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還珠格格 - Wikipedia





長度 40分鐘一集
策划 孙树培、琼瑶
主演 赵薇
國家 台湾大陆
電視台 中國電視公司
IMDb 檔案

因此劇非常受到歡迎,也捧紅許多劇中男女演員.由趙薇, 林心如, 蘇有朋和-{周杰}-主演.還珠格格第一部在1998年首播.第二部在1999年播出,第三部播出則是在2003年.還珠格格這齣戲走紅中國大陸, 香港, 台灣,甚至泰國.事實上,還珠格格2在中華地區的收視率已經打破歷年來的最高紀錄,在所有播出此劇的電視台中,收視率幾乎佔50%. 此劇情節大致依據瓊瑤小說還珠格格,以清朝為故事背景,是以作者姓名開頭(Q)為靈感,台灣言情小說作家瓊瑤因為此劇得到好評. 然而, 劇中主角皆為虛構人物。 還珠格格第三部卻因第一部和第二部的成就,不如前兩部受歡迎 最主要的原因,包括劇中主角, 幾乎全部換成新的演員演出。周杰是唯一一個演出全系列的主角. 這些新演員被批評演出水準和描述角色的功力不如之前扮演他們角色的演員.另一個原因則是小燕子和永琪,紫薇和爾康在還珠格格第二部均已結為夫婦,讓觀眾對還珠格格3─他們未來所發生的事缺乏興趣.


[编辑] 演員

[编辑] 在還珠格格第一部及第二部皆有出現的演員

[编辑] 只在還珠格格第一部出現的演員

  • 陈志朋 饰 福尔泰
  • 张恒 饰 塞娅

[编辑] 在還珠格格第二部出現的演員

  • 赵敏芬 饰 太后
  • 刘丹含香(只在第二部出現)
  • 牟凤彬 饰 蒙丹(只在第二部出現)
  • 王艳 饰 晴儿
  • 朱宏嘉 饰 箫剑(此角色在還珠格格第三部由黃曉明飾演)

[编辑] 還珠格格第三部

出演還珠格格3的演員和前兩部相較之下有極大的改變,某些曾參與還珠格格第一部和第二部演出的演員拒絕繼續演出還珠格格第三部。此外,多數參與過還珠格格第一部和第二部的演員現在已成為熠熠紅星,檔期上無法配合。 唯一從還珠格格第一部演到第三部的演員只有周杰一人。大肆換角的決定讓很多喜愛還珠格格系列的影迷很不能接受,他們已經愛上由原班人馬對角色的詮釋了。最後,黄奕飾演小燕子, 曾演出情深深雨濛濛古巨基 飾演永琪,马伊琍飾夏紫薇.演出其他重要角色的演員也都改弦易轍,包括張鐵林飾演的乾隆、戴春榮飾演的皇后、李明啟飾演的容嬤嬤、還有娟子所飾演的令妃。取而代之,狄龙飾演乾隆。一個比較讓人接受的改變是,朱宏嘉飾演的簫劍在第三部由黄晓明出線。以下的角色,像是金瑣、柳青、柳紅、含香、還有蒙丹,都沒在還珠格格3中露臉了.


[编辑] 角色介紹

  • 乾隆皇帝

清朝乾隆皇帝為基礎,劇集中的皇帝表現為一個慈愛、好脾氣的父親。 乾隆是滿洲人,正如歷史上的乾隆,《還珠格格》中的皇帝熱愛藝術和文學。除了他經常的皇后外,還擁有許多的妃嬪,其中他最鍾愛的是令妃。


  • 小燕子


  • 夏紫薇


  • 永琪

人稱五阿哥的永琪是第五個皇子,他的母親愉妃在他童年時病死. 永琪是乾隆最喜愛的兒子,因為他擁有才氣, 體貼且精通功夫。他的優秀也引來希望兒子十二阿哥繼承皇位的皇后妒忌。 永琪是福大人的兒子︰福爾康和福爾泰最好的朋友。他和爾泰是同學,一同跟紀師傅(紀曉嵐)學習。

