aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
- Beschreibung: Theoretische Lichtkurve totaler Mondfinsternisse in Abhängigkeit von der umbralen Magnitude (= Eindringtiefe des Mondes in den Erdschatten in Einheiten des Monddurchmessers) mit Vergleichsdaten von Anthony Mallama.
- Autor: SiriusB
- Quelle: Integration der Intensitätskurve über die Mondscheibe (mittlere Albedo angenommen).
- Lizenz: GFDL (siehe Commons)
- Theoretical lightcurve of a lunar eclipse (using homogenous lunar albedo and distance of 380,000 km). Data from Anthony Mallama for comparison. Errorbars indicate rounding error from Mallama's data. Not indicated (but not necessarily negligible) are errors due to different Earth-Moon-distances (from 357,000 to 408,000 km), and, of course, from the audacious neglection of the Moon's albedo structure. A slight improvement of the upper right part of the curve would arise from a very little increment of dust (about 5% of the dust excess used for Image:Lunar eclipse umbra lightcurve dark arcmins.png).
- Author: SiriusB
- Source: Integration of Image:Lunar eclipse umbra lightcurve arcmins.png over the Moon (approximation with mean albedo). Reference data taken from Anthony Mallama's homepage (actually an excerpt from his book "Eclipses, Atmospheres, and Global Change", 1996). Plotted with Gnuplot.
- Other Version(s): Image:Lunar eclipse lightcurve fitted with dust.png
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