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Xenomorph (Alien) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xenomorph (Alien)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The xenomorph as it appears in Alien vs. Predator (2004).
The xenomorph as it appears in Alien vs. Predator (2004).

A xenomorph is a member of the fictional extraterrestrial species that is the primary antagonist of the Alien film series and its subsidiary literature and video games. The name is derived from the Greek word for "alien form", and was used by a character in the film Aliens as a euphemism to indicate any nonterrestrial lifeform. Because the films did not give a specific name, this was adopted by fans as a taxonomic classification for the Alien series' titular monsters.

A xenomorph begins life inside an egg as a small parasitoid. After the egg hatches, the parasitoid attaches itself to a nearby host and implants an embryo. The embryo is incubated in the host for a short period of time, until it breaks out of the host's body and quickly grows into a large adult. An adult is usually depicted as slightly humanoid, standing approximately 8 ft. tall, and has a long, whip-like tail, a semitransparent carapace enclosing its head, and several rows of silvery teeth. In the film Aliens, it is shown that the eggs are produced by an alien queen, although whether it reproduces asexually is never specified.

The xenomorph design is credited to Swiss surrealist and artist H. R. Giger, originating in a lithograph called Necronom IV and refined for the series' first film, Alien. In that film, the xenomorph was played by an actor in costume (the 7-foot-tall Bolaji Badejo) and make-up, a technique used in later films of the series. The queen was depicted in Aliens using animatronic puppets and in Alien vs. Predator using computer-generated imagery. The species' design and life cycle have been extensively added to and altered throughout each film, so that its complete biology is not always consistent.


[edit] Characteristics

Kane inspects a Xenomorph egg.
Kane inspects a Xenomorph egg.

Socially, in ideal situations, Xenomorphs are hive-minded animals with a defined caste system which is ruled by a queen. They reproduce as parasitoids and grow to full size very rapidly.[1] The Alien queen lays eggs that eventually release a single parasitic Facehugger when a host comes near. The Facehugger attacks the host and slides a tubular proboscis down the victim's throat, implanting an embryo within their chest — the organism also somehow retains the victim's oxygen intake through this organ. Additionally, the facehugger injects a powerful general anaesthetic into the victim, which renders it comatose. The Facehugger possesses several natural defenses to prevent its removal from the host: acid blood may burn attackers attempting to cut or scrape the facehugger from the host, and strangulation and laceration of the internal organs of the host may be attempted if attackers attempt to pry or peel the facehugger off. In Aliens, after seeing the Facehuggers in stasis, they discover that the host died during removal (but they were able to do so before implantation). After implantation, the Facehugger dies and the embryo's host wakes up afterwards showing no considerable outward negative symptoms for several hours thereafter, the most common symptoms being a sore throat, slight nausea, and increased congestion.

This embryo may take on some of the host's DNA or traits (such as bipedalism or quadrupedalism (shown in ALIEN 3 with the dog alien), possibly owing to the need to adapt using indigenous wildlife as a reference for what features to retain for use in that particular environment), then over the course of about 24 hours (sometimes up to a week, in the case of some queens) develops into a Chestburster, at which point it emerges, violently ripping open the chest of the host — without medical assistance and surgical removal, the victim will die as a result. Shortly after emergence, the creature grows to adult size. Xenomorphs are roughly humanoid with a skeletal or insectoid appearance, like an exoskeleton. It is shown that the Xenomorph has no endoskeletal structure; however the DVD collection Alien: Quadrilogy shows a skeletal structure in x-ray images of a stage in its life cycle in each animated menu selection. Also, as noticed in Predator 2 it shows what appears to be a Xenomorph skull, though it may be a bleached exoskeleton. This skull also appears on the Alien Vs Predator DVD Disc.


