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Decimation (comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Decimation (comics)

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M-Day redirects here. For the NATO definition, see Military designation of days and hours
Decimation event logo, as shown on the covers of tie-in comics
Decimation event logo, as shown on the covers of tie-in comics

"Decimation" is the name of the late 2005 Marvel Comics crossover spinning out of the House of M limited series, that focuses on the ramifications of the Scarlet Witch's stripping nearly all of the mutant population of their powers, reducing a society of millions to one of scant hundreds. This event, which occurred on November 2 according to X-Men (vol. 2) #191, is known as "M-Day" in the Marvel Universe.

"Decimation" began with the self-titled one-shot Decimation: House of M: The Day After, and heralded the relaunch of the Excalibur team in New Excalibur, focusing on Pete Wisdom looking for Captain Britain to head up a new British super team, as well as the relaunch of X-Factor from the MadroX miniseries. It also includes several mini-series - Son of M starring a depowered Quicksilver, Generation M focusing on other depowered characters, Sentinel Squad O*N*E showing the latest iteration of the mutant-hunting Sentinels to be robots piloted by humans, X-Men: Deadly Genesis, and X-Men: The 198 - and continues throughout the Marvel Universe, particularly in the X-Men-related titles. One consequence is an upswing of anti-mutant sentiment, especially among certain religious groups, who consider M-Day to be God's judgment against mutant kind.

It has been confirmed by various sources that there are considerably more than 198 mutants remaining - the number has been referred to as "symbolic" rather than actual, and in The 198 Files is said to be the earliest confirmed number. Numbers for pre-Decimation mutants vary from "over a million" (House of M #8) to 16 million (New X-Men #115, where it is said that the 16 million mutants who died on Genosha was around "half" the mutant population), giving a population, if the commonly-used 90% depowered figure is true, of between one hundred thousand and one and a half million.

Both Hank Pym and Beast note shortly after the event that it is impossible for the energy that certain mutants controlled to simply have vanished, and that it must have been "sent" somewhere. As would later be revealed, most of this energy became a sentient entity called "The Collective", who has since come into violent conflict with the Avengers. In addition, a portion of the energy revived the body of Gabriel Summers, who had been trapped in space for many years following the defeat of Krakoa.

The three words said by Wanda Maximoff that caused Decimation.
The three words said by Wanda Maximoff that caused Decimation.


[edit] Criticism

The event was designed to reduce the number of mutant characters wandering around the Marvel Universe, which had been seen as unwieldy and also a lazy way for writers to bring in new superpowered characters, without spending the time to establish their origins. However, critics have pointed out that since most of the main mutant characters survived the Decimation intact, as did over one-hundred other mutant characters, there has been effectively no change at all, merely the illusion of change. There is still a huge supporting cast, and the vast majority of the depowered mutants were nothing but background characters anyway. The choice of the number 198 was rather arbitrary, as few fans can name 198 mutants on demand anyway. Furthermore, it has not always been clear whether a character was depowered or not. For example, in Generation M, several characters were shown to still have their physical mutation, but were still considered depowered. Arguments to the effect that Marvel is thinking more in terms of a general social change are undermined by the lack of focus on such issues in the post-Decimation titles. (Also, as Peter David pointed out in an issue of X-Factor, Marvel is using the term incorrectly: "decimation" refers to the destruction of ten percent of a group or population, and not ninety percent.) Additionally, characters such as Namor and the Great Lakes Avengers, who are described as mutants but not particularly tied to the "X-series", have not been affected by the event.

[edit] Notable depowered mutants

Wizard Magazine published a speculative list of supposedly-decimated characters, which Marvel Comics dismissed as including a number of mutants who still have their powers[1] and also includes non-mutant characters. The list therefore should not be trusted.

