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User talk:Pippu d'Angelo - Wikipedia

User talk:Pippu d'Angelo

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Cumuna dâ Sicilia Ciau Pippu, sta paggina nun è stata canciata pi cincu misi. Disidiri cancillarila? [And by the way, please do tell me if my clumsy attempts at writing in Sicilian are incorrect - I'm mostly Googling them together word by word...] --Leonard Vertighel 20:27, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)


[cancia] Serî / Seria

Pippu, ti cunfessu ca nun sacciu spirugghiari stu seriu prubblema... Li to' dizziunarî chi dìcnu? Salutamu. --Giusi 20:38, 7 Austu 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Usu di la duppia "B" a lu ncuminciari di 'na paruola.

Caru Pippu, secunnu mia, c'è quarchi accizioni a la regola ca nun si usa a duppia "B" a lu 'ncuminciari di 'na paruola, ad esempiu "bbuttana", comu lu po scriviri senza la duppia?


Nino Fajlla antonino.fajlla@telecomitalia.it

Ciau Ninu - grazzî assai pî toi cuntribbuti. Spiramu sempri ca chiddi chi cci tèninu cara la lingua siciliana si jùncinu ccà cu nuiàtri. M'addunu c'ancura nun ti hai riggistratu - speru ca lu fai a prestu. Hai raciuni ca cci sunnu sempri li ccizzioni, e certamenti ntâ nostra lingua s'attròvanu casi quannu si pò usari dui o tri formi tranquilmenti. Pi quantu riguarda la duppia "B", sacciu ca Piccittu usa la duppia "B" senza ccizzioni. Semu tutti d'accordu ca la duppia "B" ô principiu dâ palora si senti ntâ lingua parrata - forsi senza nudda ccizzioni. Ma cunchiudemmu ca pâ lingua scritta, supratuttu la lingua muderna, ca avemu a scrìviri sti palori senza la duppricazzioni. Pi nuiàtri (e nun dicu c'avemu raciuni, sulu dicu ca fa parti dû nostru cumpenniu stilìsticu) li ccizzioni pî duppricazzioni dî littri ô principiu di na palora succèdinu nta sti casi:
  1. certi palori nichi unni già st'usu veni assai accitatu, p'asempiu: cchiù, cci, nni, ccà, ddà, eccetra (e chissu havi puru lu vantaggiu d'aiutarini a mustrari la diffirenza tra «ddà» e «dâ», «ccà» e «câ», «nni» e «ni», «ddu» e «dû», eccetra);.
  2. unni la vucali rigginali sicci havi scumparutu, p'asempiu: mmeci, mmintari, mmèstiri, mmarcari, mmàggini, eccetra.
Comu sapemu tutti, ogni lingua si tratta dî cumminzioni. Nun pruvammu a criari tanti reuli, forsi na menza duzzina, ma abbastanti p'aviri anticchia d'òrdini câ nostra ortugrafìa. Siddu voi cuntinuari stu discursu, t'ammettu a lassari nu missaggiu ntô nostru Cìrculu ccà: Wikipedia:Circulu Salutamu! πίππύ δ'Ω∑ - (waarom? jus'b'coz!) 07:59, 14 Austu 2006 (UTC)

Hai riaggiuni. Li nutizzî s'hannu a cuntrullari sempri. Si trovi sbagghi puoi curregghiri. Iu haiu sulu traduciutu la pàggina italiana, d'unni sti nutizzi sunnu pigghiati. Ma spissu ci sunnu ncuirenzi tra li paggini italiana ngrisi francisi, e allura nun sacciu chi pigghiari.

[cancia] Cielo d'Alcamo

Ciao Pippu, I've seen there's a new portal on Sicily on the English 'pedia and happy to see that the Sicilian School was listed among the articles. One small thing, though: the name of the poet is not Ciullo, but Cielo, Francesco de Sanctis used Ciullo in his 1870 Literary History. However i think we can keep it if today's English-language textbooks have Ciullo. Otherwise, IMHO future links/pages should follow the modern spelling. Salutammu, ne viriemu :-)--muoricanu 14:26, 16 Austu 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Cci/Ci

Pippu, hai raggiuni: ntâ Grammàtica c'è (anzi, "cc'è" !) puru "Cci". Iu nun sugnu tantu daccordu, però piccamora è accussì e iu sbagghiai a fari ddi currizzioni. Si voi ti dicu picchì la cosa nun mi cunvinci... Salutamu! --Giusi 16:07, 19 Austu 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] castiddubuonu

Ci hai raggiuni. Lu canciai arrèri.

[cancia] Vròcculu megghiu di Vruòcculu, e Vicènzu megghiu di Viciènzu

Ciau Pippu,

Grazzî pî tò cummenti. Ma ju nun parrai dî noma di citati siciliani, nun sacciu pirchì tu e Peppi m'aviti parratu di chistu. Pi fauri, pi cchiù spiegazzioni và a vìdiri la mè risposta nova ccà:





[cancia] Grazie

Pippu. Thank you for your welcome. How do I access the Sicilian Wikipedia? Also, is there a way to follow a "thread"? e.g., when there is a question (or answer) to you on this page, how do I find the comment/question that prompted it, or your answer to it?

