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Елизабета II - Википедија

Елизабета II

Од Википедија, слободна енциклопедија

Кралица Елизабета II
 Н.В. Кралицата Елизабета II
Владеење 6 февруари, 1952 – моментално
Крунисување 2 јуни, 1953
Претходник Џорџ VI
Наследник Чарлс, Принц на Велс
Сопружник Принц Филип, Војвода на Единбург
Потомци Чарлс, Принц на Велс
Ана, Кралска Принцеза
Ендрју, Војвода на Јорк
Едвард, Гроф на Весекс
Династија Виндзор
Татко Џорџ VI
Мајка Елизабета Боус-Лион
Родена 21 април, 1926
Лондон, Обединето Кралство

Елизабета II (целосно име: Елизабета Александра Мери Виндзор), родена на 21 април 1926, е кралицана 16 независни нации познати под името Комонвелт (и претходно кралица на други 16). Овие се Обединетото Кралство, Канада, Австралија, Нов Зеланд, Јамајка, Барбадос, Бахамите, Гренада, Папуа Нова Гвинеја, Соломоновите Острови, Тувалу, Света Луција, Свети Винсент и Гренадините, Антигва и Барбуда, Белизе и Свети Китис и Невис.

Елизабета станала кралица на Обединетото Кралство, Канада, Нов Зеланд, Австралија, Цејлон, Пакистан и Јужна Африка со смртта на нејзиниот татко, Џорџ VI, на 6 февруари 1952. Како што другите колонии на Британскиот Комонвелт (денешен Комонвелт) се здобивале со независност од ОК за време на нејзиното владеење, таа станувала кралица на новите територии. По Вестминстерскиот статут од 1931 год. таа ги држи сите позиции на еден ист начин; ниедна нација нема предност над ниедна друга.

Во 54-те години на престолот, Елизабета II била сведок на многу нации кои се здобиле се независност од ОК и станале републики или дел од други кралства.

Денес живеат околу 128 милиони луѓе во земјите каде таа е шеф на држава.

Кралицата исто така ја има улогата Шеф на Комонвелт, Врховен Владетел на Англиканската црква (Church of England), Лорд на Ман и Војвода на Ланкастер.

Моментално таа е втор најстар шеф на држава во светот, по кралот Бумибол на Тајланд. През периодот од преку 50 години владеење, кралицата има доживеано смена на 10 премиери на ОК бројни други премиери на Комонвелтски земји на кои таа е шеф на држава.


[уреди] Раниот дел од животот

Британско кралско семејство
  • Н.В. Кралицата
  • Н.К.В. Војводата од Единбург
  • Н.К.В. Принцот од Велс
  • Н.К.В. Војвотката од Корнвол
  • Н.К.В. Принцот Вилијам од Велс
  • Н.К.В. Принцот Хенри од Велс
  • Н.К.В. Војводата од Јорк
  • Н.К.В. Принцезата Беатриса од Јорк
  • Н.К.В. Принцезата Евгенија од Јорк
  • Н.К.В. Грофот од Весекс
  • Н.К.В. Грофицата од Весекс
  • Леди Луиса Виндзор
  • Н.К.В. Кралската Принцеза
  • Н.К.В. Војводата од Глочестер
  • Н.К.В. Војвотката од Глочестер
  • Н.К.В. Војводата од Кент
  • Н.К.В. Војвотката од Кент
  • Н.К.В. Принцот Мајкл од Кент
  • Н.К.В. Принзезата Михаела од Кент
  • Н.К.В. Принцезата Александра

Елизабета се родила на 17 Брутон Стрит во Мејфеар, Лондон на 21 април, 1926. Нејзиниот татко бил Принцот Алберт, Војвода на Јорк (подоцна крал Џорџ VI), вотиот најстар син на Џорџ V и кралицата Мери. Нејзината мајка била Војвотката на Јорк (Леди Елизабета Боус-Лион), ќерка на Клод Џорџ Боус-Лион, 14-ти Гроф на Стратмор и Кингхорн и неговата жена, Грофицата на Стратмор.

Кралицата била крстена во Музичката соба во Бакингемската палата од Космо Ланг, тогашниот Јоршки надбискуп, а нејзините кумови биле Кралот Џорџ и Кралицата Мери, Кралскатата Принцеза, Војводата на Конот, Грофот на Стратмор и Леди Елфинстон.

„Принцезата Лилибет“ на тригодишна возраст на насловната страна на списанието Тајм од 1929 год.
„Принцезата Лилибет“ на тригодишна возраст на насловната страна на списанието Тајм од 1929 год.

Елизабета била крстена по нејзината мајка, додека двете средни имиња се преземени од нејзината баба од таткова страна Кралицата Александра и од нејзината баба Кралицата Мери. Како дете членовите на нејзиното најблиско семејство ја нарекувале „Лилибет“.

Како внука по машка линија на британскиот суверен, таа ја имала титулата Британска принцеза и ословувана Нејзиното Кралско Височество. Полниот начин на ословување ѝ бил Нејзиното Кралско Височество Принцезата Елизабета од Јорк. Кога се родила, таа била трета во наследната низа на британскиот престол, зад нејзиниот татко и чичко, Принцот од Велс (подоцна Крал Едвард VIII). Иако нејзиното раѓање побудило јавен интерес, никој неможел да предвиди дека таа би станала кралица. Се претпоставувало дека нејзиниот чичко, Принцот од Велс би се оженил и би имал деца во догледно време. Доколку Едвард останал на престолот и немал деца (што било веројатно), Елизабета сепак би била Кралица.

