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Spy Fox 2: "Some Assembly Required"

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Spy Fox 2: "Some Assembly Required"
Developer(s) Humongous Entertainment
Publisher(s) Atari
Release date(s) 1999
Genre(s) Adventure
Mode(s) Single player
Rating(s) ESRB: Everyone (E)
Platform(s) PC
System requirements Windows: Pentium 90, Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, 16 MB RAM
  • Macintosh: 80 MHz Power PC System 7.5.3. 16 MB RAM

    Spy Fox 2: "Some Assembly Required" is the second of three games in the Spy Fox series of games developed by Humongous Entertainment and marketed by Atari. The game is an adventure game centered around the World's Fair. The villain in this game is Napoleon LeRoach, the leader of the Society of Meaningless Evil, Larceny, Lying and Yelling (S.M.E.L.L.Y.) tries to disrupt the fair by using an evil Dogbot, a 1000/1 scale robot capable of destroying the fairgrounds.


    [edit] Storyline

    The freedom of the world is once again in peril! Spy Corps must call on their trusty envoy, Spy Fox to neutralize a ploy engineered by the Society of Meaningless Evil, Larceny, Lying and Yelling (S.M.E.L.L.Y.)

    The Giant Evil Dogbot, a villainous weapon, is masquerading as a statue at the World’s Fair. His collar cleverly holds the Chateau LeRoach, a restaurant where you will find Napoleon LeRoach, mastermind of a plan for revenge, dining. LeRoach has held a grudge against the population of his world for a long time, ever since he was denied entry to the World's Fair because of his insufficient height. With the entry of each fair-goer, the turnstile winds-up the Giant Evil Dogbot’s gears. Spy Fox needs to track down the activation code and OFF switch. Then, before the millionth customer moves through the turnstile, Spy Fox needs to slip through the Achilles’ heel of the evil Dogbot by sneaking past the breath analyzer to install the OFF switch and set the activation code. Having done so, he must then activate the OFF switch and trick LeRoach into entering prison through its sewer pipes.