Character Real name Notes
Revealed in House of M #8
Magneto Erik Magnus Lehnsherr Recently repowered by "The Collective" in New Avengers #20), current whereabouts unknown.
Mirage Danielle Moonstar Illusionist. Fired from the Xavier Institute by Emma Frost after she was depowered.
Tag Brian Cruz Repeller. Died in the end of New X-Men, volume 2 #23 when the bus exploded.
Wind Dancer Sofia Mantega Wind manipulator. Left the institute in New X-Men, volume 2 #24.
Revealed in Decimation: House of M: The Day After
Aurelie Sabayon Aurelie Sabayon Husk called her parents to inform them that she couldn't breathe under water anymore, however she was never shown.
Blob Frederick J. Dukes Attempted suicide after depowerment, as his excess skin was still present.
Callisto ?? Superhuman senses. Leader of the Morlocks. Temporarily repowered due to the Terrigen Mists but to the point where even rain harms her. Comatose.
Feral Maria Callasantos Feline humanoid. Thornn's sister.
Hannah Levy Hannah Levy Had a prehensile tongue and required diet of insects.
Jubilee Jubilation Lee Fireworks discharger. Member of Generation X.
Quicksilver Pietro Django Maximoff Has received time-travel powers from the Terrigen Mists, and has internalised the mists' power to mutate.
Thornn Lucia Callasantos Feline humanoid. Feral's sister.
Revealed in New X-Men, volume 2
Aero Melody Guthrie Flyer with energy aura. She is the only known Guthrie to lose their mutant powers. Revealed in #20.
Amber Amber Young girl, 13 years old. Died following the bus explosion. Revealed in New X-Men #28.
DJ Mark Sheppard Energy discharger based on music. Revealed in #23. Died following the bus explosion.
Dryad Callie Betto Plant manipulator. Revealed in #23. Died during the explosion of the bus.
Hydro Floyd Carter Aquatic. Revealed in #20. Accidentally drowned himself when his powers were removed after the M-Day.
Jeffrey Garrett Jeffrey Garrett Teleporter in ghost form. Revealed in #21. The M-Day left him totally dead.
Network Sarah Vale Machine controller. Revealed in #23. Died during the explosion of the bus.
Preview Jessica "Jessie" Vale Precog. Revealed in #20. Though not seen or mentioned, it is more than likely she was on the bus with her sister at the end of issue #23.
Prodigy David Alleyne Skill/knowledge mimicer. Revealed in #20. Was asked to stay at the school following the bus explosion.
Rubbermaid Andrea Margulies Elastic body. Revealed in #23. Died during the explosion of the bus.
Specter Dallas Gibson Shadow form. Revealed in #20. May have been one of the students killed in the bus explosion in issue #23.
All unnamed students ?? If a student hasn't been shown among the 27 left in New X-Men #23, then he/she's been depowered. 42 (everyone who was on it, according to New X-Men #25) who were on the bus (including DJ, Rubbermaid, Tag, Dryad and Network). 15 of them are buried at the Institute because their parents didn't want them.
Revealed in Mutopia X #5
Armena Ortega Armena Ortega Could create protective bubble while sleeping.
Bugman ?? Had iridescent yellow eyes, green skin, small antennas on his head.
The Juicers ?? The male had chameleonic skin, while the female could generate luminescent orbs from her hand.
Lara the Illusionist Lara King Could generate illusion which affects all five senses.
Revealed in Generation M
Chamber Jonothon Evan Starsmore Revealed in Generation-M #1; was in a critical condition in hospital, now repowered from a transfusion of the blood of Apocalypse. New powers still unknown, so may or may not be same as before.
Ned Ralston Ned Ralston Revealed in Generation-M #1; dragon-like form killed when he crashed to the ground after the loss of his powers.
Gary Paterson Gary Paterson Revealed in Generation-M #1; drowned after loss of powers.
Inferno Tony Romeo Revealed in Generation-M #1; combusted after loss of powers.
Jeannie Martin Jeannie Martin Revealed in Generation-M #1; forty inch neck snapped after loss of powers.
Latonya Jefferson Latonya Jefferson Revealed in Generation-M #1; had impenetrable skin, killed in Generation-M #2 by the Ghoul.
John Mairs John Mairs Revealed in Generation-M #2; third telepathic eye, killed by the Ghoul.
Roach Hubie Edge Revealed in Generation-M #2; transforms into humanoid cockroach, killed by the Ghoul.
Dezmond Harris Dezmond Harris Revealed in Generation-M #2; had leaping ability.
Dynamite Susan Svenson Revealed in Generation-M #2; generates light from hands, killed by the Ghoul.
Stacy X Miranda Leevald Revealed in Generation-M #2. Is living on the streets as a prostitute again.
Tim Hacker Tim Hacker Revealed in Generation-M #2; blue skin, killed by the Ghoul.
Joey V Joey Revealed in Generation M #3. Member of the Former Order of Mutants (FOOM).
Nelson Cragg Nelson Cragg Revealed in Generation-M #3; one of Ravencroft Asylum’s inmates.
Violet Sanchez Violet Sanchez Revealed in Generation-M #3; looks like a shar pei, killed by the Ghoul.
Sarah Pursher Sarah Pursher Revealed in Generation-M #4; flight, committed suicide.
Jim Prindle Jim Prindle Revealed in Generation-M #4; transforms matter into anything, Ex-student at Xavier's.
Unnamed Mutants ??? Revealed in Generation-M #2-4; most of them were killed by the Ghoul.
Revealed in Son of M
Hub ?? Teleporter. Member of Unus' Gang and Chimere's ally. Revealed in Son of M #5. Temporarily repowered by the Terrigen Mists with erratic control.
Hack ?? Telepath. Member of Unus' Gang and Chimere's ally. Revealed in Son of M #5. Temporarily repowered by the Terrigen Mists.
Purge ?? Super-strong. Chimere's ally. Revealed in Son of M #5. Temporarily repowered by the Terrigen Mists with erratic control.
