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Deacon is a role in the Christian Church which is generally associated with service of some kind, but which varies among theological and denominational traditions. In many traditions, the diaconate is a clerical office; in others, it is for laity.

The word deacon (and deaconess) is derived from the Greek word diakonos (διάκονος), which is often translated servant or more specifically waiter. Some believe that the office of deacon originated in the selection of seven men (among them Stephen) to assist with the pastoral and administrative needs of the early church. (Acts of the Apostles, chapter 6). Deaconesses are mentioned by Pliny the Younger in a letter dated c. 112 (see Historicity of Jesus#Pliny the Younger). The exact relationship between Deacons and Deaconesses is ecclesiologically unclear; in some traditions a deaconess is simply a female deacon; in others, deaconesses constitute a separate order.

A biblical description of the qualities required of a deacon can be found in 1 Timothy 3:8–13 (text available at Wikisource in either the King James or the World English version; in the latter, deacons are called servants).

Among the more prominent deacons in history are Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr; Saint Lawrence, an early Roman martyr; and Saint Francis of Assisi, the reformer of the medieval Church.

The title is also used for the president, chairman or head of a trades guild in Scotland.


[edit] Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Anglicanism

The diaconate is one of the three ordained offices in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox churches. The other two offices are those of priest and of bishop.

While the permanent diaconate was maintained from earliest Apostolic times to the present in the Eastern churches (Orthodox and Catholic), it gradually disappeared in the Western church (with a few notable exceptions) during the first millennium. The diaconate continued in a vestigial form as a temporary, final step along the course to ordination to the priesthood. In the 20th Century, the permanent diaconate was restored in many Western churches, most notably in Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion.

In Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox churches, deacons assist priests in their pastoral and administrative duties, but report directly to the bishop. They have a distinctive role in the liturgy, their main tasks being to read the Gospel and assist in the administration of the Eucharist.

[edit] Anglican

An Anglican deacon wearing a purple stole over his left shoulder.
An Anglican deacon wearing a purple stole over his left shoulder.

In Anglican churches, deacons often work directly in ministry to the marginalized inside and outside the church: the poor, the sick, the hungry, the imprisoned. Unlike Orthodox and Roman Catholic deacons who may be married only before ordination, Anglican deacons are permitted to marry freely both before and after ordination, as are Anglican priests. Most deacons are preparing for priesthood, and usually only remain as deacons for about a year before being ordained priests. However, there are some deacons who remain deacons. Many provinces of the Anglican Communion ordain both women and men as deacons. Many of those provinces that ordain women to the priesthood previously allowed them to be ordained only to the diaconate. The effect of this was the creation of a large and overwhelmingly female diaconate for a time, as most men proceeded to be ordained priest after a short time as a deacon.

Anglican deacons may baptize and solemnize matrimony, usually under the instruction of their parish priest and bishop. Deacons are not permitted to preside at the eucharist, absolve sins or pronounce a blessing (however, these last two are often permitted in an indirect form). It is the prohibition against deacons pronouncing a blessing that leads some in the church to believe that a deacon cannot properly solemnize matrimony. In most cases, deacons minister alongside other clergy.

An Anglican deacon wears an identical choir dress to an Anglican priest: cassock, surplice, tippet and academic hood. However, liturgically, deacons wear a stole over their left shoulder and fastened on the right side of their waist. This is worn both over the surplice and the alb. A deacon might also wear a dalmatic.

[edit] Orthodoxy and Eastern Catholicism

Greek Orthodox deacon in the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem wearing an orarion over a sticharion
Greek Orthodox deacon in the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem wearing an orarion over a sticharion

In addition to reading the Gospel and assisting in the administration of the Eucharist, the deacon censes the icons and people, calls the people to prayer, prays the litanies (series of petitions) and has a role in the dialog of the Anaphora. In keeping with Eastern tradition, and contrary to Western practice, he may not be the imparter of the mysteries of Crowning (marriage) or of Baptism, which includes Eucharist and Chrismation (confirmation). Naturally, he may not confect the Eucharist or have anything to do with the Mystery of Restoration (confession). He is also entitled to the Exorasson (Jib'be/Riassa) in addition to his Anterri (cassock), and in public may wear clerical attire. This is usually a standard Roman collar.

Diaconal vestments include the sticharion, the orarion, and the epimanikia, which is worn under, not over, his sticharion.

Deacons may not marry after being ordained, but a married man may be ordained a deacon, regardless of whether he remains a deacon or is ultimately elevated to the priesthood.

In addition, the position of protodeacon (senior deacon) is recognized in Eastern Orthodoxy.

Depending on tradition, deacons are styled as either "Father Deacon," "Deacon Father," or often simply "Deacon" or "Father."

Orthodoxy and Eastern Catholicism have a long history of women deacons.

(See also clerical celibacy.)

