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宰恩國家公園 - Wikipedia



IUCN 分類二:國家公園
位於: 美國猶他州
最近的城市: 史普林戴爾
經緯度: 北緯37°18′0″西經113°3′0″
占地: 146,598英畝

創建於: 1909年7月31日
訪客數: 2,586,665人 (2005年)
所屬轄區: 美國國家公園管理局

宰恩國家公園(Zion National Park),亦譯為錫安國家公園,是一個位於美國西南部猶他州史普林戴爾(Springdale, Utah) 附近的國家公園。這個佔地共229平方英里(1 E8平方米或593平方公里)的國家公園的首要景點是宰恩峽谷,長15英里(24公里),並且有半英里(800米)深,其紅色與黃褐色的納瓦荷砂岩(Navajo Sandstone)被維琴河(Virgin River)北面支流所分割。其他著名特色有白色大寶座、棋盤山壁群、科羅布拱門(Kolob Arch)、三聖父與維琴河隘口(Virgin River Narrows)。宰恩與科羅布峽谷地帶地質學包含了九個意味著一億五千萬年的中生代沈積作用而來的岩層。在該段時間的不同時期,溫暖、淺海、小河、池塘與湖泊、大量沙漠和乾澡的近岸環境在覆蓋了此地區。與科羅拉多高原形成有關的隆起使得該地區由一千三萬年前開始隆起了10,000英尺(3000米)。

人類由大約在8,000年開始於此地區居住,那時只有小數美洲原住民家族;其中一支家族在公元300年成為了半遊牧編筐時期的阿納薩齊印第安人(Anasazi)。隨著遊牧生活的減少,這族人在公元500年移居至維琴河附近。另一族人,費瑞蒙人(Parowan Fremont)亦在此居住。兩族人在公元1300年左右神秘地消失,並且被Parrusits與少數其他南方派尤特人(Paiute)亞族所取代。摩門教徒在公元1858年發現了這峽谷,並在公元1860代初期在此定居。Mukuntuweap國家保護區在1909年成立以保護這峽谷,而在1919年這國家保護區被擴張並改名為宰恩國家公園(宰恩是古希伯來語,意為避難所或聖殿)。而科羅布(Kolob)部份在1937年被宣佈為一個獨立的宰恩國家保護區,但在1956年合併至宰恩國家公園。

其位於科羅拉多高原、大盆地與莫哈維沙漠地區的交界,因此具有獨特的地理環境與變化眾多的生物帶,容許更多不尋常的植物動物種類生存。共有289種鳥類、75種哺乳動物(包括了19種蝙蝠)、32種爬蟲類與無數品種的植物棲息於公園內的四個區域︰沙漠、河岸、林地與針葉樹林。較為特出的巨型土壤動物包括了美洲獅、騾鹿與金雕,並且有重新引入的加州禿鷲與大角羊。而常見的植物品種有Cottonwood Cactus、杜松(Juniper Pine)、槭(Boxelder)、灌木蒿與眾多不同的柳樹


[编辑] 地理

壯觀的宰恩風景,由宰恩-芒特卡梅爾高速度公路(Zion-Mount Carmel Highway)望至
壯觀的宰恩風景,由宰恩-芒特卡梅爾高速度公路(Zion-Mount Carmel Highway)望至


公園裡的最高峰為馬場山(Horse Ranch Mountain),其頂峰高8,726英尺(2660米)(相片);而最低點則為處海拔3,666英尺(1117米)的煤礦窪地(Coal Pits Wash),從而產生了大約5,100英尺(1500米)的起伏。


這地圖的小河有著長方形的流徑,因為其依著岩石的接合平面(jointing planes)流動。維琴河的源頭是位於9,000英尺(2700米)高處,而其會流入米德湖(Lake Mead)200英里(320公里)遠的東南方,此處較源頭低8,000英尺(2400米)。這使得維琴河的河流坡度每英里達50至80英尺(0.9–1.5%);這是北美洲其中一條最陡峭的川流。

