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Sōþ Iesus Cirice - Wikipedia

Sōþ Iesus Cirice

Fram Wikipedian

Þis gewrit hæfþ wordcwide on Nīwum Englisce.
Sēo Sōðe Iesus Cirice, Gemǣnscipes Gesamnungsele þe is in Taichung, Taiwan.
Sēo Sōðe Iesus Cirice, Gemǣnscipes Gesamnungsele þe is in Taichung, Taiwan.

Sēo Sōðe Iesus Cirice (on Nīwum Englisce:True Jesus Church) is selfdēmendlicu crīstenu cirice þe wæs gestaðelod fram Paul Wei in 1917 in Beijing, Cīna.

Tōdæg hæfþ sēo cirice betwēonan 1.5 millionena and 4 millionena gemæssienda in féowertig landscearum all over the worulde and is habban as an offshoot fram se Pentecosten clyster of Crīstendōme that emerged in þǣre frumlican 20an ielde. Sēo cirice ne frēolsaþ Crīstesmæssan nā Langafrīgedæg. Sēo cirice disagrees æt Trinity and holds to the "Iesus-nama" lár of se "Ánnes Pentecosten theology" instead. The cirice wæs gestaðelod in Englalande in 1976.


[ādihtan] Þā fīf tǣcinga

[ādihtan] Se Hālga Gāst

"Onfō þone Hālgan Gāst, ǣbǣre þurh sprǣcunge on tungum, is se weard ūre yrfelāfes on Heofones Rīce."

[ādihtan] Fullwiht

"Wæterfulwiht is se hāligdōm for þǣre forgifnesse synna and for ednīwunge. Se fulwiht sceal gelimpan in gecyndum libbendum wætere, swā in þǣre ēa, sǣ, oþþe fynt.

Se Bæzere, þe ǣr onfēng bæþ wæteres and þæs Hālgan Gāstes, fulwihteþ on naman þæs Hlāfordes Iesus Crīst. And se mann þe onfēhþ þone fulwiht sceal bēon fullīce ādypped in wæter mid gebogenum hēafde and niðerweardum nebbe". (Iohannes 3:5; Math. 3:16; Dǣda 2:38, 10:48).

[ādihtan] Fōta wæsc

"Se hāligdōm fōta wæsces enables þæt man dǣl mid Iesus hæfþ. Hit þegnaþ ēac swā gengu myndgung þæt man sceolde habban lufe, hālignesse, scamfæstnesse, ālǣtnesse, and þegnunge.

Ǣlc mann þe onfēng wæteres fulwihte sceall habban his fēt gewascene on naman Iesus Crīstes. Mutual Fōta wæsc may be practiced whenever is appropriate". (John 13:1-7)

[ādihtan] Hūselhālgung

"Sēo Hūselhālgung is se sacrament to commemorate se cwealmbealu of sēo Hlāfordes Iesus Crīst.

It lǽtan us to ábítan sēo líreht and æðeling of our Hlāfordes and to be in communion with Him sae that we can habben ǽlíf and be ábregdan on se níehst dæg. This sacriment is hatte as neahhe as ácumendlic. áncyn án unleavened bread and grape séaw is used".

[ādihtan] Se Sabatdæg

"Se Sabatdæg, se seofoða dæg þǣre wuce (Sæternesdæg), is hālig dæg, gebletsod and gehālgod fram Gode. It is ymbhýdig under sēo Lord's gifnes for se commemoration o God's creation and áhredding and with the áhopian tó neorxnawang (ǽwicnes ǽmetta) in þǣm cumendan līfe".

[ādihtan] Ēacena tǣcinga

[ādihtan] Iesus

"Iesus Crīst, þæt Word þe wearþ flǣsc, wæs cwelan on se crúc for se gelíesnes of ǽgylt, ūp ābregdan on þǣm þriddan dæge and ástigian tō Ceaster. Hē is se nergend of mann, se Creator of se Ceaster and grundwæg, and se áncyn æltǽwe God".

[ādihtan] Sēo Biblioþēce

"Sēo crīstenre Hālig biblioþece, consisting of se ǽgesetnes and Nīwu Cȳðnes, is inbláwan by God, se áncyn ǽ truth, and se herecombol for crísten líffæst".

[ādihtan] Hreddung

"Hreddung is gegifen fram þǣre giefe Godes þurh gelēaffulnesse. Gelīefend sculon hangian on þǣm Hālgan Gāste tō spyrienne hālignesse, tō ārienne God, and tō lufienne mennisce."

[ādihtan] Cirice

"Sēo Sōðe Iesus Cirice, gestaðelod fram ūserum Hlāforde Iesus Crīst, þurh þone Hālgan Gāst in þǣre tīde þæs 'æfterran regnes', is sēo edstaðelode cirice þǣre apostolican tīde."

[ādihtan] Ōðer Cyme

"Þæs Hlāfordes Ōðer Cyme gelimpþ on will take place on se níehst dæg when He niðergán fram Ceaster tō yfeldéma the ymbhwyrft: Sēo gód will læccan ǽlíf, while se godwræc will be niðerung ǽwicnes".

[ādihtan] Ōðre gelēafan

  • Sēo cirice ne frēolsaþ Crīstesmæssan for þǣm þe se 25a Gēolmōnþes wæs on fruman asscociated with a pagan ritual þe frēolsode þone gebyrddæg þǣre Sunnan þe wæs later adopted into the Christian church during the reign of the Roman Constantine cāseres in the 4th century AD. They argue that the exact day of Christ's birth is unknown and that Jesus never told his disciples to commemorate his birthday.
  • Langafrīgedæg ne biþ gefrēolsod for þǣm þe hē hæfþ ēac hǣðene fruman.

[ādihtan] Ūtanweard bend

Ōðera sprǣca
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