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Amsterdam - Wikipedia


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Terusan-terusan di kejiranan Jordaan


Lokasi Amsterdam


Bendera Amsterdam

Belanda Utara
742,951(1 Januari 2005)
52°22′ N 4°54′ E
Datuk Bandar
Job Cohen (PvdA)

Amsterdam, (Bunyi audio?) ibu negara Belanda, terletak pada perairan Teluk IJ dan sungai Amstel. Dijumpai pada akhir abad ke-12 sebagai satu perkampungan nelayan di muara sungai Amstel, dewasa ini ia menjadi bandar terbesar di negara berkenaan dan ia menjadi pusat kewangan dan kebudayaan. Pada 2005, populasi bandaraya adalah 742,951[1]; populasi keluasan lebih kurang 1.5 juta.

Amsterdam mempunyai salkah satu pusat bersejarh terbesar di dalam Eropah, tetapi kebanyakkannya bertarikh daripada abad ke-17, the Tahun Keemasan bagi Belanda, yang mana ia merupakan titik fokusnya. Pasa masa ini, satu siri sepusat, semibulatan terusan telah dibina di sekeliling pusat bandaraya lama, yang mana masih dikekalkan susunatur dan wajahnya. Banyak rumah cantik dan pangapuri diletakkan di sepanjang terusan' kebanyakan orang tinggal di dalamnya, yang lainnya menjadi pejabat dan beberapa bahagian menjadi bangunan-bangunan awam. Beberapa daripada rumah batu-bata tersebut semakin tenggelam disbabkan mereka dibina di atas kepingan kayu untuk menghadapi dan menatasi tanah-tanih yang berpaya.

Walaupun Amsterdam merupakan ibu kota Belanda, ia bukannya ibu kota negara atau negeri dalam province di mana ia terletak, Belanda Utara (Haarlem), bukan juga kerusi dalam kerajaan Belanda atau (iaitu The Hague).

Jadual isi kandungan

[Sunting] Sejarah

Rencana utama: Sejarah Amsterdam
Pusat sejarah
Pusat sejarah

Amsterdam telah dijumpai sebagai satu perkampungan nelayan dalam abad ke-13. Menngikut kepada legenda, Amsterdam telah dijumpai oleh dua nelayan Frisian, yang telah mendarat di pesisir Amstel dalam sebuah in bot dengan anjing mereka. Pengempangan sungai Amstel memberikan namanya (dalam bahasa Belanda: Amstelredam "Empangan dalam Dam Amstel", menjadi Amsterdam dalam laluan masa). Ianya telah diberi hak kebandaran dalam tahun 1300 atau 1301. Semenjak daripada abad ke-14 dan seterusnya, Amsterdam makmur, sebahagian besar terdiri daripada asas perdagangan dengan bandar-bandar di Liga Hanseatic .

Abad ke-16 telah menyaksikan satu pemberontakan oleh orang Belanda terhadap Philip II dari Sepanyol dan waris-warisnya, menjadikan lebih buruk lalu terjadinya Perang Lapan Puluh Tahun yang mana sangat penting hingga membawa kepada kemerdekaan Belanda. Republik Belanda telah dikenali sebagai sikapnya yang relatif kepada toleransi agama dan orang Yahudi daripada Sepanyol dan Portugal, peniaga-peniaga berjaya dari Antwerp (pelarian-pelarian ekonomi dan agama daripada bahagian negara-negara yang masih lagi dikuasai oleh Sepanyol), Huguenots dari Perancis (dianiyai kerana agama mereka) mendapat keselamatan di Amsterdam. Ia merupakan pendatang-pendatang kaya dan dari Flanders yang menetapkan nada (dialek Brabantnya menjadi asas kepada tulisan Belanda piawai) dan menjadikan belanda satu kuasa pedagang laut.

Medan Dam  pada akhir abad ke-17: dilukis oleh Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde (Gemäldegalerie, Dresden)
Medan Dam pada akhir abad ke-17: dilukis oleh Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde (Gemäldegalerie, Dresden)

The 17th century is considered Amsterdam's "Golden Age". In the early 17th century Amsterdam became one the wealthiest city in the world. Ships sailed from Amsterdam to North America, Africa and present-day Indonesia and Brazil and formed the basis of a worldwide trading network. Amsterdam's merchants had the biggest share in the VOC and WIC. These companies acquired the overseas possessions which formed the seeds of the later Dutch colonies. Amsterdam was the most important point for the trans-shipment of goods in Europe and it was the leading financial centre of the world. Amsterdam's stock exchange was the first to trade continuously.

The population grew from slightly over 10,000 around 1500 to 30,000 around 1570, 60,000 around 1600, 105,000 in 1622 and almost 200,000 around 1700 (a twenty fold increase in 200 years). Thereafter, the population did not change much for another century and a half. During the century before World War II it almost quadrupled to 800,000, but then remained fairly constant again to this day.