[уреди] Образование

Младата принцеза Елизабета добила домашно образование, како и нејзината помлада сестра, принцезата Маргарет, под туторство на нејзината мајка, а потоа Војвотката од Јорк. Нејзината гувернанта била Марион Крафорд. Таа студирала Историја со С. Х. К. Мартен, проректор на Етон како и современи јазици. Моментално таа течно зборува француски. Веронауката пак, ја научила од Кантербуршкиот надпискуп и отсекогаш била побожен верник во рамките на Англиканската црква.

[уреди] Наследничка

Кога нејзиниот татко станал Крал 1936 со абдикацијата на нејзиниот чичко Едвард VIII, Елизабета станала наследничка.

[уреди] Воена служба

Princess Elizabeth changing the wheel of a lorry (truck) during the war.
Princess Elizabeth changing the wheel of a lorry (truck) during the war.

In 1945 Princess Elizabeth convinced her father that she should be allowed to contribute directly to the war effort. She joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service (the ATS) where she was known as No 230873 Second Subaltern Elizabeth Windsor, and was trained as a driver. This training was the first time she had been taught together with other students. It is said that she greatly enjoyed this and that this experience led her to send her own children to school rather than have them educated at home. She was the first and so far only female member of the royal family to actually serve in the military, though other royal women have been given honorary ranks. During the V-E Day celebrations in London, she and her sister dressed as ordinary subjects and slipped into the crowd secretly in order to celebrate with everyone without being recognised.

Elizabeth made her first official visit overseas in 1947, when she accompanied her parents to South Africa. During her visit to Cape Town she and her father were accompanied by Jan Smuts when they went to the top of Table Mountain by cable car. On her 21st birthday she made a broadcast to the British Commonwealth and Empire, pledging to devote her life to the service of the people of the Commonwealth and Empire.

[уреди] Брак и мајчинство

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh on their wedding day.
The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh on their wedding day.

Elizabeth married The Duke of Edinburgh on 20 November 1947. The Duke is Queen Elizabeth's third cousin; they share Queen Victoria as a great-great-grandmother. They are also both descended from Christian IX of Denmark (she being a great-great granddaughter through Alexandra of Denmark, and the Duke is a great-grandson through George I of Greece). Prince Philip had renounced his claim to the Greek throne and was simply referred to as Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten before being created Duke of Edinburgh before their marriage. This marriage, although not arranged as such, was eminently suitable for a female heir to the throne, as Philip had been trained for royal responsibilities.

After their wedding Philip and Elizabeth took up residence at Clarence House, London. On 14 November 1948 she gave birth to her first child Prince Charles of Edinburgh. Several weeks earlier, letters patent had been issued so that her children would enjoy a royal and prince status they would not otherwise have been entitled to. Otherwise they would have been styled merely as children of a duke. They had four children (see below) in all. Though the Royal House is named Windsor, it was decreed via a 1960 Order-in-Council that the descendants of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip should have the personal surname Mountbatten-Windsor.

[уреди] Наследување

Кралски ословувања
Кралица Елизабета II на Обединетото Кралство и Северна Ирска
Ословување: Нејзиното Височество
Говорно ословување: Ваше Височество (Your Majesty)
Алтернативно ословување: Ме'ем

King George's health declined during 1951 and Elizabeth frequently stood in for him at public events. She visited Greece, Italy and Malta (where Philip was then stationed) during the year. In October she toured Canada and visited President Harry S. Truman in Washington, DC. In January 1952 Elizabeth and Philip set out for a tour of Australia and New Zealand. They had reached Kenya when word arrived of the death of her father, on 6 February 1952, from lung cancer.

At the moment she became aware she was now queen, she was in a treetop hotel; a unique circumstance for any such event. She was the first British monarch since the Act of Union in 1801 to be out of the country at the moment of succession, and also the first in modern times not to know the exact time of her accession (because George VI had died in his sleep at an unknown time). The Treetops Hotel, where she "went up a princess and came down a queen", is now a very popular tourist retreat in Kenya. The following year, the Queen's grandmother, Queen Mary, died of lung cancer on March 24 1953. Reportedly, the Dowager Queen's dying wish was that the coronation not be postponed. Elizabeth's coronation took place in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.

[уреди] Живот како кралица

Elizabeth II wearing the Imperial State Crown and fur cape and holding the Sceptre with the Cross and the Orb at her Coronation (2 June 1953).
Elizabeth II wearing the Imperial State Crown and fur cape and holding the Sceptre with the Cross and the Orb at her Coronation (2 June 1953).

After the Coronation, Elizabeth and Philip moved to Buckingham Palace in central London. It is believed, however, that like many of her predecessors she dislikes the Palace as a residence and considers Windsor Castle, west of London, to be her home. She also spends time at Balmoral Castle in Scotland and at Sandringham House in Norfolk.