A lone Xenomorph is also capable of reproducing its own kind through a form of transmutation that is not entirely understood. The organism, during the first encounter with another animal, begins this process near the end of its life whereby a victim is partially broken down at the cellular level and reorganized into what is to be an egg, and placed near a still living but immobilized host. In the book "Nightmare Asylum" General Spears comments that a drone alien can develop in to a queen through the means of a 'Hormone storm'. The 'Hormone storm' are of the chemicals found in the royal jelly that is fed to the growing queen, it lies dormant in a xenomorph's D.N.A until needed.[2]

Typical adults are about seven feet in height (two meters)[3] and have a hard outer shell which is usually muted shades of gray, dark green, brown and black. They have an elongated, cylindrical head but lack visible eyes. The creature's lack of visible eyes serves to remove a massive weak point from a nigh invulnerable beast. Symbolically, a lack of eyes helps to emphasize the alien quality in the creature. In the original Alien film the top of the creature's head was semi-transparent, with empty eye sockets of human appearance visible within - this element was dropped in later movies. Due to the absence of eyes, it is possible that the creature uses echolocation to "see" its environment, much like bats. It may be for this reason that Xenomorphs hiss almost constantly. And as depicted in the aliens versus predator games, the aliens can detect their prey using pheromones, much like a colorful aura around the body. All Xenomorphs also have 6-fingered hands, with 2 thumbs each, 1 on each side of each hand.

[edit] Behavioural and defensive attributes

The xenomorph as it first appeared, in Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien
The xenomorph as it first appeared, in Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien

The adult Xenomorph is a living weapon, noted for its ferocity and deadliness in any condition. It has strong, sharp claws and a blade-like tip on the end of its tail. The Xenomorph's mouth contains double mandibles, that is, it has one mouth inside another mouth. The first mandible which is similar to a human's, lowers and the second mandible which could be called its tongue, extends outwards from inside the first. It is rigid enough to penetrate bone or body armor with the secondary jaws at its tip. It is employed almost exclusively as a weapon to incapacitate prey, usually through head trauma. It can be seen when the Xenomorph opens its mouth slowly. (The queen has three sets of tongue mandibles.)

Xenomorphs, once fully matured, possess great physical strength and agility. Despite their ferocity and savagery, like any good predator, they are masters of stealth. A favored method of acquiring prey is to simply wait in a dormant state until an appropriate host strays near and then drop down silently from behind. The prey is generally blind to the fact that a Xenomorph is present, due to its propensity to camouflage itself within its nest walls or the surrounding artificial environment given its biomechanical appearance. The Xenomorphs' blood is an extremely potent acid similar to hydrochloric acid (although their acid blood is significantly more effective against metal than is HCl) and is capable of dissolving on contact almost any substance with alarming speed, in the movies (notably the first one) it is referred to as "Molecular Acid" or similar to it. However, as seen in the movie Alien vs Predator, the exoskeletons of the creatures themselves are impervious to their acidic blood. The creature also has the ability to spit this acid, though this seems to be a rare behavior seen only in Alien³ and Alien: Resurrection as well as various comic books and video games — it seems this is used to incapacitate prey rather than kill (although in one viewed case, it led to one victim's gruesome death). Xenomorphs can produce a thick, strong resin, previously used to build their hives and cocoon victims. Much like termites, they mix their viscous saliva with solids, like dead victims or dead/cannibalized xenomorphs. These materials are then broken down by spitting acid on them and molding into shape and place (demonstrated in the comic book Aliens: Harvest), though it shows amazing heat and moisture-retaining qualities, as seen in the hot, moist atmosphere of the hive in Aliens.

Adult Xenomorphs are quick and agile, and can run along ceilings and walls. They can survive in extreme temperatures, are well-adapted to swimming, and can survive in vacuum for unknown lengths of time. Their movement tends to be silent, and they do not radiate heat as their exoskeletal temperature matches the ambient temperature. They salivate profusely. They are extremely aggressive and persistent, while being totally devoid of fear. And although they do not demonstrate human-level intelligence as a species (either through writing, tool use, or the development of any sort of technology), their queen appears to possess considerable acumen in its social behavior and manipulation of human technology.[4] Through cloning in the events surrounding Alien: Resurrection (noted in the novelization), it appears that the alien's hive mind includes a collective memory that passes along even at a genetic level, and through the tests conducted on Ellen Ripley, it is revealed that the memory passed from Ripley onto the new generation of xenomorphs allows them to read and understand different languages.