    [edit] Characters

    • Spy Fox: Dapper detective who once rescued the cows of the world and who is now pitted against Napoleon LeRoach and the Evil Dogbot.
    • Napoleon LeRoach: Leader of the Society of Meaningless, Evil, Larceny, Lying and Yelling, (S.M.E.L.L.Y.) and Spy Corps nemesis, LeRoach’s evil plot is to use his Giant Evil Dogbot to take over the world! His desire stems from the fact that he has been laughed at and scorned for his size; destruction of the World's Fair and global governments is planned in revenge.
    • Giant Evil Dogbot: Created by the S.M.E.L.L.Y. Toy Division and maximized to ratio of 1,000 to 1. This villainous weapon is posing as a centerpiece at the World’s Fair. The Chateau LeRoach restaurant is located in its collar. Seen in a short cameo as trash in an unnamed evil organization's lair in Spy Fox 3: "Operation Ozone".
    • Monkey Penny, Jr. : Spy Fox’s resourceful partner located at the Spy Corps Mobile Command Center. She can be reached, for information and encouragement, at any time on the Spy Watch.
    • Ralph, Chateau LeRoach kitchen guard: He won’t let Spy Fox pass through the Chateau LeRoach's service entrance unless you have the correct restaurant identification.
    • Professor Quack: Mastermind and creator of all the Spy Corps gadgets. He spends all his time working on new inventions in the Spy Corps Mobile Command Center. He'll explain to Spy Fox how each gadget works when the player clicks on them in the Spy Gadget vending machine. He has a habit of eating the gadget's blueprints after explaining the gadget's functions to the player.
    • Chef Dinah: Dress like a chef or this master chef won’t let you near her oven in the Chateau LeRoach. If you give her some ingredients, she will make you a dish to get pass the breath analyzer of the evil Dogbot.
    • Walter Wireless: Veteran Spy Corps tracking bug who must brave the Wee World exhibit, a gallery of tiny buildings, to find Dotti Dash the Microfish. Also appears in Spy Fox 1 in "Dry Cereal".
    • Dotti Dash the Microfish: An old comrade of Walter Wireless, she dashes around the airwaves intercepting secret codes from S.M.E.L.L.Y..
    • Agent Gracefully: Brave Canadian exchange-agent who delivers the S.M.E.L.L.Y. trash bag and the Dehydrated Ski Pill gadget to Spy Fox on top of an Alpine gondola.
    • Bea Bear: She is not only a graduate of the massage school of “OhManThaHurtz!” but also a retired champion skater. She also appears in Spy Fox 1 in "Dry Cereal" and Spy Fox 3: Operation Ozone.
    • Madame LadyBug: Petite proprietress of Plant World, this cultivated gardener prefers a red rose to an insect-eating mutated Venus flytrap.
    • The Amazing Caped Cod: A superstitious daredevil who cannot perform his stupefying stunts without the perfect conditions. He needs clear vision (Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path) or a feverish fan to spark his airborne capers (Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path)!
    • Elmo (seen only in the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): Fanatical about The Amazing Caped Cod, Elmo will do anything to see him. Spy Fox's task is to arrange a meeting, during which the Cod will perform a trick and leave his cape for Spy Fox to borrow.
    • Victor, Ice-skating Attendant: He spends his days getting teary-eyed over perfectly executed ice-skating shows or sweeping up the rink. He’ll toss a rose for an expert performance, but is sometimes very protective of the trophy case.
    • Haggis, Wee World Service Guard: He’s a kilt-toting Terrier who isn’t too pleased to be dressed as a guard. He keeps everyone at bay until the sign reads: “Open”. Otherwise, a key might quiet his bark.
    • Virgil, Souvenir Salesman and World's Fair Entrance Hand Stamper: What is the difference between a trinket and a souvenir? This is the person to ask. He’s up on the latest souvenirs and postcards. He also stamps Spy Fox's hand so he can enter or leave the World's Fair.
    • Granny Smith, Food-on-a-Stick Vendor: An entrepreneurial granny who recognized a good idea when she saw one – Food-on-a-stick! What could be better? She even gives out tasty samples, though only one per customer.
    • Doll & Lee: These scientists of Ewe Clone It will clone any food item you want! Just pass them the food and you get two from one. Their names are plays on Dolly the sheep, the world's first cloned animal.
    • Lenny, Informant Worm (seen only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): Ssssh! He’s an overly suspicious undercover informant. Etching microscopic geometric symbols with his teeth is this informant worm’s specialty.
    • Welder (seen only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): A S.M.E.L.L.Y. agent who does double-duty on his job: assembly line and welding work. He takes his clear goggles off each time an item comes down the conveyor belt. These goggles were stolen from the Caped Cod, who never suspected a thing but missed both the goggles and his treacherous assistants sorely.
    • Cooper, Wax Museum Security Guard: Loyal to the Wax Museum, his attention is focused on the security camera or room thermometer. If the thermometer exceeds 80 degrees, he must hotfoot it out of there and call the air conditioning repair place. Otherwise, he’s watching the monitor of the lifeless Wax Museum that’s as pretty as a “postcard.”
    • Chief: The chief of Spy Corps who meets Spy Fox after he escapes from the ski shack and again when he presents Spy Fox with the Grand Golden Family Approved Fortified Supreme Certificate of Excellence for landing Napoleon LeRoach in Spy Jail. He also appears in Spy Fox 3: "Operation Ozone".