永琪與小燕子在乾隆一次狩獵中邂逅,乾隆失手射傷小燕子,使乾隆誤認小燕子為他的女兒。當小燕子初抵紫禁城時,永琪已喜愛她的真率和魅力. 小燕子努力適應紫禁城的生活,永琪和爾泰幫助她解決一些初期的問題。他也由爾康和爾泰得知紫薇而非小燕子是真格格。永琪對小燕子的關懷不久轉化成愛意,並漸漸意識到自己對她的感覺。永琪在小燕子嘗試把他與另一女子撮合後承認他對她的感覺,困惑的小燕子後來也發現自己愛上了永琪。在故事裡,永琪與小燕子、紫薇和爾康經歷很多困難。小燕子和永琪經歷不少吵架與和好,直到他們在續集《還珠格格2》大結局成婚。在《還珠格格3》,因小燕子未有所出,太后要永琪娶知畫為側福晉,小燕子十分妒忌,知畫表面上事事忍讓小燕子,暗地裡卻耍心機陷害她。永琪一直冷落知畫,後來一次醉酒,他和知畫發生關係,知畫懷孕並誕下一子綿億。最後永琪與小燕子離開皇宮,隱姓埋名生活。

  • 福爾康

大官福倫的長子,英俊非凡的爾康是有識之士。功夫精湛的爾康是皇帝的御前侍衛。他不像永琪和爾泰般absorbed about 小燕子,但他也get involved in some of 小燕子's earlier struggles in the 皇宮. 爾康在巡遊遇上真正的還珠格格紫薇便愛上了她,他們的關係不斷進展,但it reaches a dead end. 爾康認識到作為大官的兒子,他不能迎娶平民身分的紫薇,所以他帶紫薇和她的丫環金鎖進入紫禁城作為侍候小燕子的婢女。爾康十分深愛紫薇,經常擔心她。他會因不清楚紫薇的情況而坐立不安。爾康的領導才能,也迷倒不少其他女性。有一段時間,乾隆計畫將他許配給西藏塞婭公主,但他阻止了這場婚姻。紫薇曾要他保證娶金鎖作為妾侍, but that was later broken off. 他在續集跟慈禧太后最寵愛的晴格格重團,他和晴兒的interesting history引起紫薇的不安和嫉妒。在《還珠格格3》,他在中緬戰爭中失憶,被緬甸公主慕沙所救,慕沙愛上他,為了不讓他離開,就給他服用毒品銀珠粉。

  • 福爾泰

爾康的弟弟,福爾泰較少為人所談論,但是他是還珠格格1其中一個重要角色。爾泰跟乾隆的兒子永琪是好朋友和同學。像他的朋友,爾泰得到皇帝的欣賞。爾泰最初對小燕子有意思,但後來自願把她讓給永琪。He realizes 小燕子和永琪在成為情侶前已經share a bond. 當其他情侶(小燕子和永琪,紫薇和爾康)發生爭拗時,他經常serves as the voice of reason. 最後,爾泰courts塞婭公主to help 爾康 avoid a marriage with her,. 兩人愛上對方,爾泰到西藏迎娶塞婭公主. 他在續集中沒再出現。

  • 金瑣


  • 皇后

The archnemesis of 小燕子、紫薇、永琪和爾康, 皇后seems to be a heartless, cruel, and 妒忌心重的皇后。 但是, much of these feelings arise 是因為乾隆, who she cares much for, often neglects her. More outspoken and strict than 乾隆其他後宮妃嬪,皇后does not win his favour. 她非常妒忌乾隆最寵愛的妃嬪令妃、威脅她兒子皇位的永琪以及不守行為但得乾隆支持鼓勵的小燕子。她的feelings become intensified when 冰雪聰明紫薇arrives,因為紫薇的才能、美貌和溫柔贏得乾隆的喜愛。 所以,她shows signs of cruelty, 嘗試傷害她妒忌的人. 她經常將心中的忿怒發洩在無力反抗紫薇身上,例如皇后有一次用利針刺傷紫薇。在《還珠格格1》尾段,皇后好像has redeemed herself. 紫薇請求乾隆寬恕皇后,紫薇跟皇后擁抱,但皇后在《還珠格格2》故態復萌,利用更壞的手段to make 兩位格格 miserable. 當她在execution時被紫薇、小燕子、永琪和爾康拯救,她終於改變態度,becomes a better person. 她甚至親手編織紫薇和小燕子的新婚禮服。 在《還珠格格3》,她被乾隆打入冷宮並被廢。

