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Star Trek - Wikipedia

Star Trek

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A Enterprise marchando intrépidamente a onde ninguén fora antes.
A Enterprise marchando intrépidamente a onde ninguén fora antes.

O termo Star Trek refírese de forma conxunta a seis series de televisión de ficción científica (726 episodios en total), dez películas, centos de novelas, videoxogos e outras obras de ficción, todas enmarcadas no mesmo universo ficticio que fora creado por Gene Roddenberry nos anos 60. Mostra unha visión optimista do futuro no que a humanidade ten superado a fame, a enfermidade, o racismo e a miseria. Os personaxes principais exploran a galaxia na procura de novos mundos e novas civilizacións.


[editar] Series de Televisión

Star Trek naceu como unha serie de televisión en 1966. Hai cinco series de Star Trek de personaxes reais e unha serie de animación, que comprenden (ata Maio do 2005) un total de 725 episodios emitidos (sen incluír o capítulo piloto orixinal, que non saíu ao aire) e trinta xeiras televisivas.

[editar] Star Trek (1966-1969)

Vulcan Alberta Enterprise
Vulcan Alberta Enterprise

A primeira emisión de Star Trek foi na NBC o 8 de setembro de 1966. Creada por Gene Roddenberry, protagonizada por William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy e DeForest Kelley, e coprotagonizada por James Doohan, George Takei, Nichelle Nichols e Walter Koenig conta a historia dos tripulantes da nave espacial Enterprise da Federación Unida de Planetas e as súas aventuras para chegar "onde ninguén chegou antes".

O primeiro episodio emitido, "A Trampa Humana," foi realmente o quinto producido. Orixinalmente, Roddenberry creou un episodio piloto titulado The Cage cun reparto moi diferente, liderado polo veterano actor Jeffrey Hunter, que foi rexeitado polas tres maiores redes de televisión do momento. Aínda así, á NBC gustoulle o episodio o suficiente para encargar un segundo episodio piloto, "Onde Ninguén Chegou Antes", que presentaba un reparto totalmente novo liderado por Shatner. Só a personaxe de Spock quedou igual, debido á insistencia de Roddenberry. "Onde Ninguén Chegou Antes" foi o terceiro episodio emitido, mentres que The Cage foi aproveitado para un episodio de dúas partes, The Menagerie.

O último episodio emitíuse o 3 de xuño de 1969. Despois a serie converteuse en todo un fenómeno de masas nas súas reposicións, ata chegar á eclosión das secuelas cinematográficas e televisivas que lle sucederon. Nos últimos anos pasou a ser coñecida como Star Trek: The Original Series (Star Trek: A Serie Orixinal), abreviada como ST:TOS ou TOS, para distinguila das súas secuelas.

[editar] Star Trek (1973-1974)

Esta serie foi emitida baixo o título Star Trek, pero fíxose coñecida como Star Trek: The Animated Series (Star Trek: A Serie Animada) ou abreviada como ST:TAS ou TAS. Foi producida por Filmation e durou dúas temporadas cun total de vintedóus episodios de media hora. Nela aparecía a maior parte do reparto orixinal interpretando as voces dos seus personaxes. Aínda que as posibilidades da animación permitían amplas paisaxes alieníxenas e exóticas formas de vida, as limitacións orzamentarias foron a principal preocupación e a calidade da animación foi deficiente. Algúns episodios son particularmente notables debido ás contribucións de autores de ficción científica ben coñecidos. A serie non se considera canon, o que é motivo de controversia entre algúns dos seareiros. Non obstante, co episodio "Yesteryear" faise unha excepción parcial, en relación aos acontecementos que bosquexa sobre a mocidade de Spock. Ademais, outros elementos da serie de animación se fixeron un oco no canon, como o segundo nome de Kirk, "Tiberius", que primeiro foi revelado no TAS e fíxose oficial en Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Star Trek: Enterprise tamén incorporou varios conceptos do TAS no canon.

