Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi
Bu madde, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti ile alakalı maddelerin oluşturulması, genişletilmesi, organize edilmesi ve kalitesinin arttırılması için oluşturulmuş olan Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti VikiProjesi'nin bir parçasıdır. |
KKTC nin Turkiye disinda hicbir ulke tarafindan devlet olarak kabul edilmediginden, ancak Islam Orgutu Konferansinin KKTC yi gozlemci olarak kabul ettiginden bahsedilmesi gerekir diye dusunuyorum. Ayrica adadaki yesil hattan ve ingiliz kontrolu altindaki bolgeden de bahsedilmeli. Genel olarak makalenin dili bence bir ansiklopediye uygun degil. Objektif olmaktan uzak. Ayrica 1878 de ada isgal mi edilmistir yoksa Osmanli Devleti tarafindan ingiltereye mi birakilmistir? Mlok 13:56, 18 Nisan 2006 (UTC)
This article is extremly biased and clear propaganda.. Just the fact that the history of Cyprus is stated to start when the Ottomans arrived in 1571 is an upfront to the rich culture of this island that goes back more than 3000 years. And the fact that the history line is only stated to begin in 1571 portrays to readers and the international community what is already widely accepted by people; that the Turkish state and its inhabitiants have purposely set out to change the demographic nature of Cyprus and erase any existence of its wealthy and prosperous Greek influence; just one of the many WAR CRIMES committed by the immoral Turkish state in Cyprus... If i said that in Turkey would i be a political prisoner... well nothings changed has it.. Lucky for the Turkish people the Internet is a form of democracy and not a facade of a supposodely secular regime... Seek the truth and whats morally right; dignify yourselves and dont cling on to the lies and brutality of your mostly barabric past governments; Dignify yourselves as a race!!!