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A Matter of Honor (TNG episode)

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Star Trek: TNG episode
"A Matter of Honor"

Riker takes command of the IKS Pagh.
Episode no. 34
Prod. code 134
Airdate February 6, 1989
Writer(s) Burton Armus (teleplay)
Wanda M. Haight, Gregory Amos, Burton Armus (story)
Director Robert Bowman
Guest star(s) John Putch, Christopher Collins, Brian Thompson
Year 2365
Stardate 42506.5
Episode chronology
Previous "Unnatural Selection"
Next "The Measure of a Man"

"A Matter of Honor" is the eighth episode of the second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation first broadcast on February 6, 1989. It is episode #34, production #134. The teleplay was written by Burton Armus, based on a story Wanda M. Haigh, Gregory W. Amos and Burton Armus. It was directed by Rob Bowman.

Quick Overview: Commander Riker is assigned to a Klingon vessel during an officer exchange program.

On stardate 42606.5, the USS Enterprise arrives at Starbase 179 to transfer a group of personnel assigned to an officer exchange program. Likewise, several personnel from the base are brought aboard the Enterprise. Commander Riker and Ensign Crusher greet the new arrivals where Wesley is surprised to meet an alien who looks exactly like Mordoc, a Benzite he trained with when he tried to gain entrance to Starfleet Academy on Relva VII. Wesley is mistaken however when the alien reveals his name is Ensign Mendon, stating he looks similar to Mordoc because they are from the same geostructure. Riker welcomes the new arrivals having Wesley escort them to an indoctrination briefing. Mendon seems eager to please, immediately expressing to Riker how thankful he is to for a chance to serve aboard the Enterprise; a dream come true! Riker smiles and dismisses the Ensign, then rolls his eyes at Chief O'Brien who quietly chuckles.

Afterward, Riker joins Captain Picard in the Phaser Range where the two officers hone their weapon skills by blasting holographic targets that randomly appear. Picard takes the opportunity to mention that Starfleet would like a senior staff officer to join the exchange program and that there is an interested Klingon vessel nearby. Riker has never heard of a Starfleet officer serving aboard a Klingon ship, it could be beneficial. Picard knows Lieutenant Worf certainly has been. Picard hopes someone will volunteer and Riker says he wouldn't mind the assignment. Picard is delighted and says he'll make the arrangements.

Soon afterward, Riker talks to Worf having him explain some details of Klingon protocol he isn't familiar with. Riker says there is a rumor that one of the duties of the first officer is to assassinate the Captain. Worf confirms it to Riker's shock stating; "If the captain becomes weak and unable to perform, it is expected that his honorable retirement should be assisted by his first." He adds; "The second officer would assassinate you for the same reasons. The system has operated successfully for centuries." Riker swallows hard at the thought.

Riker heads to Ten Forward where he's ordered up a feast of Klingon dishes to samples a bit of their culture. Doctor Pulaski stops by his table and cringes at the rather disgusting food; "What is this?". Riker replies; "A Klingon delicacy, Heart of Targ, Pipius Claw, and Stewed Gagh". Pulaski agrees the putrid sounding word fits the dish which looks like tentacled sea creatures sautéd in slime. Picard walks up and look over the table mentioning he's had festive last meals before transferring to a new post but he'd always made more "civil" choices. Picard admits he's a bit envious of Riker. This is a chance to learn so much about the Klingons first hand. Soon the Enterprise meets up with the IKS Pagh, an old Bird of Prey. Riker heads to the transporter room with Worf. Before he goes, Worf hands him a small transponder, "in case of emergency". Riker examines it asking Worf if he see trouble that he doesn't, but Worf mentions that it is merely a security precaution.

Captain Kargan of the Pagh signals to have Riker transfered over immediately. Picard mentions that he's getting a good man, but Kargan says he'll make that determination himself. Ensign Mendon comments that the Klingons aren't very hospitable, which earns him a hard look from Worf as he enters the bridge. Mendon returns to his console where he brings up a schematic of the Bird of Prey. He begins to study a strange spot on the port side of the ship's hull. Picard heads off the bridge, but on his way out, Ensign Mendon steps up and asks to speak with him. Mendon rattles off his ideas for improving shield response time while Worf gives the junior officer a stern look of disapproval. Picard interrupts stating that his ideas sound fascinating, however he must use the chain-of-command and inform Lt. Worf of his ideas first. Mendon apologizes wishing only to impress the Captain, but Worf steps up saying; "You can impress me."

On the Pagh, Riker is taken to the darkly lit, haze-filled bridge to meet Captain Kargan while the Klingon crew eye him suspiciously. Riker introduces himself as "Commader of the starship Enterprise". Kargan corrects him; "You are Commander Riker, first officer of the Klingon Cruiser Pagh, or do you intend to disobey Federation orders?" Riker states he has no such intentions. Kargan continues stating his ship is crewed by the finest warriors. Although they are on a peaceful mission, they are prepared to go to battle instantly. He must count on every Klingon to loyally serve and die in those battles. He asks where Riker's loyalties lie. Riker responds; "I have been assigned here to serve this ship and to obey your orders. I will do exactly that." Kargan asks if he'd swear an oath on that, but Riker believes he just did.

