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王芗斋 - Wikipedia



王芗斋1885年-1963年),中国近现代武术家. 名政和,又名尼宝,字宇僧,晚年自号"矛盾老人". 1885(1886)年生于河北深县魏家林村。 1894年形意拳名家郭云深学习形意拳,郭视之为后,秘授站桩。至13岁即达发劲功夫。1918年访问嵩山少林寺与心意把传人衡林(行林)和尚,并与之切蹉技艺;继而与湖南心意拳名家解铁夫较技并得其传。1923年福建访纵鹤拳家方怡庄(永苍)及金绍峰。1925年过淮南遇黄慕樵学“健舞”。1928年在上海与六合心意拳(华岳心意六合八法拳)名家吴翼辉相交甚契。 1937年在北京四存学会传授意拳1939年在《实报》上公开声明其观点,以武会友,各派登门者与其四主要弟子较技,莫不称服而退。张壁(张玉衡)请以“大成拳”称,故意拳又名大成拳。1945年在北京太庙成立拳学研究会,传授大成拳站桩功用于健身及治病。1963年7月12日,病逝于天津。著作有《拳道中枢》《意拳正轨》《大成拳论》等。二代直接传人著名的有周子炎、高振东、赵道新、张恩桐、韩星樵、张长信、卜恩富、韩星垣、洪连顺、姚宗勋、窦世明、李永宗、赵逢尧等。其中,韩星樵、张长信、高振东、赵道新为其上海时期的“四大金刚”,周子炎、洪连顺、姚宗勋、韩星樵四人为北京时期的比武弟子。赐名弟子:姚宗勋名继芗、韩星樵名道宽、卜恩富名道魁、赵逢尧名道宏、张恩桐名道德。

王薌齋 先生簡歷

       意拳 ( 大成拳 ) 創始人, 王薌齋 先生, 1885 年出生於河北省深縣魏家林村。年八歲奉父命拜在形意拳巨匠 郭雲深 先生門下學拳,是郭氏最 睌 年弟子。因其聰敏且勤奮好學,深受郭氏器重,遂將畢生所學,傾囊傳授。 
       1913 年先生應陸軍部之聘, 任武技 教練所教務長,軍政界聞人 徐樹錚 任所長。先生聘劉奇蘭之子劉文華,李存義嫡傳弟子尚雲祥,李元弟子孫福全等為該所教練,時教練所群英薈萃,盛極一時。 
       1918 年, 武技教練 所因政局變動停辦,先生趁機南遊,正是 [ 讀萬卷書不如行萬里路 ] ,此行 [ 參學萬餘里, 拜見拳家逾 千人… … ] ﹙薌 齋先生語 ﹚ ,獲益良多。有關先生遊歷期間之故事細節,請參閱王薌齋生平大事記一書。 
       1925 年,再因政局變動, 生先北歸 ,京津兩邊走。 
       1926 年,先生將遊歷時以武會友之心得,結合所學,倡導『 意拳 』, 拳以意名,乃示拳理 之所在, 貴乎重精神 , 重意感 ,重自然力之鍛煉也。 
       1928 年,先生應李景林先生、張之江先生二人之請,赴杭州任第三次全國運動會武術比賽裁判後,應師兄錢硯堂先生之約赴上海相見。先生此後留居上海,並在南京路先施公司後街牛 庄 路,正式掛牌『 意拳社 』,公開授徒。此後,張長信、尤彭熙、高 掁 東、趙道新、韓星橋、韓星垣、張恩桐、卜恩富、馬成鑫、裘稚和… … 等相繼投先生門下, 可說是武林 精英匯聚 , 濟濟一堂。 
       1935 年,先生率韓星橋、張恩桐和卜恩富,歸故里河北深縣集訓,韓星垣則留在上海主持 館務 及支援。 
       1937 年,先生到北京定居,並在「四存學會」 教授意拳 ,與此同時,韓星垣 應師召 ,上北京隨侍左右,並當助教。 
       1938 年,由於 學意拳 人數眾多, 薌 齋先生再召韓星橋赴京輔助教務。此時韓星橋、韓星垣兄弟二人儼如 薌 齋先生之左右手。 
       1939 年先生為了發揚 中國拳學真諦 ,在當時的北京「實報」和「新民報」上發表公開聲明,歡迎武術界人 仕 駕臨賜教,「以武會友」並接受記者訪問及闡釋拳學要義。
       1958 年,先生應北京中醫研究院之邀,在 廣安門醫院以站樁為主 ,治療各慢性疾病,解除病人痛苦。 
       1961 年河北省衛生廳惠軒廳長聞先生名,聘先生到保定中醫醫院工作,教授養生樁治療各種慢性病。 
       1963 年七月十二日 薌 齋先生病逝於天津,享年七十八歲。從此「哲人其 萎 」,「 巨匠永逝 」 猶幸遺下意拳 瑰寶,造福世人。 


