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Ecuador - Wikipedia


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República del Ecuador
Republik Ecuador
Bendera Jata
Cogan kata: "Dios, patria y libertad"(Sepanyol)
"God, homeland and liberty"
Lagu kebangsaan: Salve, Oh Patria (Latin)
"We Salute You, Our Homeland"
Ibu negara
Bandar terbesar
Bahasa rasmi Sepanyol
 –Naib Presiden
Alfredo Palacio
Alejandro Serrano
 – Dari Sepanyol
 – Dari Gran Colombia

24 Mei, 1822
13 Mei, 1830
 – Jumlah

 – Air (%)

 256,370 km² (ke-72)
98,985 b psg
 – anggaran Julai 2005
 – Kepadatan

 13,228,000 (ke-67)
47/km² (ke-147)
 122/b psg
 – Jumlah
 – Per kapita
anggaran 2005
$57.04 billion (ke-70)
$4,316 (ke-113)
HDI (2006) 0.759 (sederhana) (ke-82)
Matawang Dolar A.S (USD)
Zon waktu (UTC-5 (-6))
Kod panggilan
TLD Internet

Istimewanya Ecuador ialah negara ini terletak di bawah tapak kaki kita di Malaysia. Andainya kita mampu mengorek telaga dalam , kita akan sampai ke negara Ecuador.

Ecuador, atau rasminya Republik Ecuador merupakan negara demokratik di benua Amerika Selatan, bersempadan dengan negara Colombia utara, Peru di timur dan utara, Lautan Pasifik di barat.

Negara ini termasuk Kepulauan Galápagos (Archipiélago de Colón) di Pasifik, seluas 965 kilometer di barat tanah besar.

Ecuador berasal dari istilah Sepanyol iaitu equator. Negara Ecuador terletak di Equator dan luas negara ini ialah 256,370 kilometer persegi. Ibu negara ialah Quito.

Jadual isi kandungan

[Sunting] Sejarah

Negara Ecuador asalnya merupakan sebahagian daripada Empayar Inca pada abad ke-15.Atahualpa anak kepada pemerintah Inca yang bernama Huayna Capac dilahirkan di Quito. Tapi dia tidak menerima kuasa pemerintah daripada pemerintah Inca. Sebaliknya Huascar yang dilahirkan di Cusco iaitu ibu negara Empayar Inca. Empayar Inca terbahagi kepada dia bahagian iaitu Atahualpa dengan ibu negaranya Quito dan Huascar dengan ibu negaranya Cusco.

Tahun pelayar Sepanyol bernama Francisco Pizarro tiba di Empayar Inca dan bermulalah perang saudara. Atahualpa setuju menerima bantuan Sepanyol untuk menghadapi seterusnya Huascar.

Melalui tipu muslihat, Sepanyol telah menguasai pelabuhan di Cajamarca, dan menangkap Atahualpa ketika Perang Cajamarca dan menjadikan beliau sebagai tebusan dan menuntut sejumlah emas jika mahu dibebaskan.Ketika masih ditahan , Atahualpa merancang pembunuhan abangnya Huascar di Cusco.Seterusnya Sepanyol berjaya menguasai Empayar Inca .

Tentera Sepanyol telah membaar semua meriam tentera Empayar Inca dan dan sebuah koloni dibina sebagai pusat pemerintahan yang terletak di Peru.

Semua penduduk asal / asli telah dipaksa menjadi buruh paksa kepada tuan tanah berketurunan Sepanyol ini. Tahun 1563, Quito mempunyai wakil di Sepanyol dan sebahagian Peru dilantik Gabenor / Wuzurai. Ibu negaranya terletak di bandar raya Lima kini.

Hampir 300 tahun penjajahan Sepanyol . Quito mempunyai penduduk seramai 10,000 dan tahun 1822 Ecuador menyertai Simón Bolívar membentuk Republik Besar Colombia. Kemudian Ecuador berpisah pada tahun 1830.

Abad ke-19 Gabriel Garcia Moreno membentuk negara ini tahun 1860 dengan bantuan Gereja Roman Katolik.

Akhir 1800 permintaan buah koko mendadak di seluruh dunia dan menjadi eksport utama Ecuador . Ramailah penghijrahan penduduk dari tanah tinggi ke tepian pantai untuk menjadi pekerja kepada ladang-ladang tuan tanah Sepanyol ini.