春天的天氣難以預測,暴風雨與潮濕的日子最為常見,有時亦會有暖和與晴朗的天氣。三月份的降水量最多。春天的野花由四月開至七月,而在五月中最為盛放。秋天的白天通常較為晴朗與暖和;而晚上則較清涼。而夏天的白天則較熱(95 °F至110 °F; 35 °C to 43 °C),但在晚上則通常會降至較舒適的溫度(65 °F至70 °F; 18 °C至21 °C)。在七月中至九月初通常會有午間雷暴雨。暴風雨可能亦會製造瀑布與山洪暴發。在高原地帶的樹葉顏色在九月開始轉變;而在宰恩峽谷,樹葉頻色則在十月尾改變。宰恩峽谷的冬天較為溫和,由十一月持續至明年三月。冬季暴風雨帶來雨水或輕微的降至宰恩峽谷但較高海拔地區則會降大雪。晴朗的白天可能會十分暖和,達至60 °F (16 °C);而晚上則通常會低至20 °F至40 °F (−7 °C至4 °C)。冬季暴風雨能夠持續數天並使道路被冰封。宰恩的道路大部份為已舖設好的柏油或水泥路,但科羅布階梯道路(Kolob Terrace Road)除外,其會在冬天關閉。

[编辑] 公園的著名地理特色

  • 維琴河隘口
  • 翡翠池 (Emerald Pools) (圖片)(圖片)
  • 天使降臨 (Angels Landing) (圖片) (圖片)
  • 白色大寶座 (The Great White Throne) (圖片)
  • 三聖父(The Three Patriarchs) (圖片)
  • 科羅布拱門,一個偏辟的懸崖拱門

[编辑] 人類歷史


[编辑] 史前時期

Image:Scouts reconstructing an Anasazi granary near Weeping Rock.jpeg
Scouts reconstructing an Anasazi granary near Weeping Rock. The Basketmaker Anasazi entered the area circa 300 CE.

The first evidence of human use in the region dates to about 8,000 years ago when small family groups camped wherever they could hunt or collect plants and seeds. About 2,000 years ago, some groups began growing maize and other crops, leading to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Later groups in this period built permanent villages (often called pueblos). Archaeologists call this the Archaic period and it lasted until about 500 CE. Baskets, cordage nets, and yucca fiber sandals have been found and dated to this period. The Archaic toolkits also included flaked stone knives, drills, and stemmed dart points. The dart points were hafted to wooden shafts and propelled by throwing devices called atlatls.

By about 300 CE, some of the archaic groups developed into an early branch of seminomadic Anasazi, the Basketmakers. Basketmaker sites often have grass- or stone-lined storage cists and shallow, partially underground dwellings, called pithouses. They were hunters and gathers who supplemented their diet with limited agriculture. Locally collected pine nuts were important for food and trade.

[编辑] 原史時期

The Parrusits and several other Southern Paiute subtribes lived in the Virgin River Valley south of Zion Canyon for hundreds of years following the departure of the Anasazi and Fremont Indians. Tradition and some archaeological evidence holds that they are a Numic-speaking cousin of the Virgin Anasazi. Parrusits seasonally migrated up and down the valley in search of wild seeds and nuts in what is called the Neo-Archaic period. Some farming and hunting supplemented their diet.

Evidence suggests that the Parrusits had great reverence for the large monoliths and turbulent waters in Zion Canyon. They also believed that they were responsible for the streams and springs they depended upon by communicating with the rocks, animals, water, and plants that make their home there. Modern bands of Southern Paiute still visit sites within the park to perform rituals and collect plants.

Kaun huts were used by bands of Southern Paiute who lived in the area.
Kaun huts were used by bands of Southern Paiute who lived in the area.

[编辑] 歷史時期

[编辑] 早期探索

The Historic period begins in the late 18th century, with the exploration and settlement of southern Utah by Euro-Americans. Padres Dominguez and Escalante passed near what is now the Kolob Canyons Visitor Center on October 13 1776, becoming the first white men known to visit the area. In 1826, trapper and trader Jedediah Smith led 16 men to explore the area in a quest to find a route to California. These and other explorations by traders from New Mexico blazed the Old Spanish Trail, which followed the Virgin River for a portion of its length. Captain John C. Fremont wrote about his 1844 journeys in the region.