I grew up (I'm 70 today!) not knowing that there was a difference between the Sicilian and Italian languages. I knew my parents were from Sicily, but I thought of them as "Italian". I learned Sicilian from them 70 years ago, and Italian much more recently, not formally but from reading texts and Serradifalco birth, death, etc. records. I can understand (hearing or reading) both languages reasonably well, and speak either reasonably well. I can write Italian enough to use an on-line translator from English and then correct the translator mistakes. Never having seen written Sicilian before the last couple of years, I'm not very good at writing it.

On my recent visit to Serradifalco, I found none of my contemporary first cousins (who I met for the first time) spoke Sicilian anymore, except with me. In fact, one time when they were speaking to each other in Italian, I answered "si" to some question among themselves, and they said "Oh, do you understand Italian, too?" SugnuSicilianu67.20.25.45 12:38, 21 Austu 2006 (UTC)

Note: When I try to log in, I'm told 'There is no user with the name "SugnuSicilianu".'  ?????

Ciao Pippu. Complimenti scusami l'italiano ma io sono uno dei pochi immigrati in Sicilia. Capisco tutto il siciliano , lo parlo anche , ma quanto a scriverne è troppo difficile.

Vengo dalla Toscana e 40 anni anni addietro ho sposato una siciliana, abito a Erice e ormai sento la Sicilia come la mia terra.

Complimenti per i tuoi interventi e sabbenedica. maurizio Mau807 09:36, 23 Austu 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Mi dispiaci....

Pippu, mi dispiaci, nun tû pozzu diri chiù lu picchì "cci" nun mi cunvinci: ora mi cunvinci!!! Hahaha. Salutamu! --Giusi 00:52, 27 Austu 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Ciau...

Hello Pippo,

thank you for the modifications. Sorry but Sicilian is not easy to write. Since I do not think spoken Sicilian (at least what I know, having lived there for 30 yrs) is different of what you might know (learnt from your parents who left Sicily decades ago).

Grazii assai anyway


[cancia] Grazie

Sugnu troppu cuntentu. Ciau Pippu.

Saru - Rscopell

[cancia] Progetto Sicilia su it.wiki

Ciao Pippo. Ti segnalo che su it.wiki stiamo parlando di come ribattezzare la discussione del Progetto Sicilia. Se hai tempo e ti va di partecipare, ci farebbe piacere sapere cosa ne pensi. --Silas 09:03, 5 Sittèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Sicilian Frazioni

Hi Pippu, it's great to see that most of the cumuni finally have their own articles. I think it would be great to see some of the frazioni, (I think those with a population of 100 or more would be appropriate) with their own articles too. What do you think? Joseph

Hi Joseph - are you registered yet? I encourage you to do so and to spend some time looking through our wikipedia. Some frazioni have actually started to appear - I should mention that there are still about a dozen cumuni from pruvincia di Missina that are yet to be completed. A prestu. πίππύ δ'Ω∑ - (waarom? jus'b'coz!) 10:40, 5 Sittèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Pippu


Speru ca ti arriva sta littra mè. Ancora nun capisciu bonu comu funziona la Wikipedia.

Ma accamora mi iscrissi e sugnu prontu e mpacenti a cuminzari a cuntribbuiri. Macari tu mi putissi spricari tanticchia comu funziona lu situ. Taliava li canciamenti e mi pari ca tu e nu autru ca si chiama Sarvaturi aviti fattu la majuranza di li canciamenti, pri lu mancu di ricenti.

Ma comu si fà? Ognidunu si pò veniri a canciari tutti cosi? Cci avi a éssiri tanticchia di organizzazioni pri manténiri nu situ sistimatu e pulizziatu, mi pari.

Ti vogghiu parrari puru ncapu la situazioni attuali di la lingua siciliana. Spinnamu tutti ca lu sicilianu diventa lingua ufficiali di Talia e lingua ufficiali di la UE. Pri agghicari stu puntu cci sunnu certi cosi ca avemu a fari.

La UE scrissi già la Carta Europea delle Lingue Regionali e Minoritarie. La leggi già cci è ma nun vali pri li "dialetti" assicunnu la difinizioni "a" sutta lu primu artículu (Articolo 1) di la parti prima (Parte I). Ora capemu siddu vulemu divintari ufficiali stu status di dialettu lu avemu a pérdiri pri forza.

Liggennu e studiannu li vari difinizioni di la palora "dialettu" si capisci ca cci è picca diffirenza tra dialettu e lingua, e la diffirenza ca cci è, è suprattuttu suggittiva, ma nun tuttu. Lu prubblema a cui ni ahhiamu di frunti è chidda di la lingua standard.

Assicunnu la Wikipedia, cci è lu "dialettu standard" ca è viramenti la "lingua standard" et è na lingua ca veni appujata di li vari istituzioni, ca avi na forma "standard" e "curriggiuta" e ca veni prubbicatu nna li vari libbra di scola, vucabbulari, ecc. Sti libbra nzémmula a la littiratura già stabbiluta, stabbilíscinu la forma standard.

Poi cci è lu "dialettu nun-standard," ca, comu lu "dialettu standard," avi lu sò stissu vucabbulariu, grammática e sintassi ma chistu mancu ricevi lu appoju di li istituzioni.

