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阿波羅9號 - Wikipedia



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任务名称 阿波羅9號
-{zh-cn:呼号;zh-tw:口令}-: 指揮艙:橡皮糖
-{zh-cn:成员;zh-hk:隊員}-人数: 3
发射地点: 甘迺迪太空中心
LC 39A
发射: 1969年3月3日
16:00:00 UTC
降落: 1969年3月13日
17:00:54 UTC
任务时间: 10天1小時0分鐘54秒
质量: 指揮艙:26,801 公斤
登月小艇 14,575 公斤
L-R: McDivitt, Scott and Schweickart
L-R: McDivitt, Scott and Schweickart
前次任务: 后次任务:
阿波罗8号 阿波罗10号

Number of

阿波羅9號Apollo 9)是阿波羅計畫中第3次載人飛行任務,為1969年三月實施的十天地球軌道任務。這是土星5号的第二次載人發射,和阿波羅登月小艇(LM)的第一次載人發射。


[编辑] 任務成員

  • 傑斯·麥可迪維特 (James McDivitt,參與過雙子星4號阿波罗9号飛行),指揮官
  • 大衛·史考特 (David Scott,參與過 雙子星8號阿波羅9號阿波羅15號飛行),指揮艙駕駛
  • 羅傑·史維考特 (Russell Schweickart,參與過 阿波罗9号飛行),登月小艇駕駛

[编辑] 後備成員

[编辑] 支援成員

[编辑] 任務數據

  • Mass: CSM 26,801 kg; LM 14,575 kg
  • Perigee: 189.5 km
  • Apogee: 192.4 km
  • Inclination: 32.57°
  • Period: 88.64分鐘

[编辑] 登越小艇 — 指揮艙 著陸時間

[编辑] 艙外活動

[编辑] 參見

  • Extra-vehicular activity
  • List of spacewalks
  • Splashdown

[编辑] 過程

In October 1967, it was planned that following the first manned orbital flight of the CSM (Apollo 7, also known as the C Mission), the second manned Apollo mission (D Mission) would have a manned CSM launched on a Saturn 1B, and a few days later the Lunar Module launched on a second Saturn 1B to practise the first orbit rendezvous. McDivitt, Scott and Schweickart were given this mission, with Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and William Anders being assigned to a later, similar Earth-orbit test (E Mission), this time using the Saturn V to carry both the CSM and LM.

However, production problems with the LM meant that the D Mission would not be able to fly until the spring of 1969, so NASA officials created another "C-Prime" mission to go inbetween the C and D missions, involving the CSM (with no LM) making the first manned flight to the Moon. This flight became Apollo 8, and was given to Borman, Lovell and Anders. Although he was in the rotation for it, McDivitt claims he was never offered the "C-Prime" mission as he was already experienced with the LM - but if he had been offered it, he probably would have declined, as he wanted to fly the LM. The original E Mission was subsequently scrubbed - Apollo 9 was the only Earth-orbit test of the full Apollo spacecraft, and was launched on a Saturn V instead of two Saturn 1Bs. This had long lasting consequence - when the crew rotation for Apollos 8 and 9 were swapped, their backup crews were also swapped, putting Neil Armstrong and his crew (who were Borman, Lovell and Anders' backups) in line for the first manned landing mission instead of Pete Conrad and his crew.

[编辑] 任務重點

Apollo 9 was the first space test of the complete Apollo spacecraft, including the third critical piece of Apollo hardware - the lunar module. For ten days, the astronauts put all three Apollo vehicles through their paces in Earth orbit, undocking and then redocking the lunar lander with the command module, just as they would in lunar orbit. Apollo 9 gave proof that the Apollo machines were up to the task of orbital rendezvous and docking.

For this and all subsequent Apollo flights, the crews were allowed to name their own spacecraft. The gangly lunar module was named "Spider," and the command module was labelled "Gumdrop" on account of the blue cellophane wrapping in which the craft arrived at KSC.

Schweickart and Scott performed an EVA - Schweickart checked out the new Apollo spacesuit, the first to have its own life support system rather than being dependent on an umbilical connection to the spacecraft, while Scott filmed him from the command module hatch. Schweickart was due to carry out a more extensive set of activity to test the suit, and demonstrate that it was possible for astronauts to perform an EVA from the lunar module to the command module in an emergency, but as he had been suffering from space sickness, this was restricted to the stand up test in the Lunar Module hatch.