[编辑] 摩門教的開拓者與鮑威爾探險

In the 1850s, Mormon farmers and cotton growers from the Salt Lake area became the first white people to settle the Virgin River region. In 1851, the Parowan and Cedar City, Utah areas were settled by Mormons who used the Kolob Canyons area for timber, and for grazing cattle, sheep, and horses. They prospected for mineral deposits, and diverted Kolob water to irrigate crops in the valley below. Mormon settlers named the area Kolob - in Mormon scripture, the star nearest the residence of God.

In 1858, they had expanded 30 miles south to the lower Virgin River. That year, a Southern Paiute guide led young Mormon missionary and interpreter Nephi Johnson into the upper Virgin River area and Zion Canyon. Johnson wrote a favorable report about the agricultural potential of the upper Virgin River basin, and returned later that year to found the town of Virgin. More settlers arrived in 1860 and 1861 and settled the towns of Rockville and Springdale. Catastrophic flooding by the river (especially in the Great Flood of 1861-1862), little arable land, and poor soils made agriculture in the upper Virgin River a risky venture.

In 1861 or 1862, Joseph Black made the arduous journey to Zion Canyon and was very impressed by its beauty. His stories about the Canyon were at first seen as exaggerated, prompting his neighbors to call the Canyon "Joseph's Glory". The floor of Zion Canyon was settled in 1863 by Issac Behunin, who farmed corn, tobacco, and fruit trees. The Behunin family lived in Zion canyon near the site of today's Zion Lodge during the summer, and wintered in Springdale. Isaac Behunin is credited with naming Zion, a reference to a place of peace mentioned in the Bible.

Two more families settled Zion canyon in the next couple of years, bringing with them cattle and other domesticated animals. The canyon floor was farmed until Zion became a Monument in 1909.

The Crawford ranch was located near the mouth of Zion Canyon, in Springdale.
The Crawford ranch was located near the mouth of Zion Canyon, in Springdale.

The John Wesley Powell expedition entered the area in 1869 after their first trip through the Grand Canyon. Powell returned in September 1872 and descended the East Fork of the Virgin River (Parunaweap Canyon) to the town of Shunesberg. He may have made the climb up to Zion Canyon, and named it Mukuntuweap under the impression that that was the Paiute name. In the same year, Geologist Grove Karl Gilbert, working with the Wheeler Survey, descended the North Fork of the Virgin River from Navajo Lake to Zion Canyon, making the first recorded descent of "The Narrows". It is likely that he named this remarkable section of canyon in the process.

Powell Survey photographers, Jack Hillers and James Fennemore, first visited the Zion Canyon and Kolob Plateau region in the spring of 1872. Hillers returned in April of 1873 to add more photographs to the "Virgin River Series" of photographs and stereographs. Hillers described wading the canyon for 4 days and nearly freezing to death to take his photographs. Geologist Clarence Dutton later mapped the region and artist William H. Holmes documented the scenery.

[编辑] 保護與旅遊業

Image:Zion great white throne.jpg
The Great White Throne

Paintings of the canyon by Frederick S. Dellenbaugh were exhibited at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, followed by a glowing article in Scribner's Magazine the next year. That, along with previously created photographs, paintings, and reports, led to U.S. President William Howard Taft's proclamation creating Mukuntuweap National Monument on July 31 1909. In 1917, the acting director of the newly created National Park Service visited the canyon and proposed changing its name Zion from the locally unpopular Mukuntuweap. That occurred the following year. The United States Congress added more land and established Zion National Park on November 19 1919. A separate Zion National Monument, the Kolob Canyons area, was proclaimed on January 22 1937, and was incorporated into the park on July 11 1956.

Travel to the area before it was a national park was rare due to its remote location, lack of accommodations, and the absence of real roads in southern Utah. Old wagon roads were upgraded to the first automobile roads starting about 1910, and the road into Zion Canyon was built in 1917, to as far as The Grotto.

