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List of volcanoes - Simple English Wikipedia

List of volcanoes

From Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia written in simple English for easy reading.

The following is a list of active and extinct volcanoes:


[edit] On Earth

[edit] Antarctica

  • Mount Erebus
  • Deception Island

[edit] Argentina

  • Mount Aconcagua (disputed)

[edit] Australia

[edit] Azores

  • Agua de Pau
  • Corvo
  • Fayal
  • Flores
  • Furnas
  • Graciosa
  • Pico
  • San Jorge
  • Sete Cidades
  • Terceira

[edit] Bolivia

  • Acotango
  • Cerro Columa
  • Cerro Moiro
  • Cerro San Augustin
  • Cerro Santa Isabel
  • Cerro Yumia
  • Cerros de Tocorpuri
  • Escala
  • Guayaques
  • Irruputuncu
  • Licancabur
  • Macizo de Larancagua
  • Macizo de Pacuni
  • Nevado Anallajsi
  • Neuvo Mundo
  • Olca-Paruma
  • Ollague
  • Pampa Luxsar
  • Parinacota
  • Patilla Pata
  • Quetena
  • Sacabaya
  • Sairecabur
  • Tata Sabaya
  • Uturuncu

[edit] Cameroon

  • Mount Cameroon

[edit] Canada

[edit] Canary Islands

[edit] Cape Verde Islands

  • Brava
  • Fogo
  • Sao Vicente

[edit] Colombia

  • Azufral
  • Cerro Bravo
  • Cerro Negro de Mayasquer
  • Cumbal
  • Dona Juana
  • Galeras
  • Nevado del Huila
  • Nevado del Tolima
  • Nevado del Ruiz
  • Machin
  • Petacas
  • Purace
  • Santa Isabel
  • Sotara

[edit] Comoros

  • Le Kartala (2316 m - active)

[edit] Costa Rica

  • Arenal (1657 m - active)
  • Barva
  • Cerro Tilaran
  • Irazu (3432 m - active)
  • Miravalles
  • Orosi
  • Platanar
  • Poás (2708 m - active)
  • Rincon de la Vieja (1916 m - complex)
  • Tenorio
  • Turrialba

[edit] Dominica

  • Morne aux Diables
  • Morne Diablotins
  • Morne Plat Pays
  • Morne Trois Pitons
  • Morne Watts

[edit] Ecuador

  • Antisana
  • Atacazo
  • Cayambe
  • Chacana
  • Chichoca
  • Cotopaxi
  • Guagua Pichincha
  • Illiniza
  • Mojanda
  • Pan de Azucar
  • Pululagua
  • Quilotoa
  • Reventador
  • Sangay
  • Soche
  • Sumaco
  • Tulabug
  • Tungurahua

[edit] El Salvador

  • Cerro Cinotepeque
  • Cerro Singuil
  • Chinameca
  • Coatepeque Caldera
  • Conchaguita
  • El Tigre
  • Guazapa
  • Ilopango
  • Izalco
  • Laguna Aramuaca
  • San Diego (volcano)
  • San Miguel
  • San Salvador
  • San Vicente
  • Santa Ana
  • Taburete
  • Tecapa
  • Usulutan

[edit] France

[edit] Galapagos Islands

  • Alcedo
  • Cerro Azul
  • Darwin
  • Ecuador
  • Fernandina
  • Floreana
  • Genovesa
  • Marchena
  • Pinta
  • San Cristobal
  • Santa Cruz
  • Santiago
  • Sierra Negra
  • Wolf

[edit] Germany

[edit] Greece

  • Kos
  • Methana
  • Milos
  • Nisyros
  • Santorini
  • Yali

[edit] Honduras

  • Isla el Tigre
  • Isla Zacate Grande
  • Utila Island

[edit] Iceland

  • Askja
  • Eldfell
  • Esjufjoll
  • Eyjafjoll
  • Grimsnes
  • Grimsvotn
  • Heimaey
  • Hekla
  • Hengill
  • Hofsjokull
  • Kollóttadyngja
  • Kerlingarfjoll
  • Katla
  • Krafla
  • Krisuvik
  • Langjokull
  • Ljosufjoll
  • Lysuholl
  • Oraefajokull
  • Prestahnukur
  • Snaefellsjokull
  • Surtsey