  • 容嬤嬤

皇后忠心的奴婢,Rong Mo Mo, serves as her sort of "sidekick" throughout the series. 跟皇后一樣,她十分討厭小燕子和紫薇。她是一個十分無情的人,not the least bit unwilling to inflict great pain on others. 在續集初段,當皇后不想再傷害小燕子和紫薇的時候,容嬤嬤慫恿她要為她的兒子而繼續。她凡事為皇后著想的忠心,也許是她唯一的正面性格。跟皇后一樣,她最後redeems herself and is forgiven.

  • 令妃

乾隆最喜愛的嬪妃,令妃是個很討好的角色。她有自己的孩子,但將小燕子和紫薇視為女兒。她在乾隆愛上紫薇時感到少許妒忌,但在知道紫薇是乾隆女兒時維護紫薇和小燕子. 她一直盡力幫助她們度過難關。乾隆花了許多時間在她身上,但在《還珠格格2》,乾隆在她懷孕時忽略了她。轉為花時間與他的新妃子含香(香妃)一起。雖然如此,令妃原諒他。

  • 柳青


  • 柳紅

The other of Xiao Yan Zi's most trusted friends, Liu Hong is Liu Qing's sister. She is also very skilled in kung fu and often performs with her brother. Sometimes, when Liu Qing loses his temper, Liu Hong acts more reasonably. Like her brother, she is willing to go to any lengths to help Xiao Yan Zi, Zi Wei, Yong Qi, and Er Kang.

  • 賽婭

A princess from Tibet, Sai Ya and her father arrive in Beijing in hopes of a marriage with the Aisin-Gioro royal family. Sai Ya is somewhat spoiled and gets very competitive with Xiao Yan Zi. The two actually share many characteristics, including a lack of interest in literacy, a feisty temper, and an enjoyment for physical activities like kung fu. Sai Ya first develops an interest in Er Kang after fighting with him during a kung fu match, but later realizes Er Tai is the man for her.

  • 太后

The mother of Qianlong, Tai Hou is a very traditional woman. She does not always like new ideas and prefers prim, proper ladies. Many call her by her title, "Lao Fo Ye", or Old Buddha. Thus, she does not take a liking to Zi Wei because she was born out of wedlock. She dislikes Xiao Yan Zi even more for her feisty, unladylike attitude. However, she dotes on Qing Er, whom she raised, and cares deeply about Qianlong's best interests. Additionally, she wants to break up the betrothal between Zi Wei and Er Kang, as Qing Er liked Er Kang. She also wants Yong Qi to marry a more proper lady than Xiao Yan Zi. Tai Hou likes and trusts Huang Hou as she does not know how wicked Huang Hou is. Huang Hou takes advantage of this, making sure Tai Hou sees Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei at their worst moments. Tai Hou often punishes Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei, as she has only seen them in trouble. However, when Huang Hou's evil ways are discovered and the two princesses plead for forgiveness on Huang Hou's behalf, Tai Hou realizes how special they are. In the end, she treats them as her granddaughters.

  • 含香

A new character in Huan Zhu Ge Ge 2, Han Xiang is a princess from Xinjiang. Her father, Ali He Zhuo, the leader of the Hui tribe, came to Beijing in hopes of making peace with China. Han Xiang was unique because her body carried a scent. Han Xiang was offered as a gift to Qianlong. As Qianlong was quite taken with Han Xiang's beauty and fragrance, he gladly accepted Han Xiang as his concubine. Although Han Xiang was given the title Xiang Fei and constantly doted on by the emperor, Han Xiang's heart was with a childhood lover named Meng Dan. Her insecurities in the Forbidden City and rejection of Qianlong's love result in trouble, thus leading to the climax of Huan Zhu Ge Ge.

  • 蒙丹

Han Xiang's lover, Meng Dan, is part of the Hui tribe. He loved Han Xiang from his childhood, and although the two eloped seven times, they were unsuccessful because of Han Xiang's fragrance. With help from Xiao Yan Zi and her friends, however, Meng Dan is finally able to unite with Han Xiang.