Queen Elizabeth is the most widely travelled head of state in history. In 195354 she and Philip made a six-month round-the-world tour, becoming the first reigning monarch to circumnavigate the globe, and also the first to visit Australia, New Zealand and Fiji (which she visited again all at once during the 1977 jubilee). In October 1957 she made a state visit to the United States and toured Canada, opening the first session of the 23rd parliament. In 1959 she made a tour of Canada, as well as undertaking a state visit to the United States as Queen of Canada, hosting the return dinner for then US President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the Canadian embassy in Washington. In February 1961 she visited Ankara as the guest of Turkish President Cemal Gursel and later toured India and Pakistan for the first time. She has made state visits to most European countries and to many outside Europe. She regularly attends Commonwealth Heads of Government meetings.

At the time of Elizabeth's accession there was much talk of a "new Elizabethan age". Elizabeth's role has been to preside over the United Kingdom as it has shared world economic and military power with a growing host of independent nations and principalities. As nations have developed economically and in literacy, Queen Elizabeth has witnessed over the past 50 years a gradual transformation of the British Empire into its modern successor, the Commonwealth. She has worked hard to maintain links with former British possessions, and in some cases, such as South Africa, she has played an important role in retaining or restoring good relations.

Despite a series of controversies about the rest of the royal family, particularly the marital difficulties of her children throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Queen Elizabeth remains a remarkably uncontroversial figure and is generally well respected by the people of her Realms. However, her public persona remains formal, though more relaxed than it once was.

Elizabeth remains a highly respected head of state. However, she and her family have come under increasing pressure from UK based newspapers. In 2002 she celebrated her Golden Jubilee, marking the 50th anniversary of her accession to the Throne. The year saw an extensive tour of the Commonwealth Realms, including numerous parades and official concerts.

The Jubilee year coincided with the deaths, within a few months, of Elizabeth's mother and sister. Elizabeth's relations with her children, while still somewhat distant, have become much warmer since these deaths. She is particularly close to her daughter-in-law Sophie, Countess of Wessex. She is known to have disapproved of Prince Charles's long-standing relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles, but with their recent marriage, has come to accept it. On the other hand, she is very close to her grandchildren, noticeably Prince William and Zara Phillips.

In late February 2003, Queen Elizabeth II's reign, then just over 51 years, surpassed the reigns of all four of her immediate predecessors (King Edward VII, King George V, King Edward VIII and King George VI) combined.

In 2003 Elizabeth, who is often described as robustly healthy, underwent three operations. She had two operations by the end of the year concerning each of her knees, and also had several lesions removed from her face. This had prompted some debate in the media about whether the evolving monarchy should have monarchs abdicating as in some other nations, or even enforce a retirement age for reigning monarchs. In June 2005 she was forced to cancel several engagements after contracting what the Palace described as a bad cold. Nonetheless the Queen has been described, as being in excellent health and rarely is ill.

She has begun to hand over some public duties to her children, as well as other members of the royal family. It was rumoured in 2005 that she and Prince Philip would be reducing their international travel; but the subsequent, perhaps pointed, announcements that they would be visiting Canada, Malta, Australia, Singapore, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the space of the next year served to effectively deny these rumours. It is often made clear that she intends to do as much as she can until she is physically unable. In November 2005, she visited Malta as the Head of the Commonwealth, for the Commonwealth Head of Governments Meeting, and in March 2006 she visited Australia to, amongst other things, officially open the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.

Despite this, many historians are now claiming that we are witnessing the start of the end of the Queen's reign[се бара извор]. Many saw the wedding of the Prince of Wales to Camilla in 2005 as a message from the Queen that we are in the final years (perhaps decades) of her reign. By allowing Charles to marry, she is attempting to ensure that Charles' succession to the throne will go as smoothly as possible. In 2004, a copy of the Queen's newly revised funeral plans were stolen, much to the Queen's anger. And for the first time in September 2005, a mock version of the Queen's funeral march was held in the middle of the night (this was also done once a year after the late Queen Mother turned 80).

In early 2006, reports began to surface that the Queen plans to significantly reduce her official duties as she approaches her 80th birthday, though she has made it clear that she has no intention of abdicating. It is believed by both the press and palace insiders that Prince Charles will start to perform many of the day-to-day duties of the Monarch, while the Queen will effectively go into retirement (but will fall short of abdicating.) It was later confirmed by the Palace that Prince Charles will begin to hold regular audiences with the Prime Minister and other Commonwealth leaders.

It has been rumored that her recent trip to Canada and Australia will be amongst her last visits to her Commonwealth Realms, though both the Canadian and Australian governments and the Palace have denied it.

Buckingham Palace is considering giving the Prince more access to government papers, and is to allow him to preside over more investitures, meet more foreign dignitaries and take the place of the Queen in welcoming ambassadors at the Court of St. James.

If the Queen lives until 2008, she will become the oldest reigning monarch in both British and the Commonwealth Realms' history, surpassing King George III and Queen Victoria, both of whom died before the age of 82.

Should she still be reigning on September 9, 2015 at the age of 89, her reign will surpass that of Queen Victoria and she will become the longest reigning monarch of the British monarchy.