[edit] Indonesia

  • Krakatoa, Rakata
  • Mount Tambora, Sumbawa
  • Volcanoes of Bali island
    • Mount Agung
    • Mount Batur
    • Bratan
  • Volcanoes of Flores island
    • Ebulobo
    • Egon
    • Ilimuda
    • Inielika
    • Inierie
    • Iya
    • Kelimutu
    • Leroboleng
    • Lewotobi
    • Ndete Napu
    • Poco Leok
    • Ranakah
    • Riang Kotang
    • Sukaria Caldera
    • Wai Sano
  • Volcanoes of Java island (38)
    • Baluran
    • Cereme
    • Galoen-gong
    • Gede
    • Guntur
    • Lawu
    • Karang
    • Kelut
    • Kendang
    • Ijen
    • Lamongan
    • Lurus
    • Malabar
    • Merbabu
    • Mount Merapia
    • Papandayang
    • Patuha
    • Perbakti
    • Raung
    • Salak
    • Semeru
    • Slamet
    • Sumbing
    • Sundoro
    • Talagabodas
    • Tampomas
    • Tangkuban Prahu
    • Telomoyo
    • Wayang-Windu
    • Wilis
  • Lomblen
    • Ililabalekan
    • Iliwerung
    • Lewotolo
  • Lombok
    • Rinjani
  • Volcanoes of New Guinea
  • Volcanoes of Sulawesi
    • Ambang
    • Colo
    • Klabat
    • Mahawu
    • Sempu
    • Soputan
    • Tongkoko
  • Volcanoes of Sumatra
    • Belirang-Beriti
    • Besar
    • Bukit Daun
    • Bukit Lumut Balai
    • Dempo
    • Geureudong
    • Gunung Kerinci
    • Gunung Tujuh
    • Helatoba-Tarutung
    • Hulubelu
    • Hutapanjang
    • Imun
    • Kaba
    • Kembar
    • Kerinci
    • Kunyit
    • Lubukraya
    • Marapi
    • Patah
    • Pendan
    • Peuet Sague
    • Pulau Weh
    • Rajabasu
    • Ranau
    • Sarik-Gajah
    • Sekincau Belirang
    • Seluwah Agam
    • Sibayak
    • Sibualbuali
    • Sinabung
    • Sorikmarapi
    • Sumbing
    • Suoh
    • Talakmau
    • Talang
    • Tandikat
    • Toba

[edit] Italy

  • Amiata
  • Campi Flegri
  • Mount Etna (active)
  • Ischia
  • Larderello
  • Lipari
  • Pantelleria
  • Stromboli (active)
  • Mount Vesuvius
  • Vulcano
  • Vulcanello
  • Vulsini
  • see also: Active Italian Volcanos

[edit] Japan

  • Hokkaido
    • Akan
    • Daisetsu
    • E San
    • Komaga Take
    • Kutcharo
    • Kuttara
    • Mashu
    • Nigorigawa
    • Nipesotsu Upepesanke
    • Niseko
    • Oshima Oshima
    • Rausu
    • Rishiri
    • Shikotsu
    • Shiretoko Iwo Zan
    • Shiribetsu
    • Tokachi
    • Usu
    • Yotei
  • Honshu
    • Mt. Fuji
  • Kyushu
    • Aso

[edit] Kenya

  • Mount Kenya

[edit] Mexico

  • Colima
  • Paricutín
  • Popocatepetl

[edit] Montserrat

  • Soufriere Hills

[edit] Netherlands Antilles

  • Saba

[edit] New Zealand

  • Rangitoto Island and various cones in Auckland
  • In the Taupo Volcanic Zone [1]
    • Cones
      • Mount Ruapehu
      • Mount Tongariro
      • Mount Ngaruruhoe
      • Tauhara
      • Waiotapu
      • Mount Tarawera (part of the Okataina caldera)
      • Kawerau
      • White Island
    • Caldera
      • Lake Taupo
      • Okataina
      • Lake Rotorua
  • Mount Taranaki (formerly Mount Egmont)
  • Lyttelton and Akaroa on Banks Peninsula