Nu criteriu pri distínguiri li lingui tra li dialetti nun esisti. Nna certi casi la diffirenza tra nu dialettu e na lingua pò éssiri na diffirenza suciali, ca na lingua di li póviri nun diventa lingua prichì veni parrata di na genti mischina, e, nna autri casi, nu dialettu di nu pópulu raffinatu diventa lingua ca veni parrata di na genti di auta sucietati.

Pri quantu riguarda lu sicilianu, mi pari ca cci manca sulu lu standard. Chistu è lu nostru prubblema chiui gravi. Cci voli pri forza nu standard e poi na littiratura assicutannu, pricisamenti, stu standard.

E ora agghicamu lu mutivu pri cui ti scrivu. La Wikipedia pri lu sicilianu pò éssiri nu mudellu. Firriánnumi lu internet e li siti siciliani, ncontru sempri liami pri sta Wikipedia. È assài diffusa. Ma, mi pari ca ancora nun assècuta nu standard. Viju assài ncungruenzi nna la scrittura. Ma è a causa di li canciamenti a casu di li vari mémmira oppuru di autru mutivu?

Cumunca, mi vogghiu méttiri a dispusizioni di lu situ. Vogghiu capiri comu funziona e poi cuminzari at ajutari nna qualunca mannera pussíbbili.

Siddu tu mi rispunni, ricórdati ca nun sacciu comu agghicari a la rispusta, datu la mè canuscenza limitata di lu situ. Lu mè nnirizzu di e-mail è: calicchiulusiculu@hotmail.it a modu ca mi scrivi a fari a sapiri comu agghicari li missaggi di Wikipedia.

Sugnu assài mpacenti! Criju ca sta Wikipedia pò sarvari la lingua nostra, la siciliana!



Ciau Calicchiu - t'arrispunnìi ccà: User talk:Calicchiulusiculu. Chissa rapprisenta la tò pàggina d'utenti. A prestu! πίππύ δ'Ω∑ - (waarom? jus'b'coz!) 11:03, 13 Sittèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Pippu

Pippu...ora capivu. Grazi!

Tannu, qualunca pò canciari lu testu incapu lu situ? E accussì comu mai putemu stabbiliri nu standard, siddu ognidunu pò véniri a canciari tutti cosi? Macari nun capivu bonu. E siddu quarchidunu fà canciamenti ca a viautri nun vi praci, li ristituiti o li lasciati stari? E comu vi nni addunati di tutti li canciamenti fatti?

Tannu 4 amministratura siti. Mi scrissi midemma Turiddu, ma li autri mancu li canusciu. Speru di li putiri canúsciri a prestu e speru midemma di putiri ajutari a la nostra Wikipedia sícula nna qualunca modu nicissariu, assicunnu zocca mi cumannati.

Ti vogghiu ringraziari pri li liami ca mi mannasti. Mi fíciru tantu praciri. E sunnu chisti, li primi dui, ca ti vogghiu parrari. Sunnu la "Grammática" e lu "Cumpenniu Stilísticu". Speru ca nun ti spraci siddu nni discurremu tanticchia. Capisciu ca cci agghicài appena ora e nun vogghiu offénniri a nuddu, ma immeci, accuminzari nu discurseddu. E suprattuttu vogghiu capiri pri quali mutivu aviti fattu ssi dicisioni linguístici.

Eu liggivu tutti e dui la "Grammática" e lu "Cumpenniu Stilísticu" e ahhiái certi cosi ca vulissi canciari. Nun vogghiu díciri ca sunnu sgarri, prichì, pri prima, cui sugnu eu a díciri zocca è sgarratu, e pri sicunnu, nna lu sículu nun esisti ancora na scrittura sgarrata. Sunnu sulamenti cosi ca, sicunnu a mia (e ancora cui sugnu eu), putíssiru éssiri megghiu siddu scritti diversi.

Sti cosi nun li canciu incapu lu situ prichì nun mi pari na cosa bona di fáciri accamora. Nun sugnu in gradu di canciari nenti. Ma immeci nutài li canciamenti ca vulissi fáciri e li scrissi nna nu ducumentu di Word, nnu modu di ti lu mannari pri taliari.

Mi fai sapiri, pri favuri, siddu putissi tu capaci e dispostu a lu léggiri. Siddu di sì, ti lu pozzu mannari trámiti e-mail. Sunnu assài assài li canciamenti ca nutài, pri chistu, siddu dici di sì di ti lu mannari, criju ca li avemu a discúrriri unu pri unu (sunnu 16, unu pri ogni pàggina di la "Grammática" e di lu "Cumpenniu Stilísticu"). Sacciu ca párinu assài, ma nun fussi diffícili.

Eu ti putissi mannari lu ducumentu cu li canciamenti mei, e tu lu putissi léggiri e poi livari o agghiúnciri zocca voi voi. Eu nun cci misi nuddu spricazioni pri li canciamenti, sulamenti li canciamenti stissi, dunca nna la toa rispusta a mia, avissi tu a méttiri li spricazioni mmeri li mei canciamenti. Et eu rispunnennu a tia mittissi li mei mmeri li canciamenti toi. Ti lu spricài bonu?