Tour buses at Zion Lodge in 1929. Tourism greatly increased after paved all-weather highways were built to Zion.
Tour buses at Zion Lodge in 1929. Tourism greatly increased after paved all-weather highways were built to Zion.

By the summer of 1917, touring cars could reach Zion Canyon, and the Wylie Camp was established - a tent camp providing the first visitor lodging in Zion Canyon. The Utah Parks Company, a subsidiary of the Union Pacific Railroad, acquired the Wylie Camp in 1923, and offered ten-day rail/bus tours to Zion, Bryce, Kaibab, and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. The Zion Lodge complex was built in 1925 at the site of the Wylie tent camp. Architect Gilbert Stanley Underwood designed Zion Lodge in the "Rustic Style" and the Utah Parks Company funded the construction. In 1968, the main lodge building was destroyed by fire but was quickly rebuilt. The detached Western Cabins (photo) survived and were added to the National Register of Historic Places.

East portal of Zion-Mt. Carmel tunnel in early 1930s. When it was built, the tunnel was the longest of its type in the world.
East portal of Zion-Mt. Carmel tunnel in early 1930s. When it was built, the tunnel was the longest of its type in the world.

Work on what is now Utah State Route 9, known as the Zion-Mount Carmel highway, started in 1927 to provide reliable access between Springdale and Long Valley. The road opened in 1930 and park visitation and travel in the area greatly increased. The most famous feature of the highway is the 1.1-mile (1.8-km) Zion-Mount Carmel tunnel, which has six large windows cut through the massive sandstone cliff. Switchbacks take motorists from the tunnel to the floor of Zion Canyon.

In 1896, local rancher John Winder improved the Native American footpath up Echo Canyon so he could travel on horseback up to the East Rim, and hence to Long Valley. This trail was improved again about 1925 and became the East Rim Trail. Other trails were built in 1925 including the West Rim Trail and the Lady Mountain Trail. The auto road was extended to the Temple of Sinawava, and a trail built from there one mile to the start of the Narrows. The next year saw construction of the Angels Landing Trail, and two suspension bridges were built over the Virgin River. The Hidden Canyon trail was built in 1928. The West Rim and East Rim Trail were built for horse-back riding visitors, and were blasted out of the sandstone in many places.

The original ranger cabin was built at The Grotto in the 1920s. A real visitor center was first built in the 1950's, facing the Temples and Towers of the Virgin. Park facilities were redesigned in 2000, with the visitor center converted to a human-history museum (photo) and visitor center functions moved to a new solar powered facility adjacent to the south entrance.

Zion Canyon Scenic Drive provides access to Zion Canyon from Springdale. Traffic congestion in the narrow canyon was recognized as a major problem in the 1990s and a public transportation system using propane-powered shuttle buses was instituted in the year 2000. From April through October, the scenic road in upper Zion Canyon is closed to private vehicles, and visitors ride the frequent shuttle buses. The new plan restored natural quiet to the upper canyon.

The 5 mile (8 km) Kolob Canyons Road was built in the mid-1960s to provide a scenic drive and access to the Kolob Canyons section of the park.

[编辑] 地質學

Main article: Geology of the Zion and Kolob canyons area
The Three Patriarchs in Zion Canyon are made of primarily Navajo Sandstone.
The Three Patriarchs in Zion Canyon are made of primarily Navajo Sandstone.

The nine known exposed formations visible in Zion National Park are part of a super-sequence of rock units called the Grand Staircase; they represent about 150 million years of mostly Mesozoic-aged sedimentation in that part of North America. The formations exposed in the Zion area were deposited as sediment in very different environments:

  • The warm, shallow (sometimes advancing or retreating) sea of the Kaibab and Moenkopi formations
  • Streams, ponds, and lakes of the Chinle, Moenave, and Kayenta formations
  • The vast desert of the Navajo and Temple Cap formations
  • The dry near-shore environment of the Carmel Formation

Uplift affected the entire region, known as the Colorado Plateaus, by slowly raising these formations more than 10,000 feet (3,000 m) higher than where they were deposited. This steepened the stream gradient of the ancestral Virgin and other rivers on the plateau.

