systems based on this idea were studied through the 1930s. Lorenz had a range of about 30 miles, enough for blind-landing but not good enough for bombing raids over England. In addition the beams of Lorenz were deliberately set wide enough that they could be easily picked up at some distance from the runway centerline, but this meant their accuracy at long ranges was fairly limited. This was not a problem for blind landing, where the distance covered by the fan-shaped beams decreased as the airplane approached the transmitters, but for use in the bombing role this would be reversed, and the system would have maximum inaccuracy over the target.

For bomber use the modifications to Lorenz were fairly minor. Much larger antennas with considerably smaller beam angles were set up, and broadcast power was increased considerably. The first two of these new Knickebein ("crooked leg") transmitters were set up at Stollberg in northern Germany near the border with Denmark, and the other at Kleeves (the most westerly point in Germany). The two aerial could be rotated to make the two beams cross over the target, and the bombers would fly into the beam of one and ride it until they started hearing the tones from the other (on a second receiver). When the steady "on course" sound was heard from the second beam, they dropped their bombs. It was the shape of the aerials that gave the system its code name.

The Knickebein receivers were disguised as a standard blind landing receiver system, consisting apparently of the EBL-1 and the EBL-2 blind landing receivers. The sensitivity of the receivers though had been considerably enhanced from the standard equipment in the hope that the British wouldn't appreciate their purpose. Information overheard from captured aircrew revealed that the aircrew believed that the British would never find it (indicating that the equipment was on board the aircraft). In the event, the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough realised that the equipment was far more sensitive than it needed to be for a standard blind landing receiver. Knickebein was codenamed "Headache".

Knickebein was used in the early stages of the German night-bombing offensive, and proved to be fairly effective. However the tactics for using the system in a widespread bombing effort were not yet developed, so much of the early German night bombing offensive was limited to area bombing anyway.

Efforts in England to stop the system took some time to get started. British intelligence at the Air Ministry, led by R. V. Jones, were aware of the system initially because a downed German bomber's Lorenz system was analysed and seen to be far too sensitive to be a mere landing aid. Also secretly recorded transcripts from German POW pilots indicated this may have been a bomb aiming aid. Winston Churchill had also been given Ultra (intelligence from Enigma messages) mentioning 'bombing beams'.

When R. V. Jones (not privy to enigma messages) mentioned the possibility of bombing beams to Churchill, Churchill put two and two together and ordered more investigation. However, many in the Air Ministry didn't believe that the system was actually in use, and Frederick Lindemann, leading scientific adviser to the government, claimed that any such system would not be able to follow the curvature of the Earth, though T S Eckersley of the Marconi company had claimed it could.

Lindemann's claim was proven untrue when Churchill ordered a flight to try to detect the beams. An Avro Anson was equipped with an American Hallicrafters S-27 amateur radio (then the only known receiver capable of receiving the 40 MHz signal) requisitioned from a shop in Lisle Street, London. The Anson was far from ideal being slow, cold and extremely noisy. It was the only aircraft capable of carrying the radio set and the motor-generator set required to power it that could be spared. The motor-generator was required because the S-27 was a mains powered set but the Anson only had a 28 volt DC electrical system. The flight was nearly cancelled when Eckersly withdrew his claim that the beams would bend round the earth enough to be received. Only R V Jones could save the flight by pointing out that Churchill himself had ordered it and he would make sure that Churchill would get to know who cancelled it.

The aircraft was piloted by Flt Lt Boughton (a skilled beam approach pilot). The radio operator was Cpl Mackie of the Y-service (a specialist radio unit). The name of the navigator is not known. The crew were told nothing of what they were doing but were ordered to search for radio signals around 40 Mhz having Lorenz characteristics and, if they found any, to determine their bearing. The flight took off and eventually flew into the beam from Kleeves. It subsequently located the cross beam from Stollberg (its origin was unknown prior to this flight). The radio operator and navigator were able to plot the path of the beams and made the terrifying discovery that they crossed right over the Rolls-Royce engine factory at Derby, at that time the only factory producing the precious Merlin engines for the Hurricane and Spitfire fighters. It was subsequently realised that the argument over whether the beams would bend round the earth or not was entirely academic as the transmitters were, more or less, in the line of sight to a bomber flying at high altitude.

Skeptics started regarding the system as proof that the German pilots weren't as good as their own, who could do without such systems. It was Lindemann himself who proved this wrong, when his "photoflash" systems started returning photographs of the RAF bombing raids, showing that they were rarely, if ever, anywhere near their targets.