Shola Inkosi Shola Inkosi Telekinetic. Helped Shadowcat during Mekanix. Ally of Professor X on Genosha. Revealed in Son of M #5. Temporarily repowered by the Terrigen Mists.
Wicked ?? Necromancer. Ally of Professor X on Genosha. Revealed in Son of M #5. Temporarily repowered by the Terrigen Mists with erratic control.
Freakshow ?? Shapeshifter. Member of the Genoshan Excalibur. Ally of Professor X on Genosha. Revealed in Son of M #5. Temporarily repowered by the Terrigen Mists.
Revealed in New Avengers #18-20
Agent Zero Christoph David Nord
Angel Dust Christine Morlock
Artie Maddicks Arthur Maddicks Member of Generation X and X-Factor.
Arturo Falcone Arturo Falcone Resided in Mutant Town.
Black Tom Cassidy Thomas Samuel Eamon Cassidy Banshee's cousin. Only his secondary mutation was reversed.
Blind Faith Alexis Garnoff Russian Exiles.
Boost ?? Morlock.
Bora ?? Avant Guard's.
Brass Sean Watanabe Telepath.
Caiman ?? Ally of Unus.
Conquistador Miguel Provenza
El Aguila Alejandro Montoya
Fatale "Pamela Greenwood" Teleporter. Lackey of Dark Beast.
Flambè ?? Member of the Hell's Belles.
Forearm Jorge Lukas Student at Xavier's. (Not to be confused with the Mutant Liberation Front member.)
Gloom ?? Ex-student at Xavier's.
Golden Child Paul Patterson Appeared in the Marvel Team-Up arc "Golden Child"
Harpoon Kodiak Noatak Marauder.
Hazard Carter Alexander Ryking
Hybrid James Marks Enemy of Rom the Spaceknight and X-Man
Jon Spectre Jon Spectre Six Pack member.
Key ?? Cable ally.
King Bedlam Christopher Terrence Aaronson Leader of New Hellions.
Kiwi Black ?? Half-brother of Nightcrawler and Abyss.
Lightning Rod ?? Ally of Unus.
Longneck Jonah Van Helsking Ex-student at Xavier's.
Mary Zero Mary Sidekick of Agent X.
Mist Mistress ?? Member of the Resistants
Monsoon Aloba Dastoor Brother of Haven.
Murmur Arlette Truffaut Member of Alpha Flight
Murmur II ?? Member of Emplate's Hellions.
Nightwind ?? Rising Sons member. Had darkforce manipulating abilities.
Overrider Richard Rennsalaer
Paralyzer Randall Darby Member of the Resistants. Also known as Shocker.
Phantazia Eileen Harsaw Brotherhood of Evil Mutants member.
Postman David Morlock.
Quill ?? Resistants member (not to be confused with the Xavier Institute student Quill).
Radian ?? Ex-student at Xavier's and member of the Omega Gang.
Radius Jared Corbo Brother of Flex. Member of Alpha Flight. Had personal force-field.
Randall Shire Randall Shire
Reaper Pantu Hurageb Mutant Liberation Front member.
Redneck ?? Ex-student at Xavier's and member of the Omega Gang.
Scanner Sarah Ryall Acolyte of Magneto.
Shatter ?? Morlock.
Skywalker ?? Ex-student at Xavier's.
Slick ?? Ex-student at Xavier's.
Spike ?? Student at Xavier's.
Spoilsport ?? Rising Sons member. Had personal gravity field.
Strobe ?? Mutant Liberation Front member.
Tantra Reuben Ex-student at Xavier's.
Tarot Marie-Ange Colbert Member of the Hellions, latterly undead.
Tattoo ?? Ex-student at Xavier's and member of the Omega Gang.
Tether ?? Morlock.
Tremolo ?? Member of the Hell's Belles.
Vague ?? Member of the Hell's Belles.
Wild Child Kyle Gibney Weapon X and X-Factor member.
Wildside Richard Gill Mutant Liberation Front member.
Windshear Colin Ashworth Hume Alpha Flight member.
Wiz Kid Takeshi "Taki" Matsuya Member of the X-Terminators.
Wraith Hector Mendoza Member of the X-Men. Had transparent skin.
Shen Xorn Shen Xorn Kuan-Yin's twin brother. Member of the X-Men.
Zach Zach Ex-student at Xavier's.
Revealed in various other issues
Abyss Nils Styger Nightcrawler's half-brother. Revealed in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #1.
Alexander Lexington Alexander Lexington Member of Sentinel Squad O*N*E. Revealed in X-Men: The 198 Files (NB: The Sentinel Squad O*N*E miniseries takes place pre-M-Day, and shows how the squad was formed).
Angel Salvadore Angel Salvadore Revealed in Exiles #72. Ex-student at Xavier's.
Antonio Antonio Revealed in X-Men: The 198 #1. Lover of Magma, fire powers. Died in a volcano at the moment of the Decimation.
Beak Barnell Bohusk Revealed in Exiles #72. Ex-student at Xavier's.
Five of the Bohusk/Salvatore Children Kara, Axel, Kath, Latoya and Jerome Bohusk Revealed in Exiles #72 that 5 of the 6 children are depowered. Tito Bohusk is the only one who has retained his mutated appearance.
Bloodlust Beatta Dubiel Revealed in Official Handbook A-Z #4. Member of the Femme Fatales.
Doctor Leery Leery Revealed in X-Factor III #5.
Gazer Salvador Clarkson Revealed in X-Men #178. Has been turned into a Horseman of Apocalypse in #182.
Mesmero Vincent Revealed in X-Men Unlimited, volume 2 #13.
Mister Marvel Mark Hawkins Revealed in X-Men Unlimited, volume 2 #13. Had the power to have a wondeful super-hero life.
Pasco Pasco Mercenary and partner of Sabretooth. Introduced in X-Men #191. Powers: Forcefield generation.
Polaris Lorna Dane Revealed in X-Men, volume 2 #177. Repowered by Apocalypse as Pestilence, one of his Horsemen.
Professor X Charles Francis Xavier Revealed in X-Men: Deadly Genesis #5. Spinal injury repaired in the process.
Razorback Buford T. Hollis Revealed in All-New Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe A-Z #9.
Rictor Julio Esteban Richter Revealed in X-Factor, volume 3 #1.
Scarlet Knight Colin Hardy Revealed in New Excalibur #6. All his family is depowered too.
Sunfire Shiro Yoshida Revealed in X-Men #182. Repowered and turned a Horseman by Apocalypse.
Unus the Untouchable Angelo Unuscione Revealed in Marvel Legacy: The 1960s under the Factor Three entry. Was in Genosha when Pietro arrived with the Terrigen Mists. Killed by his new forcefield.