Kolob Canyons are a set of finger canyons cut into the Kolob Plateau.
Kolob Canyons are a set of finger canyons cut into the Kolob Plateau.

The fast-moving streams took advantage of uplift-created joints in the rocks to remove all Cenozoic-aged formations and cut gorges into the plateaus. Zion Canyon was cut by the North Fork of the Virgin River in this way. During the later part of this process, lava flows and cinder cones covered parts of the area.

High water volume in wet seasons does most of the downcutting in the main canyon and carries much of the 3 million tons of rock and sediment that the Virgin River transports yearly. The Virgin cuts away its canyon faster than its tributaries can cut away their own streambeds, so tributaries end in waterfalls from hanging valleys where they meet the Virgin. The valley between the peaks of the Twin Brothers is a notable example of a hanging valley in the canyon.

Rock Layer Appearance Where To See Deposition Rock Type Photo
Dakota Formation Cliffs Top of Horse Ranch Mountain Streams Conglomerate and sandstone Dakota Sandstone
Carmel Formation Cliffs Mt. Carmel Junction Shallow sea and coastal desert Limestone, sandstone and gypsum Carmel Formation
Temple Cap Formation Cliffs Top of West Temple Desert Sandstone Temple Cap Formation atop Navajo Sandstone
Navajo Sandstone Steep cliffs 1,600 to 2,200 ft (490 to 670 m) thick

Red lower layers are colored by iron oxides

Tall cliffs of Zion Canyon; highest exposure is West Temple. Cross-bedding shows well at Checkerboard Mesa (photo) Desert sand dunes covered 150,000 mile² (390,000 km²)

Shifting winds during deposition created cross-bedding

Sandstone Navajo Sandstone showing its two tones
Kayenta Formation Rocky slopes Throughout canyon Streams Siltstone and sandstone Keyenta Formation
Moenave Formation Slopes and ledges Lower red cliffs seen from Zion Human History Museum Streams and ponds Siltstone and sandstone Moenave Formation
Chinle Formation Purpleish slopes Above Rockville Streams Shale, loose clay and conglomerate Chinle Formation
Moenkopi Formation Chocolate cliffs with white bands Rocky slopes from Virgin to Rockville Shallow sea Shale, siltstone, sandstone, mudstone, and limestone Moenkopi Formation
Kaibab Formation Cliffs Hurricane Cliffs along I-15 near Kolob Canyons Shallow sea Limestone Hurricane Cliffs/Kaibab Fm.

[编辑] 生物學

Taylor Creek with Horse Ranch Mountain in background. Desert, riparian, woodland and coniferous forest habitat can be seen in this photo.
Taylor Creek with Horse Ranch Mountain in background. Desert, riparian, woodland and coniferous forest habitat can be seen in this photo.

The Great Basin, Mojave Desert, and the Colorado Plateaus converge in the Zion and Kolob canyons area. This, along with the varied topography of canyon-mesa country, differing soil types, and uneven water availability, has provided diverse habitat for the equally diverse mix of plants and animals that live in the area. In 1999, biologists counted 289 bird species in the park. 75 mammal and 32 reptile and amphibian species are also found there. These organisms make their home in one or more of four different life zones in the Zion and Kolob canyons area:

  • Desert
  • Riparian
  • Woodland
  • Coniferous forest
Sacred Datura grows on the canyon floor and blooms only at dusk and dawn.
Sacred Datura grows on the canyon floor and blooms only at dusk and dawn.

Desert conditions persist on canyon bottoms and rocky ledges that are away from perennial streams. Sagebrush, Prickly pear Cactus, and Rabbitbrush, along with Sacred Datura and Indian Paintbrush, are common. Utah Penstemon and Golden Aster can also be found. Milkvetch and Prince's Plume are found in pockets of selenium-rich soils. Common daytime animals include squirrels, Pinyon Jays, and Whiptail and Collared lizards (photo), while Desert Cottontails, Jackrabbits, and Merriam's Kangaroo Rats come out at night. Coyotes, Gray Foxes, and Ringtails are the top predators.