[editar] Star Trek: Phase II (1978; non producida)

Star Trek: Phase II tíñase pensado emitir en 1978 como o buque insignia da prevista rede de televisión da Paramount, e escribíronse os guións de 12 episodios antes de que comezase a produción. Esta serie poñería de novo á maior parte da tripulación orixinal a bordo da Enterprise para unha segunda misión de cinco anos, agás a Spock xa que Leonard Nimoy non accedeu a volver; como substituto pensouse nun Vulcaniano puro chamado Xon, aínda que se esperaba que Nimoy aparecese como invitado especial. Construíronse os decorados e graváronse varios minutos de ensaios. Sen embargo, en parte debido ao exito da recentemente estreada Star Wars, a Paramount decidiu facer unha película no canto dunha serie semanal de televisión. O primeiro guión constituiu a base de Star Trek: The Motion Picture, mentres que outros dous foron, co tempo, adaptados como episodios de Star Trek: A nova xeración.

[editar] Star Trek: A nova xeración (The Next Generation) (1987-1994)

Star Trek: A nova xeración (as súas catro primeiras xeiras foron emitidas en Galicia pola Televisión de Galicia, tamén coñecida, coloquialmente, como The Next Generation, ST:TNG or TNG) sitúase temporalmente preto dun século despois da serie orixinal cunha nova nave espacial (tamén chamada Enterprise) e tamén unha nova tripulación. Emitíuse por primeira vez o 28 de setembro de 1987 un episodio piloto de duas horas de duración "Encounter at Farpoint" e durou sete tempadas, rematando co episodio final en duas partes titulado "All Good Things..." o 29 de maio de 1994. A serie obtivo unha considerable audiencia na súa primeira emisión.

Star Trek: A nova xeración foi a máis valorada de tódalas serie de Star Trek, e foi a serie sindicada número un durante os últimos anos de emisión orixinal. Moitos seareiros, tanto ocasionais como incondicionais a miúdo consideran A nova xeración coma a Idade de ouro de Star Trek, sobre todo debido á súa ampla base de aceptación e de espectadores.

[editar] Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (ST:DS9 or DS9) consistiu en sete temporadas e foi a primeira serie de Star Trek en ser establecida sen ningun apoio directo de Gene Roddenberry. Introduciu a Avery Brooks como Comandante (e logo Capitán) Benjamin Sisko. Conta os eventos arredor da estación espacial Deep Space 9.

No primeiro episodio, o equipo descobre a presenza dun buraco de verme máis ou menos estable, que permite viaxar de inmediato ao Cuadrante Gamma da galaxia. Esto fai da estación un lugar estratéxico, así como un centro vital para comerciar coa zona do espacio sen explorar. Deep Space Nine deixa algúns dos temas utópicos das anteriores versións de Star Trek, centrándose máis en temas como a guerra, a relixión, compromisos políticos e otros temas modernos. Aínda que as súas audiencias nunca foron tan altas como as de A Nova Xeración, DS9 segue sendo o spin-off de Star Trek máis aclamado pola crítica.

[editar] Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001)

Star Trek: Voyager (also known as ST:VOY, ST:VGR or VOY) was produced for seven seasons, and is the only Star Trek series to have had a female captain as a lead character. The series follows the adventures of the USS Voyager and her crew, joined by Maquis resistance fighters, who have all become stranded in the Delta Quadrant, seventy-five thousand light-years from Earth. Unless they can find a shortcut, it will take them seventy-five years to return to known space. Although Voyager's ratings were initially solid, they fell dramatically as the show progressed. It was during this show's run that criticism towards producer Rick Berman began to gain steam, coinciding with the growth in popularity of online discussion forums that amplified the message of a vocal group of fans who felt Berman was no longer welcome as the franchise leader. Under threat of cancellation the character Seven of Nine was added and the series continued for several more seasons.