[уреди] Ставови и восприемања

Elizabeth is a conservative in matters of religion, moral standards and family matters. She has a strong sense of religious duty and takes seriously her Coronation Oath. This is one reason why it is considered highly unlikely that she will ever abdicate. Like her mother, she blamed Edward VIII for, as she saw it, abandoning his duty and forcing her father to become King — a strain that she believed shortened his life by many years. She used the authority of her position to prevent her sister, Princess Margaret, from marrying a divorced man, Peter Townsend. For years she refused to acknowledge Prince Charles's relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles but since their marriage an appearance of acceptance has been established.

Elizabeth's political views are supposed to be less clear-cut, as she has never said or done anything in public to reveal what they might be. However there is some evidence to suggest that in economic terms she leans toward the liberal point of view. During the Thatcher era it was rumoured that she criticised Prime Minster Margaret Thatcher for being "uncaring" toward the poor Шаблон:Citeneeded. She preserves cordial relations with politicians of all parties. It is believed that her favourite Prime Ministers have been Winston Churchill, Harold Macmillan and Harold Wilson Шаблон:Citeneeded. She was thought to have very good relations with her current Prime Minister, Tony Blair, during the first years of his term in office; however, there has been mounting evidence in recent months that her relationship with Blair has hardened. She reportedly feels that he does not keep her informed well enough on affairs of state Шаблон:Citeneeded.

The only public issues on which Elizabeth makes her views known are those affecting the unity of each of her Realms. She has spoken in favour of the continued union of England and Scotland, angering some Scottish nationalists. Her statement of praise for the Northern Ireland Belfast Agreement raised some complaints among some Unionists in the Democratic Unionist Party who opposed the agreement, Ian Paisley calling her a parrot of Tony Blair. Also, while not speaking directly against Quebec Sovereignty in Canada, she has publicly praised Canada's unity and expressed her wish to see the continuation of a unified Canada. However, during a separatist referendum campaign she was tricked into speaking, in both French and English, for fourteen minutes with 29-year-old Pierre Brassard, a DJ for Radio CKOI-FM Montreal, pretending to be then Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. She pointedly refused to accept "Chrétien"'s advice that she intervene on the issue without first seeing a draft speech sent by him. (Her tactful handling of the call won plaudits from the DJ who made it.) [1]

With Adrienne Clarkson, then Canadian Governor General, during her visit to Canada in 2005.
With Adrienne Clarkson, then Canadian Governor General, during her visit to Canada in 2005.

Her personal relationships with world leaders are warm and informal. On a BBC documentary broadcast in 2002 she was shown teasing a former Prime Minister (Sir Edward Heath) about how he could travel to world trouble spots like Iraq because politicians saw him as "expendable". (He laughed at the comment.) Mary McAleese, now President of Ireland recounted how as Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Queen's University of Belfast she was, to her shock, invited to a lunch with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, on the basis that the Queen wished to talk to her, as a leading Northern Ireland nationalist, and hear her views on Anglo–Irish relations. The two women struck up an instant rapport, with McAleese, during the 1997 Irish presidential election, calling the Queen "a dote" (a Hiberno-English term meaning a 'really lovely person') in an Irish Independent interview. Nelson Mandela in the BBC documentary repeatedly referred to her as "my friend, Elizabeth". She has a very friendly relationship with Jacques Chirac of France, who is the only Head of State allowed to drink his favoured Corona-brand beer at official dinners at Buckingham Palace instead of the fine French wines of the Palace's cellar.

Queen Elizabeth has never suffered from severe public disapproval. However, in 1997 she and other members of the Royal Family were perceived as cold and unfeeling when they were seen not to participate in the public outpouring of grief at the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. This brought sharp criticism from the normally royalist tabloid press.

It is widely believed that Elizabeth held negative feelings towards Diana and thought that she had done immense damage to the monarchy. However, the sight of the entire Royal Family bowing to Diana's coffin as it passed Buckingham Palace, together with a rare live television broadcast by Queen Elizabeth, addressed the public grief. Elizabeth's change of attitude is believed to have resulted from strong advice from the Queen Mother and Tony Blair. Many biographers of both the Queen and Diana agree that there indeed was a fondness between the two women; however, the Queen did not always understand Diana's motivations.

Elizabeth's public image has noticeably softened in recent years, particularly since the death of the Queen Mother. Although she remains reserved in public, she has been seen laughing and smiling much more than in years past, and to the shock of many she has been seen to shed tears during emotional occasions such as at Remembrance Day services, the memorial service at St. Paul's Cathedral for those killed in the September 11 terrorist attacks and in Normandy, France for the 60th anniversary of D-Day, where, for the first time, she addressed the Canadian troops.

[уреди] Уставна улога

[уреди] Улога во владата

Constitutionally, the Queen is an essential part of the legislative process of her Realms. The Queen-in-Parliament (the Queen, acting with the advice and consent of Parliament), in each country, is an integral part of Parliament, along with the upper and lower houses. In all of her realms outside of the United Kingdom, her participation is limited to the appointment of representatives within the realm in question (usually a Governor-General, who exercises executive power in a fashion closely resembling her own exercise of power within the United Kingdom.