Efforts to block the Knickebein were brilliant in their simplicity (and aptly codenamed "aspirin"). Initially, modified medical dithermy sets transmitted interference, but later, on nights where raids were expected, local radio transmitters broadcast a surplus "dot signal" at low power. This was facilitated because the Germans switched on the Knickebein beams some considerable time before the raids took place giving Britain ample time to plot the target, using as many Ansons as receivers that could be requisitioned. This meant that as the bombers flew over England, they would pick the false dot signal up well into the dash region. Thus the beam was 'bent' away from the target. The crews knew early on that the British were interfering with the beams because in the early days, for operational reasons, the false dots had to be radiated asynchronously, which meant that the German crews received two dots instead of one (and thus were aware of the jamming efforts). Later, the false dots were radiated in synchrony with the German dots, which made it impossible for the crews to tell them apart. Eventually, the beams could be bent by a controlled amount which enabled the British to fool the Germans into dropping their bombs where they wanted them. A side effect was that as the German crews had been trained to navigate solely by the beams, many crews failed to find either the true equi-signal or Germany again. Some bombers even landed at RAF bases, believing they were back in Germany.

[edit] X-Gerät

Main article: X-Gerät (navigation)

As good as Knickebein was, it was never invented to be used in the long-range role. Efforts had been underway for some time to produce a much more accurate version of the same basic concept, which was eventually delivered as X-Gerät (Secret(i.e. unknown) Apparatus).

X-Gerät used a series of beams to locate the target, each beam named for a river. The main beam, Weser, was similar in concept to the one used in Knickebein, but operated at a much higher frequency. Due to the nature of radio propagation, this allowed its two beams to be pointed much more accurately than Knickebein from a similarly sized antenna; the equi-signal area was only about 100 yards wide at a distance of 200 miles from the antenna. The beams were so narrow that bombers couldn't find them on their own, so a low-power wide-beam version of Knickebein was set up at the same station to act as a guide. The main Weser broadcast antenna was set up just to the west of Cherbourg.

The "cross" signal in X-Gerät used a series of three very narrow single beams, Rhine, Oder and Elbe. About 30 km from the target the radio operator would hear a brief signal from Rhine, and set up his equipment. This consisted a special stopclock with two hands. When the Oder signal was received the clock automatically started and the two hands started to sweep up from zero. When the signal from Elbe was received clock reversed, at which point one hand would stop and the other would start moving back towards zero. Oder and Elbe were aimed to be roughly 10 and 5 km from the bomb release point along the line of Weser (the exact distance depending on the distance from the transmitter), meaning that the clock accurately measured the time to travel between the first two beams (whatever it was). Since the time taken to travel that distance should be the same as the time needed to travel the last 5km from Elbe to the target, when the moving hand reached zero the bombs were automatically released. To be exact, the Elbe signal was adjusted to correct for the distance the bombs would travel between release and impact.

Since X-Gerät operated on a much higher frequency than Knickebein (around 60 Mhz) it required new radio equipment to be used. There was not nearly enough sets to go around, so instead the experimental unit KGr 100 was given the task of using their sets in order to guide other planes to the target. To do this, KGr 100 planes would attack as a small group first, dropping flares which other planes would then see and bomb visually. This is the first use of the pathfinder concept that the RAF would later perfect to great effect against the Germans only a few years later.

X-Gerät was used to great effect in a series of raids known to the Germans as Moonlight Sonata, against Coventry, Wolverhampton and Birmingham. In the raid on Birmingham only KGr 100 was used, and British post-raid analysis showed that the vast majority of the bombs dropped were placed within less than 100 yards of the midline of the Weser beam, spread along it a few hundred yards. This was the sort of accuracy that day bombing could rarely achieve. A similar raid on Coventry with full support from other units dropping on their flares nearly destroyed the city center.

Stopping X-Gerät proved to be more difficult than with Knickebein. Although the frequency of operation was known, many other operational details on which the system operated were unknown until an X-Gerät equipped Heinkel He 111 crashed on the English coast at Chessell beach. Although it crashed just prior to the Coventry raid, an inter-service dispute prevented recovery of the X-Gerät equipment until after the incoming tide had covered and damaged it. Intital defences against the system were deployed in a similar fashion to Knickebein in an attempt to disrupt the Coventry raid, but proved to be a total failure because although guesses by R V Jones (and he acknowledges that that is all they were) as to the details of the main beam and the cross beams proved to be correct, the modulation frequency had been actually been measured, but measured incorrectly. It was measured at 1500 Hz, but was in fact 2000 Hz. It was conjectured that the pilot should not have noticed that much difference. From the crashed aircraft at Chessell beach, it was learned that a new instrument was being used that automatically decoded the dots and dashes and displayed a pointer in the cockpit in front of the pilot. This device was fitted with a very sharp filter which was sensitive only to the frequency of the signal's modulation, and not the early British counter-signals. X-Gerät was eventually defeated in another manner, by way of a "false Elbe" which was set up to cross the Weser guide beam not at 5km, but at 1km. Since the final stages of the release were automatic, the clock would reverse prematurely and drop the bombs kilometers short of the target. Setting up this false beam proved very problematic as the Germans, learning from their mistakes with Knickebein, where they switched the beams on several hours in advance of the raid, didn't switch the X-Gerät beams on until as late as possible.