Mi ai a scusari siddu ti pari assài travagghiu. Chistu è lu únicu modu ca mi apparsi. E mi facissi assài cuntentu siddu cunziddirástivu li mei suggirimenti oppuru siddu mi spricássivu li mutivi vostri pri li manténiri intatti. E na autra cosa, certi canciamenti sunnu viramenti canciamenti, autri sunnu sulamenti incungruenzi ahhiati nna la scrittua. Li incungruenzi si cáncianu súbbutu, sanza discursu mi pari.

Cumunca, Pippu, ti ringraziu arreri pri mi aviri liggiutu. Aspettu cu praciri na rispusta toa.

Addèu e salutamu,


Ciau Calicchiu - t'arrispunnìi n'autra vota ccà: User talk:Calicchiulusiculu.

[cancia] Pippu


Ora ti ringraziu arreri pri la rispusta e lu liami. Sugnu cuntentu séntiri ca la Wikipedia è na entitati dimucrática (visti na vota sta palura incapu lu situ). È megghiu accussì, basta ca nun cci sunnu troppu li manu ammiscati prichì accussì lu pani nun veni bonu. Nna fini, cci avi a èssiri quarchidunu, o pri lu mancu quarchi cumitatu (comu già aviti), ca fà li dicissioni oppuru fussi caos infirnali.

Cu rispettu a li mei pruposti. Eu li vulissi fáciri nna lu círculu, ma nun sacciu comu fáciri o mancu siddu è pussíbbili. Eu, pri dimustrari li pruposti, accuppiài lu testu di la "Grammática" e di lu "Cumpenniu Stilísticu" mittennu-lu nna nu autru ducumentu. Poi canciài culura pri méttiri nna evidenza li propriu pruposti. Ma è pussíbbili fáciri accussì nna lu círculu? A canciari culura di lu testu?

Pri quantu dicisti incapu niautri, eu nun criju di ti aviri mai canusciutu. Mi pari ca lu meu sículu scrittu ti fà pinzari a nu autru, veru? Eu sugnu amiricanu, di Chicago, e lu meu sículu è adattatu di vari libbra sículi, pri esempru lu libbru di nu signuri J. Bonner. Si chiama Introduction to Sicilian Grammar. Mi lu pigghiài quarchi annu nni arreri. E poi autri di nu dutturi Priviterra.

Oramai mi pigghiava autri libbra sículi. Ma lu meu sículu è pigghiatu sulamenti trámiti sti libbra e lu internet. Fazzu comu "hobby" o passatempu a circari testi sículi incapu lu internet. Cci nni è assài, ma comu dicía, è suprattuttu sparsu. Ma sugnu autudidattu di lu sículu e midemma pri quantu vali lu italianu.

Ma è veru ca lu sículu scrittu è tanti voti comu la "DNA". Eu, mentri liggennu li testi di lu internet, a voti ricanusciu a quarchidunu prima pri la soa scrittura e poi viju ca è chiddu ca pinzava. Eu ahhiu a chiddi ca mi prácinu e cercu di scríviri comu a iddi. E tra li diversi modi di scríviri, fazzu li mei stissi opinioni di quali è chiui "megghiu". Ma cui sugnu pri dicídiri sti cosi? Sacciu sulu quantu mi pari megghiu, fussi pri biddizza o pri linguística.

Cumunca, Pippu, arreri ti ringraziu. Pri favuri mi dici comu putemu scanciari sti idei. Siddu pussíbbili nna lu círculu, súbbutu vi la fazzu. Ma nun mi vogghiu ammiscari troppu, capisci?



[cancia] Formi siciliani antichi

Ciau Pippu,

Haiu nutatu chistu: Calicchiu usa li stissi formi antichi (Eu, esempru, pràciri, at, et, soa, toa, rispusta, ecc.) di nu miricanu dû Forum LinguaSiciliana.

Criju ca lu libbru "Introduction to Sicilian Grammar" è forsi la càusa.



[cancia] Pippu lu spertu

Pippu ora mi scummigghiasti! Ma comu dissi accamora a Turiddu, sugnu chiddu ca pinzavi. Ma lu sapisti sulamenti trámiti lu meu modu di scríviri?! Mízzica.

Ma comu dissi a Turiddu, mi canciài nomi pri scanzari sintimenti di sdegnu, vistu lu nostru passatu, e midemma pri scanzari discursi addumati e infucati comu chiddi ca fícimu nna LinguaSicilia. Eu sugnu ccà sulu pri cuntribbuiri. Vulissi midemma prupóniri certi cosi, idei e suggirimenti, ma sempri a cuntribbuiri pri lu avanzamentu di la nostra lingua sícula.

Speru ca tu capisci li mei mutivi. Nun vosi pigghiari pri fissa a nuddu. Nun fu na babbiata, nenti di accussì. Vosi accuminzari di incapu, sanza passatu, cu viautri. Mi scantava ca nun mi ascutássivu sulamenti a causa di nu sdegnu tra di niautri, e accussì li mei idei, boni e mali, nun li cunziddirássivu.

Sugnu cuntenti ca dicisti ca prifirissi ca mi affaccissi e ca ti pracissi ca mi juncissi nna la Wikipedia. Sugnu a la vostra dispusizioni, sempri spirannu di putiri discúrriri cu viautri la ortugrafía sícula e la pussibbilitati di na LSU sícula. Criju viramenti e cu tuttu lu cori ca Wikipedia putissi ajutari la lingua nna modu granni.

