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創造力 - Wikipedia






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創造(creativity) 定義:行為表現的結果附有新奇與價值

[编辑] 創造的範圍



[编辑] 創造的方向

Creativity can be assessed on several dimensions:

  • Intellectual leadership. Creative thinkers are able to create new and promising theories or exciting trends which inspire others to follow up; in essence starting a movement, school of thought or trend.
  • Sensitivity to problems. Being able to identify problems that challenge others and open up a new field of thought is a mark of creative thinking.
  • 原創性. Creative thinkers are able to find ideas or solutions that no one else has been able to come up with. Patents are given out only to original ideas.
  • Ingenuity. Ingenious solutions are able to solve problems in a neat and surprising way or which also reflect a new perspective at looking at the problem.
  • Unusualness. Creative thinkers are able to see the remote associations between ideas. When word association tests are given, people in highly creative literary fields like poets give a higher proportion of unique responses.
  • 實用性. Solutions or ideas that are also practical are also considered more creative as the creator is able to meet the constraints of the problem while at the same time producing unusual and original solutions.
  • 合適性. Non sequitur ideas can be highly original and unusual, but are not as creative as ideas which are also appropriate to the situation. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings Trilogy is within the genre of fantasy writing, but has also shown itself to be both convincing and imaginative.

[编辑] 創造的類型

在"創造的行為"裡, [亞瑟‧凱斯特勒 ] ( 1964以及各種各樣的印記) 列舉3 類有創造性的個人,"藝術家","鼠尾草"和"開玩笑的人"。保羅樺樹和布 賴恩‧克萊格("碰撞事故創造性課", 2002) 已經打電話給3 類創造性那個結 果" aaahhh" ,"啊哈" ,並且" 哈哈" .藝術家建立美麗或者挑戰"aaahhh" . 鼠尾草 建立想法或者解決辦法("啊哈") 並且開玩笑的人引起幽默("哈哈") . 在這三位 一體裡的信仰者舉行全部必要的3 種元素在裡 商務 並且罐頭鑑定他們總計在方面" 真地有創造性" 公司 也。




1. 流暢(fluency):對問題快速反應,產生多種見解

2. 變通(flexibility):變更思考方式,不受習慣限制

3. 獨創(originality):產生不尋常、新奇與獨特的思想和方案

4. 精密(elaboration):精益求精

5. 敏感(sensitivity):在不疑處有疑



1. 準備(preparation):以不同角度看問題,蒐集相關訊息加以組織並解決問題

2. 醞釀(incubation):將問題思考放入潛意識中進行

3. 豁朗(illumination):解決問題方法突然出現在意識層次

4. 評價(evaluation):檢驗解決問題可行性

5. 修正(revision):將可行方法加以修正


Sternberg認為創造力來自組合智力中的知識習得成分(knowledge-acquisition components)

[编辑] 創造力的評價


  • 理智的領導:有創造性的思想家能建立鼓舞要追蹤的其它人的新和有希望理論或者令人激動的趨勢; 本質上開始一次運動,思想學派或者趨勢。
  • 對問題的敏感性:能鑑定問題為那挑戰其它並且開發一個想法的新領域是一個創造性思惟的標記。
  • 獨創性:有創造性的思想家能找到沒有其他人已經能得到的想法或者解決辦法。專利只對最初想法被宣佈。
  • 機敏:機敏的解決辦法能在一種整潔和驚人的模式裡解決問題或者也在看問題時反映出一個新遠景。
  • 非常規:有創造性的思想家能看見在想法之間的遙遠關連。當字聯想試驗被給時,在象詩人一樣的非常有創造性的文學的領域裡的人給高比例的獨特的回應。

[编辑] 量度創造力

The ultimate test of a creativity is history. Highly creative works will survive the passage of time to remain in our memories: Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion, Shakespeare's plays. Genrich Altshuller introduced approaching creativity as an exact science with TRIZ in the 1950s. The psychologist Robert Sternberg has proposed to apply the name creatology to scientific studies of creativity.

Creativity can be measured based on a response to a variety of test scenarios:

  • Expressing ideas: the ability to easily develop and juggle an abundance of associations and phrases when presented with a single word or image.
  • Combining ideas in a new way: developing a wide range of innovative solutions when asked to explore new possibilities for an everyday item (such as a brick).
  • Finding new uses for existing ideas: generating an original idea or solution based on a suggested existing idea
  • Expansion: the ability to work up a tentative idea into a practical solution.
  • Focus and discrimination: recognizing the central challenge within an approach to a solution, while discounting any distracting minor elements, and then evaluating the difficulties.
  • Perspective swapping: the ability to suggest ways of viewing a known problem from a completely different perspective.

