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Asma'ul husna - Wikipédia

Asma'ul husna

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Asma'ul husna atawa salapan puluh salapan wasta Alloh, dumasar kana tradisi Islam nyaéta wasta-wasta nu disebutkeun dina Qur'an.

[édit] Asma'ul husna

  1. ALLOH (الله); Gusti Alloh
  2. Ar-Rohman (الرحمن); Nu Mahawelas
  3. Ar-Rohim (الرحيم); Nu Mahaasih
  4. Al-Malik (الملك); Nu ngarajaan
  5. Al-Quddus (القدوس); Nu Mahasuci
  6. As-Salam (السلام); Nu maparin kasalametan
  7. Al-Mu'min (المؤمن); Nu maparin kaamanan
  8. Al-Muhaimin (المهيمن); Nu miara/mulasara
  9. Al-'Aziz (العزيز); Nu Mahapunjul/Mahagagah
  10. Al-Jabbar (الجبار); Nu Mahaperkasa
  11. Al-Mutakabbir (المتكبر); Nu kagungan Kaagungan
  12. Al-Khaliq (الخالق); Nu nyiptakeun
  13. Al-Bari' (البارئ); Nu ngaleupaskeun
  14. Al-Mushowwir (المصور); Nu maparin rupa/bentuk
  15. Al-Ghaffar (الغفار); Nu Maha Ngahampura
  16. Al-Qohhar (القهار); Nu Mahamaksa/Perkasa
  17. Al-Wahhab (الوهاب); Nu Mahaméré
  18. Ar-Razzaq (الرزاق); Nu maparin rijki
  19. Al-Fattah (الفتاح); Nu muka panto rohmat
  20. Al-Alim (العليم); Nu Mahauninga
  21. Al-Qabid (القابض); Nu ngaheureutkeun/nyeuseutkeun rijki
  22. Al-Basith (الباسط); Nu ngajembarkeun rijki
  23. Al-Khafidz (الخافض); Nu nurunkeun darajat
  24. Al-Rafi' (الرافع); Nu ngaronjatkeun darajat
  25. Al-Mu'izz (المعز); Nu ngamulyakeun
  26. Al-Mudhill (المذل); Nu ngahinakeun
  27. Al-Sami' (السميع); Nu Maha Ngadangu
  28. Al-Basir (البصير); Nu Maha Ningali
  29. Al-Hakam (الحكم); Nu netepkeun hukum
  30. Al-'Adl (العدل); Nu Mahaadil
  31. Al-Lathif (اللطيف); Nu Mahalemes/Bageur
  32. Al-Khobir (الخبير); Nu Mahawaspada
  33. Al-Halim (الحليم); Nu nyabarkeun/Haris
  34. Al-'Adhim (العظيم); Nu Mahaagung
  35. Al-Ghafur (الغفور); Nu Maha Ngahampura
  36. Asy-Syakur (الشكور); Nu Maha Sukur
  37. Al-'Aliy (العلى); Nu Mahaluhur
  38. Al-Kabir (الكبير); Nu Mahaagung
  39. Al-Hafidh (الحفيظ); Nu Maha Ngajaga
  40. Al-Muqit (المقيت); Nu méré dahar
  41. Al-Hasib (الحسيب); Nu ngitung
  42. Al-Jalil (الجليل); Nu kagungan Kaagungan
  43. Al-Karim (الكريم); Nu Mahabéréhan
  44. Ar-Raqib (الرقيب); Nu nalingakeun/Mahadeukeut
  45. Al-Mujib (المجيب); Nu ngabulkeun/ngaijabah
  46. Al-Wasi' (الواسع); Nu Mahalega
  47. Al-Hakim (الحكيم); Nu Mahawijak
  48. Al-Wadud (الودود); Nu Mahanyaah
  49. Al-Majid (المجيد); Nu Mahamulya
  50. Al-Ba'its (الباعث); Nu ngahudangkeun
  51. Asy-Syahid (الشهيد); Nu Maha Nyaksi
  52. Al-Haqq (الحق); Nu Mahabener
  53. Al-Wakil (الوكيل); Nu ngurus/ngawakilan
  54. Al-Qowiyy (القوى); Nu Mahakuat
  55. Al-Matin (المتين); Nu Mahaweweg
  56. Al-Waliy (الولى); Nu nangtayungan/nulungan
  57. Al-Hamid (الحميد); Nu Maha Pinuji