In the rare event that a Xenomorph should find itself under attack or is otherwise vulnerable, its cleverness shows yet again- as stated earlier, they are able to move quite well and quickly in ventilation systems, despite their size, and will use such conduits for ambush, escape, or even as just an easy way between point A and B. Should a Xenomorph become separated from its hive, it will often try to re-establish contact as soon as it can. As a result, installations that study or experiment on these creatures have developed strategies that force escaped Xenomorphs upwards rather than downwards, locking down ventilation systems at the same time. Even these measures have been known to fail, however- the alien organism will go so far as to sacrifice another in an effort to escape, using the dead creature's acidic blood to effectively melt a hole for escape.

Xenomorphs, in all stages of their life cycles, have shown vulnerabilities to heat, such as fire and flamethrowers, but cold temperatures are an inadequate precautionary measure — except at the extremes, such as liquid nitrogen. Since they can adapt to a vacuum and endure cold climates, it is unlikely they would be driven off by chilly conditions, but blasts of hot steam or cold air can be effective, especially when paired together. It is postulated that applying both hot and cold temperatures in rapid succession would achieve a very lethal, "cracking" effect on the Xenomorph's exoskeleton.[5]

[edit] Queen

The alien queen with her eggsac.
The alien queen with her eggsac.

Xenomorphs have an insect-like life cycle, fairly similar to that of the digger wasp. The queen regulates the whole hive and it is possible that the hive cannot survive without her.

Queen Xenomorphs are significantly larger than the drones, approximately 15 feet (4.5 m) tall.[6] Their body structure differs also, having twin sets of arms and being built more similarly to a Tyrannosaurus than a humanoid. Queens have a much larger braincase than the average adults, protected by a large crest above their heads. Queens also have a higher ability to relate cause and effect, allowing them rudimentary understanding of technology in the same way as some primates, such as the Queen's use of the elevator in Aliens. At the end of Aliens, when the xenomorphs have Ripley cut off from escape, she threatens to burn an egg - the Queen perceives this and beckons the drones to clear out of the way

[edit] Birth

It is almost impossible to determine the entire origin of the queen. When the queen or her eggs are absent, there are numerous possibilities. The queen could generate from a super facehugger, as seen in the special edition of Alien³, which can implant a queen or a Xenomorph into multiple hosts. Its biological description differs too: it would be more armoured, having hooked limbs to deter removal and be stronger than the normal Facehugger to achieve its goal at any cost.[7] After impregnating the host, the Facehugger would eventually die after a small period of time. Incubation could last days as the maturing queen was a much more complex organism than her subjects and also as a way of spreading the hive to a new area (as the host carries the incubating queen away from the place of impregnation the queen would then be born farther away, thus ensuring new food and reproduction sources for the fledgling hive).[8] There were other theories as to how the Queen was created, one being that some newborn Chestbursters were fed the Queen's royal jelly, provoking a cellular response that makes it metamorphose into a matriarch. Another method shown in numerous video games and novels is that if no queen is present, a normal drone xenomorph can shift hormones and become one. In the RoleMaster "Aliens the Roleplaying Game" queens are said to be born only from a living host without a Facehugger that has been allowed to wander free and not cocooned to the wall.

[edit] Hive relationships

Most of the relationships of the Xenomorph hive established and recognised are supposition. It is likely, though, that after a few weeks a new Queen would lead a contingent of drones away from the old hive and their first duty would be to spread to another area and begin construction anew. Early on all effort would be concentrated on finishing the hive so the Queen could begin laying eggs again. Rival creatures would be used to reinforce the hive and protect the Queen when she began breeding. It is known that the host of a queen embryo is able to be recognized as a VIP Drone and Warrior Xenomorphs and given deference.

