Image:Exponential moving average weights N=15.png
This graph was created by me using the following bit of gnuplot
set terminal png size 1300, 975 # set xlabel "Days ago (0 today, 1 yesterday, etc)" 0, -2 # # something evil happens with "xtics axis", need dummy xlabel set xlabel " " 0, -2 set xrange [-0.5:20.5] set xtics axis 5 set mxtics 5 # set ylabel "Weight (frac)" # set yrange [0:0.15] set format y "%.2f" unset key set style fill solid 1.0 set boxwidth 0.6 relative plot "" with boxes
and file generated by the following bit of perl
$N = 15; $f = 1 - 2/($N+1); $total = 0; foreach $i (0..20) { $value = (1 - $f) * ($f ** $i); print "$i $value\n"; $total += $value; } print "# total $total (should approach 1)\n";
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