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小约翰·施特劳斯 - Wikipedia



Johann Strauss II
Johann Strauss II

约翰·施特劳斯二世德語-{Johann Strauß II}-,通常称为小约翰·施特劳斯1825年10月25日1899年6月3日),奥地利作曲家,以圆舞曲作品最为著名,如《蓝色多瑙河》。



[编辑] 生平和经历

[编辑] 早年

小约翰·施特劳斯出生在维也纳。他的父亲希望他将来成为一个银行家而不是一个音乐家。尽管如此,他还是从小暗地里学习小提琴。讽刺的是,他的小提琴老师正是他父亲的管弦乐队的首席小提琴,弗朗茨·阿蒙(Franz Amon)。然而,他的父亲还是在一天发现小约翰把时间“浪费”在了音乐上。据小约翰·施特劳斯本人回忆,接下来场面相当的可怕,而且他的父亲对他的音乐理想没有任何兴趣。然而老约翰并没有让家庭不和的意思,他只是认为作为音乐家的生活太严酷了,不希望儿子以后也与他一样过这样的生活。最后,在小约翰17岁那年,老约翰与他的情妇埃米莉·特兰布施(Emilie Trambusch)离家出走。这样,小约翰能够专心从事他所热爱的音乐事业了。

之后,小约翰向开办私人音乐学校的约阿希姆·霍夫曼(Joachim Hoffmann)教授学习了对位法和声技法。在与指挥家约瑟夫·德雷施勒(Josef Drechsler)学习和声时,他的天赋得到了极大的认可。同样,他在他的另外一位小提琴老师,维也纳宫廷剧院(Vienna Court Opera)的芭蕾舞辅导教师安东·科尔曼(Anton Kollmann)那里,也得到了极高的评价。由于这些人士的高度评价,他成功地从权威人士处得到了公开演出的不成文许可。随后,他很快在'Zur Stadt Belgrad'酒馆(维也纳的音乐家们寻找职位的固定去处)招募了充足的人手以扩充他的乐团。然而由于他父亲的巨大影响和势力,几乎没有任何剧院提供给小约翰演出的合约。最终,小约翰终于说服了维也纳Hietzing區的多瑪耶爾賭場(Dommayer's Casino),提供给他一个初次亮相的机会。当地媒体疯狂地报道这场父子间的“施特劳斯家族内战”。老约翰本人对儿子不服从自己的命令极为恼怒,一怒之下他决定在有生之年永远不在多瑪耶爾賭場登台演出,尽管Hietzing區是他早年多次演出的辉煌成功的见证。


[编辑] 名聲漸隆

最后小施特劳斯的名望甚至超过了他父亲的名望。他成为世界上最有名的华尔兹作曲家。他与他的乐队周游奥地利波兰德国。往往在他的音乐会上他只指挥一个曲子,然后他就得赶到另一个音乐会上去了。當時各地的表演場地都以在門外貼出「施特劳斯在此演奏!(Heut Spielt der Strauss!) 」的告示為賣點。另外,小施特劳斯还访问了俄国并在那里写了不少曲子。但他回到维也纳后又把这些曲子的名称改掉了来合乎维也纳人的口味。 在隨後的1870年代,他到了英國訪問,並與首任妻子在倫敦皇家歌劇院同台獻藝。同一時期他还在法国意大利美国舉行過音乐会,當中更在波士頓音樂節指揮了一場怪獸音樂會(Monster Concert),也就是指揮1000多名樂手演奏他的首本名曲《藍色的多瑙河》。

這個時期的著名作品包括歌手旅程圓舞曲(op. 41)、情歌圓舞曲(op. 114)、夜蛾圓舞曲(op. 157)、加速度圓舞曲(op. 234)、安娜波爾卡(op. 117)和闲聊波尔卡(op. 214)。

[编辑] 歷次婚姻

小約翰在1862年与歌唱家Jetty Treffz结婚,最后还是获得了皇家舞会指挥的地位。这样他的地位就升高了。他的第二位妻子Angelika Dittrich与他之间不仅在年龄和见解上差异很大,而且他们之间的音乐兴趣也不同。最糟糕的是他的第二位妻子到处唠叨他们的私事,这迫使小施特劳斯决定与她离婚。但由于他的离婚请求未被批准,小斯特劳斯为此改变了他的宗教,並於1887年1月28日成為薩克森-科堡-哥達公國的公民。小施特劳斯的第三位夫人阿德蕾·施特劳斯(Adele Strauss)对他晚年的创作有很大的推动性作用。阿德蕾令小施特劳斯再次發揮其創意,創作出《吉普賽男爵》、《森林主人》等經典名劇和《皇帝圓舞曲》、《皇家慶典圓舞曲》、《東方童話》、《聰明的葛麗特》等名曲。