[edit] Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholic deacon wearing a dalmatic
Roman Catholic deacon wearing a dalmatic

In the years prior to the Second Vatican Council, the only ones ordained as deacons were seminarians, who received the order several months before priestly ordination. Following the recommendations of the council (in Lumen Gentium 29), in 1967 Pope Paul VI issued the motu proprio Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem, restoring the ancient practice of ordaining to the diaconate men who were not candidates for priestly ordination. These men are known as permanent deacons; those ordained to the diaconate who intend to proceed to, or are in the process of seminary studies leading to, priestly ordination are called transitional deacons. The permanent diaconate is particularly popular in the United States. Details about the permanent diaconate are outlined in a 2005 document of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, "National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States."

The ministry of the deacon in the Roman Catholic Church is described as one of service in three areas: the Word, the Altar and Charity. The deacon's ministry of the Word includes reading the Gospel at the Eucharist, preaching and teaching. His ministry at the Altar includes various parts of the Mass proper to the deacon, including being the proper minister of the cup. The ministry of charity involves service to the poor and marginalized and working with parishioners to help them become more involved in such ministry.

Deacons can administer the sacrament of Baptism and serve as the church's witness at the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, which the bride and groom administer to each other. Deacons may preside at funerals, the Liturgy of the Hours, various services such as Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and they may give blessings. They cannot give absolution, anoint the sick, or say Mass. In the liturgy, it is proper for the deacon to proclaim the Gospel (in fact, a priest, bishop, or even the Pope may not proclaim the Gospel if a deacon is present) and distribute Holy Communion. Transitional and permanent deacons both have the faculty to preach the homily by right of their ordination unless the priest presider retains that ministry to himself in any particular liturgy.

The vestment most particularly associated with the Roman Catholic deacon is the dalmatic. Deacons, like priests and bishops, wear the stole; however, deacons place the stole over their left shoulder and it hangs across to their right side, while priests and bishops wear it around the neck.

Permanent deacons often serve in parish or other ministry as their time permits, since they typically have other full time employment. They may also act as parish administrators. With the passage of time, more and more deacons are serving in full-time ministries in parishes, hospitals, prisons, and in diocesan positions. Deacons often work directly in ministry to the marginalized inside and outside the church: the poor, the sick, the hungry, the imprisoned.

Married individuals may be ordained as permanent deacons; however, marriage after ordination is not permitted. Under some circumstances, however, permanent deacons who have been widowed can receive permission to remarry. (See also clerical celibacy.) The wife of a permanent deacon often is considered a partner in his ordained ministry, leading to the popular concept of "deacon couples." In many dioceses, the wife of the deacon candidate undertakes the same education and training her husband does.

A permanent deacon is not styled "Father" as a priest would be, but as "Deacon," abbreviated variously as "Dn." or "Dcn." This preferred method of address is stated in the 2005 document of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, "National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States." Although some dioceses use the title "Rev. Mr." for all deacons, this title is more properly applied to those in the transitional diaconate. The decision as to whether deacons wear the Roman collar as street attire is left to the discretion of each diocesan bishop for his own diocese. Increasingly, dioceses throughout the world are opting for clerical dress[citation needed] to distinguish deacons, who are clerics, from lay ministers.

In the Roman Catholic Church, women are not ordained to the diaconate as women cannot receive Holy Orders. There were women deacons in the early Church, who helped to prepare adult women for baptism, and performed other ministerial tasks. The office of Deaconess existed in the West until about the 6th century and in the East until about the 11th century. There are conflicting scholarly opinions as to whether the women deacons of history were sacramentally ordained, although liturgies for the installation of deaconesses were significantly similar to those for male deacons [1]. Roger Gryson argues that some historical deaconesses received sacramental ordination in The Ministry of Women in the Early Church (Liturgical Press, 1976, ISBN 081460899X), while Aimé Georges Martimort argues that no historical deaconesses received sacramental ordination in Deaconesses: An Historical Study (Ignatius Press, 1986, ISBN 0898701147).

[edit] Lutheranism

The Diaconate is active in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in various forms.

[edit] Deaconess Community

The Deaconess Community, a community of women serving in the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)and ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada) was formed in 1884. These women, who bear the title of 'Sister,' proclaim the gospel through ministries of mercy and servant leadership on behalf of both Churches for the sake of the world. Since the 1970's the Sisters have been allowed to marry. For more information see www.elca.org/deaconess.

[edit] Diaconal Ministers (ELCA)

The Diaconate was recognized and rostered by the ELCA in 1993, creating a third 'roster' of recognized ministers (the other two being Ordained and Associates in Ministry) in the churchwide body. The Community is still young, and as such is still being formed as to what styles and forms of ministry a Diaconal Minister pursues, as well as practices and traditions of the same.

Like the Anglican communion, Lutheran Diaconal Ministers are allowed to wear a stole draped sideways from one shoulder, and tied off at the waist, usually with some material left hanging below. Diaconal Ministers (the term "Deacon" is used occasionally, but not officially) are involved in preaching, assisting in worship, leading worship in leiu of an ordained pastor, and other congregational duties; they are, however, primarily called to service outside the church, in fields such as campus ministry, chaplaincy, congregational ministry, counseling, social service agency work, spiritual direction, parish and community nursing, and a range of other avenues. A Diaconal Minister is 'consecrated,' rather than 'ordained.' This ceremony is usually presided over by a Bishop.