  • 晴兒

乾隆的姪女,, Qing Er's parents died when she was young, so Tai Hou took her in as her own daughter. Qing Er is proper, pretty, and intelligent, as well as a smooth talker, thus gaining Tai Hou's liking. Qing Er falls in love with Er Kang, but when she returns to the Forbidden City from Tai Hou's religious pilgrimage, she finds that Er Kang is already betrothed to Zi Wei.

  • 簫劍

Xiao Yan Zi first meets Xiao Jian, a lover of poetry and drinking, at Hui Bing Lou, a restaurant owned by Liu Qing and Liu Hong. He carries around two possessions: a reed ('xiao') and a sword ('jian'), hence his name. At first, he pretends he does not know any kung fu to avoid fighting with Xiao Yan Zi, but later reveals his kung fu skills when he rescues Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei from beheading.

  • 夏盈盈

A relatively insignificant character in Huan Zhu Ge Ge 3, Xia Ying Ying is a prostitute Qianlong meets on his trip to Jiang Nan. The author, Chiung Yao, created this character exclusively for popular actress Jiang Qinqin. Qianlong is very taken by Xia Ying Ying, as she is charming and talented. However, because she came from a brothel, Tai Hou did not approve. Xia Ying Ying then decided to leave Qianlong, never reappearing in the story.

  • 慕沙

A princess from Burma, Mu Sha and Er Kang first meet on the battlefield, when Mian Dian and China are at war. Disguised as a man, Mu Sha falls in love with Er Kang. After Er Kang is hurt, she takes him to Burma for medical treatment. However, she gets Er Kang addicted on cocaine, and later uses cocaine as a way to keep Er Kang from leaving her for Zi Wei. In the end, however, Mu Sha lets Er Kang and Zi Wei reunite after discovering the deep love between them.

  • 知畫

Known for her talent in painting ('hua'), Zhi Hua is accurately named. She is a daughter of the Yan family, a family that has close ties with Tai Hou. Hoping to find Yong Qi a more proper wife who can bear a child, Tai Hou proposes a match between Zhi Hua and Yong Qi. Although Yong Qi first does not want a second wife, he reluctantly gives in when Xiao Jian's life is at risk. Zhi Hua later has Yong Qi's child, but in the end, Yong Qi leaves the Forbidden City with Xiao Yan Zi, abandoning Zhi Hua.


[编辑] 綱要

[编辑] 第一部

The basis of Huan Zhu Ge Ge One is Princess Huanzhu, a mysterious princess buried under a bridge in Beijing. The adopted daughter of Qianlong, Princess Huanzhu was not allowed to be buried with the rest of the Imperial family, as she was not of royal blood. The author, Chiung Yao, became very curious about this princess. Thus, she wrote Huan Zhu Ge Ge, the story of an orphan whose life changes after she is accidentally named princess.

Weaved into this story is the tale of two sworn sisters: orphaned adventress Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei, a talented young lady with an interesting history. Zi Wei is actually the illegitimate daughter of Emperor Qianlong. Eighteen years ago, Qianlong had an affair with her mother, Xia Yu He, at Lake Daming in Jinan. Because of political reasons, Qianlong left Yu He, promising to return for her. However, Yu He was already pregnant with his child. To her dismay, Qianlong never returns. On her deathbed, Yu He asks Zi Wei to find her father, Qianlong.

Zi Wei takes on this arduous task with her servant Jin Suo. After the two arrive in Beijing, they discover the challenges of entering the Forbidden City. Meanwhile, they meet Xiao Yan Zi, a clever and daring girl around their age. Having been abandoned at a young age, Xiao Yan Zi lives with her buddies Liu Qing and Liu Hong in the Da Zha Yuan. Zi Wei and Xiao Yan Zi soon develop a meaningful friendship. As Zi Wei runs out of supplies and money, she moves in with Xiao Yan Zi. They become sworn sisters, and Zi Wei tells Xiao Yan Zi her huge secret mission.