Ora provu a accuminzari nu discursu nna lu círculu. Videmu chi nni pinzati viautri. Turiddu già mi scrissi dicennu ca si nni addunava midemma di li mei paluri antichi. Cci rispusi accamora cu certi spricazioni e mutivi, parò li fici a casu. Prifirissi a fáciri nu discursu chiui sistimatu e organizzatu.

Intantu, mi nni vaju pri accamora. Salutamu,

Michè (Ora perdu lu nomu Calicchiu, pigghiatu pri meu patri, a favuri di chiddu ca canuscivi)

P.S. Ancora vulissi sapiri comu ahhiari li artículi di tradúciri. Siddu mi pirmittiti, vulissi accuminzari a tradúciri certi cosi. Na lista cci è, macari?

[cancia] Auguri!!

Bon cumpliannu!! Salutamu. Peppi. --Gmelfi 10:16, 19 Sittèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Cumpriannu...

Pippu, ma chi facisti? Cumpriannu fai oji? Pri casu di sì, ti fazzu midemma li mei auguruna. Tannu, quantu sì vecciu? Salutamu.../ Micheli 14:40, 19 Sittèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Grazi

Pippu...grazi. L'innirizzu e-mail cci l'avìa misu ma nun era attivu. Ora penzu di l'aviri azzizzatu. Fammi sapiri siddu no.

Ti vosi dìciri midemma ca lassài nu cummentu pri Giusi incapu la pàggina di Palermo unni fìcimu nu discursu. Sti siciliani, ca pàrinu d'èssiri tutti nativi, mi fàcinu viramenti arraggiari. Dìciri ca lu sicilianu esti na "lingua viva", sicunnu a mia, esti na cosa viramenti assurda! Ti pregu a lèggiri zocca cci scrissi.

Nun vogghiu addumari nudda sciarra. Ma tu l'ai a capiri zocca dissi. Abbrazzari sti italianismi, mah! Poi lèggiri incapu la Wikipedia ingrisi zocca dici incapu la "lingua siciliana". Afferma ddà ca avi ja addivintatu un dialettu rigiunali. Ma nuiautri chi nn'avemu a fàciri?! La lassamu stari? Minchia, speru di no!! Sta enciclupidìa la scrivemu in un dialettu? Vuiautri travagghiati accussì rigurusamenti pri un dialettu?!

Mancu ti lu pozzu dìciri cumpà quantu mi doli la capizza accamora!! Sti discursi mi fàcinu mali. Avi na simana ca scrivu na littra pri Giuseppi, pri cc'arrispùnniri nnô cìrculu. Sunnu troppu li cosi ca vogghiu dìciri!

Nna sti jorna agghiu pinzatu di scanciari cu tia li nùmmari di tilèfunu prichì quarchi vota ti vulissi parrari viramenti incapu la nostra lingua e lu sò futuru, e sta e-mail nun m'abbasta. Ni sintemu a prestu, /Micheli 05:03, 25 Sittèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Grazzii

Salutamu! Sugnu Emme17, e vuleva diriti grazii pi la to risposta a lu circulu. Grazzii ancora. P.S.: Tu scrivisti "tu stissa"..... Ma ju sugnu masculu!! Non ti preoccupari, ni sintemu. Emme17

[cancia] Lingua siciliana e nazzioni siciliana

Ciau Pippuzzu,

Aiu acciatu na pàggina ca quarcunu havi scrivutu 'n sicilianu:


Salutamu! Turiddu

[cancia] Block

Pippu...I'm writing in English. It would be great if Sarvaturi or someone else could remove the block. I don't quite understand the reasoning for it. What I said was not hardly anything to get excited about. Did you think it was? It is in my opinion, that at least the Cumpenniu and the Grammatica should be as exact as possible. They are the guides for the orthography of our entire Wikipedia. If we can't even be consistent in writing the rules themselves, how can we ever expect that the rules would be consistently applied. It's like scolding your children for swearing by saying "Stop saying those f--king swearwords!" The message is lost, never received, since it is immediately contradicted. We are doing the same in our message to the readers. "Pleese be conzistent 'n yor orthography." It's not right. Anyway, so I made my comments and made my changes. It's a definite power trip to immediately block me and then comment back to me with a bunch of exclamation points and what not. I can't even respond back, or respond to any of your comments on my changes. It's ridiculous. Seriously. Thanks in advance cumpà,


Michè - agreed - he didn't know it was you - otherwise I'm sure he wouldn't have done it. πίππύ δ'Ω∑ - (waarom? jus'b'coz!) 13:32, 14 Uttùviru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Rispusta ca vulia agghiunciri a la paggina di discussioni dû Cumpenniu ma ancora "blocked"