[edit] Confirmed Remaining Mutants


[edit] Repowered

Character Real name Notes
Butterfly Layla Miller Miller loses her mutant powers on M-Day but is repowered omniscience by an unrevealed source.[issue # needed]
Chamber Jonothon Evan Starsmore Repowered by Frederick Slade under Ozymandias' orders in New Excalibur #9. He's is now a possible Omega-level mutant and looks like Apocalypse
Gazer Revealed to have been turned into War by Apocalypse in X-Men #182.
Magneto Erik Magnus Lensherr Repowered by the Collective in New Avengers #20.
Polaris Lorna Dane She becomes Pestilence in X-Men, volume 2 #181 (revealed in #182) and was revealed to have her original powers back in #187. After being cured of her Pestilence incarnation, it seems Apocalypse "hardwired" technological means of replicating Lorna's magnetic abilities into her nervous system.
Quicksilver Pietro Django Maximoff He uses the Terrigen Mists to have his powers back, as seen throughout the Son of M LS. His powers have evolved to actual time-travel, giving the appearance of superspeed and has demonstrated the ability to re-empower decimated M-Day casualties.
Reaper Pantu Hurageb Repowered on Quicksilver on the streets of Mutant town in Son of M #6. It is not known yet if this is permanent.
Sunfire Shiro Yoshida Turned into Famine by Apocalypse before X-Men #182 (revealed in #183). His powerloss may have been due to Rogue though.