[编辑] 施特劳斯的家族音樂生意


The highlight of the Strauss triumvirate was displayed in the concert of 'Perpetual Music' in 1860s where his aptly titled 'Perpetuum Mobile' musical joke op.257 was played continuously by all three Strauss brothers at the helm of three large orchestras. At around the same time, the three Strauss brothers also organised many musical activities during their concerts at the Vienna Volksgarten where the audience would be able to participate. For example, a new piece would be played and the audience would be asked to guess who the composer was as the placards would only announce the piece as written by a 'Strauss' followed by question mark punctuations.

The polka also underwent development from a Bohemian peasant dance in the 1840s to one which generated interest in serious musical societies in Vienna. Strauss brilliantly displayed its potential with the Unter Donner Und Blitz 'Thunder and Lightning' op. 324 and the cheerful Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka op.214 which can be literally translated as 'chit-chat' in English.

[编辑] 競爭對手和擁護者

The Strauss family was not without its rivals. Although the most sought-after composer of dance music was Johann Strauss II in the 1860s to the 1890s, stiff competition was present in the form of Karl Michael Ziehrer and Emile Waldteufel whom the latter was commanding in his position in Paris. Much earlier, Johann Strauss I faced a long rivalry with fellow composer Josef Lanner and Josef Gung'l. Ziehrer would eventually eclipse the Strauss family after Johann and Josef's deaths and posed more than a challenge to the superiority of Eduard. The German operetta composer Offenbach who made his name in Paris also posed a challenge to Strauss in the operetta field. Later, the emergence of operetta maestro Lehár would usher in the Silver Age in Vienna and most certainly sweep aside Strauss dominance in the operetta world.

He was much admired by prominent composers of the day, including Richard Wagner who once admitted that he admired the waltz Wein, Weib und Gesang op.333 and Johannes Brahms to whom he dedicated his popular waltz Seid umschlungen Millionen 'Be Embraced Millions' op.443 inspired by a poem by Schiller, who was also a personal friend. Other admirers include the famous Richard Strauss who, when writing his Rosenkavalier waltzes said 'How could I forget the laughing genius of Vienna?' which made a clear reference to the genius of Johann Strauss the younger.

[编辑] 輕歌劇與其他舞台作品

Strauss' operettas, however, have not had as much enduring success as have his dance pieces: and much of the success was reserved for Die Fledermaus and Der Zigeunerbaron. This has been attributed to the fact that Strauss was once considered to lack dramatic and theatrical sense, although his musical prowess was never questioned. The result was a welter of fine music drawn from themes of his lukewarm operettas of which 'Cagliostro-Walzer' op.370 and 'Rosen aus dem Süden' Walzer op.388 were fine examples. His gift was evident especially in instrumentation but his apparent lack of dramatic sense has led many 'serious music' enthusiasts to dismiss his works as mere 'light music'. One such example was the failure of his only opera Ritter Pásmán which could be faulted on the libretto but nevertheless,many attribute his strong links to the waltz and the polka as his failure as this may well indicate that he may not be able to write serious music. In fact, for his third and most successful operetta of all time, Die Fledermaus 1874, music critics of Vienna prophesied that his work would only be a 'motif of waltz and polka melodies'. 1899年,小约翰·施特劳斯74岁时在维也纳死于肺炎,并被葬在維也納中央公墓(Zentralfriedhof)。小約翰臨終時仍在努力創作芭蕾舞劇灰姑娘。His fiercest critic and ironically a strong supporter, Eduard Hanslick wrote at the time of Strauss's death in 1899 that his demise would signify the end of the last happy times in Vienna.

[编辑] 傳奇

Strauss' music is now regularly performed at the annual Neujahrskonzert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, thanks to the efforts of the late Clemens Krauss who performed a special all-Strauss programme in 1929 with the established orchestra. Many distinguished Strauss interpreters include Willy Boskovsky who carried on the "Vorgeiger" tradition of conducting with violin in hand as is the Strauss family custom as well as the famous Herbert von Karajan and the opera conductor Riccardo Muti.