In practice, much of the Queen's role in the legislative process is ceremonial, as her reserve powers are rarely exercised. For example, the Queen may legally grant or withhold Royal Assent to Bills, but no monarch has refused his or her assent to a Bill since 1708. In realms outside of the United Kingdom the Queen will only grant assent to a bill when personally present within the realm, otherwise delegating the power to her designated representative in the realm. The Queen, or her Governors-General in the realms outside the United Kingdom, also gives a speech at the annual State Opening of Parliament, outlining the government's legislative agenda for the year, but the speech is written by government ministers and reflects the view of the elected government.

The Queen also has a functional role in executive government. In the United Kingdom, she chooses her prime minister in accordance with constitutional requirements. In her realms outside the United Kingdom, this power is exercised by her representatives. In reality no actual choice is required as the issue of whom to ask to form a government is clear from who controls the House of Commons, except in exceptional circumstances. She also decides the basis on which a person is asked to form a government. That is, whether a government should be formed capable of surviving in the House of Commons — the standard requirement — or capable of commanding majority support in the House of Commons — i.e., a requirement to form a coalition if no one party has a majority. This requirement was last set in 1940, when King George VI asked Winston Churchill to form a government capable of commanding a majority in parliament. This necessitated a coalition. The requirement is normally only made in emergencies or in wartime, and happened only three times in the 20th century: with Andrew Bonar Law and David Lloyd George in 1916 (Bonar Law declined and recommended King George V ask Lloyd George to form a government) and Churchill in 1940. To date Elizabeth has never set it. All her prime ministers have had to meet the lower requirement of simply surviving in the House of Commons. The Queen also appoints ministers of the United Kingdom and all government is carried out legally in her name.

Theoretically she stills holds a large proportion of power in international affairs. The Queen, as Head of State, has the power to declare war and make peace, to recognise foreign states, to conclude treaties and to take over or give up territory on behalf of the United Kingdom. In her other realms she leaves the exercise of these powers to her representatives, who likewise exercise it at the behest of elected governments.

UK Orders-in-Council are issued only when approved by her at Privy Council meetings, Canadian Orders issued only when approved by her Governor General-in-council. She has access to all government minutes and documentation from all her Realms, and has a weekly meeting with the British Prime Minister when the British parliament is in session. In the UK she also signs executive orders, financial and treasury papers, with her signature required on all major financial transactions of state (countersigned by the relevant minister). The role of Commander-in-Chief is held in each realm either by the Queen or by her Governor-General as her representative.

On three occasions during her reign the Queen has had to deal with constitutional problems over the formation of UK governments. In 1957 and again in 1963 the absence of a formal open mechanism within the Conservative Party for choosing a leader meant that following the sudden resignation of Sir Anthony Eden and Harold Macmillan it fell on the Queen to decide whom to commission to form a government. In both these cases Rab Butler was passed over, in controversial circumstances. In 1957 Eden did not proffer advice and so the Queen consulted Lords Salisbury and Kilmuir for the opinion of the Cabinet and Winston Churchill, as the only living former Conservative Prime Minister (following the precedent of George V consulting Salisbury's father and Arthur Balfour upon Andrew Bonar Law's resignation in 1923). In October 1963 the outgoing Prime Minister Harold Macmillan advised the Queen to appoint the Earl of Home.

On the third occasion, in February 1974, an inconclusive general election result meant that in theory outgoing Prime Minister Edward Heath, who had won more of the popular vote, could stay in power if he formed a coalition government with the Liberals. Rather than immediately resign as prime minister he explored the option and only resigned when the discussions floundered. (Had he chosen to, he could have stayed on until defeated in the debate on the Queen's Speech.) Only when he resigned was the Queen able to ask the Leader of the Opposition, the Labour Party's Harold Wilson, to form a government. His minority government lasted for 8 months before a new general election was held.

In all three cases, she appears to have acted in accordance with constitutional tradition, following the advice of her senior ministers and Privy Councillors.

Видете исто така: Prime Ministers of Queen Elizabeth II

[уреди] Односи со министерите

British Prime Ministers take their weekly meetings with the Queen very seriously. One Prime Minister said he took them more seriously than Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, because she would be better briefed and more constructive than anything he would face at the dispatch box. Elizabeth also has regular meetings with her individual British ministers, and occasional meetings with ministers from her other Realms. Even ministers known to have republican views speak highly of her and value these meetings.

As with her British Prime Ministers, some Canadian Prime Ministers have commented on the Queen's knowledge of Canadian and international affairs. Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau stated: "I was always impressed not only by the grace she displayed in public at all times, but by the wisdom she showed in private conversation." (Memoirs, Pierre E. Trudeau)

The Queen also meets the Scottish First Minister. The royal palace in Edinburgh, the Palace of Holyroodhouse, once home to Scottish kings and queens like Mary, Queen of Scots, is now regularly used again, with at least one member of the Royal Family (often the Prince of Wales or Princess Royal) in residence. She also receives reports from the new Welsh Assembly, and is continually kept abreast of goings on with her other governments.

