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[编辑] 英國

[编辑] 程序

英國議會下議院可以提出彈劾。Any member may make accusations of high treason or high crimes and misdemeanours. The member must support the charges with evidence and move for impeachment. If the Commons carries the motion、the mover receives orders to go to the bar at the House of Lords and to impeach the accused "in the name of the House of Commons、and all the commons of the United Kingdom."

The mover must tell the Lords that the House of Commons will、in due time、exhibit particular articles against the accused、and make good the same. The Commons then usually selects a committee to draw up the charges and create an "Article of Impeachment" for each. (In the case of Warren Hastings、however、the drawing up of the articles preceded the formal impeachment.) Once the committee has delivered the articles to the Lords、replies go between the accused and the Commons via the Lords. If the Commons have impeached a peer、the Lords take custody of the accused、otherwise custody goes to Black Rod. The accused remains in custody unless the Lords allow bail. The Lords set a date for the trial while the Commons appoints managers、who act as prosecutors in the trial. The accused may defend by counsel.

The House of Lords hears the case、with the Lord Chancellor presiding (or the Lord High Steward if the impeachment relates to a peer accused of high treason.) The hearing resembles an ordinary trial: both sides may call witnesses and present evidence. At the end of the hearing the Lord Chancellor puts the question on the first article to each member in order of seniority、commencing with the most junior peer、and ending with himself、and after all have voted、proceeds to deal with any remaining articles similarly. Upon being called、a Lord must rise and declare upon his honour、"Guilty" or "Not Guilty". After voting on all of the articles has taken place、and if the Lords find the defendant guilty、the Commons may move for judgment; the Lords may not declare the punishment until the Commons have so moved. The Lords may then provide whatever punishment they find fit、within the law. A Royal Pardon cannot excuse the defendant from trial、but a Pardon may reprieve a convicted defendant.

[编辑] 歷史

Parliament has held the power of impeachment since mediæval times. Originally、the House of Lords held that impeachment could only apply to members of the peerage (nobles)、as the nobility (the Lords) would try their own peers、while commoners ought to try their peers (other commoners) in a jury. However、in 1681、the Commons declared that they had the right to impeach whomsoever they pleased、and the Lords have respected this resolution.

After the reign of Edward IV、impeachment fell into disuse、the bill of attainder becoming the preferred form of dealing with undesirable subjects of the Crown. However、during the reign of James I and thereafter、impeachments became more popular、as they did not require the assent of the Crown、while bills of attainder did、thus allowing Parliament to resist royal attempts to dominate Parliament. The most recent cases of impeachment dealt with Warren Hastings、 Governor-General of India between 1773 and 1786 (impeached in 1788; the Lords found him not guilty in 1795)、and Henry Dundas、1st Viscount Melville、First Lord of the Admiralty、in 1806 (acquitted). The last attempted impeachment occurred in 1848、when David Urquhart accused Viscount Palmerston of having signed a secret treaty with Imperial Russia and of receiving monies from the Tsar. Palmerston survived the vote in the Commons; the Lords did not hear the case.

[编辑] 現代政治中的彈劾

The procedure has、over time、become rarely used and some legal authorities (such as Halsbury's Laws of England) consider it to be probably obsolete. The principles of "responsible government" require that the Prime Minister and other executive officers answer to Parliament、rather than to the Sovereign. Thus the Commons can remove such an officer without a long、drawn-out impeachment. However、it is argued by some that the remedy of impeachment remains as part of British constitutional law、and that legislation would be required to abolish it. Furthermore、impeachment as a means of punishment for wrongdoing、as distinct from being a means of removing a minister、remains a valid reason for accepting that is continues to be available、at least in theory.

In April 1977 the Young Liberals' annual conference unanimously passed a motion to call on the Liberal leader (David Steel) to move for the impeachment of Ronald King Murray QC、the Lord Advocate. Mr. Steel did not call the motion but Murray (now Lord Murray、a former Senator of the College of Justice of Scotland) agrees that the Commons still have the right to initiate an impeachment motion. On 25 August 2004、Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price announced his intention to move for the impeachment of Tony Blair for his role in involving Britain in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. In response Peter Hain、the Commons Leader、insisted that impeachment was obsolete、given modern government's responsibility to parliament. Ironically、Peter Hain had served as president of the Young Liberals when they called for the impeachment of Mr. Murray in 1977.

In 2006 Michael Rose將軍爵士(Hugh Michael Rose)再度啟動彈刻議程,認為時任英國首相貝理雅由於錯誤帶領國家於2003年參與伊拉克侵略戰,需要為此而負上責任。在美國,亦有人基於類似理由而要求彈劇美國時任總統旳小布殊

[编辑] 美國

Image:Senate in session.jpg
The impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton in 1999、Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist presiding. The House managers are seated beside the quarter-circular tables on the left and the president's personal counsel on the right、much in the fashion of President Andrew Johnson's trial.

