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Polish language - Simple English Wikipedia

Polish language

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Polish language
Spoken in: Poland (38.5 million); Also speakers in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, France, Germany, Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Argentina, Brazil, Israel, and other countries.
Speakers: over 46 million
Offical language:
Country: Poland
Linguistic classification:
Indo-European languages
   Slavic languages
      Western slavic languages
            Polish language

Polish (język polski, polszczyzna) is the official language of Poland. It is the most widely spoken Western Slavic language and the second largest Slavic language after Russian. It is one of the most difficult languages to learn due to very complicated grammar.

In history, Polish was an important language in Central and Eastern Europe. Today, Polish is spoken by over 38.5 million people as their first language in Poland. It is also spoken as a second language in western parts of Belarus, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Because of the emigration from Poland during different time periods, millions of Polish speakers can be found in countries such as Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, and so on. There are over 46 million Polish language speakers around the world.


[edit] Letters

There are 9 letters in Polish which English doesn't have. They look like English letters with marks above or below them.

In lower case, the 9 letters are: ą ć ę ł ń ś ó ź ż

In upper case, the 9 letters are: Ą Ć Ę Ł Ń Ś Ó Ź Ż

There are 3 English letters which are not used in Polish: q, v, x.

There are 7 combinations of 2 letters which are like a single letter sound (similar to "th" or "qu" in English). These include "ch", "cz", "dz", "dź", "dż", "rz", "sz".

[edit] Sounds

Many letters have the same sound in Polish and English, for instance "f", "m", and others. But other letters sound different, for instance Polish "w" sounds like an English "v", while Polish "ł" sounds like an English "w". There are also some Polish sounds which don't exist in English, and some English sounds which don't exist in Polish.

The vowels "ą" and "ę" are nasal, which means you pronounce them blowing air partly out of your nose as well as your mouth.

Most words are pronounced with an accent on the next-to-last syllable. For instance the Polish word "student" (which means the same as the English word) is pronounced with the accent on "stu" ("STU-dent"), while "studenci" (the plural form of "student") is pronounced with the accent on "den" (stu-DEN-ci).

[edit] Dialects

The Polish language has several dialects, but less so than most European languages. There are small differences in "standard" Polish, but all speakers can understand one another, and non-native speakers often cannot notice the differences.

[edit] Grammar

The grammar is complex, and has some features which do not appear in English.

Like many languages, Polish has grammatical gender. A table (stół) is masculine, a book (książka) is feminine, and a window (okno) is neuter.

Nouns and adjectives and verbs have many endings, depending on their role in a sentence. There are 7 cases or roles which a noun can have in a Polish sentence, each with its own ending. The endings also depend on the gender of the noun.

Word order is more free in Polish, partly because the noun endings help you understand the role of the word. In English, "The boy bites the dog" is quite different from "The dog bites the boy", but in Polish you could use either order without confusion.

[edit] Basic Sentences

Dzień dobry - Good morning or Good afternoon

Dobry wieczór - Good evening

Do widzenia - Good bye

Cześć! - Hi, Hello! or Bye

Tak - Yes (in Polish you may not say long-short answers - like Yes, I did Tak is enough)

Nie - No or Not (in Polish you may not say long-short answers - like No, I won't Nie is enough)

Jak się miewasz? - How do you do?

Jak się nazywasz? or Jak masz na imię? - What's your name?

Nazywam się... or Mam na imię... - My name is...

Nie mówię po polsku - I don't speak Polish

Lubię Cię - I like you

Kocham Cię - I love you

[edit] See also

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