Revolusi 1895 pimpinan Eloy Alfaro telah mengurangkan penguasaan pemerintah. Rampasan kuasa tentera berlaku pada 1925.The 1930-an dan 1940-an diperintah oleh José María Velasco Ibarra.

Lembangan Amazon dikuasai oleh Ecuador dan Peru. Tahun 1941 berlaku perang antara Ecuador dan Peru kerana perebutan kawasan sempadan Ecuador Peru.

Julai 1941 , 11,681 tentera Peru berperang dengan tentera Ecuador seramai 5,300 orang di selatan .5 Julai 1941 tentera Peru menyeberangi Sungai Zarumilla di Ecuador. 23 Julai 1941, sekali lagi tentera Peru menyeberangi Sungai Zarumilla dan memasuki wilayah El Oro. Seterusnya menguasai wilayah Loja. Peru menyekat Pelabuhan Guayaquil dan menyekat bekalan kepada pasukan tentera Ecuador.Atas tekanan Amerika Syarikat dan beberapa negara Amerika Latin, Peru dan Ecuador menandatangani Rio Protocol pada 29 Januari 1942 dalam usaha berdepan dengan Kuasa Axis semasa Perang Dunia Kedua. Beberapa wilayah telah diserahkan kepada Peru.Lihat Insiden Paquisha dan Perang Cenepa.

Tugu Simón Bolívar dan José de San Martín
Tugu Simón Bolívar dan José de San Martín

1960-an pelabur asing membangunkan industri petroleum di wilayah Amazon Ecuador.Syarikat Andian membina paip minyak dari timur ke pelabuhan dan menjadikan Ecuador pengeluar minyak kedua besar di Amerika Selatan.

1960-an junta tentera merampas kuasa .1979 demokrasi dipulihkan semula .

1982 kerajaan berhadapan dengan krisis ekonomi , inflasi, penyusutan belanjawan , nilai mata wang menjunam , industri lumpuh dan kerajaan tidak lagi stabil.

Salah pengurusan oleh regim tentera 1970-an menyebabkan Ecuador ketinggalan berbanding negara-negara jiran.

April 2005 Kongres Ecuador memilih Lucio Gutiérrez sebagai Presiden. Kemudian Timbalan Presiden Alfredo Palacio mengambil alih jawatannya sehinga pemilihan akan datang.

[Sunting] Politik

Bandar Quito
Maklumat lanjut mengenai politik dan kerajaan Ecuador boleh didapati di Siri politik dan kerajaan Ecuador.

Politik Ecuador terbahagi kepada sistem presiden dan demokrasi perwakilan . Presiden Ecuador mengetuai ketua negara republik dan ketua kerajaan di mana sistem pelbagai parti diamalkan. Kuasa ekselutif bertindak sebagai kerajaan. Kuasa perundangan dibentuk oleh kerajaan dan Kongres Nasional Ecuador.

Presiden ialah Alfredo Palacio (sejak 20 April 2005 da kemudian oleh Lucio Guitiérrez setelah disingkirkan oleh Kongres Nasional .

Timbalan Presiden Ecuadir  :Nicanor Alejandro Serrano Aguilar (sejak 5 Mei 2005)

Barisan Kabinet: 10 menteri dan 7 setiusaha dilantik oleh presiden .

Pilihan raya: Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden dipilih berdasarkan tiket yang sama , universal dan undi popular melalui pilihan raya 4 tahun sekali. Pilihan raya seterusnya akan diadakan pada Oktober 2006.

[Sunting] Hubungan diplomatik

Ecuador ahli Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu , Kumpulan Rio , Sistem Ekonomi Amerika Latin , Pertubuhan Perpaduan Amerika Latin dan Barisan Pact.

Ecuador sangat rapat dengan Amerika Syarikat. Tapi 2006,syarikat Occidental iaitu pengeluar petroleum Utara Amerika telah menyebabkan hubungan tegang anatara Ecuador - Amerika . Kerajaan Ecuador menyatakan perjanjian pengeluaran minyak selama ini tidak sah dan Perjanjian Perdagangan Bebas (FTA) tidak dapat dilaksanakan.Perjanjian Atpdea mungkin dapat mengurangkan pergantungan kepada Amerika.