    [edit] Locations

    • Ski Shack: A beat-up ski shack barricaded by S.M.E.L.L.Y. agents who trap Spy Fox in there and are moving in to catch him. The Ski Shack is where the player starts the game.
    • Spy Corps Mobile Command Center: In this game, the base for Spy Corps is located in an old beat-up looking caravan.
    • World's Fair Entrance/Chateau LeRoach Service Entrance: The Entrance to the World's Fair is located here but is locked at the start. Also here is the Service Entrance to the Chateau LeRoach, guarded by Ralph, a security guard who won't let Spy Fox in unless he has the proper I.D. card.
    • Chateau LeRoach Kitchen: The Chateau LeRoach's kitchen, where Chef Dinah works. By the use of a chef's outfit, Spy Fox would need to use her oven in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path to bake a photo of a key taken by the Spy Key Replicator needed to get into Wee World. If Spy Fox gives her the right ingredients, she will cook him a dish which lets Spy Fox get pass the evil Dogbot's heel breath analyzer, one of three things needed to call off the evil Dogbot. Later in the game, if the player gives Chef Dinah "Fingerprint Sending Fork" from the Fingerprint Replicator Utensil Kit, Spy Fox will receive Napoleon LeRoach's fingerprints on the "Fingerprint Receiving Spoon".
    • Chateau LeRoach: The restaurant located in the evil Dogbot's collar, Napoleon LeRoach dines there. He will tell Spy Fox his plan, then imprison him in the Dogbot's mouth. If Spy Fox breaks out and talks to Napoleon leRoach again, he will get imprisoned in the Dogbot's mouth again, and so on. From here, the player can see what Game Path he/she is playing. If a Venus flytrap is on the table, the player is playing the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path. If the Destruct-o-lux containing the OFF switch molecules is on the table, the player is playing the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path. In the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path, Spy Fox has to enter the machine's 2-letter and 3-digit code, then use the StealthVac to suck up the molecues from the Destruct-o-lux and keep them until the Restruct-o-lux is found.
    • Dogbot's Mouth: The mouth of the evil Dogbot, which serves as a cell where Spy Fox is sent to when he talks to Napoleon LeRoach. The way out is to fix a set of gears, lowering one of the Dogbot's teeth, enabling Spy Fox to slide out via a steel ladder into the World's Fair.
    • World's Fair Exit: The exit of the World's Fair, it is guarded by Virgil who stamps your hand so you can enter or leave the fair.
    • Massage Booth: Bea Bear is stationed at this pavillion, ready to give out painful massage to anyone who needs it. She is also a retired champion skater (only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path) who shares her moves.
    • World's Fair First Square: The first and main square of the World's Fair which links to a few of the fair's pavillions and the second square.
    • Wax Museum: The Wax Museum is a fair pavillion guarded by Cooper, the Wax Museum's security guard. He is very protective of the wax statues and won't let Spy Fox in. Couper's attention is focused on the security camera or room thermometer. If the thermometer exceeds 80 degrees, he must hotfoot it out of there and call the air conditioning repair place (Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path). Otherwise, he’s watching the monitor of the lifeless Wax Museum for intruders (Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path).
    • Ice Rink: Victor, ice-skating attendant attends to this pavillion. He’ll toss a rose for an expert performance (Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path), but is sometimes very protective of the trophy case (Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path).
    • Wee World: A fair pavillion guarded by Haggis, a security guard who lets you in if you have a key (made by baking a photo of one of the keys hanging near the door taken by the Spy Key Replicator) (Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path). Otherwise, he only allows people in when the sign reads “Open” (Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path). Also, in the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path, there is a burgler alarm to disarm. Inside, there are many miniature worlds that Spy Fox can't enter. Using Walter Wireless, the tracking bug is needed to reach Dotti Dash who intercepted a S.M.E.L.L.Y. radio message containing the evil Dogbot's activation code, one of three things neede to call off the evil Dogbot.