A warrior steps up and shouts in Klingonese; "He lies! Do not trust him!" Kargan introduces the warrior as Lieutenant Klag, his second officer. Riker asks if Klag is challenging his authority where Klag arrogantly replies; "I do!". Riker nods and without warning elbow jabs Klag in the chest knocking the wind out of him. Klag stumbles and Riker trips him onto the deck as Kargan simply sits back and watches. Klag tries to get to his feet but Riker hand chops him in the back of the neck. Klag falls again and the fight ends with an approving nod from Kargan. Klag slowly rises, giving Riker a strained look of respect. Riker asserts his authority; "My oath is between Captain Kargan and myself. Your only concern is how to obey my orders." With the matter ended, Kargan has Riker get the ship underway on their next mission.

Back on the Enterprise, Worf alerts Captain Picard of an unknown substance on the port side dorsal fin and centers the abnormality on the main veiwer. A strange rusty-brown spot is shown. Lt. Commander Data studies the spot from his console and determines it to be a form of bacteria that is reacting with compounds in the ship's hull. Ensign Mendon steps up and indicates he had found a similar spot on the Klingon vessel. Picard asks why he didn't inform anyone sooner. Mendon states his analysis isn't completed and that it is improper to report it until then. Annoyed, Picard tells him that he is to report anything out of the ordinary. Mendon states it's a Benzite regulation; "No officer on the deck of one of our ships would report an occurrence like this until he had a full analysis and a resolution." Picard states on a Federation starship it is his responsibility to bring to attention any possibility of danger. With a deflated ego, Mendon realizes his mistake. Picard tells him to finish his analysis, and afterward Mister Worf will instruct him on Enterprise etiquette.

Meanwhile on the Pagh, Riker sits eating in the mess hall. The Klingons observe his actions and ask if he is enjoying his meal. Riker comments that Rokeg Blood Pie and Bregit Lungs are delicious. A Klingon female, Vekma, suggests he try some Gagh, but Riker sees the food is still moving. Vekma states that Gagh is best served alive. Klag laughs aloud, asking if the Commander would like something "easier". He could have one of the females breast feed him. Another female moves in closer. Riker believes that he has already proven that he is no weakling, but Klag isn't so sure, wondering how Riker would handle Klingon women. Riker innocently asks "One or both?". The Klingons howl with laughter and Vekma smacks Riker hard in the back as a sign of good will.

On the Enterprise, Mendon has finished his analysis and presents his findings to Worf and Data. He confirms the organisms are eating some compounds of the hull, however the Pagh will be more susceptible as it's hull contains more of the compounds. Data indicates at the rate of growth, the Pagh will have a hull breach in a matter of hours. Picard decides to advise them at once, where Data informs that the Pagh is on undesignated maneuvers in the Pheben system, and they may be dificult to find. Regardless, Picard says they must be warned and orders an intercept course. In the meantime he wants Data and Mendon to find a way to decontaminate the hull.

Back on the Pagh, Kargan calls Riker to the bridge. There he shows him a schematic of the ship and the brown spot that is growing on the side of the bow. Kargan asks what it is, but Riker has never seen it before. He suggests corrosion or a meteor impact. Kargan replies neither, their science station has determined it to be an organism eating the hull. Fortunately it is in an area that can withstand a pressure loss, however in eight hours the entire ship will be compromised. Riker asks if they can repair it, but Kargan says no. Riker wonders where it came from, but Kargan harshly says the only contact they have had was with the Enterprise.

Kargan hands Riker a tactical report showing that the Enterprise conducted an intensive scan of the ship which Riker says is normal procedure. He already he feels the tension growing in the air as all eyes glare at him. Kargan asks what type of beam was used to damage the hull. Riker gets defensive stating; "None! What reason would they have to do that? We're supposed to be allies." The tactical officer indicates that the Enterprise scanner beams focused on that area for two minutes. Kargan asks for an explanation, but Riker is at a loss reaffirming that the Enterprise has no weapon that would cause damage like this. Besides, why would they attack with him on board? It makes no sense. Kargan says "why" is no longer important. What matters is that they must respond. He orders to engage the cloaking device and sets a course to intercept the Enterprise. Riker asks what he intends to do where Kargan responds that he intends to attack the Enterprise and destroy it!

Back on the Enterprise, Wesley takes note of Mendon's growing aggravation. Mendon tells him he only wanted to impress the Captain, but now he has only let him down. He can never forgive himself. Wesley tells him not to be so hard on himself. He made a simple mistake. It happens all the time and you have to work to not make the same mistake again.

On the Klingon ship, Kargan has Riker assist in monitoring the organism. He tells Klag to keep an eye on him thinking he is not to be trusted. Klag however isn't convinced that Riker knew about the Enterprise plot against them. If he did, why would he have come aboard? Kargan states that he was ordered to, but Klag scoffs; "To die? Humans don't volunteer for death so easily." Kargan is called by another officer who says he picked up the Enterprise on an intercept course with them. Kargan calls for Riker stating; "You almost had me believing that perhaps this was a misunderstanding." He points to a screen, "The Enterprise is following us! Why?". Riker says to ask them. Kargan instead orders battle alert.