Pippu...Thanks. I appreciate it. I noticed muternu and actually thought I remembered a discussion about mudernu instead. About the existence of several different forms of words. I disagree with it. You are talking about British English vs. American English. English is a funny language, it really is, given that it's not even the official language of the United States. So technically, American English is just a dialect, even though it's probably more widely spread than it's mother, British English.
But there have been movements to make English the official language of the United States. And I can tell you that you will not find "colour" alongside of "color" in dictionaries of American English. American English, although maybe not officially official, doesn't include "colour", "enquiry" or "legalise". It's just not common, it's not that Standard if you will.
But either way, I don't believe it's correct to compare Sicilian to English. This kind of reference could be valid for Spanish, for example, whereas it's the official language of Spain in Europe and in Mexico in North America, two different continents thousands of miles apart. But to try to apply this to Sicilian, which is restricted to an island. It's just not right, not for a true Standard.
Think about the future for Sicilian. If it becomes officially recognized as a minority language by Italy and subsequently the E.U. A Sicilian Accademy would then be set up, an LSU (like the Sardinian one) would be written and a true Standard formed. Then official documents would begin to become translated while at the same time, teachers would begin to take courses on teaching the Sicilian language in schools. Then finally children would begin learning Sicilian alongside of Italian at school.
After all of the above, do you think both "parola" and "palora" would survive? There's no way that we would be teaching our children both forms. And it'd be a joke to think that the divisions stop at "parola" and "palora". There are millions. And I just don't believe that a true Standard language allows for such discrepancies. I am quite sure that the Italian taught in Palermo is the same as the Italian taught in Siracusa, as it is in Napoli up to Milan. So why would we think we could get away with teaching a different Sicilian in Palermo than in Siracusa?
And again, using English as an example isn't right, American English and British English, if they are linguistically speaking one language, are surely not orthographically united. I have not put much research into their actual status, but it is clear we don't want this type of ambiguity with Sicilian. We want, I hope, a clear-cut Standard. Not "parola" and "palora", just one. Not "nta" and "nna", just one (unless different with different meanings). How will you write a true Sicilian lexicon with all these discrepancies? It'd be a complete mess and would never lead to a Standard Sicilian Language.
I wrote to Sarvaturi about some of this. I have actually been, since we had those discussions in the Palermu page, been writing a very long response to many of the comments there. I haven't finished it yet, however, in it I talk about the purpose of Wikipedia and I want to share a little bit here.
I wanted to ask you, what your purpose is with Wikipedia and what do you think Wikipedia will change, in regards to Sicilian? I notice you are very excited about reaching a certain amount of articles. But it is in my opinion, that this is not the right thing to be preoccupied with, that is mass-producing numerous dialectal articles. Look at Arba Sicula, for example, who has been doing the same thing bi-annually for over 20 years. It has changed nothing! Sicilian has had 800 years of literary history, but it has always been and continues to be a divided literature. Sicilian has never had a unified orthography and it is not a coincidence that it has also really never been officially recognized (except for possibly a few short years, and most likely alongside another language and/or Latin).
So what I mean to say is, that it is not more mass-produced writing that we need and it never has been. We can have Arba Sicula, we can have all the Sicilian song writers and folklorists, poets and we can even have 10,000 articles and more on Wikipedia and, in my opinion, we will still not be an officially recognized language. There is not a certain amount of articles that one can write to become officially recognized. Look at the definition of a dialect vs. language, Wikipedia and numbers of articles is not mentioned there at all. The existence of a standard is the number one criterion, alongside the existence of a literature (leading up to and well into this standard, which Sicilian doesn't have) and the support of institutions are the other criteria.
Continue to a mass-production of orthographically divided literature and nothing will change. It's possible that Wikipedia will never be, or at least for many, many years to come, an orthographically organized site. Even if Sicilian began to be taught tomorrow in Sicilian schools, it would take a generation, at least, for the rules to really catch on, meanwhile all the other generations of natives and foreigners would be able to come here and change at will anything they want. So maybe, maybe, Wikipedia is just not the place for a Standard right now. Because Wikipedia is written by the readers, until the all readers are taught the standard and used to writing it, Wikipedia will never be unified.
I guess that's possible, and as already stated, it will take many generations for this to happen, for a standard Sicilian orthography to become diffused. So I guess I am barking up the wrong tree for now. But still, meanwhile, Wikipedia at least in its template could use a tentative standard. I do see many errors in the template itself that I sooo wish I could correct. How does one go about this, or even making a suggestion for such errors and inconsistencies?
Anyway, Pippu, you are out in the community. What do you hear about our chances in Italy of becoming recognized and therefore added to the Carta? Is anyone organizing any letters to the E.U. or to the Italian politicians? Is anyone communicating with the Sards to get advice and information? Is anyone doing any such thing? Let me know and I would really be happy to get a response to the comments I've made here. What you think about them and so forth. Let me know! Salutamu! //Micheli 14:18, 14 Uttùviru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Further comments

Pippu, I wanted briefly to address a few other things. These comments are in regard to the changes you made to my changes in the Cumpenniu. I am still unable to write there.

You said that "alfabbetu" is the accepted form, found in Piccitto and Camilleri. I really disagree that these should be the ultimate sources for such decisions. Linguistic paradigms are at least as important as literary proof, and with 800 years of literature, going according to Piccitto and Camilleri (two works of only the last century) does not seem prudent. I can see that Piccitto does not give any information under "alfabbetu", no source and no location. I'm not sure about Camilleri, but from what I know about his work, we can expect many Italianism from him. It is my opinion that we have enough literature to affirm that "l + consonant", aside from Italianism, mutates to either "u, r (and consequently i)": àlterum > autru; alba > arba (àibba). The examples of this change from "l" are extremely numerous and clearly identify a truly Sicilian paradigm that I believe we should follow. Afterall, "arfabbetu" is not unheard of. I've found it in Sicilian websites and in Calabrian and Sardinian vocabularies, two idioms much less exposed to Italianisms than Sicilian. So clearly we could as easily have "arfabbetu" as "alfabbetu", wheras the former can be more regarded as Sicilian. So why not? Seriously.