[editar] Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005)

Star Trek: Enterprise (named simply Enterprise during its first two seasons, the first few episodes of its third, and abbreviated as ST:ENT or ENT) is a prequel to the other Star Trek series. The pilot episode, "Broken Bow", takes place ten years before the founding of the Federation, about halfway between the events shown in the movie Star Trek: First Contact and the original Star Trek series. This series depicts the exploration of space by the crew of the Earthship Enterprise, a new NX class starship that is able to go farther and faster than any humans had previously gone. It presents situations not entirely unfamiliar to Star Trek fans, but which allow its characters to face them unencumbered by the experience and rules which have built up over the following years of Trek history. Ratings for Enterprise were never particularly strong, and - like the original series - fan support during its second and third seasons helped keep it on the air, but Paramount announced its cancellation during its fourth season.

[editar] Películas

A common urban myth among fans is that the even-numbered Star Trek films are superior to the odd-numbered Star Trek films. This rule of thumb is most easily applicable to the first few films: Star Trek II and IV are usually at or near the top of the fan favorites, while I and V are usually at the bottom (though I has since received quite a bit of positive re-evaluation in the wake of an acclaimed "Director's Edition" revision released on DVD). This is not wholly applicable, however; III followed on from the success of II which continued into IV, and VII (Star Trek: Generations) is regarded as a firm fan favourite. Another exception is X (Star Trek: Nemesis), which is the most critically derided of all the Star Trek feature films, many critics accusing it of attempting to imitate the plot (and success) of Star Trek II. Despite fetching the lowest revenue at the box office in Star Trek history, it sold well on its DVD release in 2003.

As of March 2005, work has begun on a script as a possible basis for an as-yet untitled Star Trek XI. Although American releases of the films were no longer numbered following the sixth film, European releases continued numbering the films.

No. Title Year Crew Director
I Image:Star Trek I.jpg The Motion Picture 1979 Original series Robert Wise
II Image:Star Trek II.jpg The Wrath of Khan 1982 Original series Nicholas Meyer
III Image:Star Trek III.jpg The Search for Spock 1984 Original series Leonard Nimoy
IV Image:Star Trek IV.jpg The Voyage Home 1986 Original series Leonard Nimoy
V Image:Star Trek V.jpg The Final Frontier 1989 Original series William Shatner
VI Image:Star Trek VI.jpg The Undiscovered Country 1991 Original series Nicholas Meyer
VII Image:Star Trek VII.jpg Generations 1994 Original series and Next Generation David Carson
VIII Image:Star Trek VIII.jpg First Contact 1996 Next Generation Jonathan Frakes
IX Image:Star Trek IX.jpg Insurrection 1998 Next Generation Jonathan Frakes
X Image:Star Trek X.jpg Nemesis 2002 Next Generation Stuart Baird

[editar] An uncertain future for the franchise

Predictions of the demise of Star Trek are nothing new. As early as 1993-1994, when Star Trek: Deep Space Nine failed to generate the high ratings of its predecessor, magazines such as Entertainment Weekly predicted the end of the franchise. The near-cancellation of Star Trek: Voyager in the mid-1990s led to more such predictions. Enterprise was widely reported in the media to be on the verge of cancellation after each of its first three seasons.

However, due to the cancellation of Enterprise and the poor showing of the 2002 film Nemesis, executive producer Rick Berman has stated that Paramount intends to rest the franchise (film and television) for at least three years.

Many Trek fans want Berman and the other executive producer Brannon Braga to be replaced. Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski, former Star Trek writer Ronald D. Moore, and current Enterprise executive producer Manny Coto have been suggested as possible replacements. In an ironic twist to the fan-based efforts to bring back Trek in the 1960s and 1970s, there are groups of fans who feel that the concept has run its course and who are actively seeking the end of Star Trek.

Reruns of The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine are aired regularly on Spike TV in the United States, while TOS, TNG, and Voyager air daily in Canada on Space: The Imagination Station, which has also purchased Enterprise for daily rebroadcasts starting in the fall of 2005.

Cast members and fans have suggested that even if there are no further Star Trek series or movies, the franchise may continue in television movies, mini-series, specials, and other forms of media.

[editar] Future sequels to the original series

There is some desire among fans to bring back the character of Captain Kirk, as played by William Shatner, to give him a more dignified end than that shown in Star Trek: Generations.