River Amstel by NightPainting by Koppelaar
River Amstel by Night
Painting by Koppelaar

The 18th and early 19th centuries saw a decline in Amsterdam's prosperity. The wars of the Dutch Republic with the United Kingdom and France took their toll on Amsterdam. During the Napoleonic Wars Amsterdam's fortunes reached their lowest point. However, with the establishment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1815, things slowly began to improve. In Amsterdam new developments were started by people like Samuel Sarphati who found their inspiration in Paris.

The end of the 19th century is sometimes called Amsterdam's second Golden Age. New museums, a train station, and the Concertgebouw were built. At this time the Industrial Revolution reached Amsterdam. The Amsterdam-Rhine Canal was dug to give Amsterdam a direct connection to the Rhine and the North Sea Canal to give the port a shorter connection to the North Sea. Both projects improved communication with the rest of Europe and the world dramatically. Joseph Conrad gives a brief description of Amsterdam, seen from the sea at this period, in The Mirror of the Sea (1906).

In 2005, 965,000 people visited the museum adjoining #263 Prinsengracht, better known as the Anne Frank House.[2]

Shortly before the First World War the city began expanding and new suburbs were built. During World War I, the Netherlands remained neutral. Amsterdam suffered a food shortage and heating fuel became scarce. The shortages sparked riots in which several people were killed.

Germany invaded the Netherlands in 10 May 1940, taking control of the country after five days of fighting. The Germans installed a Nazi civilian government in Amsterdam that cooperated in the persecution of Jews. However, a minority of people in Amsterdam helped the Jews in hiding and suffered persecution themselves in doing so. More than 80,000 Jews were deported to concentration camps, of whom perhaps the most famous was a young German girl, Anne Frank. Only 5,000 Jews survived the war. In the last months of the war communication with the rest of the country broke down and food and fuel became scarce. Many inhabitants of the city had to travel to the countryside to collect food. Most of the trees in Amsterdam were cut down for fuel.

[Sunting] Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Amsterdam is composed of three St Andrew's crosses, aligned vertically, but rotated 90 degrees for the flag. Historians believe they represent the three dangers which have traditionally plagued the city: flood, fire, and pestilence. The city's official motto, Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig ("Valiant, Resolute, Merciful") which is displayed on the coat of arms, was bestowed on it by Queen Wilhelmina in 1947 in recognition of the city's bravery during World War II. The lions were added in the sixteenth century.

The Imperial Crown of Austria was awarded to the city in 1489 by Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, out of gratitude for services and loans. The crown was a sign of imperial protection and acted as a seal of approval for Amsterdam merchants abroad. The Westertoren also features the imperial crown.

Satellite image of Amsterdam
Satellite image of Amsterdam

[Sunting] Tarikan pelancong

Rencana utama: Amsterdam Tourist Attractions

Amsterdam is noted for many outstanding museums, including the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum, the Stedelijk Museum, Rembrandt House Museum, the Anne Frank House, and its world-class symphony orchestra, the Concertgebouworkest, whose home base is the Concertgebouw. Notable are also its red-light district, de Wallen, and its numerous "coffee shops" selling cannabis.

[Sunting] Cuaca

Amsterdam mengalami cuaca suhu serdahana, dengan pola cuaca banyak dipengaruhi oleh kedudukan Amsterdam dengan Lautan Atlantis di barat dan angin timur utama. Musim sejuk adalah serdahana dan purata melepasi tahap beku, walaupun fros adalah biasa semasa tempoh angin timur atau timur laut yang bertiup dari arah benua. Musim panas selesa panas dan jarang panas. Bagaimanapun, walaupun hari hujan adalah biasa, Amsterdam tidak mepunyai cuaca lembab keterlaluan dan purata kurang dari 760 mm (30 inci) hujan setahun. Jumlah hujan keluhatan lebih banyak berbanding yang sebenarnya kerana ia meleret sebagai renyai yang berpanjangan atau hujan rintik. Cuaca lembab dan mendung adalah biasa terutamanya pada musim yang lebih sejuk.

[Sunting] Demografi

Demographic evolution of Amsterdam between 1300 and 1999
1300 1400 1500 1600 1650 1796 1830 1849 1879 1899 1925 1999
1,000 3,000 12,000 60,000 140,000 200,600 202,400 224,000 317,000 510,900 714,200 727,100

[Sunting] Academia

Amsterdam has two universities: the University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam), and the Vrije Universiteit. Other institutions for higher education include an art school, De Rietveldacademie, the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, the Hogeschool voor Economische Studies Amsterdam and the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. Amsterdam's International Institute of Social History is one of the world's largest documentary and research institutions concerning social history, and especially the history of the labour movement. Amsterdam's Hortus Botanicus, founded in the early 1600s, is one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world, with many old and rare specimens, amongst which the coffee plant that served as the parent for the entire coffee culture in Central and South America.

