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Lista preşedinţilor Statelor Unite ale Americii - Wikipedia

Lista preşedinţilor Statelor Unite ale Americii

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă

 Sigiliul prezidenţial SUA
Sigiliul prezidenţial SUA

Aceasta este o listă a preşedinţilor Statelor Unite ale Americii, începând cu George Washington.

  1. George Washington (1789 - 1797)
  2. John Adams (1797 - 1801) - federalist -
  3. Thomas Jefferson (1801 - 1809) - democrat-republican -
  4. James Madison (1809 - 1817) - democrat-republican -
  5. James Monroe (1817 - 1825) - democrat-republican -
  6. John Quincy Adams (1825 - 1829) - democrat-republican -
  7. Andrew Jackson (1829 - 1837) - democrat -
  8. Martin van Buren (1837 - 1841) - democrat -
  9. William Henry Harrison (1841) - whig -
  10. John Tyler (1841 - 1845) - whig -
  11. James Knox Polk (1845 - 1849) - democrat -
  12. Zachary Taylor (1849 - 1850) - whig -
  13. Millard Fillmore (1850 - 1853) - whig -
  14. Franklin Pierce (1853 - 1857) - democrat -
  15. James Buchanan (1857 - 1861) - democrat -
  16. Abraham Lincoln (1861 - 1865) - republican -
  17. Andrew Johnson (1865 - 1869) - democrat -
  18. Ulysses Simpson Grant (1869 - 1877) - republican -
  19. Rutherford B. Hayes (1877 - 1881) - republican -
  20. James Abram Garfield (1881) - republican -
  21. Chester Alan Arthur (1881 - 1885) - republican -
  22. Stephen G. Cleveland (1885 - 1889) - democrat -
  23. Benjamin Harrison (1889 - 1893) - republican -
  24. Stephen Grover Cleveland (1893 - 1897) - democrat -
  25. William McKinley (1897 - 1901) - republican -
  26. Theodore Roosevelt (1901 - 1909) - republican -
  27. William Howard Taft (1909 - 1913) - republican -
  28. Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1913 - 1921) - democrat -
  29. Warren G. Harding (1921 - 1923) - republican -
  30. John Calvin Coolidge (1923 - 1929) - republican -
  31. Herbert Clark Hoover (1929 - 1933 - republican -
  32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933 - 1945) - democrat -
  33. Harry S. Truman (1945 - 1953) - democrat -
  34. Dwight David Eisenhower (1953 - 1961) - republican -
  35. John Fitzgeral Kennedy (1961 - 1963) - democrat -
  36. Lyndon Baines Johnson (1963 - 1969) - democrat -
  37. Richard Milhous Nixon (1969 - 1974) - republican -
  38. Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. (1974 - 1977) - republican -
  39. James Earl Carter, Jr. (1977 - 1981) - democrat -
  40. Ronald W. Reagan (1981 - 1989) - republican -
  41. George Herbert Walker Bush (1989 - 1993) - republican -
  42. William Jefferson Clinton (1993 - 2001) - democrat -
  43. George Walker Bush (2001 - 2009) - republican -

Preşedinţii Statelor Unite ale Americii U.S. presidential seal
Washington | J Adams | Jefferson | Madison | Monroe | JQ Adams | Jackson | Van Buren | W Harrison | Tyler | Polk | Taylor | Fillmore | Pierce | Buchanan | Lincoln | A Johnson | Grant | Hayes | Garfield | Arthur | Cleveland | B Harrison | Cleveland | McKinley | T Roosevelt | Taft | Wilson | Harding | Coolidge | Hoover | F. D. Roosevelt | Truman | Eisenhower | Kennedy | L Johnson | Nixon | Ford | Carter | Reagan | GHW Bush | Clinton | GW Bush

  Liste de Preşedinţi şi Vicepreşedinţi ai Statelor Unite ale Americii edit

Liste prezidenţiale ordonate după Ordinea exercitării funcţiei | Data naşterii | Data decesului | Vârsta la preluarea funcţiei | Longevitate | Military rank | Durata perioadei post-prezidenţiale | Durata termenului | Înăţime | Historical rankings | States
Liste privind viaţa personală a preşedinţilor SUA Prenume | Al doilea prenume | Nume de familie | Porecle | Genealogical relationship | College education | Military service | Pets | Place of birth | Place of primary affiliation | Previous occupation | Religious affiliation | Residences
Presidential professional life lists Political affiliation | Political occupation | Inaugurations | Doctrines | Pardons | Vetoes | Control of Congress | Served one term or less | Served more than one term | Assassination attempts | Currency appearances | Libraries

Liste viceprezidenţiale Vicepreşedinţii SUA -- cronologie | Durata termenului | Ordonare după data naşterii | Voturi decisive 

Succesiune Line of succession | Designated survivor | Actuala linie de succesiune | Continuitate
Elections Order by Electoral College margin | 2000 Electors | 2004 electors
Candidates Democratic tickets | Republican tickets | Heights | Who lost their home state | Former presidents who ran again
Unsuccessful candidates Military service | Who received at least one electoral vote
Fictional Fictional Presidents | Fictional Vice Presidents | Fictional Presidential candidates | Fictional presidential succession
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