Cooler conditions persist at mid-elevation slopes, between 3900 to 5500 feet (1190 to 1680 m). Stunted forests of pinyon pine and Juniper coexist here with manzanita shrubs, cliffrose, serviceberry, Scrub Oak, and yucca. Stands of Ponderosa Pine, Gambel Oak, and aspen populate the mesas and cliffs above 6000 feet (1830 m).

Image:Mule Deer in Zion Canyon.jpeg
Mule Deer graze throughout the area and are the most-often seen megafauna.

Golden Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks, Peregrine Falcons, and White-throated Swifts can be seen in the area. California Condors as well as Bighorn Sheep were reintroduced by the mid-1990s. Nineteen species of bat also live in the area.

Boxelder, Fremont Cottonwood, maple, and willow dominate riparian plant communities. Animals such as the Bank Beaver, Flannel-mouth Suckers, gnatcatchers, the Virgin Spinedace, and Water Striders all make their homes in the riparian zones. Mule Deer browse on vegetation throughout the park.

[编辑] 活動

The highlight of many a Zion visit is a trip up the main canyon to the Temple of Sinawava, via the park-run propane-powered free shuttle buses during the summer season (April 1st to October 31st). Spectacular, colorful sandstone cliffs soar into the sky above a flat-bottomed, forested valley floor. During the off-season, the main canyon can be accessed by private vehicle.

Driving through Zion to access Bryce and the north rim of the Grand Canyon is also popular. Due to the narrowness of the Zion-Mount Carmel Tunnel, RVs and buses must obtain a special pass and run through the tunnel between 8 am and 8 pm.

The more primitive sections of Zion include the Kolob Terrace and the Kolob Canyons. The Grotto in Zion Canyon and the viewpoint at the end of Kolob Canyons Road have the only designated picnic sites.

Zion Canyon as seen from the top of Angels Landing at sunset
Zion Canyon as seen from the top of Angels Landing at sunset

More than 150 miles (240 km) of maintained trails provide access to the roadless interior. Seven popular trails with round-trip times of half an hour (Weeping Rock) to 4 hours (Angels Landing) are found in Zion Canyon. Two popular trails, Taylor Creek (4 hours round trip) and Kolob Arch (9 hours round trip) are in the Kolob Canyons section of the park (near Cedar City).

Hiking up into The Narrows from the Temple of Sinawava is a popular summertime diversion. Heartier souls can backpack down The Narrows from the top in two days, or hike down in one long day (16 hours). Other popular backpack trips include the West Rim Trail and LaVerkin Creek/Kolob Arch.

Zion is a center for Rock climbing, with short walls like Touchstone, Moonlight Buttress, Spaceshot and Prodigal Son being very popular. There are many short free climbs, and a large number of hard, long aid climbs. Rockclimbing does not require a permit, though any anticipated bivy on a wall does. Certain areas are closed for raptor nesting in the spring.

Zion is the USA's most concentrated center for canyoneering. Popular routes like Pine Creek and Mystery Canyon were first descended in the 1950s and 1960s, with the last of the big drainages (Heaps) descended in 1982. Zion has a concentration of about 50 technical canyons, characterized by downclimbing and rappels in beautiful sandstone canyons. The most difficult canyons have long sections of entrenched narrows, with keeper potholes that require techical gear and specialized techniques to escape.

Horseback riding in Zion
Horseback riding in Zion

Lodging in the park is available at Zion Lodge, located halfway through Zion Canyon. Zion Lodge is open year-round and has motel units, cabins, a restaurant, café, and gift shop but rooms fill up fast. Three campgrounds are available; South and Watchman at the mouth of Zion Canyon, and a primitive site at Lava Point in the middle of the park off Kolob Terrace Road. Watchman is the only campground in the park that takes reservations and Lava Point has only primitive facilities and is usually open from May to October. Camping in the backcountry requires permits.

Guided horseback riding trips, nature walks, and evening programs are available from late March to early November. The Junior Ranger Program for ages 6 to 12 is active from Memorial Day to Labor Day at the Zion Nature Center.