[Sunting] Geografi

Pergunungan Tungurahua, Ecuador
Pergunungan Tungurahua, Ecuador

Ecuador terbahagi kepada wilayah Lautana Pasifik. c Ocean]].

  1. La Costa, di sepanjang pantai.
  2. La Sierra di mana Sierra bermaksud gergaji , merupakan kawasan pergunungan termasuk Banjaran Andes.
  3. El Oriente (bermaksud timur) meliputi Hutan Hujan Amazon di timur , mempunyai 5 % penduduk Ecuador.
  4. Kepulauan Galápagos seluas 1000 kilometer persegi terletak di barat , dalam Lautan Pasifik.

Ibu negara Ecuador Quito terletak di negeri , wilayah Sierra. region. Bandar terbesar ialah Guayaquil yang terletak di Guayas dalam pantai Cotopaxi.

[Sunting] Barisan Pentadbiran

Peta Ecuador
Peta Ecuador

Ecuador dibahagi kepada 22 negeri / province yang setiap satu ada ibu negeri.

  • Azuay (Cuenca)
  • Bolívar (Guaranda)
  • Cañar (Azogues)
  • Carchi (Tulcán)
  • Chimborazo (Riobamba)
  • Cotopaxi (Latacunga)
  • El Oro (Machala)
  • Esmeraldas (Esmeraldas)
  • Galápagos (Puerto Baquerizo Moreno)
  • Guayas (Guayaquil)
  • Imbabura (Ibarra)
  • Loja (Loja)
  • Los Ríos (Babahoyo)
  • Manabí (Portoviejo)
  • Morona-Santiago (Macas)
  • Napo (Tena)
  • Orellana (Puerto Francisco de Orellana)
  • Pastaza Province (Puyo)
  • Pichincha (Quito)
  • Sucumbíos (Nueva Loja)
  • Tungurahua (Ambato)
  • Zamora-Chinchipe (Zamora)

[Sunting] Economi

Ecuador has substantial petroleum resources and rich agricultural areas. Because the country exports primary products such as oil, bananas, and shrimp, fluctuations in world market prices can have a substantial domestic impact. Industry is largely oriented to servicing the domestic market. Deteriorating economic performance in 1997-98 culminated in a severe economic and financial crisis in 1999. The crisis was precipitated by a number of external shocks, including the El Niño weather phenomenon in 1997, a sharp drop in global oil prices in 1997-98, and international emerging market instability in 1997-98. These factors highlighted the Government of Ecuador's unsustainable economic policy mix of large fiscal deficits and expansionary money policy and resulted in an 7.3% contraction of GDP, annual year-on-year inflation of 52.2% and a 65% devaluation of the national currency in 1999, which helped precipitate an unprecedented default on external loans later that year.

On January 9, 2000, the administration of President Jamil Mahuad announced its intention to adopt the U.S. dollar as the official currency of Ecuador to address the ongoing economic crisis. The adoption of the U.S. dollar as currency, as opposed to pegging a local currency to it, means that the benefits of seigniorage accrue to the U.S. economy whether or not there is any compensation for this. Subsequent protest led to the removal of Mahuad from office and the elevation of Vice President Gustavo Noboa to the presidency.

The Noboa government confirmed its commitment to dollarize as the centerpiece of its economic recovery strategy. The government also entered into negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), culminating in the negotiation of a 12-month stand-by arrangement with the Fund. Additional policy initiatives include efforts to reduce the government's fiscal deficit, implement structural reforms to strengthen the banking system and regain access to private capital markets. Buoyed by high oil prices, the Ecuadorian economy experienced a modest recovery in 2000, with GDP rising 1.9%. However, 70% of the population lives below the poverty line, more than double the rate of 5 years ago. Inflation in 2000 remained high at 96.1%, but the rate of inflation continues to fall. Monthly inflation in February 2001 was 2.9%.

[Sunting] Demografi

Ecuador's population is ethnically diverse. The largest ethnic group is comprised of Mestizos, the mixed descendants of Spanish colonists and indigenous Amerindians, who constitute just over 65% of the population. Amerindians are second in numbers and account for approximately a quarter of the current population, around 25%. Whites are mainly criollos, primarily of Spanish descent, and account for 7%. The small Afro-Ecuadorian minority — including Mulattos and zambos, and largely based in Esmeraldas and Ibarra — and immigrants from around the world constitute the remainder. Many foreign nationals have set up residence in Ecuador. There are sizeable expatriate Ecuadorian communities in Spain, Italy and the U.S.A.

