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混疊 - Wikipedia








[编辑] 概要


[编辑] 週期現象上的混疊


若對一個穿有人字呢圖案外衣的人攝影,播放時會發現影片中的線條數目會少於真實圖案的線條數目,此現象被稱為moiré pattern。這就是空間混疊的例子,它的成因之後會闡明。

[编辑] 週期訊號的取樣

In the same way, when one measures a sinusoidal signal at regular intervals, one may obtain the same sequence of samples that one would get from a sinusoid with a different, possibly lower frequency. Specifically, if a sinusoid of frequency f\, (in cycles per second for a time-varying signal, or in cycles per centimeter for space-varying signal) is sampled f_s\, samples per second or per centimeter, the resulting samples will also be compatible with a sinusoid of frequency Nf_s - f\, and one of frequency Nf_s + f\,, for any integer N\,. In the area's jargon, each sinusoid gets aliased to (becomes an alias for) the others. If f_s > 2f\,, the lowest of these alias frequencies will be the original signal frequency, but otherwise it will not.

Therefore, if we sample at frequency f_s\, a continuous signal that may contain several such sinusoids with identical samples, we will not be able to reconstruct the original signal from the samples, because it is mathematically impossible to tell how much of each component we should take.

[编辑] 奈奎斯特準則

Recreation of Black's Fig. 4-5 Minimum sampling frequency for band of width B

One way to avoid such aliasing is to make sure that the signal does not contain any sinusoidal component with a frequency equal to or greater than f_s/2\,. More generally, this condition can be generalized to allow energy in some band or set of bands such that no frequencies that are aliases of each other with respect to the sample rate (according to the formulas above, for any and all values of N\,) are present in the signal.

This condition is sometimes called the Nyquist criterion, and is equivalent to saying that the sampling frequency f_s\, must be high enough; either greater than twice the highest frequency or some other more complicated criterion.

In the case of a single band of width B with lower and upper frequency limits f_1\, and f_2\,, the criterion was spelled out by Harold Stephen Black in his 1953 book Modulation Theory. The criterion in that case is that the sampling rate must exceed 2f_2/m\,, where m\, is the largest integer not exceeding f_2/B\,. See the plot to the right, where the segments correspond to integer values of m\, starting with 1.

[编辑] 名詞的起源

The term "aliasing" derives from the usage in radio engineering, where a radio signal could be picked up at two different positions on the radio dial in a superheterodyne radio: one where the local oscillator was above the radio frequency, and one where it was below. This is analogous to the frequency-space "wrapround" that is one way of understanding aliasing.

[编辑] 音訊的例子

The qualitative effects of aliasing can be heard in the following audio demonstration. Six sawtooth waves are played in succession, with the first two sawtooths having a fundamental frequency of 440 Hz (A4), the second two having fundamental frequency of 880 Hz (A5), and the final two at 1760 Hz (A6). The sawtooths alternate between bandlimited (non-aliased) sawtooths and aliased sawtooths and the sampling rate is 22.05 kHz. The bandlimited sawtooths are synthesized from the sawtooth waveform's Fourier series such that no harmonics above the Nyquist frequency are present.

The aliasing distortion in the lower frequencies is increasingly obvious with higher fundamental frequencies, and while the bandlimited sawtooth is still clear at 1760 Hz, the aliased sawtooth is degraded and harsh with a buzzing audible at frequencies lower than the fundamental. Note that the audio file has been coded using Ogg's Vorbis codec, and as such the audio is somewhat degraded.

  • Sawtooth aliasing demo {440 Hz bandlimited, 440 Hz aliased, 880 Hz bandlimited, 880 Hz aliased, 1760 Hz bandlimited, 1760 Hz aliased}

[编辑] 數學上的解釋

The preceding explanation and the Nyquist criterion are somewhat idealised, because they assume instantaneous sampling and other slightly unrealistic hypotheses, although useful approximations to these things do exist. The following is a more detailed explanation of the phenomenon in terms of function approximation theory.

[编辑] 連續訊號

For the purposes of this analysis, we define a continuous-time signal as a real or complex valued function whose domain is the interval [0,1]. To quantify the "magnitude" of a signal (and, in particular, to measure the difference between two signals), we will use the root mean square norm (see Lp spaces for some details), namely

||f||^2 := \int_0^1|f(t)|^2\,dt.

Accordingly, we will consider only signals that have finite norm, i.e. the square-integrable functions

L^2=L^2([0,1]):=\left\{ f:[0,1] \rightarrow \Bbb C : ||f||<\infin\right\}.\,

Note that these signals need not be continuous as functions; the adjective "continuous" refers only to the domain.

To be precise, we do not distinguish between functions that differ only on sets of zero measure. This technicality turns || || into a norm, and explains some of the difficulties (see the S0 sampling method, below.) For details, see Lp spaces.