美國,彈劾可在聯邦一級或州一級發生。在聯邦一級,行政與司法機構的成員均可被彈劾,但彈劾標準不同。在行政機構中,只有被懷疑有「叛國、受賄,或其它針對國家的犯罪行為」的人才能被彈劾。此處叛國與受賄的意思是明確的,但美國憲法並未指明何為「針對國家的犯罪行為(high crime)」。一些評論員據此認為,國會有權自行確定哪些犯罪行為是可導致彈劾的。

在司法機構中,彈劾的範圍要寬得多。美國憲法第三條規定法官在「行為良好(during good behavior)」時可繼續任職,也即國會可以行為不當為由免除法官的職務。

作為「美國的文官(civil officers of the United States)」,國會的成員可被參議院彈劾或被眾議院解職(這發生過一次,是針對參議員William Blount的)。在當代,開除(expulsion)成為處理行為不當的國會成員的主要方式(儘管這仍然很少發生),因為一個議院可以獨立決定開除自己的某個成員,不像彈劾需要牽涉到另一個議院。

彈劾的過程分為兩個步驟。首先,眾議院必須以簡單多數通過彈劾條款(articles of impeachment)(所有50個州的立法機構以及哥倫比亞特區的市立法委員會(city council)也可以針對同級行政機構通過彈劾條款)。彈劾條款中包含了正式的指控內容,一旦通過,就稱被告「正被彈劾(impeached)」。



國會一般將彈劾作為僅在極端情況下行使的一種特殊權力。自從1789年以來,眾議院僅啟動過62次彈劾程序(最近的一次是針對Bill Clinton的),遭到過彈劾指控的聯邦官員僅有以下16名:

  • 副法官(Associate Justice) Samuel Chase,他在1804年被彈劾。
  • 總統Bill Clinton於1998年12月19日被眾議院彈劾,指控其對大陪審團作偽證(以228-206票通過)及阻礙司法公正(obstruction of justice)(以221-212票通過)。另兩項彈劾指控未能通過,包括在Jones案中的另一項偽證指控(以205-229票被否決)和一項濫用職權的指控(以148-285票被否決)。參議院認定其無罪。
  • 總統Andrew Johnson於1868年被彈劾。在參議院的投票中,他以一票之差被宣告無罪。
  • 一名內閣官員
  • 一名參議員
  • 另外11名聯邦法官


尼克松的第一位副總統Spiro Agnew也在被以逃稅和洗錢為由彈劾之前就辭職了。

[编辑] 愛爾蘭

In the Republic of Ireland formal impeachment can apply only to the President. Article 12 of the Constitution of Ireland provides that、unless judged to be "permanently incapacitated" by the Supreme Court、the president can only be removed from office by the houses of the Oireachtas (parliament) and only for the commission of "stated misbehaviour". Either house of the Oireachtas may impeach the president、but only by a resolution approved by a majority of at least two-thirds of its total number of members; and a house may not consider a proposal for impeachment unless requested to do so by at least thirty of its number.

Where one house impeaches the president、the remaining house either investigates the charge or commissions another body or committee to do so. The investigating house can remove the president if it decides、by at least a two-thirds majority of its members、both that she is guilty of the charge of which she stands accused、and that the charge is sufficiently serious as to warrant her removal. To date no impeachment of an Irish president has ever taken place. The president holds a largely ceremonial office、the dignity of which is considered important、so it is likely that a president would resign from office long before undergoing formal conviction or impeachment.

The Republic's constitution and law also provide that only a joint resolution of both houses of the Oireachtas may remove a judge. Although often referred to as the 'impeachment' of a judge、this procedure does not technically involve impeachment.

[编辑] 中華民國(台灣)


[编辑] 對總統與副總統的彈劾



[编辑] 對其他公務人員的彈劾


[编辑] 其他國家

  • 奧地利: The Austrian Federal President can be impeached by the Federal Convention (Bundesversammlung) before the Constitutional Court. The constitution also provides for the recall of the president by a referendum. Neither of these courses has ever been taken.
  • 巴西: The President of Federative Republic of Brazil can be impeached. This happened to Fernando Collor de Mello、due to evidences of bribery and misappropriation.
  • 德國: The Federal President of Germany can be impeached by the Bundestag for willfully violating German law. Once the Bundestag impeaches the president、the Federal Constitutional Court decides whether to remove him or her from office. No such case has yet occurred.
  • 挪威: Members of government、representatives of the national assembly (Stortinget) and Supreme Court judges can be impeached for criminal offences tied to their duties and committed in office、according to th Constitution of 1814、§§ 86 and 87. The procedural rules were modelled on the US rules and are quite similar to them. Impeachment has been used 8 times since 1814、last in 1927. Many argue that impeachment has fallen into desuetude.

[编辑] 彈劾成功而下台的總統

  • Fernando Collor de Mello、president of Brazil was impeached in 1992、and this led to his resignation.
  • Carlos Andrés Pérez、president of Venezuela、was impeached in 1993.
  • Raúl Cubas Grau、president of Paraguay、was impeached in 1999.
  • Roh Moo-hyun、president of South Korea、was impeached on March 12、2004; Korea's Constitutional Court overturned the decision on May 14、2004.
  • Rolandas Paksas、president of Lithuania、was impeached on April 6、2004.

[编辑] 參見

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