[edit] Design

The Queen from Alien vs. Predator.
The Queen from Alien vs. Predator.

The design of the queen was created by Aliens director James Cameron in collaboration with special effects artist Stan Winston, based upon an initial painting Cameron had done at the start of the project.[9] The Winston Studio created a test foam core queen before constructing the full hydraulic puppet which was used for most of the scenes involving the large alien. Two people were inside working the twin sets of arms and puppeteers off-screen worked her jaws and head. Although at the end of the film the queen was presented full-body fighting the power-loader, the audience never sees the legs of the queen, save those of the small-scale puppet that appears only briefly. In Aliens, Cameron used very selective camera-angles on the queen, using the "less is more" style of photography. Subsequently the movie won an Oscar for Visual Effects.[10]

It was only during the climax of the 2004 film Alien vs. Predator that for the first time audiences could see the queen actually running and fighting because of the computer-generated imagery (CGI) techniques employed to create it. The queen's basic design was also altered to make her more "streamlined" in appearance. Other changes include the removal of the Alien queen's "high-heel" protrusions on her legs, altering the joints so she could run faster and making the chest thinner because there was no need for puppeteers inside.

[edit] Variations

The Xenomorph has been portrayed in noticeably different ways throughout the films. Much of this was due to the continuing advancements made in the field of special effects, technology and techniques used to bring it to life.

[edit] Upper torso

In the original Alien film, and sequel Aliens, they are depicted as tall, slender creatures with a roughly human biomechanical design. Notably, the being in the first film is far taller than those in the second. However, in later films, like Alien: Resurrection and Alien vs. Predator, they are depicted as being shorter and bulkier organisms, as well as being more quadrupedal, portrayed by either the traditional men-in-suit technique for close-ups or full form using computer-generated imagery.

Originally, the Xenomorphs’ tail was roughly the length of the rest of its body with a small, almost surgical stinger-like barb on the end. From Alien³ onwards, however, the tail has extended in length and featured a large, knife-like blade at the tip. In Alien: Resurrection and Alien vs. Predator, the tails had also supported a ridge of spikes right before the blade. This was introduced in Alien: Resurrection to help them swim convincingly, and was left intact in Alien vs. Predator.[11] The tail itself is shown to be of incredible length during Alien vs Predator, easily measuring at least twice its body length, as depicted when the Grid Alien impales a Predator from a hole in the wall.

The original shooting script for Aliens featured a scene in which Lieutenant Gorman was "stung" by a Xenomorphs’ stinger. He was not killed, merely stunned, and the barb remained lodged in his shoulder, having torn loose from the Xenomorphs’ tail, much like a bee stinger. The novelisation also included this scene, though the movie itself does not.[12] This attribute is used later on in various games.

In Aliens, the Xenomorph is depicted as having ridges along its cranium, while in all other films they have smooth cowls covering their skull, the logistic reason being that the cowl-less Xenomorphs in the sequel were easier to make and were more resistant to damage. In Alien: Resurrection and Alien vs. Predator, the head was shortened greatly to approximately half the original thirty-three inches. It was also made flat at the base, with little to no similarity to the original designs.[13]

In Alien and Alien³, the Xenomorph has six fingers, with the index and middle fingers conjoined into one digit, ring and pinkie fingers also conjoined, and thumbs on both sides. In Aliens, the Xenomorphs are shown with three fingers. In Alien: Resurrection and Alien vs. Predator, the aliens have four fingers. No explanation is given in the films for the fluctuating number of digits.

