<?php $wgCentralAuthMessages['en'] = array( // When not logged in... 'mergeaccount' => 'Login unification status', 'centralauth-merge-notlogged' => 'Please <span class="plainlinks">' . '[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} log in]' . '</span> to check if your accounts have been fully merged.', // Big text on completion 'centralauth-complete' => 'Login unification complete!', 'centralauth-incomplete' => 'Login unification not complete!', // Wheeee 'centralauth-complete-text' => 'You can now log in to any Wikimedia wiki site without creating ' . 'a new account; the same username and password will work on ' . 'Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, and their sister projects ' . 'in all languages.', 'centralauth-incomplete-text' => 'Once your login is unified, you will be able to log in ' . 'to any Wikimedia wiki site without creating a new account; ' . 'the same username and password will work on ' . 'Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, and their sister projects ' . 'in all languages.', 'centralauth-not-owner-text' => 'The username "$1" was automatically assigned to the owner ' . "of the account on $2.\n" . "\n" . "If this is you, you can finish the login unification process " . "simply by typing the master password for that account here:", // Appended to various messages above 'centralauth-readmore-text' => ":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|Read more about '''unified login''']]...''", // For lists of wikis/accounts: 'centralauth-list-merged' => 'The accounts named "$1" on the following sites ' . 'have been automatically merged:', 'centralauth-list-unmerged' => 'The account "$1" could not be automatically confirmed ' . 'as belonging to you on the following sites; ' . 'most likely they have a different password from your ' . 'primary account:', 'centralauth-foreign-link' => 'User $1 on $2', // When not complete, offer to finish... 'centralauth-finish-title' => 'Finish merge', 'centralauth-finish-text' => 'If these accounts do belong to you, you can finish ' . 'the login unification process simply by typing the passwords ' . 'for the other accounts here:', 'centralauth-finish-password' => 'Password:', 'centralauth-finish-login' => 'Login', 'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' => 'E-mail password', 'centralauth-finish-problems' => "Having trouble, or don't own these other accounts? " . "[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|How to find help]]...", 'centralauth-merge-attempt' => "'''Checking provided password against remaining unmerged accounts...'''", // Administrator's console 'centralauth-admin-permission' => "Only stewards may merge other people's accounts for them.", 'centralauth-admin-unmerge' => 'Unmerge selected', 'centralauth-admin-merge' => 'Merge selected', ); $wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-cn'] = array( // When not logged in... 'mergeaccount' => '登录统一状态', 'centralauth-merge-notlogged' => '请<span class="plainlinks">' . '[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}} 登录]' . '并检查您的账号是否都已经合并。', // Big text on completion 'centralauth-complete' => '完成登录统一!', 'centralauth-incomplete' => '登录统一失败!', // Wheeee 'centralauth-complete-text' => '您现在无需创建新帐号即可登录所有维基媒体网站;' . '同一组用户名和密码适用于' . '所有语言的' . '维基百科、维基词典、维基教科书及其他姊妹计划。', 'centralauth-incomplete-text' => '登录统一之后,您就无需创建新帐号即可登录' . '所有维基媒体网站;' . '同一组用户名和密码适用于' . '所有语言的' . '维基百科、维基词典、维基教科书及其他姊妹计划。', 'centralauth-not-owner-text' => '用户名“$1”已被自动分配给了$2上的账号。\n' . "of the account on $2.\n" . "\n" . "若这是您的账号," . "请输入该帐号的密码,完成登录统一:", // Appended to various messages above 'centralauth-readmore-text' => ":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|参阅关于'''登录统一'''的帮助文件]]...''", // For lists of wikis/accounts: 'centralauth-list-merged' => '以下网站的账号“$1”' . '已自动合并:', 'centralauth-list-unmerged' => '账号“$1”在以下网站' . '不能自动合并;' . '很可能因为它们的密码' . '与您主账号的不同:', 'centralauth-foreign-link' => '$2 的用户 $1', // When not complete, offer to finish... 