The second is "enciclopedia". I'm not sure what you meant about this. Are you suggesting that this is the accepted Sicilian form? That would be impossible. I would have never seen so many unaccented "e" and "o" in a Sicilian word. The true Sicilian vowel system does not allow for atonic "e" and "o", aside from, again, Italianisms. Now, since we are trying to prove that Sicilian is a language, and not a dialect of Italian, it is my opinion that we should avoid Italianisms, such as this one. If we had an academy, whose job it was to replace Italianisms with true Sicilian forms, they would take the root encyclopedia and apply already established Sicilian paradigms to create a true Sicilian word from the Latin. Naturally, the atonic "e"s and "o"s would follow their normal pattern > "i" and "u": enciclupidia. I have left the initial vowel alone, for another reason which can be explained another time. But basically, this initial "e" should be pronounced as "i", only remaining for etymological purposes. Then there is the question of "cl" where Sicilian also has sever patterns, either "cr, chi (ci)" or the very rare, and possibly an Italianism itself "cl" (classi < classis). So enciclupidia could become encicrupidia, encichiupidia or remain enciclupidia. But I don't hardly understand using "enciclopedia".

I wanted to mention something to you, that I do not agree with much of the prefixes and suffixes found in the various tables. But that is another issue. But seriously, I would like to have, in the future, an explanation about some of your choices for those -fixes.

Also, regarding reûla and liâmi. I thought I saw that someone, maybe Giusi, said the circumflex should be used for syncope, which is the loss of one or more sounds/letters. In words such as re(g)ula and li(g)ami (a possible Italianism), I would imagine that this constitutes syncope. So according to what Giusi said, these words should be written reûla and liâmi. I personally think it is a good idea to mark this loss of "g", if that is the form to be used. I see "liami" all over the place, but also read in the Cumpenniu that the complete forms are prefered. This is another inconsistency that I hate to see. I have certain ideas of how things should be, but it's not so important that things go according to my idea, just that things are consistent. So, one or the other, but not both, meaning complete forms or not and circumflex for syncope or not. Otherwise, we will never be respected.

Another comment is in regards to circunfressu in place of circunflessu. Again, if we had an academy whose aim it was to standardize the Sicilian language, they would, at a certain point, confront linguistic terms, circunflessu being one of them. Again, there is overwhelming evidence that "consonant + FL" becomes, among other things, "consonant + FR". One example coming to mind is affrittu (< afflictum). Need more proof? Look at the etymology of your circunflessu, that is < circumflectere, in which one can see the word flectere, which may bring to mind another word: reflectere. Now if you take a look at the Sicilian variations of "to reflect", you will find, on page 156 of volume IV of Piccitto, the entry rifrettiri. Therefore also circunfrettiri and thus circunfressu. It may not be the most used form, but in these days, the most used form tends to coincide with the Italianized form. So the fact that rifrettiri is not the most diffused, may very well mean that it is the best choice for a Sicilian, which MUST strive to avoid Italianisms at all cost. This is again a choice between, easy (circunflessu) and correct (circunfressu) for which you might have to make a fight. But I believe a true Sicilian is worth it.

Many might say, why are you so afraid of Italianisms, foreign influences have made Sicilian what it is today (meaning Greek, Arabic, Norman, Spanish, etc.) But this would be unintelligent to say, because those influences were just that, influences. They would never, ever have been able to completely supplant the Sicilian of that day, for various reasons, lack of modern communication, a school system, transportation (thus inter-community/national contact), etc. It would never have happened. So to compare Italian of today, to other past influences, is not smart. Given that Italy is now united, with means of transportation and communication from north to south and an integrated school system, the Italian language is like a force that Sicilian has never, ever seen in its past. It will, without a fight, completely consume Sicilian. It won't be just an influence, as were the others, but rather an assassin. It has taken only 140 years for Italian to influence Sicilian so greatly that many are now saying the Sicilian of younger generations is no longer a language, but a regional Italian dialect. The Arabs were in Sicily for about the same amount of time, 138 years, and we can now count only a handful of Arabic words in our vocabulary. Same goes for Greek and so forth. Do you think, honestly, that Italian, in the same time as Arabic, has had the same influence? So this is why I am afraid of Italianisms. They are not something to embrace at all!! They will be the death of the Sicilian language, believe it or not.

Okay, well, what do you think? As I said, I am very serious that I stay up nights thinking about these things, Sicilian orthography and so forth. So don't take these comments lightly and brush them off with, "Well Piccitto has this and Camilleri has it also, so it must be right." There is so much more to it that than that. Paradigms, common sense, phonological patterns, consideration of unread literature, not just that which we have in front of us, etc., etc., etc. It is not as simple as these 3 sources show it, so it must be true. I am very serious about the Sicilian language and I know I will dedicate my life to it. Please take my comments into consideration. If necessary, bring the other administrators into the process and reconsider some of the present rules.

I appreciate it very much! Salutamu, //Micheli 20:25, 14 Uttùviru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Messages...