    • World's Fair Second Square: The middle square of the World's Fair, this square is fairly small and leads to the Dogbot's heel entrance, one pavillion and the third square.
    • Plant World: A fair pavillion which is accessible via an elevator on the outside. Inside, it is full of plants, including a massive Venus flytrap (Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path) with the OFF switch in its mouth locked in a cage, the OFF switch is one of three things needed to call off the Evil Dogbot. Madame LadyBug, the pavillion's proprietress would rather have a rose than the Venus flytrap. There is a magnifying glass in this pavallion.
    • Evil Dogbot's heel entrance: The entrance to the Dogbot's inner workings are sealed up thight. The only way in is through a breath analyzer.
    • World's Fair Third Square: The third and final square in the World's Fair, this square leads to some of the fair's pavallions before leading away to two more pavallions, which mark the ending of the fair's grounds.
    • Ewe Clone It: A pavallion that specializes in food cloning which the twin scientists, Doll & Lee attend to. Spy Fox would need them to clone a food item to get a dish from Chef Dinah.
    • Food of the Future: Granny Smith is the host of this pavallion which talks about a future when all kinds of food are on sticks. Granny Smith lets visitors have food samples as well. In the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path, Lenny the Informant Worm awaits Spy Fox with the combination to the Venus flytrap with the OFF switch's locked cage here. In the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path, Elmo, a fan of the Caped Cod, is found here. Spy Fox may also need to obtain food here for Chef Dinah's dish, after throwing away the stick, that is. Clicking on the curtain would start the screening of various short movies about food on sticks. Later in the game, if Chef Dinah does not give Spy Fox the ingredient for the breath analyzer food, Spy Fox will ask for it here, where it is later cloned at Ewe Clone It.
    • Restruct-o-lux/Destruct-o-lux Movie Booth (accessible only through the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): A movie booth pavallion which screens an old fashioned movie based on the Destruct-o-lux and the Restruct-o-lux, twin machines which turn a solid into liquid molecules for the Destruct-o-lux and liquid molecules into a solid for the Restruct-o-lux. The machines are activated by entering a 2-letter code and a 3-digit code. The movie shows the 2-letter letter code but is blurted out twice when it comes to the 3-digit code. The 3-digit code can be found in a wooden statue in the Wax Museum.
    • The Amazing Caped Cod stunt area: This pavallion acts as a motorcycle stunt show area for the Caped Cod, a famous motorcycle stuntman. He won't perform a stunt unless he has a pair of clear goggles (rather than his dark ones) (Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path) or a fan of his to spark up his stunt spirit (Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path) so Spy Fox could borrow his cape.
    • Observation Tower: This is the last pavallion in the World's Fair. To access it, Spy Fox has to ride up an elevator. Once on top, Spy Fox can use the binoculars to find a way to get pass the Evil Dogbot's breath analyzer at the heel entrance.
    • Evil Dogbot's heel inside: Once Spy Fox gets pass the breath analyzer, he finds himself here. He now has to work from the Dogbot's inner workings to take it down.
    • Jet-shoes square: The jet-shoes at the Evil Dogbot's heel inside lead to this area. It leads to the Bright Light room and Welder's room (Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path) or the Restruct-o-lux lab (Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path). Also in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path, Spy Fox can feed the Venus flytraps here.