Rangers at the Zion Canyon Visitor Center and the smaller Kolob Canyons Visitor Center can help visitors plan their stay. A bookstore attached to the Zion Canyon Visitor Center, run by the Zion Natural History Association, offers books, maps, and souvenirs for sale, with proceeds benefiting the park. The Association also runs the Zion Human History Museum.

The adjacent town of Springdale, Utah and lodging on the east side of Zion Park offer additional services such as lodging, food, and entertainment.

[编辑] 參考資料

  • Geology of National Parks: Fifth Edition, Ann G. Harris, Esther Tuttle, Sherwood D., Tuttle (Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Publishing; 1997) ISBN 0-7872-5353-7
  • Secrets in The Grand Canyon, Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks: Third Edition, Lorraine Salem Tufts (North Palm Beach, Florida; National Photographic Collections; 1998) ISBN 0-9620255-3-4
  • Zion National Park: Sanctuary in the Desert, Nicky Leach (Mariposa, California; Sierra Press; 2000)
  • Kolob Canyons Road Guide, Stuart Schneider (Zion Natural History Association; 2001) ISBN 0-915630-28-1
  • National Park Service: Zion National Park [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] (some adapted public domain text)
  • The National Parks: Index 2001–2003. Washington: U.S. Department of the Interior.
  • A History of Southern Utah and Its National Parks, Angus M. Woodbury (Utah State Historical Society, Vol XII Nos. 3-4, July-October 1944; revised and reprinted, 1950 (No ISBN, no further publishing information available)).

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[编辑] 資料來源

"Zion National Park." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 1 Jun 2006, 11:55 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 1 Jun 2006 <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Zion_National_Park&oldid=56302423>.


阿科底亞(Acadia) | 美屬薩摩亞(American Samoa) | 拱橋(Arches) | 巴德蘭(Badlands) | 大彎曲(Big Bend) | 比斯坎 (Biscayne) | 尼遜黑峽谷(Black Canyon of the Gunnison) | 布萊斯峽谷(Bryce Canyon) | 峽谷地(Canyonlands) | 卡皮特爾里夫(Capitol Reef) | 卡斯巴洞穴(Carlsbad Caverns) | 海峡群岛(Channel Islands) | 康加里沼澤(Congaree) | 火山口湖(Crater Lake) | 庫亞哈嘎河谷(Cuyahoga Valley) | 死亡谷(Death Valley) | 迪納利(Denali) | 乾龜(Dry Tortugas) | 沼澤地(Everglades) | 北極門(Gates of the Arctic) | 冰川(Glacier) | 冰川灣(Glacier Bay) | 大峽谷(Grand Canyon) | 大狄頓(Grand Teton) | 大盆地(Great Basin) | 大沙丘(Great Sand Dunes) | 大煙山(Great Smoky Mountains) | 瓜達魯沛山(Guadalupe Mountains) | 海勒卡拉(Haleakala) | 夏威夷火山(Hawaii Volcanoes) | 熱泉(Hot Springs) | 蘇必略湖羅亞爾島(Isle Royale) | 約書亞樹(Joshua Tree) | 卡特邁(Katmai) | 基奈峽灣(Kenai Fjords) | 三王峽谷(Kings Canyon) | 科伯克河谷(Kobuk Valley) | 克拉克湖(Lake Clark) | 拉森火山(Lassen Volcanic) | 龐大洞穴(Mammoth Cave) | 未德方山(Mesa Verde) | 瑞尼爾山(Mount Rainier) | 北卡斯卡德山(North Cascades) | 奧林匹克(Olympic) | 石化林(Petrified Forest) | 紅木林(Redwood) | 落磯山(Rocky Mountain) | 薩格魯(Saguaro) | 紅杉(Sequoia) | 謝南多厄(Shenandoah) | 羅斯福(Theodore Roosevelt) | 威珍尼亞島(Virgin Islands) | 航行者(Voyageurs) | 風洞(Wind Cave) | 弗蘭格爾-聖伊萊亞斯(Wrangell-St. Elias) | 黃石(Yellowstone) | 優勝美地(Yosemite) | 宰恩(Zion)

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