[edit] Norway

  • Bouvetoya

[edit] Panama

  • Baru
  • El Valle
  • La Yeguada

[edit] Peru

  • Coropuna
  • El Misti
  • Huaynaputina
  • Nevado Chachani
  • Nevados Casiri
  • Nevados Firura
  • Quimsachata
  • Sabancaya
  • Ticsani
  • Tutupaca
  • Ubinas
  • Yucamane

[edit] Philippines

  • Luzon
    • Ambalatungan Group
    • Amorong
    • Arayat
    • Banahaw
    • Bulusan
    • Cagua
    • Isarog
    • Iriga
    • Jalajala
    • Labo
    • Laguna Volcanic Field
    • Malinao
    • Malinding
    • Makiling
    • Mariveles
    • Masaraga
    • Mayon
    • Natib
    • Patoc
    • Pinatubo
    • Pocdol Mountains
    • Santo Tomas
    • Taal
  • Visayas
    • Biliran
    • Canlaon
    • Panay
  • Mindanao
    • Apo
    • Balatocan
    • Calayo
    • Hibok-hibok
    • Kalatungan
    • Latukan
    • Leonard Range
    • Makaturung
    • Malindang
    • Matumtum
    • Paco
    • Parker
    • Ragang

[edit] Réunion

  • Piton de la Fournaise (active)
  • Piton des Neiges (extinct)

[edit] Russia

  • Kamchatka
    • Bezymianny
    • Klyuchevskaya Sopka
  • Kurile Islands
    • Atsonopuri
    • Baransky
    • Berutarube
    • Bogotayr Ridge
    • Chirip
    • Chirpoi
    • Demon
    • Golets-Tronyi Group
    • Golovnin
    • Grozny Group
    • Ivao Group
    • Kolokol Group
    • Lvinaya Past
    • Medvezhia
    • Mendeleev
    • Milne
    • Rudakov
    • Smirnov
    • Tiatia
    • Tri Sestry

[edit] Rwanda

  • Mount Karisimbi

[edit] Saint Kitts and Nevis

  • Mount Misery
  • Nevis Peak
  • The Quill

[edit] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Soufriere volcano (1,234 m, active)

[edit] Solomon Islands

  • Bagana
  • Balbi
  • Billy Mitchell
  • Kavachi
  • Loloru
  • Nonda
  • Savo
  • Simbo
  • Takuan Group
  • Tore

[edit] South Sandwich Islands

  • Bristol Island
  • Candlemas Island
  • Hodson
  • Leskov Island
  • Montagu Island
  • Zavodovski

[edit] Tanzania

  • Kieyo
  • Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Meru
  • Ngozi
  • Ol Doinyo Lengai
  • Rungwe

[edit] Tristan da Cunha

  • Queen Mary's Peak

[edit] Turkey

  • Mount Ararat

[edit] Uganda

  • Bufumbira
  • Bunyaruguru Field
  • Fort Portal Field
  • Katunga
  • Katwe-Kikorongo Field
  • Kyatwa Volcanic Field
  • Muhavura