In space, the Enterprise slows to impulse speed. Worf tries hailing the Pagh, but gets no response. Data suggests the Pagh is either cloaked or destroyed. Picard orders an intensive sweep for debris.

On the Pagh, the tactical officer informs that the Enterprise is closing to weapons range. Kargan responds; "Good, let them come to us." Riker tries once more to get Kargan to understand reason suggesting the Enterprise may be here to help. Kargan is enraged telling Riker to remember his rank and the oath he swore to obey his commands. He asks for the surest method of attack against the Enterprise. Riker says he cannot divulge secrets of Starfleet or the Enterprise. He swore a vow to serve the Klingon ship but he cannot break a vow he swore in the past. Kargan gives an approving nod, stating if Riker had divulged those secrets he would have labeled him a traitor and have him killed on the spot. He tells him you will die with us. You will die like a Klingon.

On the Enterprise, Mendon informs Picard that he found a way of cleaning off the organisms. Picard has Mendon relay whatever procedures he has to the Klingons. Back on the Pagh the communications officer informs Kargan that the Enterprise says they can clean the organisms off the hull. Riker says it's proof they are here to help, but Kargan stays the attack and has torpedoes readied to fire on his command.

Back on the Enterprise, Data indicates that a lack of debris must mean that the Pagh is cloaked. As a precaution, Picard orders Red Alert. The Klingons detect the raise of shields where Riker indicates is standard procedure when entering a suspicious situation. They will not fire first. Kargan says they are fools, for "we will". Riker then recommends they fire at 40,000 kilometers, it will reduce their response time. Kargan smiles seeing Riker is fulfilling his oath. He tells Riker to give the firing order when they've reached distance. Riker agrees but has only one thing to say. Kargan listens as Riker tells him he disputes his judgment. The reasons for forcing this attack are not valid. Kargan tells him to commence with the attack order.

In the background Klag calls out the distance as a countdown to fire. Riker withdraws the signaling device Worf gave him earlier and Kargan asks if it is a weapon. Riker hands it to him telling him what it is. When Kargan examines it, he triggers Riker's emergency signal which Worf picks up on his console. He informs Picard who orders the shields to be dropped so O'Brien can beam Riker back to the ship. On the Pagh, there is a moment of stunned surprise when the Enterprise shields drop. Seeing his chance, Kargan orders to decloak. Suddenly, Kargan is beamed off his bridge and materializes on the Enterprise bridge. Kargan reacts with fury knowing Riker has tricked him. He withdraws his disruptor but Worf quickly hits him with a stun beam from his phaser knocking Kargan to the deck.

On the Pagh chaos ensues as Klag demands to know what is going on. Riker orders everyone to remain at their posts. He as first officer has relieved the Captain because he was acting in an irrational manner. Riker is now in command of the ship and he takes his place in the center chair. He orders the ship to decloak, but the crew is hesitant. Riker shouts for them to obey his orders, where Klag fears they will be destroyed, but Riker says if they do, then he'll die with them. Klag drops the cloak and the Bird of Prey appears menacingly before the Enterprise.

On the Enterprise, Data indicates it's the Pagh and all weapons are locked on them. Picard calls the ship telling them they are here to assist. Picard then hears Riker respond; "Enterprise, this is Captain William Riker of the Klingon vessel, the Pagh. I order you to lower your shields and surrender." Kargan stirs awake as Pulaski looks him over. Picard bears an odd smile and tells Worf to lower shields and "surrender" as ordered.

Kargan is returned to the Pagh where he angrily confronts Riker. "You should have killed me!" Riker responds that he didn't want his command, but Kargan states "You tricked me so you could take it!" Riker nods and says he is now giving it back. Kargan tells him to return to his position. Riker relents the command chair, but the matter isn't over. Kargan roars with fury and clocks Riker in the face sending him skidding across the floor. Klag rushes to help him but Riker refuses his help. He gets up himself and looks Kargan deep in his eyes. Kargan says "Get off my ship!". Riker obeys; "Yes Captain." As he leaves, Klag responds "You understand Klingons better than I thought." Riker smiles; "Thank you my friend."

In space, the Enterprise fires a beam that sterilizes the organisms on the Pagh's hull. Beaming back home, Riker thanks Worf for his "little toy". It came in handy. Riker goes to the bridge where he comments that his assignment must have been the shortest tour of duty in the history of Starfleet. Picard says it was "too long" actually and is glad to see his officer is back. Riker says he learned quite a bit, but noting the painful limp and swollen eye, Picard says; "Apparently not how to duck." Riker adds; "When not to duck would be more accurate."

[edit] Trivia

  • The tactic of relieving a commanding officer and assuming command in order to avoid an armed confrontation with the Enterprise was again used, by Deanna Troi, in the episode "Face of the Enemy." There she pulled rank rather than beaming the Romulan commander off the ship.

[edit] External links

Preceded by:
"Unnatural Selection"
Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes Followed by:
"The Measure of a Man"

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