Elizabeth with Commonwealth Prime Ministers, in the 1950s. To her right, Sidney Holland of New Zealand; Sir Winston Churchill; to her left, Robert Menzies of Australia and Louis St. Laurent of Canada
Elizabeth with Commonwealth Prime Ministers, in the 1950s. To her right, Sidney Holland of New Zealand; Sir Winston Churchill; to her left, Robert Menzies of Australia and Louis St. Laurent of Canada

Though bound by convention not to intervene directly in politics, her length of service, the fact that she has seen a great many prime ministers come and go in all of her realms, combined with her knowledge of world leaders, means that when she does express an opinion, however cautiously, her words are taken seriously. In her memoirs, Margaret Thatcher offered this description of her weekly meetings with Elizabeth:

"Anyone who imagines that they are a mere formality or confined to social niceties is quite wrong; they are quietly businesslike and Her Majesty brings to bear a formidable grasp of current issues and breadth of experience."

During an argument within the Commonwealth over sanctions on South Africa, Elizabeth made a pointed reference to her role as Head of the Commonwealth which was interpreted at the time as a disagreement with Thatcher's policy of opposing sanctions.

[уреди] Уставни контроверзии

The Queen has been involved in some political controversies during her reign, in some of which her actions appear to have stated her political views.

[уреди] Родезија

On 18 November 1965, the Governor of Rhodesia (Sir Humphrey Vicary Gibbs) was made a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, an honour in the personal gift of the Queen, a week after Ian Smith had made his Unilateral Declaration of Independence. Gibbs was intensely loyal to Rhodesia and although he had refused to accept UDI, the award was criticised by some as badly timed. Others praised it as indicating support for her Rhodesian representative in the face of an illegal action by her Rhodesian prime minister.

[уреди] Обединетото Кралство

In her speech to Parliament at the Silver Jubilee in 1977, Elizabeth stated "I cannot forget that I was crowned Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". This reference came at a time when the Labour government was attempting to introduce a controversial devolution scheme to Scotland and Wales, and was interpreted as opposition to devolution. However, in the late 1990s after referendums approved a devolution scheme, Elizabeth sent her best wishes to the new Scottish Parliament, the first session of which she opened in person. Her reference in the Silver Jubilee speech is also believed by some to refer to the disturbances in Northern Ireland at that time.

[уреди] Односи со светските лидери

Elizabeth has developed friendships with many foreign leaders, including Nelson Mandela, Mary Robinson and George H. W. Bush, whose son, George W. Bush, was the first American president in more than 80 years to stay at Buckingham Palace. On occasion such contacts have proved highly beneficial for the United Kingdom. For example, John Major as British Prime Minister once had difficulty working with Australian Prime Minister John Howard. The Queen informed Major that he and the leader shared a mutual sporting interest (Howard is, like Major, a cricket fan). Major then used that information to establish a personal relationship, which ultimately benefited both countries[се бара извор]. Similarly she took the initiative when Irish President Mary Robinson began visiting Great Britain, by suggesting that she invite Robinson to visit her at the Palace. The Irish Government enthusiastically supported the idea. The result was the first ever visit by an Irish President to meet the British monarch.

Elizabeth's reign has also seen an increase in republican movements in Commonwealth realms. The percentage support for republicanism in the United Kingdom, however, has remained relatively static, with an average of between 15% and 20% according to long-term tracker polls.

[уреди] Верска улога

The Queen is the Sovereign "by Grace of God" and is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. As with her predecessors, the coronation itself took place within the context of a church service (at Westminster Abbey) imbued with theological as well as constitutional meaning. The Queen retains the ancient title Fidei Defensor (Defender of the Faith) — a title first granted in 1521 by Pope Leo X to King Henry VIII prior to the Reformation. The Church of England remains the established church in England; archbishops and bishops are formally appointed by the Crown. The Queen takes a keen personal interest in the Church, but in practice delegates authority in the Church of England to the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Queen regularly worships at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle or at St Mary Magdalene Church when staying at Sandringham House, Norfolk. Certain churches have royal patronage and are outside the normal diocesan administrative structures; these are known as Royal Peculiars.

The role of the Sovereign differs considerably in the other three countries of the United Kingdom. In Scotland the Church of Scotland (with a Presbyterian system of church government) is recognised in law as the "national church" in which the Queen is an ordinary member. The Royal Family regularly attend services at Crathie Kirk when holidaying at Balmoral Castle and attend at the Kirk of the Canongate when in residence at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. The Queen has attended the annual General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on several occasions, most recently in 1977 and 2002, although in most years she appoints a Lord High Commissioner to represent her. Unusually for the Church of Scotland, Glasgow Cathedral and Dunblane Cathedral are both owned by the Crown.

In Wales, Northern Ireland and the other Realms, there is no official religion established by law. The Church in Wales and the Church of Ireland have both been disestablished.

The Queen made particular reference to her Christian convictions in her Christmas Day television broadcast in 2000, in which she spoke about the theological significance of the Millennium as the marking the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. "To many of us our beliefs are of fundamental importance. For me the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ's words and example."

