德愛中學(英文:Tak Oi Secondary School)是一所由圣母无原罪传教女修会所創辦的女子英文中學。建立于1970年,位於香港九龍慈雲山道8號。德愛中學中一至中五各級開設5班,而中六至中七各級開設2班。
目录 |
[编辑] 歷史
德爱中学在香港社会的呼吁及天主教主教白英奇(Lawrence Bianchi)的强烈要求下于1970年创建。
At that time the Government was developing the area of Tsz Wan Shan, a district near Wong Tai Sin in East Kowloon. The official opening of the school and unveiling of the plaque was officiated by Mr. J. Canning, Director of Education in 1971.
The name of the School "Tak Oi" meaning charity, was specially chosen to complete the theological virtues of 信,望,愛 which are also the names of the MIC schools in Hong Kong.
"Meanwhile these three remain : faith, hope , and love; and the greatest of these is love."
[编辑] 校歌
Tak Oi to you we sing joyfully,
Tak Oi our grateful hearts filled with love,
Recall anew the lessons of life,
We learnt while preparing for strife,
Love and Truth That's the motto high,
Red and White our colours fly.
1. Midst towering blocks of Tsz Wan Shan,
Where mountains, clouds and mankind meet,
Stands our dear school Tak Oi ever bright,
Where we learnt of sharing knowledge truth and light,
Keen, brave, devoted, we have become,
Through God we learnt to live and be true,
Searching for knowledge, wisdom and truth,
Tak Oi you guide us all by God's light.
2. In your halls a fount of knowledge lies,
You nourished us with truth and love,
Alma Mater we give thanks to you,
For what you taught us indeed set us free.
Tak Oi you lead us all on our way,
God's will you teach us all to obey,
Dear school we love you we thank you always,
Tak Oi you guide us all by God's light.
[编辑] 学校目标
- 為學生提供友善、活潑和包容的環境,使他們能愉快地學習和成長。
- 推動學生在德、智、體、群、美、靈修各方面的全面發展。
- 幫助學生在認識自我和表達己見中培養創造力和發展潛能。
- 協助學生學習開放自我,適應轉變,並養成樂於求知,自強不息的精神。
- 幫助學生建立積極的人生觀,使學生能健康、充滿活力地生活。
[编辑] 教育方针
- 德愛中學為聖母無原罪傳教女修會所創辦,以提供學生全面的公教教育為職志。
- 學校會引領並幫助學生學習如何快樂地生活。
- 學校肯定每個學生都是獨特而有價值的。學校會教導學生常懷感恩的心,懂得為得到的,感謝上主和別人。
- 學校會教導學生欣賞事物的真、善、美,把德愛的校訓「誠與愛」,活現出來。