Java Island, in 't IJ, is known for its modern architecture.
Java Island, in 't IJ, is known for its modern architecture.

[Sunting] Pengangkutan awam

Public transport in Amsterdam, operated by Gemeentelijk Vervoerbedrijf, Connexxion, and Nederlandse Spoorwegen, consists of:

  • national and international train connections
  • 3 metro lines and 1 light rail line, together the Amsterdam metro
  • 16 tram lines
  • An express tram line (IJtram)
  • 55 local bus lines
  • regional bus lines
  • several ferries for pedestrians and cyclists across the IJ (free of charge)
  • a Fast Flying Ferry towards Velsen-Zuid on the North Sea shore

A new underground line, the North/South Line (Noord/Zuidlijn) is under construction. The estimated completion date is in 2012.(See also Gemeentelijk Vervoerbedrijf, Amsterdam metro, Amsterdam Centraal).

[Sunting] Sejarah

During the construction of the Amsterdam metro, plans to demolish the entire Jewish neighbourhood near the Nieuwmarkt led to strong protests. The metro was still built (wall decorations at the Nieuwmarkt station are dedicated to the protests), but plans to build a highway through the neighbourhood in the centre of Amsterdam were abolished.

Some of the ubiquitous cyclists in Amsterdam

[Sunting] Pengangkutan sulit

Amsterdam is known as one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world and is a center of bicycle culture. Most main streets have bike paths. Bike racks are ubiquitous throughout the city. There are about 700,000 bicycles in the city. Each year, about 80,000 of them are stolen and 25,000 end up in the canals. In the city centre, driving a car is discouraged, parking fees are steep and a great number of streets are closed off for cars.

[Sunting] Lapangan terbang

Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, is about 10 minutes by train from Amsterdam Central Station. It is the biggest airport in the Netherlands, and the fourth largest in Europe. It handles about 42 million passengers a year and is home base to KLM, since 2004 part of Air France-KLM.

[Sunting] Sports

Amsterdam is the home town of Ajax, a team in the Dutch Football League. Its home base is the modern stadium Amsterdam ArenA, located in the south-east of the city. The team shares that facility with the Amsterdam Admirals, an American football team.

In 1928, Amsterdam hosted the Games of the IXth Olympiad. The Olympic Stadium built for the occasion has been completely restored and is now used for cultural and sporting events.

Amsterdam also is home to a famous ice rink, the Jaap Eden baan. The Amstel Tijgers play in this arena in the Dutch ice hockey premier league. In speed skating many international championships have been fought in the 400-meter lane of this ice rink.

The city also has a baseball team, the Amsterdam Pirates who play in the Dutch Major League. Three field hockey teams, Amsterdam, Pinoké and Hurley, and a basketball team, the Amsterdam Astronauts who play in the Dutch premier division and play their games in the Sporthallen Zuid, near the Olympic Stadium.

[Sunting] Acra-acara dalam tempoh waktu

  • Koninginnedag, Queen's day, 30 April, the former Queen's (Juliana) birthday
  • Uitmarkt, last weekend in August, the start of the cultural season
  • Amsterdam Roots, last week of June. International music festival
  • Amsterdam Tournament, late August, International Football-tournament hosted by AFC Ajax
  • Amsterdam Pride, first weekend of August, gay pride weekend
  • Amsterdam Marathon, mid-October
  • Sail Amsterdam, a five-yearly event, when tall ships from all over the world can be visited.
  • Cannabis Cup, mid-November annual cannabis competition, hosted by High Times.

[Sunting] Famous Amsterdammers

  • Karel Appel - painter
  • Dennis Bergkamp - football player
  • George Hendrik Breitner - painter
  • Simon Carmiggelt - writer and columnist
  • Johan Cruijff - football player
  • Candy Dulfer - saxophonist
  • Cees Jan Diepeveen - field hockey player
  • Max Euwe - chess player
  • Anne Frank - Holocaust diarist
  • Theo van Gogh - (murdered) filmmaker and colummnist
  • Ruud Gullit - football player
  • Patrick Kluivert - football player
  • Xaviera Hollander - Former NY "Madam" and Penthouse columnist
  • Klaas Bruinsma - infamous drug-lord nicknamed "the preacher"
  • André Hazes - singer
  • Freddy Heineken - beer magnate
  • Meindert Hobbema - painter
  • Jozef Israëls - painter
  • Wim Kok - former prime minister
  • Wouter Bos - leader of the Dutch parliamentary opposition
  • Frits Bolkestein - Dutch politician and former EU commissioner
  • Karel Miljon - boxer
  • Harry Mulisch - writer
  • Multatuli - writer
  • Rembrandt - painter
  • Gerard Reve - writer
  • Frank Rijkaard - football player
  • Baruch Spinoza - philosopher
  • Paul Verhoeven - film director

[Sunting] Notes

[Sunting] External links

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