McDivitt and Schweickart later testflew the LM, and practiced separation and docking maneuvers in earth orbit. They flew the LM up to 111 miles from "Gumdrop", using the engine on the descent stage to propel them originally, before jettisoning it and using the ascent stage to return.

The splashdown point was 23 deg 15 min N, 67 deg 56 min W, 180 miles (290 km) east of Bahamas and within sight of the recovery ship USS Guadalcanal.

The command module was displayed at the Michigan Space and Science Center, Jackson, Michigan until April 2004 when the center closed. In May, 2004, the command module Gumdrop was moved to San Diego Aerospace Museum in southern California. The LM ascent stage orbit decayed on 23 October 1981, the LM descent stage (1969-018D) orbit decayed 22 March 1969. The S-IVB stage J-2 engine was restarted after Lunar Module extraction and propelled the stage into solar orbit by burning to depletion.

[编辑] 徽章

The circular patch shows drawings of a Saturn V rocket with the letters USA on it, To its right, an Apollo CSM is shown next to a LM, with the CSM's nose pointed at the "front door" of the LM rather than at its top docking port. The CSM is trailing rocket fire in a circle. The crew's names are along the top edge of the circle, with APOLLO IX at the bottom. The "D" in McDivitt's name is filled in in red to mark that this was the "D mission" in the alphabetic sequence of pre-lunar landing missions.

[编辑] 阿波羅9號飛行過程

T + Time 事件 燃燒
加速 運行軌道
T + 00:00:00 升空 . . .
T + 00:02:14 S-IC中心引擎脫落 141秒 . .
T + 00:02:43 S-IC引擎脫落 169秒 . .
T + 00:02:44 S-II點燃 . . .
T + 00:03:14 S-II扇狀分離 . . .
T + 00:03:19 拋棄發射逃逸系統 . . .
T + 00:08:56 S-II脫落 . . .
T + 00:08:57 S-II脫落+分離,S-IVB ignition . . .
T + 00:11:05 S-IVB cutoff + orbital insertion 127.4 s . 191.3 x 189.5 km
T + 02:45:00 CSM/S-IVB separation . . .
T + 03:02:08 CSM/LM docking . . .
T + 04:18:00 Spacecraft/S-IVB separation . . .
T + 05:59:00 First SPS test 5.1 s +10.4 m/s 234.1 x 200.7 km
T + 22:12:03 Second SPS test 110 s +259.2 m/s 351.5 x 199.5 km
T + 25:17:38 Third SPS test 281.6 s +782.6 m/s 503.4 x 202.6 km
T + 28:24:40 Fourth SPS test 28.2 s -914.5 m/s 502.8 x 202.4 km
T + 49:41:33 First DPS test 369.7 s -530.1 m/s 499.3 x 202.2 km
T + 54:26:11 Fifth SPS test 43.3 s -175.6 m/s 239.3 x 229.3 km
T + 92:39:30 CSM/LM undocking . . .
T + 93:02:53 CSM separation maneuver 10.9 s -1.5 m/s .
T + 93:47:34 LM DPS phasing maneuver 18.6 s +27.6 m/s 253.5 x 207 km
T + 95:39:07 LM DPS insertion maneuver 22.2 s +13.1 m/s 257.2 x 248.2 km
T + 96:16:04 LM concentric sequence initiation maneuver 30.3 s -12.2 m/s 255.2 x 208.9 km
T + 96:58:14 LM APS constant delta height maneuver 2.9 s -12.6 m/s 215.6 x 207.2 km
T + 97:57:59 LM terminal phase finalization maneuver 34.7 s +6.8 m/s 232.8 x 208.5 km
T + 98:59:00 CSM/LM docking . . .
T + 101:32:44 Post-jettison CSM separation maneuver 7.2 s +0.9 m/s 235.7 x 224.6 km
T + 101:53:20 LM APS burn to depletion 350 s +1,643.2 m/s 6,934.4 x 230.6 km
T + 123:25:06 Sixth SPS test 1.29 s -11.5 m/s 222.6 x 195.2 km
T + 169:38:59 Seventh SPS test 25 s +199.6 m/s 463.4 x 181.1 km
T + 240:31:14 Eighth SPS test 11.6 s -99.1 m/s 442.2 x -7.8 km
T + 241:00:54 Splashdown . . .

Dave Scott spacewalk. (NASA)
Apollo 9 LM "Spider". (NASA)
LM "Spider" over ocean. (NASA)

[编辑] 參考資料

[编辑] 外部連結

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