J. P. Guilford's group constructed several tests to measure creativity:

  • Plot Titles where participants are given the plot of a story and asked to write original titles.
  • Quick Responses is a word association test scored for uncommonness.
  • Figure Concepts where participants were given simple drawings of objects and individuals and asked to find qualities or features that are common by two or more drawings; these were scored for uncommonness.
  • Unusual Uses is finding unusual uses for common everyday objects such as bricks.
  • Remote Associations where participants are asked to find a word between two given words (e.g. Hand _____ Call)
  • Remote Consequences where participants are asked to generate a list of consequences of unexpected events (e.g. loss of gravity)

[编辑] 創造商數


[编辑] 社會對創造的態度


'Creatitivity' is much praised in principle, but much derided in practice. Those in logical and ordered organisations may praise it but be reluctant to set a creative individual 'loose' in their ordered system. Business is increasingly claiming that professional "creatives" do not have a monopoly on the concept of creativity, and that Problem solving in general may require a flexible mind. Employers may value lawyers, accountants, people in sales, and others more highly if such people can use a "creative" approach to their work, albeit within the confines of a logical and constraining system. The phrases "thinking outside the box" and "thinking outside the square" express this idea.

Ambivalence to creativity in the West may perhaps be due to the culture's image of creativity; the ingesting of drugs to generate visions; the celebration of eccentric behaviour; the possible cross-over between creativity and mental illness; the often bohemian sexual tastes of artists; the cultural association of artists with a life of poverty and misery.

[编辑] 孕育創造力

Some see the conventional system of schooling as "stifling" of creativity and attempt (particularly in the pre-school/kindergarten and early school years) to provide a creativity-friendly, rich, imagination-fostering environment for young children. Compare Waldorf School.

A growing number of pop psychologists are making money off the idea that one can learn to become more "creative". Several different researchers have proposed several different approaches to prop up this idea, ranging from psychological-cognitive, such as:

  • Synectics
  • Purdue Creative Thinking Program
  • lateral thinking (courtesy of Edward de Bono)

to the highly structured such as:

  • TRIZ, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
  • ARIZ, the Algorithm of Inventive Problem-Solving both developed by the Russian scientist Genrich Altshuller.

See also: creativity techniques.

A study by the psychologist J. Philippe Rushton found that creativity correlated with intelligence and psychoticism (Rushton, 1990).


(一)局部改變法(part-changing method):將事物屬性作局部改變

(二)棋盤法(checkerboard method):將事物屬性和用途列於棋盤狀橫直軸,考慮所有組合和事物屬性;例:屬性列舉法

(三)檢核表法(checklist method):在檢核表上列舉項目提供學生思考方向;例:改變顏色、體積、重新設計、重新組合屬性等…

(四)比擬法(find-something-similar method):思考相類似事物做類比;例:比喻法、擬人法

(五)Osborn提出腦力激盪法(the brainstorming strategy):





[编辑] 時期及人物

  • Pappus of Alexandria introduced the term "heuristics"
  • Fritz Zwicky - Morphological Analysis
  • Pablo Picasso painter
  • Marcel Duchamp artist
  • Lawrence Delos Miles
  • George Polya
  • Alex Osborn
  • Sid Parnes
  • Genrikh Altshuller - TRIZ, ARIZ
  • 容格 (Carl Jung) classified creativity as one of the five main instinctive forces in humans (Jung 1964)
  • Edward Matchett - Fundamental design method (1968)
  • Carl Rogers's essay "Towards a Theory of Creativity" (1961):
  • Wiliam Gordon - Synectics
  • Edward de Bono - Lateral thinking
  • Albert Rothenberg coined the term 'Janusian thinking'
  • Yoji Akao - Quality function deployment
  • Total creativity - the ultimate goal in the philosophy of John David Garcia
  • Paul Palnik- Creative Consciousness The healthiest state of mind. [1981]
  • 羅伯特·史坦伯格 (Robert Sternberg) 首度提出“creatology”這個概念。

[编辑] 參見

  • 藝術
  • Creative accounting
  • 創造性思維
  • 創造性纂寫
  • 創造的技巧
  • 設計
  • Flow
  • Intelligence (trait)

[编辑] 參考

  • Rushton, J.P. (1990). "Creativity, intelligence, and psychoticism". Personality and Individual Differences 11: 1291–1298.

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