George Takei and fans have made frequent attempts to convince the studio to create a series based on Captain Sulu's voyages on the Excelsior, but, despite support from fans, it has enjoyed little success. Sulu and the Excelsior originally appeared in the film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country as well as in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager ("Flashback") but this did not lead to a new series. Sulu later appeared in the video game Star Trek: Shattered Universe set in the Mirror, Mirror alternate universe.

[editar] Future sequels to The Next Generation

Next Generation stars Marina Sirtis, Patrick Stewart, and Jonathan Frakes have suggested that no more TNG films will be produced; Brent Spiner is also no longer interested in reprising the character of Data. However, Spiner portrayed Arik Soong, an ancestor of the creator of his character Data, in Enterprise's fourth season, and Sirtis and Frakes reprised their TNG roles for the Enterprise finale.

[editar] Continuation of Enterprise

In November 2004, Paramount announced that it would be offering the first four seasons of Enterprise, which aired its final episode on May 13, 2005, in television syndication as well as on DVD in 2005. The first season DVDs were released in United States on May 3rd, 2005.

There is some consensus among Star Trek fans that the fourth and final season of Enterprise was far superior and more "Trek-like" to the previous three seasons, and that continuation of the program under the new writing style would have stood a chance of acquiring better ratings during a fifth season.

A campaign by Enterprise fans was mounted to have the show aired on the Sci-Fi Channel, which was rumored to be interested in the show (although TV Guide reported otherwise). Berman, however, stated that Paramount is not interested in shopping the show around to other networks.

One campaign, Trek United, attempted to raise funds to finance a fifth season, raising pledges and cash donations of more than $3.1 million (U.S.) but its proposal which would have seen a fifth season jointly produced by Paramount along with Canadian and British production houses, was rejected by the studio. It has been reported that the decision to cancel Enterprise after its fourth season may have been made by Paramount as early as the 2002-2003 season, while lead actor Scott Bakula has gone on record as stating that management changes at Paramount in 2003-2004 left the Star Trek franchise without strong support at the studio. In April 2005, he claimed that up until 2003-2004 Paramount had actually intended for the cast of Enterprise to become the focus for the next Star Trek film. [1]

[editar] New feature film

Rick Berman revealed in 2003 that preliminary work had begun on an eleventh Star Trek feature film. Rumors circulated that this film would be a prequel, perhaps titled Starfleet Academy or Starfleet Command, involving Spock, Captain Kirk, and Dr. McCoy played by new actors. Other rumors suggested the film would take place between the events of Enterprise and TOS, perhaps involving the Romulan War and featuring a new cast. However, rumors of such a prequel have circulated several times throughout the history of the franchise, shortly after TOS's original cancellation, and again in the 1990s, both without results.

In late 2004, Paramount indicated that no plans were in place for a new film, and it was reported that the studio had rejected Berman's idea of a film featuring a new cast and crew, indicating that it preferred a film featuring familiar faces.

In late February 2005, Berman told Variety that pre-production of an eleventh Star Trek film was underway and that screenwriter Erik Jendresen, producer Jordan Kerner, and former Paramount Television president Kerry McCluggage were attached to the project. [2] Berman said the film would focus on new characters, rather than any from previous series, and would take place in a time period before the original Star Trek (as Enterprise did before it). Jendresen has since confirmed such reports. However, it is still uncertain whether Jendresen's script will be approved by Paramount executives; in January 2005 it was reported by some websites that the studio had rejected a similar proposal, though Berman denied this. [3]

In a May 2005 interview for the UK Star Trek Magazine, Berman stated that he does not expect Trek XI, if it is actually produced, to be released for several years.[4]

[editar] Videoxogos

In 1998, Viacom entered into an agreement with Activision to produce Star Trek video games. Many games were released under this agreement, but in 2003, Activision filed a lawsuit against Viacom stating that they were not holding up to their end of the bargain because the Star Trek franchise was not as valuable as it once was. Activision cancelled the contract and sought compensation for losses. In March 2005, an agreement was reached and all lawsuits were dropped, but the other terms have been deemed confidential [5]

In 2004, Perpetual Entertainment announced plans for an MMORPG based in the Star Trek universe. This will be the first game of this type to be based on Star Trek. Currently, the game is tentatively titled Star Trek Online and is expected to be set roughly ten years after the events of Nemesis.

