en: Upon hearing at age 40 that a Dutch optician had invented a glass that made distant objects appear larger, Galileo Galileo crafted his own telescope and turned it toward the sky. Galileo quickly discovered that our Moon had craters, that Jupiter had its own moons, that the Sun has spots, and that Venus has phases.
Galileo claimed that his observations only made sense if all the planets revolved around the Sun, as championed by Aristarchus and Copernicus, not the Earth, as was commonly believed then. The powerful Inquisition made Galileo publicly recant this conclusion, but today we know he was correct.
ca: Després de sentir a l'edat de 40 anys que un òptic holandès havia inventat un aparell que podia engrandir els objectes distants, Galileu Galilei muntà el seu propi telescopi i l'enfocà cap el cel. Galileu ben prest descobrí que Júpiter té les seves pròpies llunes, que el Sol té taques, i també les fases de Venus.
Galileu postulà que les seves observacions només tenien sentit si tots els planetes voltaven al Sol, tal com havien dit Aristarc i Copèrnic, i no a la Terra, tal com es creia en aquell temps. La poderosa inquisició feu desdir-se a Galileu de la seva conclusió, però avui sabem que és correcta.
CREDIT: antwrpOriginal portrait by Justus Sustermans painted in 1636.
COPYRIGHT: not copyright.
PREPARED BY Adrian Pingstone in December 2003
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