    • Bright Light room (accessible only through the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): This room is filled with an eye-blinding bright light. Spy Fox needs to find some dark goggles to get pass this room to the Venus flytrap room.
    • Venus flytrap room (accessible only through the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): This room houses all of Napoleon LeRoach's pet Venus flytraps. Spy Fox can get the one he has to spit out the OFF switch by placing it here and feeding it.
    • Welder's room (accessible only through the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): Welder, a S.M.E.L.L.Y. agent who works here, does double-duty on his job: assembly line and welding work. He takes his clear goggles off each time an item comes down the conveyor belt. Spy Fox needs to take those goggles for the Cped Cod to trade for the Cod's dark goggles.
    • Assembly Line starting room (accessible only through the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): This room is where parts roll down a coveyor belt into Welder's room. The room is guarded by two S.M.E.L.L.Y. agents. When their backs are turned, Spy Fox can adjust the speed of the conveyor belt, distracting Welder so Spy Fox can take his clear goggles.
    • Restruct-o-lux lab (accessible only through the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): The door to this room is locked at first and this room can only be accessed through the Fan room. This room contains the Restruct-o-lux, a machine needed to turn the OFF switch molecules back into a solid. Spy Fox has to enter the machine's 2-letter and 3-digit code, then use the StealthVac to transfer the OFF switch molecues from the Destruct-o-lux into it to reconstruct the OFF switch.
    • Fan room (accessible only through the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): This room is accessible via a large steel door at the Evil Dogbot's heel inside. The room contains a giant fan that must be turned off. Spy Fox must also borrow the Caped Cod's cape to reach the Restruct-o-lux lab.
    • Evil Dogbot's controls door: The door to the Dogbot's controls, accessible through a pulley at the Evil Dogbot's heel inside. To get in however, Spy Fox needs Napoleon LeRoach's fingerprints.
    • Evil Dogbot's controls: Place the OFF switch in the rectangle shaped hole and enter the activation code into the panel. Once this has been done, the one millionth customer will have moved through the turnstile, making the Dogbot operational. Spy Fox will then push the OFF switch, calling off the Dogbot and foiling Napoleon LeRoach's plan.
    • Sewers Entrance (only accessible through the Bonus Ending): Spy Fox follows Napoleon LeRoach just as he is escaping under a manhole cover. Napoleon LeRoach plans a revenge attack on the World's Fair grounds by simultaneously activating one million toasters hidden in the now deactivated Dogbot. The toasters will toast one million pieces of bread, leaving a "cloud of doom" hanging over the fairgrounds for ten months, then he would escape to Fiji. "Just like Seattle" as LeRoach quotes. But he is delayed by a computer virus in the hardware. Spy Fox will send LeRoach to Spy Jail by pulling a lever here after connecting the correct sewer pipe to the system and opening a grate that leads to the pipe.
    • Spy Jail pipe machine area (only accessible through the Bonus Ending): This area contains a machine with a single blue button. When the button is pressed, It causes the blue pipe leading to the Spy Jail to move backwards. There is also a glass case containing a wrench needed to open the sewer grate at the Sewers entrance. The glass needs to be broken using a hammer found at the sewers entrance.
    • Middle underground pipe chamber (only accessible through the Bonus Ending): This room has a pipe hanging from the ceiling and the pink pipe leading to Fiji is is connected to it. Spy Fox needs to move the blue Spy Jail pipe to the bottom of this overhanging pipe.
    • Fiji pipe machine area (only accessible through the Bonus Ending): Similar to the Spy Jail pipe machine area, it also contains a machine with a single button (except the button is pink). When the button is pressed, It causes the pink pipe leading to Fiji to move backwards.