Xiao Yan Zi agrees to help Zi Wei with her mission. She informs Zi Wei that Qianlong is planning to go on a hunting trip to a local mountain. However, climbing up the mountain turns out to be a challenging task. The frail Zi Wei and Jin Suo struggle to climb up. Hence, Zi Wei decides to send Xiao Yan Zi as her trustworthy messenger. She asks Xiao Yan Zi to climb up the mountain and inform Qianlong about his daughter. She gives Xiao Yan Zi a fan and painting, both gifts that Qianlong gave Yu He years ago. Xiao Yan Zi accepts her mission with great sincerity.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yan Zi is shot with an arrow by Yong Qi, the fifth prince. Yong Qi was originally aiming for a deer, but after the deer ran away, his arrow hit Xiao Yan Zi. Hurt and wounded, Xiao Yan Zi does not have the energy to explain her mission to Qianlong. When Qianlong sees Xiao Yan Zi carrying his fan and painting, he assumes Xiao Yan Zi is Yu He's daughter. He treats Xiao Yan Zi so kindly that she decides to perhaps "borrow" Zi Wei's father for a few days. However, she is soon overcome with guilt.

Meanwhile, Zi Wei is extremely worried about Xiao Yan Zi, afraid that she was captured and executed as a female assassin. When she sees Xiao Yan Zi parading the streets with the title "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", she believes Xiao Yan Zi has deceived her. Uncontrollably, she roams around, screaming Xiao Yan Zi's name. Guards believe she is a crazy woman, but when Fu Er Kang, one of the Emperor's bodyguards, hears hints that signify she might be telling the truth, he rescues her. Zi Wei and Jin Suo live in the Fu household, Xue Shi Fu, temporarily. Xiao Yan Zi also realizes the greatness of her errors. She is frightened that she will be beheaded if she tells the truth. Because of how much they like Xiao Yan Zi, Yong Qi and Er Tai ask Zi Wei to please stay quiet about her secret. Slowly, Er Kang and Zi Wei begin to fall in love. Er Kang realizes their marriage is impossible, however, because he cannot marry Zi Wei if she only has the status of a commoner.

Xiao Yan Zi has her own troubles in the Forbidden City, as she becomes rivals with the Empress, Huang Hou. Even Qianlong becomes overwhelmed with Xiao Yan Zi's disobedience and outspokeness. He punishes Xiao Yan Zi with twenty beatings, despite pleas from Ling Fei, Yong Qi, and Er Tai. However, Qianlong and Xiao Yan Zi soon mend fences. Qianlong tells Xiao Yan Zi she will always be his beloved daughter, causing Xiao Yan Zi to feel guilty and touched.

Sensing the romance between Zi Wei and Er Kang, Er Kang's parents, Fu Da Ren and Fu Jin, kindly ask Zi Wei to give up Er Kang. Heartbroken, Zi Wei and Jin Suo leave Xue Shi Fu without notice, leaving Er Kang in panic. Liu Qing and Liu Hong, Zi Wei's only other friends in Beijing besides Xiao Yan Zi, say they have no idea where Zi Wei is. After his search for Zi Wei is unsuccessful, he calls for the help of Xiao Yan Zi. Together, they manage to find out where Zi Wei is from Liu Qing and Liu Hong. When they finally find Zi Wei, they decide it is perhaps the best idea to allow Zi Wei into the Forbidden City as well.

Zi Wei, along with Jin Suo, enjoy an excellent start in the Forbidden City. Although Zi Wei is but a court maid, Qianlong quickly takes notice to her. He takes a liking for her talent, intelligence, and kindness. This arouses the jealousy of Huang Hou, who dislikes Zi Wei at first sight. She secretly brings Zi Wei to her palace, Kun Ning Gong, and pierces her with needles. Zi Wei nearly dies, but is rescued by Qianlong, Xiao Yan Zi, Er Kang, Er Tai, and Yong Qi. The relationship between Qianlong and Zi Wei grows deeper as Qianlong becomes more amazed by Zi Wei's talents. His love for Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei becomes so great that he takes them on his Wei Fu Chu Xing.

Although Wei Fu Chu Xing directly translates as paroling the control under disguise, Qianlong uses the time to enjoy life outside the Forbidden City. Hoping to reveal Zi Wei's true identity without angering Qianlong, Er Kang, Yong Qi, and Er Tai suggest that they ask for a special order from Qianlong, promising that he will never execute Zi Wei and Xiao Yan Zi.