The tropical forest region to the east of the mountains remains sparsely populated and contains only about 3% of the population.

Although the constitution demands that 30% of gross revenue be dedicated to education, the government’s stated goal is to dedicate 11% of the budget. It is estimated that gross domestic product (GDP) spending will reach 4% in 2003. The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) places adult literacy at 90%, but notes that this rate has been stagnant for more than ten years. The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) reports that only 87% of the primary school teachers and 72% of high school teachers have received training. The public education system is tuition-free, and attendance is mandatory from ages five to fourteen. However, the Ministry of Education reports that only 10% of five year olds actually have access to daily education and that only 66% of youngsters finish six years of schooling. In rural areas, only 10% of the youngsters go on to high school. Ministry statistics give the mean number of years completed as 6.7. Ecuador has sixty one universities, many of which now offer graduate degrees, although only 18% of the faculty in public universities possess graduate degrees. 300 Higher Institutes offer two to three years of post-secondary vocational or technical training. The Higher Education Reform Act transferred oversight of these poorly regulated institutes from the Ministry of Education to the CONESUP.

[Sunting] Ugama

Imej:Quito SF.jpg
Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador

Approximately 95% of Ecuadorians are Roman Catholic. Much of the population is practicing and attends Mass regularly. In the rural parts of Ecuador, indigenous beliefs and Christianity are sometimes syncretized.

As in every other Latin American nation, Protestantism has had massive growth, especially in the poor rural areas. Other groups such as Jehovah's Witness and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(Mormons) have also seen increasing numbers.

There is a small Muslim minority numbering in the low thousands. The Jewish community numbers just over 1,000 individuals and is mostly of German and Italian origin.

There are also Sephardic Jews (Judeo-Spanish Jews). Few of them still practice Judaism at different levels, while the majority are today Christians whose ancestors were converted to Catholicism.

[Sunting] Budaya

Imej:Galapagos iguana.jpg
The Marine iguana is one of the signature animals of the Galápagos islands.
Rencana utama: Culture of Ecuador

Ecuador's mainstream culture is defined by Ecuador's mestizo majority and, like their ancestry, is a mixture of European and Amerindian influences infused with African elements inherited from slave ancestors. Ecuador's indigenous communities are largely integrated into that mainstream culture to varying degrees, but some may also practise their own autochthonous cultures, particularly the more remote indigenous communities of the Amazon basin.

[Sunting] Sukan

The most popular sport in Ecuador, as in most South American countries, is futbol (soccer). Some of its best known professional teams include Barcelona S.C. and C.S. Emelec, from Guayaquil, Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito and El Nacional (the Ecuadorian Armed Forces team) from Quito, Olmedo from Riobamba, and Deportivo Cuenca, from Cuenca. The matches of the Ecuadorian national football team are the most watched sports events in the country. Ecuador has qualified for the final rounds of both the 2002 and 2006 FIFA World Cups. Ecuador beat Poland and Costa Rica to finish 2nd to Germany in Group A in the 2006 World Cup and qualify for the second round for the first time in their history, where they lost 1-0 to England. Futsal is particularly popular for mass participation.

There is considerable interest in tennis in the middle and upper classes in the Ecuadorian society, and several Ecuadorian professional players have attained considerable international fame, including Francisco Segura, Andrés Gómez and, in the 1990s, Nicolas Lapentti. Basketball also has a high profile, while Ecuador's specialities include Ecuavolley, a 3 person variation of volleyball. Bullfighting is practiced at a professional level only in Quito, during the annual festivities which commemorate the Spanish founding of the city, although bloodless variations of this sport, called rodeos montubios are practiced in many rural areas during local festivities.

Olympic sports are also popular especially since Ecuador obtained its first Olympic gold medal in Atlanta's 1996 Olympic Games, through Jefferson Perez, on the 20km walk Men Athletics. There is flourishing activity in non-traditional sports such as mountainbiking, motorbiking, surfing, paintball (Equadorian sides are among the top 6 ranked in the continent[1]) and mountain climbing among others.