Callisto, Freakshow, Hub, Hack, Purge, Shola Inkosi, Wicked, Unus have all been repowered by the Terrigen Mists in the Son of M limited series but that was not permanent. Unus was suffocated by his own powers.

Iceman is not repowered, since he never lost his powers in the first place. After the events of M-Day he developed a mental block, which suppressed his secondary mutation and blocked his powers.

It has been confirmed by Joe Quesada that with Jubilee's upcoming return in 2007, she too will regain her powers in some form.

[edit] Collected editions

[edit] Trade paperbacks

Decimation: X-Men - The Day After (ISBN 0-7851-1984-1) collects Decimation: House of M - The Day After and X-Men #177-181.
Decimation: Generation M (ISBN 0-7851-1958-2) collects Generation M #1-5.
Decimation: Son of M (ISBN 0-7851-1970-1) collects Son of M #1-6.
Decimation: Sentinel Squad O*N*E (ISBN 0-7851-1997-3) collects Sentinel Squad O*N*E #1-5.
Decimation: X-Men - 198 (ISBN 0-7851-1994-9) collects X-Men: The 198 #1-5 and X-Men: The 198 Files (one-shot).

[edit] Hardcovers

X-Men: Deadly Genesis (ISBN 0-7851-1984-1) collects X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1-6.
Wolverine: Origins & Endings (ISBN 0-7851-1977-9) collects Wolverine #36-40.

[edit] Bibliography

Cover to Son of M #1. Art by John Watson.
Cover to Son of M #1. Art by John Watson.