The United Kingdom has become an increasingly multiethnic society with considerable diversity in religious practice. The Queen often meets with leaders from a wide range of religions. She is Patron of the Council of Christians & Jews (CCJ) in the UK. CCJ external link

[уреди] Потомство

Главни статии: Descent of Elizabeth II and Ancestors of Queen Elizabeth II<noinclude>

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Main articles

Queen Elizabeth is the male-line great-granddaughter of Edward VII, who inherited the crown from his mother, Victoria. His father, Victoria's consort, was Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha; hence Queen Elizabeth is a patrilineal descendant of the German princely house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha). Other notable members of the princely house are Albert II of Belgium and Simeon II of Bulgaria. Through Victoria (as well as several other of her great-great-grandparents), she is descended from many English monarchs extending back to the House of Wessex in the 7th century, and from the Scottish royal house, the House of Stuart, which can be traced back to the 9th century. As a great-great granddaughter of Queen Victoria, she is related to the heads of most other ruling European royal houses and the former Hohenzollern royal houses of Germany and Romania. Through her great-grandmother Queen Alexandra she is descended from the Danish royal house Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, a line of the North German house of Oldenburg, one of the oldest in Europe. Other members are the Duke of Edinburgh, Margrethe II of Denmark, Harald V of Norway, Queen Sofia of Spain, Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Constantine II of Greece, who are also all descended from Queen Victoria. She is also a cousin of Albert II of Belgium. She is related to all ruling monarchs of Europe.

[уреди] Титули

In the United Kingdom, her official title is Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. In common practice Queen Elizabeth II is referred to simply as "The Queen", "Her Majesty". When in conversation with The Queen, one initially uses "Your Majesty", and subsequently "Ma'am".

At the moment of her succession, Elizabeth II also became the Queen of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Pakistan, Ceylon and the Union of South Africa, in addition to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In the years that followed, many British colonies and territories gained independence; some opted to join the symmetrical relationship of nations under the Crown, known as the Commonwealth Realms, and recognise Elizabeth II distinctly as Sovereign of the newly independent nation. Traditionally, Elizabeth II's titles as Queen Regnant are listed by the order of accession as follows: Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, and Saint Kitts and Nevis (all of which listed after the existing four Realms).

However in Scotland, the title Elizabeth II caused some controversy, where there has never been an Elizabeth I. In a rare act of sabotage in Scotland, new Royal Mail post boxes bearing the initials E. II R. were blown up. As a result, post boxes in Scotland now bear only a crown and no royal initials. A legal case, MacCormick v. Lord Advocate (1953 SC 396), was taken to contest the right of the Queen to style herself Elizabeth II within Scotland, arguing that to do so would be a breach of the Act of Union (1707). The case was lost on the grounds that the pursuers had no title to sue the Crown, and also that the numbering of monarchs was part of the royal prerogative and not governed by the Act of Union. There are also two other matters of controversy, which are much less publicised. Firstly, the argument that the monarch was addressed as Your Grace, rather than Majesty, in pre-Union Scotland and secondly, that the preferred title had been King/Queen of Scots rather than of Scotland (although this was by no means unknown).

At the royal opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999, the presiding officer David Steel referred to her as "not only the Queen of the United Kingdom but seated as you are among us in the historic and constitutionally correct manner as Queen of Scots".

Future British monarchs will be numbered according to either English or Scottish predecessors, whichever number is higher. Applying this policy retroactively to monarchs since the Act of Union yields the same numbering. See List of regnal numerals of future British monarchs.

Following a decision by Commonwealth Prime Ministers at the Commonwealth conference of 1953, Queen Elizabeth uses different styles and titles in each of her realms. In each state she acts as the monarch of that state regardless of her other roles.

Properly styled as "Her Majesty The Queen" (and when the distinction is necessary e.g. "Her Britannic Majesty", "Her Australian Majesty", or "Her Canadian Majesty"), her previous styles were:

  • Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth of York ( 21 April1926 – 11 December1936 )
  • Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth ( 11 December1936 – 12 June 1947 )
  • Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth, CI ( 12 June1947 – 11 November 1947 )
  • Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth, KG, CI ( 11–20 November 1947 )
  • Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh, KG, CI ( 20 November1947 – 5 March1951 )
  • Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh, KG, CI, CD ( 5 March – 4 December1951 )
  • Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh, KG, CI, CD, PC ( 4 December1951 – 6 February1952 )

Though Ladies of the Garter now use the post nominal letters “LG”, a Lady of the Garter was not a full member of the Order back then. Thus, the post nominal letters "LG" were not used, so Princess Elizabeth used “KG”.

[уреди] Карактер и имиџ

Elizabeth has never given press interviews, and her views on political issues are largely unknown except to those few heads of government who have private conversations with her. She is also regarded privately as an excellent mimic. Rather conservative in dress, she is well known for her solid-colour overcoats and decorative hats, which allow her to be seen easily in a crowd. Although she attends many cultural events as part of her public role, in her private life Elizabeth is said to have little interest in culture or the arts. Her main leisure interests include horse racing, photography, and dogs, especially her Pembroke Welsh Corgis.

The four portraits of Elizabeth on British coinage.
The four portraits of Elizabeth on British coinage.

Elizabeth has given an annual Christmas Message to the Commonwealth every year apart from 1969 since she became Queen.