    [edit] Gadgets

    Gadgets dispensed from the vending machine in the Spy Corps Mobile Command Center used by Spy Fox to solve problems that arise while playing the game. Spy Fox can only carry up to four gadgets at a time.

    • Spy Watch: The ultimate gadget in the games, Spy Fox can use this for communicating with Monkey Penny or for a little fun! There are also buttons to save, load or quit the game on this watch. It's certainly just the thing for a fox on the run! The watch has a game called Things from Space which is the game's minigame. This gadget is also used in Spy Fox 1 in "Dry Cereal" and Spy Fox 3: "Operation Ozone".
    • I.D. Maker: A giant machine at the Spy Corps Mobile Command Center, it is used for making fake I.D. cards. The user has to insert a photo of himself/herself into the machine, type in a name and an occupation and press the process I.D. button. A fake I.D. card will come out of the machine. A humorous short cartoon can be triggered when Spy Fox has used the I.D. Maker's fake I.D. to get pass Ralph, the Chateau LeRoach kitchen guard. If the player clicks on the machine then, it will start shaking and Spy Fox will ask Professor Quack what is wrong with the machine. Professor Quack will attempt to fix it, but it will blow up in his face.
    • Dehydrated Ski Pill: Given to Spy Fox by Agent Gracefully at the start of the game, this pill contains a pair of dehydrated skis. To use the gadget, the user has to drop the pill into some water, rehydrating the skis and making them usable.
    • Spy Skates: This pair of skates look normal, other than the fact that there is a rectangular piece of machinery with a slot on top and two lights, one red and the other green on it, attached to the top of one skate. If the user puts on the skates and inserts a diagram of the skating technique they want to perform into the slot, the green light will go on and the skates will perform that technique.
    • Spy Heat: This gadget looks like a small can of spray paint but is really a heat inducer. When sprayed on a temperature device, like a thermometer, it will cause the reading on the device to skyrocket.
    • Spy Key Replicator: This one shot polaroid camera is designed for the user to take a picture of a key they need. When the photo is placed in an oven and baked for a few minutes, a miniature version of the key in the photo will appear. The key can then be used to open the lock that its full sized counterpart can open. If a photo of the wrong key is taken, the user only has to insert the key back into the camera. The key will then turn back into "key film".
    • Fingerprint Replicator Utensil Kit: This gadget is designed to collect an individual's fingerprints. It consists of two parts, the "Fingerprint Sending Fork" and the "Fingerprint Receiving Spoon". The "Fingerprint Sending Fork" is placed on the target's plate as one of his/her utensils. When the target uses it to eat, his/her fingerprints will show up on the "Fingerprint Receiving Spoon".
    • StealthVac: The StealthVac is a vacuum cleaner designed to suck up molecues from a container and store them until another container for the molecues is found. The StealthVac is connected to the container's opening and then it sucks up the molecues. The StealthVac can then be connected to the container's opening and then be made to blow out the molecues into the new container.
    • Termite Grenade: This gadget, resembling a grenade contains a colony of termites inside. When the pin is pulled out and the gadget is tossed at something made of wood, the termites will come out and eat away at the wood. Can be used to separate another material from wood.
    • Alarm Deactivator: As its name suggests, this gadget is used to deactivate alarms. It looks like a pair of crocodile clips. One end is clipped to where the alarm signal is going in, the other end is clipped to where the matching alarm signal is going out. The alarm signal is harmlessly re-directed into the Alarm Deactivator, effectively deactivating the alarm.

    [edit] Items

    Spy Fox sometimes uses items he pickes up to help him proceed in the mission.