'centralauth-finish-title' => '完成合并', 'centralauth-finish-text' => '如果这些帐号是您的,' . '请输入这些帐号的密码' . '即可完成登录统一:', 'centralauth-finish-password' => '密码:', 'centralauth-finish-login' => '登录', 'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' => '透过电子邮件寄送密码', 'centralauth-finish-problems' => "有任何问题或者这些帐号不属于您?" . "请参阅[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|帮助信息]]...", 'centralauth-merge-attempt' => "'''检查未合并账号的密码...'''", // Administrator's console 'centralauth-admin-permission' => "只有监管员可以为其他人进行登录统一。", 'centralauth-admin-unmerge' => '拆分所选项', 'centralauth-admin-merge' => '合并所选项', ); $wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-tw'] = array( // When not logged in... 'mergeaccount' => '帳號整合狀態', 'centralauth-merge-notlogged' => '請<span class="plainlinks">' . '[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}}登入]' . '</span>以查驗您的帳號是否已經完成整合。', // Big text on completion 'centralauth-complete' => '帳號整合已完成!', 'centralauth-incomplete' => '帳號整合未完成!', // Wheeee 'centralauth-complete-text' => '您現在可以使用同一組帳號與密碼登入所有維基媒體計畫網站,' . '無需再新建帳號;這組帳號與密碼將可登入' . '所有語言的' . '維基百科、維基詞典、維基教科書及其他姊妹計畫網站。', 'centralauth-incomplete-text' => '一旦您完成了帳號整合,你將可以登入' . '所有維基媒體計畫網站,無需再新建帳號;' . '用同一組帳號與密碼將可登入' . '所有語言的' . '維基百科、維基詞典、維基教科書及其他姊妹計畫網站。', 'centralauth-not-owner-text' => '用戶名:"$1"已自動分配給' . "$2上的帳號。\n" . "\n" . "如果這是您的帳號,請輸入該帳號的密碼" . "以完成帳號整合:", // Appended to various messages above 'centralauth-readmore-text' => ":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|了解更多'''帳號整合'''細節]]...''", // For lists of wikis/accounts: 'centralauth-list-merged' => '以下網站的帳號:"$1' . '已自動完成整合:', 'centralauth-list-unmerged' => '以下網站的帳號:"$1"' . '無法自動整合;' . '很可能是因為它們的密碼' . '和您的主帳號不同:', 'centralauth-foreign-link' => '$2 上的 $1', // When not complete, offer to finish... 'centralauth-finish-title' => '完成整合', 'centralauth-finish-text' => '如果這些帳號屬於您,' . '請輸入這些帳號的密碼,' . '以完成帳號整合:', 'centralauth-finish-password' => '密碼:', 'centralauth-finish-login' => '登入', 'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' => '透過電子郵件寄送密碼', 'centralauth-finish-problems' => "遇到問題或者這些帳號不屬於您嗎?" . "[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|如何尋求協助]]...", 'centralauth-merge-attempt' => "'''正在查驗您輸入的密碼是否與其餘未整合的帳號相符...'''", // Administrator's console 'centralauth-admin-permission' => "只有監管員可以為用戶整合帳號。", 'centralauth-admin-unmerge' => '不整合所選取的帳號', 'centralauth-admin-merge' => '整合所選取的帳號', ); $wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-hk'] = array( // When not logged in... 'mergeaccount' => '帳號整合狀態', 'centralauth-merge-notlogged' => '請<span class="plainlinks">' . '[{{fullurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special%3AMergeAccount}}登入]' . '</span>以查驗您的帳號是否已經完成整合。', // Big text on completion 'centralauth-complete' => '帳號整合已完成!', 'centralauth-incomplete' => '帳號整合未完成!', // Wheeee 'centralauth-complete-text' => '您現在可以使用同一組帳號與密碼登入所有維基媒體計劃網站,' . '無需再新建帳號。這組帳號與密碼將可登入' . '所有語言的' . '維基百科、維基詞典、維基教科書及其他姊妹計劃網站。', 'centralauth-incomplete-text' => '一旦您完成了帳號整合,你將可以登入' . '所有維基媒體計劃網站,無需再新建帳號;' . '用同一組帳號與密碼將可登入' . '所有語言的' . '維基百科、維基詞典、維基教科書及其他姊妹計劃網站。', 'centralauth-not-owner-text' => '用戶名:"$1"已自動分配給' . "$2上的帳號。\n" . "\n" . "如果這是您的帳號,請輸入該帳號的密碼" . "以完成帳號整合:", // Appended to various messages above 'centralauth-readmore-text' => ":''[[meta:Help:Unified login|了解更多'''帳號整合'''細節]]...''", // For lists of wikis/accounts: 'centralauth-list-merged' => '以下網站的帳號:"$1' . '已自動完成整合:', 'centralauth-list-unmerged' => '以下網站的帳號:"$1"' . '無法自動整合;' . '很可能是因為它們的密碼' . '和您的主帳號不同:', 'centralauth-foreign-link' => '$2 上的 $1', // When not complete, offer to finish... 'centralauth-finish-title' => '完成整合', 'centralauth-finish-text' => '如果這些帳號屬於您,' . '請輸入這些帳號的密碼,' . '以完成帳號整合:', 'centralauth-finish-password' => '密碼:', 'centralauth-finish-login' => '登入', 'centralauth-finish-send-confirmation' => '透過電子郵件寄送密碼', 'centralauth-finish-problems' => "遇到問題或者這些帳號不屬於您嗎?" . "[[meta:Help:Unified login problems|如何尋求協助]]...", 'centralauth-merge-attempt' => "'''正在查驗您輸入的密碼是否與其餘未整合的帳號相符...'''", // Administrator's console 'centralauth-admin-permission' => "只有監管員可以為用戶整合帳號。", 'centralauth-admin-unmerge' => '不整合已選取的', 'centralauth-admin-merge' => '整合已選取的', ); $wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-sg'] = $wgCentralAuthMessages['zh-cn']; ?>