[edit] Lower torso

In Alien and Aliens, the Xenomorphs have legs like that of a human, with a single joint at the knee and feet roughly in the same configuration as a human. Also in Alien vs. Predator, the Xenomorphs have this same humanoid leg, though it is sleeker and more skeletal in appearance, due to the use of computer visuals and hydraulic puppetry, rather than costumes. This is notable because the Xenomorph resembles the species from which it bred. In Alien³, the Xenomorph is born from a different animal, and therefore has a different body design, including legs more like the dog in which it was incubated (in the extended edition the host is an ox and the resulting Xenomorph bears only slight similarities to its host) . However, there was a dramatic change in Alien: Resurrection wherein the Xenomorphs which escaped from containment have avian legs with long bones in the foot and the toes used for walking. This is apparently a change taking advantage of the digital representation of the Xenomorphs rather than costumes, done to make them seem more menacing and predatory.[14] The different leg and foot can be clearly seen in a forward shot in which a Xenomorph closes in on the surviving characters, who are trapped by a blocked door.[15]

It is almost impossible to tell the sex of the Xenomorph; however the Xenomorph never appears to need reproductive organs, relying on eggs alone. In Alien: Director's Cut, the Xenomorph originally had a second method of reproduction, whereby it could transform humans into eggs, as shown when Ripley discovers Brett, Engineer of the crew ship Nostromo, cocooned in a viscous liquid.[16]

In another omitted scene from the script for Alien³, these "eggs" were actually cocoons, inside of which a human was painfully transformed into a full-grown alien, which then emerges from the cocoon like a perversion of a butterfly. This non-canon tertiary version of reproduction bypasses queens and Facehuggers entirely.

These offer an origin for the eggs that did not require a queen, which seems to have been superseded by the queen in Aliens. None of the other films—including deleted scenes—has continued with this method and it is mostly considered atypical for the Xenomorph life-cycle.

(In Alien³ another addition was made: that of a "super Facehugger" that could impregnate two hosts with, presumably, a Queen and regular embryo and was larger and darker compared to normal. This would explain why both Ripley and a dog were impregnated from one Facehugger. The super Facehugger was found by some of the inmates, who thought it a type of jellyfish. Still, the previous paragraph remains true of the superfacehugger as well.)

[edit] Human-Alien/Newborn

This Alien is a genetic cross between a human and an Alien. It is first seen in Alien: Resurrection and its appearance is more similar to a human rather than the Xenomorphs. The Newborn is roughly eight feet tall. It has bright yellow skin instead of dark blue or black. However the size and description may not be the same as its final evolution, as, like the chestburster, it may go through serious physical changes as it matures. The inner mouth is replaced with a tongue and the human/alien also has eyes. When it is first born it kills the alien queen and another cocooned host(the latter is only seen in the Special edition.) It also believes that Ripley is its mother. It is killed by Ripley when it is sucked into space through a small hole that she created in the window of a bulkhead. In the Alien: Resurrection PlayStation game, it is referred to as the Newborn, has green blood, and is invulnerable to all weapons.

[edit] Facehugger


A Facehugger is the first stage in the life-cycle of the fictional Xenomorph aliens. The Facehugger is hatched from a large organic-looking egg and laid in groups by an Alien Queen. Once laid, the egg remains immobile until it senses a suitable host organism to support an alien embryo, at which point, the egg opens and the Facehugger erupts from it, launching itself at high speed towards the soon-to-be host. Its bony fingerlike legs allow it to crawl rapidly, its long tail can launch it in great leaps.

The Facehugger's only purpose is to make contact with the host's mouth for the implantation process, by gripping its long, bony fingerlike legs around the victim's head and wrapping its tail around the host's neck, then slowly tightening the tail in order to make the host suffocate and making the host gasp for oxygen. At this point, the facehugger will insert a tube-like proboscis into the mouth and down the throat of the victim, feeding the host oxygen and inserting an embryo into the chest cavity. Attempts to remove Facehuggers generally prove fatal — the parasite will squeeze the host's neck with its tail. The Facehugger's acid blood deters cutting it off. Once the alien embryo is safely implanted, the Facehugger detaches and dies. Later, the implanted embryo will erupt from the host's chest.