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://www.comixfan.com/xfan/forums/showpost.php?p=1152661&postcount=576
  2. ^ a b c d  Craig Kyle & Chris Yost (w),  Mark Brooks (p),  Jaime Mendoza with Jay Leisten (i). "Childhood's End" New X-Men, volume 2 #21 February 2006 Marvel Comics.
  3. ^  Peter Milligan (w),  Salvador Larroca (p),  none (i). "The Blood of Apocalypse" X-Men, volume 2 #182 April 2006 Marvel Comics.
  4. ^ a b  Craig Kyle & Chris Yost (w),  Paco Medina (p),  Juan Vlasco (i). "Crusade" New X-Men, volume 2 #24 May 2006 Marvel Comics.
  5. ^ a b c d  David Hine (w),  Jim Muniz (p),  Kevin Conrad (i). "Untitled" X-Men: The 198 #2 April 2006 Marvel Comics.
  6. ^  Fabian Nicieza (w),  Patrick Zircher (p),  Udon’s M3TH (i). "Bosom Buddies" Cable & Deadpool #20 November 2005 Marvel Comics.
  7. ^  Fabian Nicieza (w),  Tom Grummett (p),  Gary Erksine (i). "Bad Blood" New Thunderbolts #17 2006 Marvel Comics.
  8. ^ a b  Mike Carey (w),  Chris Bachalo (p),  Tim Townsend with Holdridge, Irwin, Mendoza, Olazaba & Vey (i). "Supernovas" X-Men, volume 2 #189 September 2006 Marvel Comics.
  9. ^ a b  Ed Brubaker (w),  Trevor Hairsine (p),  Kris Justice (i). "untitled" X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1 January 2006 Marvel Comics.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  Chris Claremont (w),  Randy Green & Aaron Lopresti (p),  Rob Hunter, Norm Rapmund & Don Hillsman (i). "The Day After" Decimation: House of M: The Day After #1 January 2006 Marvel Comics.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g  Peter Milligan (w),  Salvador Larocca (p),  Aron Lusen (i). "The Blood of Apocalypse" X-Men, volume 2 #183 April 2006 Marvel Comics.
  12. ^ a b c d e  Dan Slott (w),  Ty Templeton (p),  none (i). "untitled" GLX-Mas #1 2006 Marvel Comics.
  13. ^  Fabian Nicieza (w),  Patrick Zircher & Dave Ross (p),  Udon's M3TH (i). "Bosom Buddies" Cable & Deadpool #23 February 2006 Marvel Comics.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h  Craig Kyle & Chris Yost (w),  Mark Brooks & Paul Pelletier (p),  Jaime Mendoza with Jay Leisten (i). "Childhood's End" New X-Men, volume 2 #23 April 2006 Marvel Comics.
  15. ^  Peter Milligan (w),  Salvador Larocca (p),  Danny Miki & Allen Martinez (i). "House Arrest" X-Men, volume 2 #177 January 2006 Marvel Comics.
  16. ^  Tony Bedard (w),  Paul Pelletier (p),  Rick Magyar (i). "World Tour: New Universe" Exiles #72 January 2006 Marvel Comics.
  17. ^ a b c d  Chris Claremont (w),  Chris Bachalo (p),  Bachalo, Holdredge, Irwin, Mendoza, Olazaba, Parsons, Townsend & Fey (i). "The First FourSaken" Uncanny X-Men #472 June 2006 Marvel Comics.
  18. ^  Mike Carey (w),  Chris Bachalo (p),  Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend, Al Vey, Jaime Mendoza, Sibal & Olazaba (i). "Supernovas" X-Men, volume 2 #188 October 2006 Marvel Comics.
  19. ^ a b  David Hine (w),  Jim Muniz (p),  Conrad & Glapion (i). "Untitled" X-Men: The 198 #4 June 2006 Marvel Comics.
  20. ^ a b c  Chris Claremont (w),  Chris Bachalo (p),  Holdridge, Mendoza, Parsons, Olazaba, Rapmund, Townsend & Vey (i). "Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream" Uncanny X-Men #466 January 2006 Marvel Comics.
  21. ^ a b c  Brian K Vaughan (w),  Adrian Alphona (p),  Craig Yeung (i). "East Coast/West Coast" Runaways (second series) #12 March 2006 Marvel Comics.
  22. ^
  23. ^  Ed Brubaker (w),  Billy Tan (p),  Danny Miki (i). "The Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire" Uncanny X-Men #476 September 2006 Marvel Comics.
  24. ^  Chris Claremont (w),  Michael Ryan (p),  Rick Ketchum (i). "Here We Go Again" New Excalibur #1 January 2006 Marvel Comics.
  25. ^  Mark Millar (w),  Steve McNiven (p),  Dexter Vines (i). "untitled" Civil War #4 November 2006 Marvel Comics.
  26. ^  David Hine (w),  Roy Allan Martinez (p),  none (i). "A Day in the Life of Pietro Maximoff – Homo Sapien" Son of M #1 February 2006 Marvel Comics.
  27. ^ a b  David Hine (w),  Yanick Paquette (p),  Serge LaPointe (i). "Untitled" Civil War: X-Men #1 September 2006 Marvel Comics.
  28. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l  Craig Kyle & Chris Yost (w),  Mark Brooks (p),  Jaime Mendoza (i). "Childhood's End" New X-Men, volume 2 #20 January 2006 Marvel Comics.