A Biref Biography of Grandmaster Wang Xiangzhai

       Grandmaster Wang Xiangzhai, the founder of Yiquan (Dachengquan), was born in Weijialin village, Shen County, Heibei Province, China in 1885. As ordered by his father, Grandmaster Wang started learning Xingyiquan from the renowned Master Guo Yunshen at the age of eight and became the last disciple of Master Guo.  As Grandmaster Wang was clever and diligent, Master Guo was fond of him and passed the essence of his art to Grandmaster Wang without reserve.   
       In 1913, the Army employed Grandmaster Wang as the Head Instructor of the Wuji (Combat) Institute.  Xu Shuzheng, a prominent figure of the political and military sectors, was the Director of the Institute.  Grandmaster Wang solicited Liu Wenhua (the son of Liu Qilan), Shang Yunziang (a disciple of Li Cunyi), Sun Fuquan (a disciple of Li Kuiyuan) and others as instructors of the Institute.  At that time, the Institute was full of martial arts elite and was remarkably successful.
      In 1918, the Wuji Institute was closed due to political unrest.  Grandmaster Wang took that opportunity to travel to Southern China to broaden his mind.  During the long journey, Grandmaster Wang paid visits to over a thousand martial artists from different schools and greatly benefited from the journey (Details of the journey could be referred to Main Events of the Life of Wang Xiangzhai).
       In 1925, because of political unrest again, Grandmaster Wang returned to Northern China.  He stayed in Beijing and Tianjin alternatively during that time. 
      In 1926, Grandmaster Wang fused his own marital art with the valuable experience that he gained from his quest to the south and promulgated a new style of martial art called ‘Yiquan’.  As the name of the art implied, Yiquan emphasized proper use of mind and instinct.
      In 1928, upon the invitation of Li Jinglin and Zhang Zhijiang, Grandmaster Wang went to Hangzhou to be the referee of the Third National Sports Martial Arts Tournament.  After that, Grandmaster Wang traveled to Shanghai to meet Qian Yantang who was also a student of Master Guo and was Wang’s Senior.  Grandmaster Wang stayed in Shanghai since then and established the Yiquan Association to teach his art at Niuzhuang Road, just behind the Nanjing Road Sincere Department Store.  Martial arts experts like Zhang Changxin, You Pengxi, Gao Zhendong, Zhao Daoxin, Han Xingqiao, Han Xingyuan, Zhang Entong, Bu Enfu, Ma Chengxin, Qiu Zhihe, etc. came one after the other to learn from him.  There were many famous martial artists training in the Association.
     In 1935, Grandmaster Wang took Han Xingqiao, Zhang Entong and Bu Enfu back to his old home at Shen County, Heibei Province for intensive training.  Han Xingyuan stationed in Shanghai to take care of the Association and provide necessary assistance.
      In 1937, Grandmaster Wang constantly stayed in Beijing and taught Yiquan in the ‘Siquan Society’.  At that time, he summoned Han Xingyuan to Beijing as assistant instructor.
     In 1938, because of influx of students, Grandmaster Wang further summoned Han Xingqiao to Beijing to assist in the teaching work.  By that time, the Han’s brothers were Grandmaster Wang’s most trusted assistants.
     In 1939, in order to promote the true meaning of Chinese martial art, Grandmaster Wang made open statement in two Beijing newspapers, namely the ‘Truth Daily’ and the ‘New Citizen Daily’ that he welcomed challenges from martial artists, and would like to ‘make friends through martial art’.  Grandmaster Wang also accepted interviews from reporters and explained the essence of martial art.
     In 1958, Beijing Chinese Medicine Research Institute invited Grandmaster Wang to use Zhanzhuang (Pile Standing) as the primary therapeutic method to heal different chronic illnesses and free patients from the pain of sickness.
     In 1961, the Head of Heibei Health Department, Duan Huixuan heard about Grandmaster Wang.  He employed Grandmaster Wang to teach Yangshengzhuang (Pile Standing for Health) in Baoding Chinese Medicine Hospital to treat various chronic illnesses.
   On 12th July 1963, Grandmaster Wang Xiangzhai passed away in Tianjin at the age of 78.  The great man has left us, but his art of Yiquan lives on as a treasure that benefits the mankind.


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