[edit] Superfacehugger

The Superfacehugger, sometimes called the Queen Facehugger, or Preatorian Facehugger (AvP: Extinction) is a different type of Facehugger. The Superfacehugger has a black exoskeleton, a spiked tail and webbing between its crab-like legs. The Superfacehugger is seen only in the Special Edition of Alien³, and is often considered canon. The embryo it implants into the host will develop into a Queen alien rather than the normal drone.

[edit] Theories

[edit] DNA assimilation

While the Chestburster was still in an embryonic stage, it was possible that it used the host's DNA to augment its own and acquire any useful traits that the host had garnered through natural selection. This made sense from a biological evolutionary standpoint, since the host was adapted to its environment, taking on some of its characteristics would further adapt the newborn alien to its new environment. This would essentially make all adult Xenomorphs hybrid creatures, and was alluded to in the first film, albeit indirectly and possibly unintentionally. When Ash hears Parker's report on the size of the full-grown individual, Ash refers to it as "Kane's son".[17] Another explanation could be that since the eggs seem to be produced asexually, the embryo receives some of its chromosomes from its host to allow for genetic diversity.

Alien³ furthered the debate by having an alien embryo implanted into a dog. The Xenomorphs of the first two films were all implanted in humans and could walk in a bipedal fashion; they also had foot-long tubes on their backs for balance and, moving quadripedally, the Xenomorph in Alien³ apparently did not need these. The "dog-alien"—also known to fans as a "runner alien"—of Alien³, was visually very different from those in the first two films, theoretically because it took on some of the DNA of its canine host.[18] It preferred to move in a doglike manner, often running at high speed on all four legs. It was also born almost fully developed - much like the young of dogs. This new type was far more streamlined and aerodynamic in appearance. The Runner also appears in the video games Aliens versus Predator 2 and Aliens versus Predator: Extinction.

The Xenomorphs of the fourth Alien film, Alien: Resurrection, were something of an exception, because they were far more human-like, to the point that the Alien queen gave live birth to a "human-alien hybrid": this was because these aliens were the result of cloning experiments by the military, and were not the "true" form of the species, having been spliced with substantial amounts of human DNA. This was not as a result of the normal implantation-DNA-assimilation process.

In various comics and the Aliens vs. Predator video game series, this was taken a step further when a Xenomorph embryo was implanted into one of the Predators (Predator); the result was an Alien with Predator characteristics: a "pred-alien".[19] This hybrid was bipedal, and had the basic body-outline of a Predator, having lost the elongated head shape. It sports inner jaws characteristic of other Xenomorphs, and supported a set of mandibles reminiscent of those of the Predator. Its head also has the "dreadlocks" reminiscent of most Predators. This motif was also repeated at the end of the recent Alien vs. Predator film. Other comic books have shown further Alien crossovers with other species.

[edit] Communication

According to the computer game Aliens vs. Predator 2, Xenomorphs utilized ultrasound for relatively long-distance communication.[20] Xenomorph hives were built with smooth, rounded edges instead of rough, sharp edges because sound propagates better in such an environment. The skulls of Xenomorphs acted as sonic amplifiers for both boosting the transmission of messages and ensuring that incoming messages remain audible. This theory correlates with the queen's massive head, since administrative duties would require greater transmission and receiving strength than normal Xenomorphs.[21] Likewise, this correlates with the theory of telepathy amongst the Xenomorphs; drones and workers need only basic telepathy organs to receive a queen's signals, while a queen needed a more powerful ability to broadcast. Likewise, in the Earth Hive trilogy of novels, particularly sensitive humans experienced strange dreams with the impression that the Queen Mother was calling to them as well; from across the galaxy.[22] However, these theories contradicted the Labyrinth Aliens novel, which described a portion of the Xenomorphs’ brain that contained telepathic capabilities. Also in Labyrinth, it was theorized that Xenomorphs that stayed further from a queen had a diminished array of telepathic lobes. These lobes were used to communicate specifically with the queen as well as others.