[edit] USA

  • Alaska
    • Mount Adagdak
    • Mount Akutan
    • Mount Amak
    • Mount Amukta
    • Mount Aniakchak
    • Mount Atka
    • Mount Augustine
    • Black Peak
    • Mount Bobrof
    • Bogoslof
    • Mount Buldir
    • Buzzard Creek
    • Mount Carlisle
    • Mount Chagulak
    • Mount Chiginagak
    • Mount Churchill
    • Mount Cleveland
    • Mount Dana
    • Mount Davidof
    • Mount Denison
    • Devils Desk
    • Mount Douglas
    • Duncan Canal
    • Mount Dutton
    • Mount Edgecumbe
    • Emmons Lake
    • Mount Fisher
    • Mount Frosty
    • Fourpeaked
    • Mount Gareloi
    • Great Sitkin
    • Mount Gordon
    • Mount Griggs
    • Mount Hayes
    • Mount Herbert
    • Mount Iliamna
    • Imuruk Lake
    • Ingakslugwat Hills
    • Mount Isanotski
    • Mount Kagamil
    • Mount Kaguyak
    • Mount Kanaga
    • Mount Kasatochi
    • Mount Katmai
    • Mount Kialagvik
    • Mount Kiska
    • Mount Koniuji
    • Mount Kukak
    • Mount Kupreanof
    • Kookooligit Mountains
    • Little Sitkin
    • Mount Mageik
    • Mount Makushin
    • Mount Martin
    • Mount Moffett
    • Novarupta
    • Nunivak Island
    • Mount Okmok
    • Mount Redoubt
    • Mount Roundtop
    • Saint Michael
    • Saint Paul Island
    • Mount Pavlof
    • Pavlof Sister
    • Mount Recheschnoi
    • Mount Sanford
    • Mount Seguam
    • Mount Segula
    • Mount Semisopochnoi
    • Mount Sergief
    • Mount Shishaldin
    • Mount Steller
    • Snowy Mountain
    • Mount Spurr
    • Mount Stepovak
    • Mount Takawangha
    • Mount Tanaga
    • Mount Trident
    • Ugashik-Peulik
    • Ukinrek Maars
    • Mount Uliaga
    • Mount Veniaminof
    • Mount Vsevidof
    • Mount Westdahl
    • Mount Wrangell
    • Mount Yantarni
    • Mount Yunaska
  • Arizona
    • Sunset Crater
    • Uinkaret Field
  • California
    • Amboy
    • Big Cave
    • Black Butte
    • Brushy Butte
    • Clear Lake
    • Coso Volcanic Field
    • Eagle Lake Field
    • Golden Trout Creek
    • Inyo Craters
    • Lassen Peak
    • Lavic Lake
    • Long Valley Caldera
    • Mammoth Mountain
    • Medicine Lake
    • Mono Craters
    • Red Cones
    • Mount Shasta
    • Tumble Buttes
    • Twin Buttes
    • Ubehebe Craters
  • Colorado
    • Dotsero
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
    • Craters of the Moon
    • Hell's Half Acre
    • Shoshone Lava Field
    • Wapi Lava Field
  • Nevada
    • Steamboat Springs
  • New Mexico
    • Capulin
    • Carrizozo
    • Valles Caldera
    • Zuni Bandera
  • Oregon
    • Mount Bachelor
    • Mount Bailey
    • Mount Belknap
    • Blue Lake Crater
    • Broken Top
    • Cinnamon Butte
    • Mount Mazama (Crater Lake)
    • Davis Lake
    • Devil's Garden
    • Diamond Craters
    • Four Craters Lava Field
    • Mount Hood
    • Jackie's Butte
    • Mount Jefferson
    • Jordan Craters
    • Mount McLoughlin
    • Newberry Caldera
    • Saddle Butte
    • Sand Mountain Field
    • Mount Thielsen
    • Three Sisters
    • Three-Fingered Jack
    • Squaw Ridge Lava Field
    • Mount Washington
  • Saipan
    • Mount Tapochau
  • Utah
    • Bald Knoll
    • Black Rock Desert
    • Markagunt Plateau
    • Santa Clara
  • Washington
  • Wyoming
    • Devil's Tower
    • Yellowstone caldera

[edit] Elsewhere in the solar system

[edit] Mars

  • Olympus Mons
  • Arsia Mons
  • Pavonis Mons
  • Ascraeus Mons

[edit] Other planets and moons

  • Many on Io, a moon of the planet Jupiter, that are believed to eject sulfur or possibly sulfur dioxide.
  • Many on Triton, a moon of the planet Neptune, that are believed to eject liquid nitrogen, dust, or methane compounds.

[edit] In fictional literature

[edit] Related topics

  • Pacific Ring of Fire
  • List of mountains
  • Areography
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