[Sunting] Makanan

The food in Ecuador is very diverse, varying with altitude as do the agricultural conditions. Pork, chicken, meat or even “cuy” (guinea pig) are popular in the mountain regions served with an immense variety of cereals and potatoes or rice. A street food in mountain regions of Ecuador is potatoes served with roasted pig. Fanesca is also a dish that has been made famous in Ecuador, it is a soup made during the time of lent and is composed by different numerous styles of beans (i.e. green beans, lima beans, chochos) it also contains milk and is usually served with dry cold fish.

There is a great variety of fresh fruit available, particularly at lower altitudes. Seafood is popular at the coast, particularly corvina and prawns. Shrimp is very popular and is very fresh in Ecuador. Plantain and peanut based dishes and foods are the basis of most coastal meals, which in general are divided in two. The "caldo", or soup, is categorized as either "aguado" ("watery"), usually meat-oriented, or "caldo de leche", milk soup, usually meatless. The second group is the "segundo", "second", which most of the times is a portion of rice, a meat or fish ration, and a specific menestra. Patacones are popular sidedishes with most coastal meals.

Some of the most typical dishes in the coastal region are: ceviche, pan de almidón, corviche, guatita, encebollado and empanadas; in the mountain region: hornado, fritada, tamales, llapingachos, etc.

[Sunting] Filem

The 2005 film Crónicas, written and directed by Ecuadorian Sebastián Cordero starring John Leguizamo in his Spanish-language debut, is set and filmed entirely in Ecuador.

The 2004 film Maria Full of Grace was partially shot in Ecuador, although it is set in Colombia.

The 2003 film "The Dancer Upstairs" was filmed in Ecuador, it was directed by John Malkovich and it starred Javier Bardem.

Beyond the Gates of Splendor (2002) directed by Jim Hanon is a documentary about five missionaries killed by the Huaorani Indians in the 1950s. This film was Hanon's first film release based on a true story. He recycles the story into the 2006 hollywood production The End of the Spear planning to be promoted by christian groups. Most of this film was shot in Panama.

The film Proof of Life (2000), starring Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe, was filmed in Ecuador. The film, nontheless, takes place in a fictitious South American country named 'Tecala'. The guerrilla movement depicted in the film is reminiscent of Peru's Shining Path or Colombia's FARC.

Ratas, Ratones, Rateros (1999) written and directed by Ecuadorian Sebastián Cordero is an Ecuadorian film about an 18 year quiteño whose cousin, a thief from the more violent coastal city of Guayaquil, embroils all those around him. The film has been accused by several critics of painting an extremely distorted contrast between the coast (Guayaquil) and the highlands (Quito), which stems from the ever-present feelings of regionalism between the aforementioned parties.

Entre Marx y una Mujer Desnuda (1995), known by the title Between Marx and a Nude Woman, is difficult to find, but this film created by Ecuadorian Camilo Luzuriaga provides a window into the life of young Ecuadorian leftists living in a country plagued by the remants of fuedal systems and coup d'etats.

The 1991 film "Sensaciones" was directed by ecuadorean sieblings Juan Esteban Cordero and Viviena Cordero, and shot in Ecuador. Viviana Cordero was then involved in the production of "Ratas, Ratones, y Rateros" (1999) and later produced "Un Titán en el Ring" (2002).

The 1980s film Vibes, starring Cyndi Lauper and Jeff Goldblum, was shot in Ecuador. The Andean cities served as a backdrop for the film.

In addition to film, the science fiction novel by Rod Glenn, The King of America, features locations in Ecuador.

[Sunting] Pengangkutan

Ecuador has a network of national highways maintained by the Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones (Ministry of Public Works and Communication) government agency[2]. The Pan-American Highwayconnects the northern and southern portions of the country as well as connecting Ecuador with Colombia to the north and Peru to the south. The quality of roads, even on trunk routes, is highly variable.

[Sunting] Lihat juga

Portal:Ecuador Portal Ecuador
  • List of national parks in Ecuador
  • Communications in Ecuador
  • Ecuadorian-United States relations
  • Foreign relations of Ecuador
  • History of the Ecuadorian-Peruvian territorial dispute
  • List of Ecuadorians
  • Latin American painters
  • Ecuadorian painters
  • Military of Ecuador
  • Music of Ecuador
  • Public holidays in Ecuador
  • Reporters without borders world-wide press freedom index 2002: Rank 87 out of 139 countries
  • Transportation in Ecuador
  • Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador

[Sunting] Pautan luar

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