[edit] Origins Of The Species

The origins of the Xenomorphs had never been fully explained in the films, but the expanded Alien literature had stated that the Xenomorphs were bio-weapons genetically engineered by an ancient race called the "Space Jockeys". Little was known of this race except that they were purported to have had created the Xenomorphs to fight an ancient civil war. Alien eggs would be used as "bombs" on an enemy planet and then the Xenomorphs would proceed to kill the entire population as they spawned. The Xenomorphs were then genetically designed to die off, but eventually mutated and thrived even after killing their prey. It is possible that a single member of the Space Jockey race escaped in a freighter or warship full of Xenomorph eggs, but was himself infected with a Xenomorph and killed. That could be an explanation for the large, fossilized humanoid figure seen by the crew of the Nostromo in the first film.[23] The expanded universe indicates that more than just one of the Space Jockey race remains alive, though their civilization is in ruins.[24]

An unknown amount of time later, the race was discovered by the Predators, a race of trophy hunters. The Predators then exploited the Xenomorphs, considering them the ultimate prey.

[edit] Production Of Queens

Another theory about the production of queens is that when the queen suspects her life is at risk she lays an egg containing a super-facehugger, as a measure to continue the rule of the hive of normal Xenomorphs. This has been derived from the fact that in the movie Alien³ the queen was shown to have laid a super-facehugger egg that later impregnates Ripley and a dog (shown as an ox in the Director's Cut). And in the game Aliens vs Predator:Extinction, the queen comes from a Preatorian that has cacooned itself and emerges as a queen. (the Preatorian come from a Preatorian or "super" facehugger and no matter what host it impregnates, its always a Preatorian)

[edit] Films

  1. Alien (1979) - Directed by Ridley Scott
  2. Aliens (1986) - Directed by James Cameron
  3. Alien³ (1992) - Directed by David Fincher
  4. Alien: Resurrection (1997) - Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet
  5. Alien vs. Predator (2004) - Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson
  6. Alien vs. Predator: Survival of the Fittest (2007) - Directed by Brothers Strause

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Alien — Notice the comparison when the Xenomorph appears from Kane and several scenes later (approximately one-two hours), the Xenomorph was of large size.
  2. ^ Aliens: Nightmare Asylum (Paperback) by Mark Verheiden (Author), Den Beauvais (Author)
  3. ^ Anchor Point Essay — Stage three. URL last accessed 14th February 2006.
  4. ^ To prove that the Xenomorphs were of high intelligence, consider noting that in the film Alien the Xenomorph could maneuver itself throughout a maze of ventilation. Similarly in Aliens, notice how the Xenomorph could navigate through a series of tunnels and underwater ducts, and in addition, several adult xenomorphs deliberately disabled an electric lighting system which demonstrates that the creatures are capable of various levels of deductive reasoning, both in that they were capable of realising a specific cause could arise from certain conjunctions of effects, and in realising that a lack of significant lighting would disable human resistance.
  5. ^ From: Alien, and Alien: Resurrection — Theatrical Release. Chapter Nine, 0:26:18-0:26:27 (hours:minutes:seconds), respectively.
  6. ^ Sideshowtoy. URL last accessed 15th February 2006.
  7. ^ Alien³ - Scenes 1-3. Theatrical release.
  8. ^ Notice in Alien³, the Facehugger has already impregnated the Queen into Ripley at the beginning of the film. Later in the film, the same Facehugger also implants another embryo into the dog (or ox, depending on which version). Overall, the embryo in the dog (or ox) erupts first; however, the embryo in Ripley doesn't break out of her until several days later.
  9. ^ Sideshow Collectibles URL last accessed 23 February 2006.
  10. ^ Won an Oscar for Best Visual Effects. Full list of awards for Aliens.
  11. ^ Notice the tails of the Xenomorph throughout Alien: Resurrection and the tails on the Xenomorph in Aliens vs. Predator.
  12. ^ PlanetAVP URL last accessed 23 February 2006.
  13. ^ Note the head length for that in Alien and the Xenomorphs in Alien: Resurrection.
  14. ^ From Alien: Resurrection. 0:50:32-0:55:36 - (hours:minutes:seconds).
  15. ^ From Alien: Resurrection. 0:43:40-0:43:54 - (hours:minutes:seconds).
  16. ^ From Alien. 1:30:20-1:32:30 - (hours:minutes:seconds). Please note that this scene if from Alien: Director's Cut and is not included in the theatrical release.
  17. ^ Quote from: Alien. Chapter 22.
  18. ^ The novelisation of Rogue refer to this process as the "DNA Reflex".
  19. ^ Predalien - AvP Encyclopedia.
  20. ^ The theory of the Xenomorphs communicating via ultrasound is only explained in the Aliens vs. Predator 2 computer game. However, there are no references stating that th Xenomorphs have the ability to use this power in the films. This is also evidenced in the Predator: Concrete Jungle console game, as the Xenomorphs will be stunned for a time using the Predator's sonic grenades.
  21. ^ Notice in Alien: Resurrection the size of the Queen's head before she gave birth to the new-born Xenomorph.
  22. ^ A series of book published by Steve Perry. ISBN 0-553-56120-0.
  23. ^ From Alien. Chapters 7-9. Theatrical release.
  24. ^ From Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure (computer game)