[编辑] 取樣

The conversion of a continuous signal f to an n-dimensional vector of equally spaced samples (a sampled signal) can be modeled as a point sampling operator S0, defined by S_0 f := (f(t_1), f(t_2), \dots, f(t_n)), where ti = i / n. That is, the function is sampled at the points 1/n, 2/n, \dots, 1.\,

Note that S0 is a linear map: for any two signals f and g, and any scalar a, then S_0(af+g)=aS_0(f)+S_0(g).\,

Unfortunately, while S0(f) is well-defined if f is continuous (say), it is not well defined on the space L2 defined above. A symptom of this is, even if we restrict our attention to functions f that are continuous, function S0 of f is not continuous in the L2 norm.

In many physically significant settings, the L2 norm, or a similar norm, is an appropriate measure of similarity between signals. What will then happen is that two signals f and g that are deemed very similar to begin with will sample to two signals S0f and S0g which are very dissimilar.

[编辑] 更好的取樣方式(濾波)

In order to preserve closeness of signals after sampling (in other words, to get a sampling method which varies smoothly as a function of the signal f) we need to modify our sampling strategy S0. An improved method is as follows:

S_1f(k)=n \int_{(k-1)/n}^{k/n} f(t)dt, k=1,...,n

This is a better filtering method, as S_1\, is now a continuous linear map from L^2\, to \Bbb C^n.

This sampling method is also a better model of how an actual machine might sample a signal. For instance, telescopes sample light signals by accumulating photons on a film or CCD receptor. The resulting image is therefore approximately the integral of all the electrons received over a period of time and over a rectangular region of the image plane.

This rectangle function filter is just one of many possible filters for sampling. In the frequency domain, it is a lowpass sinc-shaped filter, with the first zero at a frequecy of one cycle per sample, which is twice the Nyquist frequency. This zero removes all the signal energy that would alias to DC (zero frquency), and greatly attentuates all frequencies that would alias to very low frequencies. The filter does not have a sharp cutoff at the Nyquist frequency, however, so doe little prevent energy just above the Nyquist frequency aliasing to just below it. The rectangle function filter is popular in computer-generated image anti-aliasing, where it is "good enough".

[编辑] 重建

Given a sampled signal f(k)\in \Bbb C^n one would like to reconstruct the original signal f(x)\in L^2. This is obviously impossible in general, as L2 is an infinite dimensional vector space, while \Bbb C^n is a finite dimensional vector space (of dimension n.)

In practice, one picks a subspace H \subset L^2 of dimension n and a reconstruction linear map R from \Bbb C^n to H. The purpose of R is to turn a sampled signal into a continuous one in a way that makes sense to us.

An example reconstruction map would be

R_1s=\sum_{k=1}^n s(k) 1_{[(k-1)/n,k/n)}

where 1E(x) is 1 if x\in E and 0 otherwise.

Ideally, we would have S(R(s)) = s for all s\in \Bbb C^n. If this occurs, then R and S both have the same picture of how signals in L2 and in \Bbb C^n behave, we might say that S and R are coherent. Here, R1 and S1 are in fact coherent, but R1 and S0 aren't.

Another way of saying that R and S are coherent is that R is a right-inverse for S (or S is a left-inverse for R.)

[编辑] 混疊

For any sampled signal v\in \Bbb C^n the set of continuous signals f\in L^2 which sample to the same v are called aliases of one another. The fact that there are many aliases for any one given sampled signal is called aliasing. As previously mentioned, the large quantity of aliasing is caused by L2 being infinite dimensional while \Bbb C^n is finite dimensional.

[编辑] 最佳化濾波

In certain physical situations, the choice of R, H or S are somehow constrained. For instance, it is usual to choose H to be the linear span of low-degree trigonometric polynomials:

H=\left\{\sum_{k=-n}^n \alpha_k \exp 2\pi ikx\,;\, \alpha_k \in \Bbb C \right\}.\,

Further restrictions are that, for instance, S should coincide with S_0 \ on H. If sufficiently many of these demands are put forward, we eventually conclude that the sampling algorithm must take a very special shape:

S_\mathrm{opt}f=S_0(\mathrm{sinc}*f) \

where \mathrm{sinc}*f \ is some sort of sinc filter or sinc function.

The reconstruction formula R is chosen so that R and S are coherent.

[编辑] 提醒

It is important to keep in mind what is much repeated in the above discussion: the Nyquist theorem, the optimality of the sinc filter, the choice of the error norm (we chose L2) and so on are all assumptions we are making about the underlying physical problem.

In many problems, these assumptions are unsuitable, and in these cases, the Nyquist theorem might need to be modified to be more relevant to the situation at hand.

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