    • Photo: A photo taken at the Photo booth which is used in a fake I.D. card. The player can take a photo of SPY Fox dressed up as a waitress, fisherman, wrestler and more!
    • I.D. card: A fake I.D. card generated from the I.D. Maker with a fake name, a fake occupation and Spy Fox's photo. Used to get pass Ralph, the Chateau LeRoach's kitchen guard.
    • Rose-tinted Glasses: A S.M.E.L.L.Y. goon drops a pair as he enters the Dogbot. They are used to see the rose coloreed breath analyzer at the Dogbot's heel entrance.
    • OFF switch: One of three things needed to call off the evil Dogbot, it is obtained from the mouth of a Venus flytrap (Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path) or from liquid molecues in the Destruct-o-lux (Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path).
    • Activation code: One of three things needed to call off the evil Dogbot, Dotti Dash the Microfish intercepts it and waits for Walter Wireless to transmitt it to Spy Fox via the Spy Watch at Wee World.
    • Rebus (used only in the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): This bottle cap rebus found in a trophy at the Ice Rink, it tells Spy Fox that a wooden statue in the Wax Museum contains the 3-digit code for the Destruct-o-lux and the Restruct-o-lux. It also tells him which statue to look.
    • Postcard (used only in the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): Given out one per customer by Virgil, the Souvenir Salesman and World's Fair Entrance Hand Stamper. The four postcards are for Ewe Clone It, Food of the Future, the Chateau LeRoach and the Wax Museum. The Wax Museum's postcard is used to trick Cooper, the Wax Museum's Security Guard's security camera.
    • Restruct & Destruct-o-Lux Code (used only in the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): The Destruct-o-lux and Restruct-o-lux's 3-digit code found in the Wax Museum's wooden statue, Spy Fox needs this code to suck the OFF switch out of the Destruct-o-lux and reconstruct it in the Restruct-o-lux.
    • Cape (used only in the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): The Amazing Caped Cod's parachute cape used by Spy Fox to get pass the Fan room's fan once it is deactivated. Borrowed from the Caped Cod after he performs a stunt for Elmo.
    • Rose (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): A rose given to Spy Fox by Victor, the Ice Rink's Ice-skating Attendant for his skating skills, it is given to Madame LadyBug, Plant World's proprietress, in exchange for a Venus flytrap with the OFF switch in its mouth once Spy Fox opens its locked cage.
    • Ice-Skate Maneuver Diagram (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): To use the Spy Skates, you’ll need to find an ice-skate maneuver diagram. Bea Bear, a former ice-skating champion, works at the World’s Fair. She will give Spy Fox the diagram.
    • Leaf (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): Lenny the Informant Worm gives this leaf to Spy Fox at the Food of the Future pavallion. Lenny chews the combination for the lock of the Venus flytrap with the OFF switch's cage. However, the text is microscopic and the magnifying glass at Plant World is needed to see it.
    • Venus Flytrap (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): A Venus flytrap with the OFF switch firmly clasped in its jaws. Found at Plant World. Spy Fox obtains it by trading a rose obtained at the Ice Rink as a reward for an expert ice-skating performance for it. Spy Fox has to help Madame LadyBug, Plant World's proprietress, figure out the combination for the Venus flytrap's lock first.
    • Clear Goggles (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): Welder's pair of clear googles which Spy Fox must take while the S.M.E.L.L.Y. agent is busy with the fast moving coveyor belt. Traded to the Caped Cod in exchange for his dark goggles.
    • Dark Goggles (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): A pair of dark goggles found at The Amazing Caped Cod stunt area. The Caped Cod can't perform a stunt unless Spy Fox gives him Welder's clear googles. The dark goggles are used to get past the Bright Light room.
    • Chef Outfit (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): A chef's outfit taken from a statue at the Wax Museum used to trick Chef Dinah into thinking Spy Fox is a chef, letting him use her oven to bake the Spy Key Replicator's key photo to access Wee World.
    • Key (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): A key made from baking a picture of one of Wee World's keys taken by the Spy Key Replicator. Used to get into Wee World.
    • Wrench (used only in the Bonus Ending): A wrench found in the Spy Jail pipe machine area used to open the grate below Napoleon LeRoach to send him to Spy Jail.
    • Hammer (used only in the Bonus Ending): A hammer taken from the Sewers Entrance used to smash the glass case containing the wrench.

    [edit] Talk Balloons

    A talk balloon is a picture of a character or item. It is used on other characters to get information about the character or item shown in the balloon.

    • Breath Analyzer Food: Used to ask Chef Dinah to prepare a dish for Spy Fox that would make his breath potent enough to get pass the Evil Dogbot's breath analyzer. It is one of three things needed to call off the evil Dogbot.
    • Elmo (used only in the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): Used to tell the Caped Cod that Elmo is his #1 fan and that he would like the Caped Cod to perform a stunt for him.
    • The Amazing Caped Cod (used only in the Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path): Used to tell Elmo that the Caped Cod would perform a stunt for him if he met him.
    • Madame LadyBug (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): Used to inquire about where a rose can be found for Madame LadyBug instead of the Venus flytrap with the OFF switch at Plant World.
    • Victor (used only in the Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path): Used to ask Bea Bear about a legendary ice-skating technique that would ean Spy Fox a rose at the Ice Rink.

    [edit] Minigames

    There is one minigame in this game. It can be played for leisure but it is not nessecery to play it to complete the game.