  29. ^  David Hine (w),  Jim Muniz (p),  Kevin Conrad (i). "Untitled" X-Men: The 198 #3 May 2006 Marvel Comics.
  30. ^ a b c d e f  David Hine (w),  Jim Muniz (p),  Kevin Conrad (i). "Untitled" X-Men: The 198 #1 March 2006 Marvel Comics.
  31. ^ a b  Fabian Nicieza (w),  Tom Grummett (p),  Gary Erksine (i). "Purple Reign" New Thunderbolts #12 2006 Marvel Comics.
  32. ^  Craig Kyle & Chris Yost (w),  Mark Brooks (p),  Jaime Mendoza with Jay Leisten (i). "Childhood's End" New X-Men, volume 2 #22 March 2006 Marvel Comics.
  33. ^  Paul Jenkins (w),  Ramon Bachs (p),  John Lucas (i). "untitled" Generation M #2 February 2006 Marvel Comics.
  34. ^  Paul Jenkins (w),  Ramon Bachs (p),  John Lucas (i). "unititled" Generation M #4 April 2006 Marvel Comics.
  35. ^  Brian Michael Bendis (w),  Mike Deodato Jr. (p),  Joe Pimentel (i). "The Collective" New Avengers #18 June 2006 Marvel Comics.
  36. ^  Dwayne McDuffie (w),  Scott Kolins (p),  none (i). "unititled" Beyond! #1 September 2006 Marvel Comics.
  37. ^ a b  Mike Carey (w),  Chris Bachalo (p),  Tim Townsend with Jaime Mendoza (i). "Supernovas" X-Men, volume 2 #188 September 2006 Marvel Comics.
  38. ^  Paul Jenkins (w),  Ramon Bachs (p),  John Lucas (i). "untitled" Civil War: Front Line #5 2006 Marvel Comics.
  39. ^ a b  Peter David (w),  Ryan Sock (p),  Wade Von Grawbadger (i). "X-Factor" X-Factor (third series) #1 January 2006 Marvel Comics.
  40. ^  Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (w),  Clayton Crain (p),  Clayton Crain (i). "The Beasts Within" Sensational Spider-Man (second series) #26 July 2006 Marvel Comics.
  41. ^
  42. ^  John Layman (w),  Aaron Lopresti (p),  Norm Rapmund (i). "Tin Can Heroes" Sentinel Squad O*N*E #1 March 2006 Marvel Comics.
  43. ^ a b  Zeb Wells (w),  Skott Young (p),  Skott Young (i). "untitled" New Warriors #5 2006 Marvel Comics.
  44. ^ a b  David Hine (w),  Yanick Paquette (p),  Serge La Pointe (i). "untitled" Civil War: X-Men #2 2006 Marvel Comics.
  45. ^  Peter David (w),  Michael Wieringo (p),  Karl Kesel (i). "untitled" Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #11 September 2006 Marvel Comics.
  46. ^ a b  Peter Milligan (w),  Salvador Larocca (p),  Danny Miki & Allan Martinez (i). "House Arrest" X-Men, volume 2 #179 February 2006 Marvel Comics.
  47. ^  Marc Guggenheim (w),  Humberto Ramos (p),  Carlos Cuevas (i). "Justice" Wolverine (third series) #44 September 2006 Marvel Comics.
  48. ^ a b c
  49. ^  Daniel Way (w),  Steve Dillion (p),  none (i). "Savior" Wolverine: Origins #6 September 2006 Marvel Comics.
  50. ^ a b  Brian Michael Bendis (w),  Steve McNiven (p),  Dexter Vines (i). "untitled" New Avengers #16 April 2006 Marvel Comics.
  51. ^  Paul Jenkins (w),  Ramon Bachs (p),  John Lucas (i). "untitled" Generation M #3 March 2006 Marvel Comics.
  52. ^  Greg Pak (w),  Tyler Kirkham (p),  none (i). "Phoenix Warsong" X-Men: Phoenix - Warsong #1 2006 Marvel Comics.
  53. ^  David Hine (w),  Jorge Lucas (p),  none (i). "untitled" X-Men: Colossus Bloodline #4 February 2006 Marvel Comics.
  54. ^  J Michael Straczynski (w),  Mike McKone (p),  Andy Lanning (i). "untitled" Fantastic Four (first series) #535 April 2006 Marvel Comics.
  55. ^  Craig Kyle (w),  Mike Norton (p),  Juan Vlasco (i). "What Ever Happened To Wither" New X-Men (second series) #32 January 2007 Marvel Comics.
  56. ^  Chris Claremont & Christopher Yost (w),  Michael Ryan (p),  Rick Ketchum (i). "Brainstorm" New Excalibur #9 August 2006 Marvel Comics.
  57. ^  Daniel Way (w),  Javier Saltares (p),  Mark Texeira (i). "Origins & Endings" Wolverine (third series) #37 February 2006 Marvel Comics.
  58. ^  David Hine (w),  Lan Medina (p),  Alejandro Sicat (i). "House of M: Mutopia X" Mutopia X #5 January 2006 Marvel Comics.
  59. ^  Warren Ellis (w),  Stuart Immonen (p),  Wade von Grawbadger (i). "untitled" Nextwave #1 March 2006 Marvel Comics.
  60. ^  Chris Claremont (w),  Billy Tan (p),  Jon Sibal (i). "Wand'ring Star" Uncanny X-Men #470 April 2006 Marvel Comics.
  61. ^  Ed Brubaker (w),  Nilly Tan (p),  Danny Miki (i). "The Rise & Fall of the Shi'ar Empire" Uncanny X-Men #475 September 2006 Marvel Comics.
  62. ^  Fabian Nicieza (w),  Tom Grummett (p),  Gary Erksine (i). "untitled" Thunderbolts (first series) #104 September 2006 Marvel Comics.

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