[edit] Y-Gerät

As the British slowly gained the upper hand in the Battle of the Beams, they started considering what the next German system would entail. Since Germany's current approaches had been rendered useless, an entirely new system would have to be developed. It was thought that if England could defeat this new system very quickly, the Germans would abandon their attempts entirely.

England soon started receiving intelligence intercepts referring to a new device known as Y-Gerät, which was also sometimes referred to as Wotan. R. V. Jones had long since realized that the Germans used code names that were far too literal. Asking around, he learned that Wotan was the name of a one-eyed god. He deduced that Y-Gerät used a single beam. From this, they concluded that Wotan would have to be based on a distance-measurement system. He also concluded that the system may well work on the system that was described by a German well wisher in Norway who had passed a large amount of information in what is now known as the Oslo Report. The information was plentiful and apparently far too useful to be true. The Oslo Report's description of Wotan was entirely accurate.

Y-Gerät used a single narrow beam pointed over the target, broadcasting a modulated radio signal. The system used a new piece of equipment that received the signal from the beam and immediately re-broadcast it back to the ground station. The ground station listened for the return signal and compared its phase to the transmitted signal. This is an accurate way of measuring the transit time of the signal and hence the distance to the aircraft. Coupled with the direction of the beam (adjusted for maximum return signal), the bomber's position could be established with considerable accuracy. The bombers did not have to track the beam, but instead enabled the ground station to track their position. Ground controllers would then give radio instructions as needed to correct the flight path. A major disadvantage of the system was that it only allowed one aircraft to be tracked at a time.

The British were ready for this system even before it was used. As soon as they realized it was about to be used, they set their plan in motion. The Germans had chosen the operating frequency of the Wotan system very badly. It operated on 45 Mhz. So did the powerful but dormant BBC television transmitter at Alexander Palace. All R V Jones had to do was receive the return signal from the aircraft and send it to Alexander Palace for re-transmission. Initially the signal was retransmited at a low power, not powerful enough for the Germans to realise what was happening, but enough to spoil the accuracy of the system. Over subsequent nights the transmitter power was gradually increased.

As Wotan's use went on, the aircrew accused the ground station of sending bad signals and the ground station accused the aircraft of having loose connections. The whole scheme appealed to Jones as he was a natural practical joker and remarked that he was able to play one of the largest practical jokes with virtually any national resource that he required. The gradually increasing power conditioned the Germans such they did not realise that anyone was interfering with the system, but believed that it suffered several inherent defects. Eventually, as the power was increased enough, the whole Wotan system started to ring with all the feedback.

The Germans eventually realised what was happening and the Luftwaffe's faith in electronic navigation aids was completely shattered. The bombing offensive of Britain waned, partly because of the abandonment of electronic aids, but mainly because Hitler's attention was turning to Russia.

[edit] See also

Aerial Defence of the United Kingdom during World War II
Overview Documents
Royal Air Force | Royal Canadian Air Force | Strategic bombing | Night fighter
Prominent People
Air Marshal Hugh Dowding | Sir Charles Portal | Cyril Newall
Trafford Leigh-Mallory | Keith Park | R V Jones
Organization and units
No. 10 Group RAF | No. 11 Group RAF
RAF Fighter Command | RAF Balloon Command | AA Command
Women's Auxiliary Air Force | Royal Observer Corps | Eagle Squadrons
Campaigns and Operations
Kanalkampf | Battle of Britain | The Blitz | Baedeker raids | V-1 countermeasures
Aircraft, Technology and Tactics
Hurricane | Spitfire | Bolton-Paul Defiant | Mosquito NF | Bristol Beaufighter | Hawker Tempest | Gloster Meteor
Chain Home | AI radar | "Battle of the Beams" | Barrage balloon | German V weapons
Big Wing
RAF strategic bombing offensive | USAAF | Lutwaffe in WW2 | Hermann Göring

[edit] References

  • Jones, R. V. (1978). Most Secret War: British Scientific Intelligence 1939–1945. First published 1978 Hamish Hamilton. Coronet paperback edition 1979 ISBN 0-340-24169-1.

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