    • Things from Space: This game is accessible by pressing the Fun button on the Spy Watch. The player has to shoot and destroy asteroids and enemy robot ships using his/her rocket. The player scores points every time he/she destroys an asteroid or an enemy robot ship. The object of the game is to destroy asteroids and enemy robot ships. The player loses a life when his/her rocket hits an asteroid or enemy robot ship. The player starts the game with 3 lives. A extra life is gained for every 10,000 points scored. When the player loses a life, he/she loses any bonus points and one level of each weapon that he/she may have earned on that level.
    Enemy Robot Ships are various robotic ships that move in random patterns. Some are larger and slow-moving while others dart about the screen. The tougher the enemy the more points earned by the player. The best strategy is to move quickly and avoid being hit by their weapons! Some enemy robot ships may have bonus tokens or spheres inside
    The asteroids vary in size and movement. Some are small and drop quickly while others are large and slow-moving. In addition to points, these asteroids may have some bonus tokens or spheres inside.
    There are three weapons that the player can use to destroy asteroids or enemy robot ships. Each weapon has three levels. A weapon becomes stronger when it is leveled up. The current weapon is switched or leveled up when the player finds a purple, red, green or cluster sphere. The Violet Coil Laser is the player's first and weakest weapon which uses purple sound waves to destroy asteroids or enemy robot ships. It is often ignorned in favour of the other weapons. The Vermilion Burst Rocket is a red star/stars shot by the rocket to destroy any asteroids and/or enemy rocket ships in the immediate area. It is very effective as one star can deatroy a few asteroids and/or enemy robot ships. The Jade Photon Blade is a long green laser beam shot out from the rocket with one weakness, after it has been used, it needs a few seconds to recharge. Many players use it as a "sweeper" by moving the rocket from side to side to destroy asteroids and/or enemy rocket ships. If the player loses a life, he/she loses one level of each weapon.
    Spheres are items found when an asteroid or an enemy rocket ship is destroyed. A sphere levels up the rocket's current weapon or just levels up the current weapon if its contains the rocket's current weapon. A purple sphere contains the Violet Coil Laser, a red sphere contain the Vermilion Burst Rock and the green one contains the Jade Photon Blade. A Cluster Sphere contains a random weapon.
    Bonus Tokens are hidden in some asteroids and enemy robot ships. Shoot at everything and catch the bonus tokens as they fall. The first one collected is worth 5 points; each subsequent bonus token is worth 5 additional points on top of the last one. When the player completes the level, the bonus points earned will be added to his/her overall score. If the player loses a life, he/she loses all bonus points earned.

    [edit] Game Paths and Bonus Ending

    This game has two Game Paths which contain different puzzles that the player has to solve in order to continue the game. The game paths are ramdomly set when the player starts a new game. There is also a Bouns Ending where the player can capture Napoleon LeRoach. The Bonus Ending is only accessible when the player clicks at the right time.

    • Spy Key Replicator/Venus Flytrap Path: In this game path, the player has to obtain the OFF switch from a Venus flytrap in a cage in Plant World and bake a photo of one of the keys hanging outside Wee World taken by the Spy Key Replicator to enter Wee World.
    • Alarm Deactivator/Restruct & Destruct-o-lux Path: In this game path, the player has to obtain the OFF switch molecues from the Destruct-o-lux and reconstruct them in the Restruct-o-lux. He/She also has to disarm a burglar alarm inside Wee World.
    • Bonus Ending: This is a bonus ending which happens only if the player clicks on the manhole cover just as Napoleon LeRoach is escaping under it after calling off the Evil Dogbot. Spy Fox will go into the sewers in time to see Napoleon LeRoach plan a revenge attack on the World's Fair but get delayed by a computer virus. The player has to work in the sewers to send Napoleon LeRoach to Spy Jail via a sewer pipe.

    [edit] See also


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