In diplomatic situations Elizabeth is extremely formal, and royal protocol is generally very strict. Though some of the traditional rules for dealing with the Monarch have been relaxed during her reign (bowing is no longer required, for example) other forms of close personal interaction, such as touching, are still discouraged by officials. At least three people are known to have broken this rule, the first being Paul Keating, Prime Minister of Australia, when he was photographed with his arm around the Queen in 1992 (and was afterwards dubbed the "Lizard of Oz" by the British tabloids). The second was Louis Garneau, who did the same ten years later. [2] However the Queen took no offence at their actions, and Keating stayed as the Queen's guest in her private Balmoral home. The third was John Howard, the conservative Australian Prime Minister who succeeded Keating. It is noteworthy that on this occasion the tabloid press did not protest.

Her former prime ministers speak highly of her. Since becoming Queen, she spends an average of three hours every day "doing the boxes" — reading state papers sent to her from her various departments, embassies, and government offices.[3] Having done so since 1952, she has seen more of British public affairs from the inside than any other person, and is thus able to offer advice to Tony Blair based on things said to her by John Major, Harold Wilson, Margaret Thatcher, Harold Macmillan, Edward Heath, Winston Churchill and many other senior leaders. She takes her responsibilities in this regard seriously, once mentioning an "interesting telegram" from the Foreign Office to then-Prime Minister Winston Churchill, only to find that her prime minister had not bothered to read it when it came in his box.

Always a popular figure in the United Kingdom, not to mention other countries, opinion polls have almost always shown that she has an excellent approval rating, often higher than that of her elected Prime Ministers.

In 2006, the Queen came close to an orthodox interview when she agreed to be portrait-painted by the popular Australian artist and personality Rolf Harris, who engaged in small talk with her, on film, and with Palace permission. It was shown on the BBC. However, their conversation ventured little beyond previous portraits of the Queen and Royal art history in general.

The journalist and BBC Radio 4 presenter John Humphrys has long stated that his career ambition is to get the first full interview with the Queen.

[уреди] Грб

Слика:UK Royal Coat of Arms.png
The Queen's Coat of Arms in the United Kingdom
The Queen's personal flag, used when she is representing the Commonwealth
The Queen's personal flag, used when she is representing the Commonwealth

The Queen's coat of arms is known as the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom. Every British monarch has used these arms since the reign of Queen Victoria. The shield is quartered, depicting in the first and fourth quarters the three lions passant guardant of England; in the second, the rampant lion and double tressure fleury-counter-fleury of Scotland; and in the third, a harp for Ireland. The crest is a lion statant guardant wearing the imperial crown, itself on another representation of that crown. The sinister supporter is a likewise crowned lion, symbolizing England; the dexter, a unicorn, symbolizing Scotland. The coat features both the motto of British monarchs Dieu et mon droit (God and my right) and the motto of the Order of the Garter, Honi soit qui mal y pense (Shame whomever thinks it evil) on a representation of the Garter behind the shield.

A separate coat of arms exists for use in Scotland, which gives priority to the Scottish elements. The Scottish arms feature the Order of the Thistle and its motto Nemo me impune lacessit (No one provokes me with impunity).

The Royal Standard is the Queen's flag and is a banner of the Royal Arms. In some of the Commonwealth Realms, the Queen has an official standard for use when acting as Queen of that realm. Australia, Barbados, Canada, Jamaica, and New Zealand each have their own Royal Standard which is a defaced banner of the country's coat of arms, including the Queen's personal badge of a crowned letter E inside a circle of roses on a blue disc. This badge was also used in the Queen's personal flags in former realms, and also forms the flag used by the Queen as Head of the Commonwealth.

[уреди] Фусноти

  1. A Queen Canada Should be Proud Of

[уреди] Видете исто така

  • British monarchy
  • Line of succession to the British Throne
  • Direct descent from William I to Elizabeth II
  • Monarchy in Australia
  • Monarchy in Canada
  • List of state leaders

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Џорџ VI
Кралица на Обединетото Кралство
6 февруари 1952–моментално
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Џорџ VI,
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Кралица на Австралија
6 февруари 1952–денес
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Кралица на Канада
6 февруари 1952–денес
Кралица на Нов Зеланд
6 февруари 1952–денес
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6 август 1962–денес
Кралица на Барбадос
30 ноември 1966–денес
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10 јули 1973–денес
Кралица на Гренада
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Кралица на Соломоновите Острови
7 јули 1978–денес
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Кралица на Света Луција
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кралица на Белизе
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Кралица на Антигва и Барбуда
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19 септември 1983–денес
како Кралица на Австралија
Кралица на Папуа и Нова Гвинеја
16 септември 1975–денес
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Кралица на Цејлон
6 февруари 1952–1972
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6 февруари 1952–1956
Кралица на Јужна Африка
6 февруари 1952–1961
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Кралица на Гамбија
Кралица на Гвајана
Кралица на Маврициус
Кралица на Фиџи
Елизабета II
Предци: Потекло | Предци
Комонвелт: Премиери | Кралица на Канада | Кралица на Австралија | Кралица на Нов Зеланд
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Празници: Сребрен Јубилеј | Златен јубилеј | Роденденот на Кралицата
Монарси на Обединетото Кралство
Кралство Велика Британија* Ана | Џорџ I | Џорџ II | Џорџ III
Обединето Кралство Џорџ III | Џорџ IV | Вилијам IV | Викторија | Едвард VII | Џорџ V** | Едвард VIII** | Џорџ VI** | Елизабета II**
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