It is to be noted that most of the Strauss works that we are all familiar with today may have existed in a near negligible different form as conceived by Johann Strauss II and his brothers as Eduard Strauss destroyed a great amount of original Strauss orchestral archives in a furnace manufacturer in Vienna's Mariahilf district in 1907. The Johann Strauss societies around the world have, however painstakingly pieced together a large body of these destroyed works and allowed many generations after to appreciate and love the waltzes and polkas of the famed Strauss family. Such was the popularity of the music of the Strauss family that Eduard Strauss, then the only surviving brother, took this drastic precaution to prevent Strauss works from being openly claimed as another composer's own. This may have also been fuelled by the intense rivalry between the other popular waltz and march composer, Karl Michael Ziehrer.

[编辑] 小约翰·施特劳斯的作品

[编辑] 轻歌剧

  • 印地戈和四十大盜 Indigo und die Vierzig Räuber (1871)
  • 羅馬嘉年華Der Karneval in Rom (1873)
  • 蝙蝠 Die Fledermaus (1874)
  • Cagliostro in Wien (1875)
  • Prinz Methusalem (1877)
  • Blindekuh (1878)
  • 王后的花邊手帕 Das Spitzentuch der Königin (1880)
  • 快乐的战争 Der lustige Krieg (1881)
  • 威尼斯一霄 Eine Nacht in Venedig (1883)
  • 吉普賽男爵 Der Zigeunerbaron (1885)
  • Simplicius (1887)
  • Fürstin Ninetta (1893)
  • Jabuka (1894)
  • 森林主人 Waldmeister (1895)
  • 原因女神 Die Göttin der Vernunft (1897)
  • 维也纳气质 Wiener Blut (1899)

[编辑] 歌剧

  • Ritter Pásmán (1892)

[编辑] 芭蕾舞剧

  • 灰姑娘Aschenbrödel (1899)

[编辑] 圓舞曲/华尔兹

  • 警句圓舞曲 op. 1 Sinngedichte (1844)
  • Gunstwerber op. 4 Favour solicitor (1844)
  • 嘉年華歌謠圓舞曲 op. 11 Faschingslieder (1846)
  • 青年之夢圓舞曲 op. 12 Jugendträume (1846)
  • Sträußchen op. 15 Bouquets (1846)
  • 歌手旅程圓舞曲 op. 41 Sängerfahrten (1847)
  • 溶岩滾流圓舞曲 op. 74 Lava-Ströme (1850)
  • Rhadamantus-Klänge op. 94 Echoes of Rhadamantus (1851)
  • Mephistos Höllenrufe op. 101 Cries of Mephistopheles from Hell (1851)
  • 情歌圓舞曲 op.114 Liebeslieder (1852)
  • 鳳凰之翼圓舞曲 op. 125 Phönix-Schwingen (1853)
  • 雪鈴圓舞曲 op. 143 Schneeglöckchen (1854)
  • 夜蛾圓舞曲 op. 157 Nachtfalter (1855)
  • 人生僅此一次! op. 167 Man lebt nur Einmal! (1855)
  • 加速圆舞曲 op. 234 Accelerationen (1860)
  • 常喜圓舞曲 op. 235 Immer Heiterer (1860)
  • 嘉年華大使圓舞曲 op. 270 Karnevalsbotschafter (1862)
  • 社評圓舞曲 op.273 Leitartikel (1863)
  • 早報圓舞曲 op.279 Morgenblätter (1863)
  • 學生快樂圓舞曲 op. 285 Studentenlust (1864)
  • 連載圓舞曲 op.293 Feuilleton(1865)
  • 公民精神圓舞曲 op. 295 'Bürgersinn (1865)
  • 小冊子圓舞曲 op.300 'Flugschriften (1865)
  • 維也納糖果圓舞曲 op.307 Wiener Bonbons (1866)
  • 童話圓舞曲 op. 312 Feenmärchen (1866)
  • 蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲 op. 314 An der schönen Blauen Donau (1867)
  • 艺术家的生涯圆舞曲 op. 316 Künstlerleben (1867)
  • 電報圓舞曲 op. 318 Telegramme (1867)
  • 時事評論員圓舞曲 op.321 Die Publicisten (1868)
  • 维也纳森林的故事圆舞曲 op. 325 G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald (1868),
  • 插圖圓舞曲 op. 331 Illustrationen (1869)
  • 醇酒美女歌聲圓舞曲 op.333 Wein, Weib und Gesang (1869)
  • 享受人生圓舞曲 op. 340 Freuet Euch des Lebens (1870)
  • 新維也納圓舞曲 op. 342 Neu Wien (1870)
  • 一千零一夜圆舞曲 op. 346 Tausend und eine Nacht (1871)
  • 維也納氣質圓舞曲 op. 354 Wiener Blut (1873)
  • 在家圓舞曲 op.361 Bei uns Z'haus (1873)
  • 檸檬花蕾在哪裡? op. 364 Wo die Zitronen blühen (1874)
  • 你和你圓舞曲 op. 367 Du und du (1874)
  • 卡里奥斯特罗圆舞曲 op.370 Cagliostro-Walzer(1875)
  • 可愛的五月圓舞曲 op.375 O Schöner Mai! (1877)
  • 南國玫瑰圓舞曲 op.388 Rosen aus dem Süden' (1880)
  • 北海风光圆舞曲 op. 390 Nordseebilder (1880)
  • 親吻圓舞曲 op.400 Kuss-Walzer (1881)
  • 春之声圆舞曲 作品第410号 Frühlingsstimmen (1883)
  • 瀉湖圓舞曲 op. 411 Lagunen-Walzer (1883)
  • 財富圓舞曲 op. 418 Schatz-Walzer (1885)
  • 維也納女士圓舞曲 op. 423 Wiener Frauen (1886)
  • 多瑙少女圓舞曲 op. 427 Donauweibchen (1887)
  • 皇家慶典圓舞曲 op. 434 Kaiser-Jubiläum-Jubelwalzer (1888)
  • 皇帝圆舞曲 op. 437 Kaiser-Walzer (1888)
  • 市政聽舞會圓舞曲 op. 438 Rathausball-Tänze'(1890)
  • 大維也納圓舞曲 op. 440 Gross-Wien (1891)
  • 億萬人民團結起來! op. 443 Seid umschlungen Millionen (1892)
  • 東方童話圓舞曲 op. 444 Märchen aus dem Orient
  • 聰明的葛麗特圓舞曲 op. 462 Klug Gretelein (1895)