Also of note are the Associates in Ministry, a rostered position within the ELCA consisting of laypersons commissioned into positions of service within the church, most often as educators, musicians, and worship leaders. While there is a trend towards combining the Diaconal and Associate ministries, the 'AIM' program continues in its own right, and Associates are spread across the entirety of the churchwide body. AIMs are "commissioned" for service.

[edit] Deacons (LCMS)

In the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod a Deacon is permitted to minister in both Word (Preaching) and Sacrament (Holy Communion and Baptism). A deacon is a free agent, with no particular call from a church, but is licensed by the district, and is basically a Substitute Pastor.

[edit] Methodism / Wesleyanism

[edit] Methodists (UK)

In the Methodist Church of Great Britain, deacons and deaconesses are only created as members of a permanent order called the Methodist Diaconal Order.

Formerly, deaconesses were addressed as Sister, but in recent times (especially since the admission of men to the order) it has become more usual for deacons and deaconesses to be addressed as Deacon or Deaconess respectively.

[edit] United Methodists (USA)

In United Methodism, it is one of two ordained clergy offices, the other being that of Elder. Deacons are ordained to Word and Service and assist Elders (who are ordained to Word, Sacrament, and Order) in equipping the saints for ministry.

[edit] Other Traditions

Deacons are also appointed or elected in other Protestant denominations, though this is less commonly seen as a step towards the Ministry. The role of deacon in these denominations varies a great deal from denomination to denomination; often, there will be more emphasis on administrative duties than on pastoral or liturgical duties. In some denominations, deacons duties are only financial management and practical aid and relief. Elders handle pastoral and other administrative duties.

[edit] Baptists

Baptists have traditionally followed the principle of the autonomy of the local church, giving each church the ability to discern for themselves the interpretation of scripture. Thus, the views among baptist churches as to who becomes a deacon and when, as well as what they do and how they go about doing it, varies greatly.

There are baptist churches where the deacons decide many of the church affairs. There are churches where deacons serve in a family ministry only. There are baptist churches where women are allowed to be deacons, and churches that would never consider allowing a woman, all under the name baptist.

One example would be the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, where deacons can be any adult male member of the congregation that is in good standing. Most often the deacon or deacon candidate is a long-standing member of the church, being middle aged, but younger deacons are usually the members of a family that has had several generations in the same church. They are elected by quorum vote annually. Their roles are semi-pastoral in that they fill in for the pastor on occasions, or lead a prayer service. Their main roles are to accompany the pastor during Communion to hand out the sacraments of bread and wine (grape juice) and to set a good example for others to follow. Administrative duties sometimes include oversight of the treasury, Sunday school curriculum, transportation, and various outreach ministries.

On the other hand in many Baptist churches in the United Kingdom, women may also serve as deacons.

[edit] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

For the role of Deacon in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[Mormon] (LDS/Mormon), see Priesthood (Mormonism) and Deacon (Mormonism).

[edit] Church of Christ

The role of deacons in this church is also widely varied. Generally they are put in control of various programs of a congregation. They are servants, as the etymology indicates, of the church. They are under the subjection of the elders, as is the rest of the congregation. Their qualifications are found in the New Testament, in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 (Waddey, John; et al. (1981). The title deacon is becoming obsolete, as many churches are adopting other functional terms such as ministry leaders or team leaders. The terms for overseers and deacons both focus on function and responsibility. Deacons were people with technical skills who served in the church.

[edit] New Apostolic Church

The deacon ministry is a local ministry. A deacon mostly works in his home congregation to support the priests. If a priest is unavailable, a deacon will hold a divine service, usually without the act of communion.

[edit] Cognates

The Greek word diakonos (διακονος) gave rise to the following terms from the history of Russia, not to be confused with each other: "dyak", "podyachy", "dyachok", in addition to "deacon" and "protodeacon".

[edit] Scots usage

In Scots language, the title deacon is used for a head-workman, a master or chairman of a trade guild, or one who is adept, expert and proficient. The term deaconry refers to the office of a deacon or the trade guild under a deacon.

The most famous holder of this title was Deacon Brodie who was a cabinet-maker and president of the Incorporation of Wrights and Masons as well as being a Burgh councillor of Edinburgh, but at night led a double life as a burglar. He is thought to have inspired the story of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

[edit] References

[edit] Church of Christ

  • Introducing the Church of Christ. Star Bible Publications, Fort Worth, Texas 76182.
  • Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement (William R. Baker, ed. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2002) for essays on Church of Christ ecclesiology.
  • Thatcher, Tom; "The Deacon in the Pauline Church" in Christ’s Victorious Church: Essays on Biblical Ecclesiology and Eschatology (Jon A. Weatherly, ed. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001).

[edit] Lutheran Church

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