[edit] References

[edit] External links

v  d  e
Alien, Predator and Alien vs. Predator
Alien films AlienAliensAlien³Alien: Resurrection
Predator films PredatorPredator 2
Film crossovers AVP: Alien vs. PredatorAVP: Alien vs. Predator 2
Comics AliensAliens versus PredatorAliens versus Predator versus The TerminatorAliens vs. Predator/Witchblade/DarknessBatman/AliensBatman versus PredatorGreen Lantern versus AliensJLA vs. PredatorJudge Dredd vs. AliensPredatorPredator vs. Judge DreddPredator vs. Magnus, Robot FighterSuperman & Batman vs. Aliens & PredatorSuperman/AliensSuperman vs. PredatorTarzan vs. PredatorWildC.A.T.s/Aliens
Novels Aliens (Earth Hive) • Aliens vs. PredatorPredator
Film characters AshBishopBrettDallasHicksHudsonKaneLambertNewtParkerRipleyRipley clone
Alien & Predator Universe DerelictFiorina "Fury" 161Giger's AlienLV-426M41A pulse rifleM56 Smart GunM577 A.P.C.Non-canon castes from the Alien filmsNostromoPredatorPredator languageSpace JockeySulacoUnited States Colonial MarinesUSM AurigaVal VerdeWeapons of the Colonial MarinesWeyland-YutaniXenomorphXenomorph-Yautja War
Alien games Alien (1982)Alien (1984)Aliens: The Computer Game (Activision)Aliens: The Computer Game (Software Studios)Aliens (MSX)Aliens (arcade)Alien³Alien³ (SNES)Alien³ (Game Boy)Alien³: The GunAliens: A Comic Book AdventureAlien TrilogyAliens OnlineAlien: ResurrectionAliens: Thanatos EncounterAliens: Colonial Marines (cancelled) • Aliens: Unleashed
Predator games PredatorPredator: Soon The Hunt Will BeginPredator 2Predator 2 (Perfect 10)Predator (mobile)Predator: Concrete Jungle
Alien vs. Predator games Alien vs Predator (SNES)Alien vs Predator: The Last of His ClanAlien vs. Predator (arcade)Alien vs Predator (Jaguar)Alien vs Predator (Lynx) (cancelled) • Alien versus Predator / Gold EditionAliens versus Predator 2 / Gold EditionAliens versus Predator 2: Primal HuntAliens versus Predator: ExtinctionAlien vs. Predator 2DAlien vs. Predator (mobile)Alien vs. Predator 3D
Miscellaneous Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical ManualAlien Loves PredatorThe Alien LegacyAlien QuadrilogyAlien WarBatman: Dead EndCultural references to Alien
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