[编辑] 波尔卡和加洛普

  • 爆炸波爾卡 op. 43Explosions-Polka
  • 安娜波爾卡 op. 117 (1852) Annen-Polka
  • 闲聊波尔卡Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka op. 214 (1858) Chit-chat
  • 面具舞會波爾卡 op. 240 Maskenzug
  • 破壞者波爾卡 op. 269 Demolirer (1862)
  • 快樂火車波爾卡 op. 281 Vergnügungszug (1864)
  • 唯一的帝都,唯一的維也納 (法式波爾卡) op. 291 'S gibt nur a Kaiserstadt,'s gibt nur a Wien!
  • 喜氣洋洋波爾卡 op. 301 Kreuzfidel
  • 女人頌 (波爾卡-馬珠卡) Polka-mazurka op. 315 Lob der Frauen
  • 輕如鴻毛波爾卡 Galop op. 319 Leichtes Blut
  • 費加羅波爾卡 op. 320 Figaro-Polka
  • 一心一意 (波爾卡-馬珠卡) Polka-mazurka op. 323 Ein Herz, ein Sinn!
  • 電閃雷鳴波爾卡 op. 324 Unter Donner und Blitz (1868)
  • 自由射手波爾卡 op. 326 Freikugeln (1868)
  • 海市蜃樓 (波爾卡-馬珠卡) Polka-mazurka op. 330 Fata Morgana
  • 匈牙利萬歲波爾卡 polka schnell op. 332 Éljen a Magyar!
  • 在卡拉普芬森林里 (法式波爾卡) French Polka op. 336 Im Krapfenwald'l
  • 飛奔波爾卡 op. 348 Im Sturmschritt
  • 印度舞姬波爾卡 op. 351 Die Bajaderehe
  • 多瑙河畔波爾卡 op. 358 Vom Donaustrande
  • 你看多妙啊! (波爾卡) op. 372 Bitte Schön! (1875)
  • 狩獵波爾卡 op.373 Auf der Jagd! (1875)
  • 強盜加洛普 op. 378 Banditen-Galopp (1877)

[编辑] 进行曲

  • 奧皇弗朗茨約瑟夫金禧榮歸進行曲 op. 126Kaiser Franz Josef Rettungs
  • 拿破崙進行曲 op. 156 Napoleon
  • 波斯進行曲 op. 289 Persischer (1864)
  • 埃及進行曲 op. 335 Egyptischer (1869)
  • 俄國幻想進行曲 op. 353 Russische Marsch-Fantasie
  • Jubelfest op. 396 Jubilant Festival
  • 俄羅斯進行曲 op. 426 Russischer Marsch(1886)
  • 西班牙進行曲 op. 433 Spanischer Marsch (1888)
  • 那真可愛進行曲 op. 467 Es war so wunderschon
  • Deutschmeister Jubiläumsmarsch op. 470
  • 瞄準!進行曲 op. 478 Auf's Korn!

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