[editar] Novelas

Pocket Books, current publishers of officially licensed fiction based upon all the series (as well as numerous original Trek series of its own), plans to continue publishing original novels for the foreseeable future.

However, soon after Enterprise was cancelled, the company announced that it was halving the number of Star Trek novels it would be publishing, down to only one mass-market paperback per month, plus several trade paperbacks and hardcovers throughout the year. Although book line editors stressed that the decision to reduce the number of books was made a year earlier and was not related to popularity/ratings problems within the franchise, the announcement was seen by some as another indication that the Star Trek franchise is on the wane.

Despite this, however, the company maintains that it has ambitious plans for the line, including (in May 2005) the confirmation that an Enterprise Relaunch series of novels is in the planning stages.[6]

[editar] Other storylines

Although books, comic books, video games, and other material based on Star Trek are generally considered "non-canon", there are several which deserve mentioning, including a number of fan-made productions set within the Star Trek universe have been created for distribution over the Internet. None of these projects are licensed by Paramount, however the studio has reportedly loosened its stance on allowing them. See Star Trek, other storylines for more detailed information about these productions.

[editar] Véxase tamén

  • List of Star Trek episodes:
    • List of Star Trek: TOS episodes
    • List of Star Trek: The Animated Series episodes
    • List of Star Trek: TNG episodes
    • List of Star Trek: DS9 episodes
    • List of Star Trek: Voyager episodes
    • List of Star Trek: Enterprise episodes
  • Star Trek Customizable Card Game
  • Society and Star Trek
  • Star Trek Further Reading
  • List of Star Trek characters
  • List of Star Trek races
  • List of Starfleet ship classes
  • Chronological list of Star Trek stories
  • Starfleet ranks and insignia
  • Comparative Ranks and Insignia of Star Trek
  • TOS TrekMuse
  • LGBT Characters in The Star Trek Universe
  • Lengths of science fiction series
  • Wikipedia:WikiProject Star Trek
  • Beam me up, Scotty

[editar] Referencias

Star Trek may be the most documented entertainment franchise in history. Here are a few of the major reference works related to the production and influence of the franchise.

  • The Making of Star Trek by Gene Roddenberry and Stephen E. Whitfield (Ballantine Books, 1968)
  • Enterprise Zones: Critical Positions on Star Trek, edited by Taylor Harrison, Sarah Projansky, Kent A. Ono, Elyce Rae Helford (Westview Press, 1996)
  • Inside Star Trek: The Real Story by Herbert F. Solow and Robert H. Justman (Pocket Books, 1996)
  • Star Trek Memories by William Shatner and Chris Kreski (HarperCollins, 1993)
  • City on the Edge of Forever by Harlan Ellison (White Wolf Publishing, 1996)
  • The World of Star Trek by David Gerrold (Ballantine Books, 1973; revised edition, Bluejay Books, 1984)
  • Star Trek Lives! by Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Sondra Marshak, and Joan Winston (Bantam Books, 1975)
  • On the Good Ship Enterprise: My 15 Years with Star Trek by Bjo Trimble (Donning Starblaze, 1983)
  • The Making of the Trek Conventions by Joan Winston (Doubleday Books/Playboy Press, 1977)
  • Future Perfect: How Star Trek Conquered Planet Earth by Jeff Greenwald (Viking Press, 1998)
  • Get a Life! by William Shatner and Chris Kreski (Pocket Books, 1999)
  • A Star Trek Catalog edited by Gerry Turnbull (Grosset & Dunlap, 1979)
  • The Physics of Star Trek by Lawrence M. Krauss (Basic Books, 1995)
  • I'm Working on That: A Trek from Science Fiction to Science Fact by William Shatner and Chip Walter (Pocket Books, 2002)

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