  58. Al-Muhshiy (المحصى); Nu ngitung
  59. Al-Mubdi' (المبدئ); Nu ngamimitian/mitembeyan
  60. Al-Mu'id (المعيد); Nu mulangkeun
  61. Al-Muhyi (المحيى); Nu ngahirupan
  62. Al-Mumit (المميت); Nu ngamaotkeun
  63. Al-Hayy (الحي); Nu Mahahirup/Jumeneng
  64. Al-Qoyyum (القيوم); Nu jumeneng kuanjeun
  65. Al-Wajid (الواجد); Nu mendakan
  66. Al-Majid (الماجد); Nu kagungan Kamulyaan
  67. Al-Wahid (الواحد); Nu Mahatunggal
  68. As-Shomad (الصمد); Nu jadi tempat ménta/muntang
  69. Al-Qodir (القادر); Nu Mahakawasa
  70. Al-Muqtadir (المقتدر) The All Determiner, the Dominant
  71. Al-Muqaddim (المقدم) The Expediter, He who brings forward
  72. Al-Mu'akhkhir (المؤخر) The Delayer, He who puts far away
  73. Al-Awwal (الأول) The First
  74. Al-Akhir (الأخر) The Last
  75. Al-Zahir (الظاهر) The Manifest; the All Victorious
  76. Al-Batin (الباطن) The Hidden; the All Encompassing
  77. Al-Wali (الوالي) The Patron
  78. Al-Muta'al (المتعالي) The Self Exalted
  79. Al-Barr (البر) The Most Kind and Righteous
  80. Al-Tawwab (التواب) The Ever Returning, Ever Relenting
  81. Al-Muntaqim (المنتقم) The Avenger
  82. Al-'Afuww (العفو) The Pardoner, the Effacer of Sins
  83. Al-Ra'uf (الرؤوف) The Compassionate, the All Pitying
  84. Malikul-Mulk (مالك) (الملك) The Owner of All Sovereignty
  85. Dzul-Jalali wal-Ikram (ذو الجلال و الإكرام) The Lord of Majesty and Generosity
  86. Al-Muqsit (المقسط) The Equitable, the Requiter
  87. Al-Jami' (الجامع) The Gatherer, the Unifier
  88. Al-Ghani (الغنى) The All Rich, the Independent
  89. Al-Mughni (المغنى) The Enricher, the Emancipator
  90. Al-Mani'(المانع) The Withholder, the Shielder, the Defender
  91. Ad-Darr (الضار) The Distressor, the Harmer (This attribute can only be found in hadith. In the Quran this attribute is used exclusively for Satan in Sura 58 verse 10)
  92. An-Nafi' (النافع) The Propitious, the Benefactor
  93. An-Nur (النور) The Light
  94. Al-Hadi (الهادئ) The Guide
  95. Al-Badi (البديع) Incomparable, the Originator
  96. Al-Baqi (الباقي) The Ever Enduring and Immutable
  97. Al-Warith (الوارث) The Heir, the Inheritor of All
  98. Ar-Rashid (الرشيد) The Guide, Infallible Teacher, and Knower
  99. Ash-Shobur (الصبور) The Patient, the Timeless
  • Dzul Fadhlil 'Adhim (ذو الفضل العظيم) The Lord of Infinite Grace (Q 2.105, 3.74, 8.29, 57.21, 57.29, 62.4) Note: This name, although found in Quran, is not and never was part of the traditional list of the 99 names of Allah.

[édit] Rujukan

  • 99 Names of God ti Wikipédia basa Inggris, disalin ping 12 Séptémber 2005.
  • MELLIS, J.K., Abu Sharif: Mystery of the 100th Name

[édit] Tumbu kaluar

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