During the trip, feelings between Xiao Yan Zi and Yong Qi begin to arise. Yong Qi begins to have a crush on Xiao Yan Zi after discovering she is not really his sister. However, their relationship is awkward because they are currently considered brother-sister. When Yong Qi first admits his feelings to Xiao Yan Zi, she is confused and bewildered. But, when Xiao Yan Zi is jealous of another girl who likes Yong Qi, she cannot hide her feelings for him. The romance between Zi Wei and Er Kang grows deeper. Unfortunately, Qianlong, not knowing Zi Wei is his daughter, falls in love with Zi Wei as well. Along the way, Xiao Yan Zi fights any injustice, rescuing many civilians.

Qianlong's Wei Fu Chu Xing is abruptly put to a halt when an assassination attempt is made on the emperor. Zi Wei shields Qianlong from a knife aimed at him. Everyone manages to get rid of the assassins, but Zi Wei's life is at risk. Zi Wei then asks Qianlong never to execute Xiao Yan Zi. Qianlong agrees, but the mood is not calm at all. Thinking she is on her deathbed, Zi Wei also asks Er Kang to marry Jin Suo, her loyal servant and friend.

Surprisingly, Zi Wei manages to survive getting stabbed. Qianlong's admiration for her grows stronger because of her remarkable bravery. After returning to the Forbidden City, Qianlong hints that he wants to take Zi Wei in as his concubine. Meanwhile, the king of Tibet and his daughter, Princess Sai Ya, have arrived in Beijing.

Sai Ya and Xiao Yan Zi quickly develop a rivalry, as Sai Ya's kung fu skills stir up feelings of competition. After fighting against Er Kang in a match, Sai Ya develops a crush on Er Kang. Her father asks Qianlong if he can arrange a marriage between Sai Ya and Er Kang. Although Qianlong originally intended to save Er Kang for Xiao Yan Zi, he agrees, creating huge dilemmas for Zi Wei and Er Kang.

At this point, Xiao Yan Zi, Zi Wei, Yong Qi, Er Kang, Er Tai, and Jin Suo decide it is time to reveal their secret. Qianlong is shocked to discover Zi Wei is his true daughter, as he had once considered taking her in as a concubine. He is hurt to know that Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei, two people he trusted most, had tricked him. Huang Hou takes advantage of the opportunity to tell Qianlong that she always knew something was wrong with Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei. After pressuring from Huang Hou, Qianlong agrees to imprison Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei in Zhong Ren Fu, even though Ling Fei pleas that he reconsiders. Jin Suo, wanting to risk her life rather than Zi Wei's, joins them. Yong Qi, Er Kang, and Er Tai are in great turmoil.

Hoping to finish Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei once and for all, Huang Hou conspires with Liang Da Ren, the man in charge of Zhong Ren Fu. She orders him to force Xiao Yan Zi, Zi Wei, and Jin Suo to sign a document stating they disguised as princesses in an attempt to murder Qianlong. Refusing to sign such a ridiculous document, the three girls are whipped harshly. Knowing that the three cannot survive long in such conditions, Yong Qi, Er Kang, and Er Tai decide to risk their lives. They break into the jail and free the three girls. Because they have broken the law, they decide to run away forever.

At the same time, Qianlong begins to regret his actions. He realizes how much he has grown to love Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei. His officers and Ling Fei also ask that he release them. Qianlong goes to Zhong Ren Fu and decides to let them go, but is aghast that they had escaped earlier. Furious, Qianlong orders that they be found and all executed.

Feelings of guilt arise, as Xiao Yan Zi and her entourage run away. Er Tai decides to return to the Forbidden City and explain matters to Qianlong. Knowing that Er Tai is most likely to be beheaded, Zi Wei begs that they all return and face Qianlong. They soon agree and return to the Forbidden City.

Qianlong originally intends to behead them all, but when he sees that the three girls have been whipped, he is heartbroken. He orders them to return to Shu Fang Zai, where they reside in the Forbidden City, to rest, but they refuse to go until he has forgiven Yong Qi, Er Kang, and Er Tai. Qianlong does not want to at first, but when he realizes the en

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