Yeah, I'm sorry for the long messges, but they seem important to me, so I would appreciate the responses, of course time provided. I have to say that your boy Sarvaturi is out of control. I was actually blocked from writing anything and now apparently he has declared that no one should have anymore discussion at the Cumpenniu. I really think he and I could get along, if he understood that my comments were meant to be constructive. And then Giusi, apparently she was offended and then responded in a rude way about "assicutari". But I guess it's all to be taken with a "grain of salt".

I await your responses and we'll go from there.

Ciau Pippu, ti scrivu pi cuntàriti zoccu passau aieri (e chistu lu poi cuntrullari ntâ pàggina "Ùrtimi canciamenti"): Giusi avìa fattu lu redirect dâ pàggina Wikipedia:Cumpenniu Stilisticu â pàggina Wikipedia:Cumpenniu Stilìsticu. Quinni m'avìa parutu lòggicu fari lu stissu câ pàggina Wikipedia talk:Cumpenniu Stilisticu c'haiu trasfirutu a Wikipedia talk:Cumpenniu Stilìsticu facennu nu bluccaggiu (cû cummentu: "Pi fauri, nun scrìviri nenti ccà. Grazzi.") ntâ pàggina nùttuli: Wikipedia talk:Cumpenniu Stilisticu. Nun viju nenti mali ntô fari chistu. E mi pari nurmali ca Giusi arrispunnìu cu viguri a l'erruri di Micheli pirchì idda è siciliana di Sicilia e parra lu sicilianu ogni jornu, dunca spissu idda sapi megghiu dî furasteri ca vonnu canciari li cuntinuti dî pàggini senza sapiri zoccu fannu. I do not know why Micheli tells about me with such little respect. Yesterday, he used the words "ridiculous", "your boy", "out of control" against me. Salutamu! Turiddu

Caru Pippu, t'arringrazziu pâ tò risposta. Salutamu! Turiddu

[cancia] Grazzi


Thanks. It is VERY strange that you mention Maltese because not five minutes ago I was looking at their Wikipedia page and their Akkademja page. Let me be the first one to say that it is a SHAME that Maltese can maintain Sicilian words better than Sicilian. It's very, very disappointing. But at least they do this.

I did notice, on their pagna principali, that many of their learned words maintain a lot of atonic "o"s and "e"s: Astronomija, Biologia. However, I don't believe these are Sicilianisms, but rather Italianisms or Latinisms, etc. I believe rather, that words such as Edukazzjoni are true Sicilianisms. So therefore, I don't think it would be wise to follow their lead in having such words.

They are clearly Italianisms/Latinisms, given Biologija and not, at least, Biolugija, or Teatru and not Tiatru. So, again, I don't think we should be following their lead with all of these atonic "o" and "e". They are clearly Italianisms. And I don't know if you were suggesting that at all, I'm just saying.

I feel strongly about the following, Sicilian has a strict and unique 5-vowel system. Basically, atonic "o" and "e" don't exist. If they don't change to the normal "u" and "i", they will often change to "a". But in Sicilian's history, at some point, they lost these vowels. This may not be represented in all of our literature because in the past scribes always had Latin in the back of their mind and nowadays they (we) have Italian in the back of their (our) minds. However, this is not true to Sicilian.

I believe we should apply the true Sicilian vowel system to all words, ancient or modern and common or learned, even if you break them down, as you said. Taking "bio(s)" and "logeia", for example, "bio(s)" should change to "biu(s)" and "logeia" to "luggia". That's how it would have happened if a Sicilian would have encountered this word in the past, it would have been natural. And this fact is proven in so many of our words. I'm sure I don't need to list all the words that show "o" to "u".

I really don't believe that the middle road, as I think you called it, is a benefit to anyone and I surely don't think it does justice to our language. I'm not sure why you are taking this route. Is it to appease the Sicilians, who are so used to Italian pronunciations? I really don't think this is necessary. What we are doing is trying to officialize Sicilian, and once it becomes an official language, Sicilians will learn it as is. It doesn't matter if it is close to what they already know. About 140 years ago, Sicilians were introduced to a language that was very different to theirs, that is Italian, and they resisted for awhile, naturally, but in the end the language didn't go away and they were forced to learn it. Now this language has begun to take over their previous language. So it is not a matter of pleasure, of liking, it is a matter of exposure.

If we maintain even the most outrageous forms of words, words that Sicilians would nowadays laugh at, when the language becomes official and Sicilians start to learn more about their language and why this outrageous form was chosen, they will open up to it. They will realize that it is worth learning, worth a little more effort than an Italianized form might have required, because it is a Sicilian word, according to Sicilian paradigms, and they are Sicilian. So they will warm up to it, and even if they didn't, they would be forced to learn it, as they were with Italian. And willing or not, this outrageous form will replace their Italianized form, and hopefully someday even the Italian form altogether.

I just think that this middle road, which is, in reality, an Italianized Sicilian, is...how could I put it...I don't know, it's defeating the purpose. It's taking a step forward, and then two steps back. And I honestly, want to hear your opinion on this. Do you really not understand or believe what I'm saying? You don't see it.

I really wish you lived here. I would love to speak to you about this stuff in person (I'm very glad you're Australian and speak English!). I just want to understand where you're coming from and overall want you to understand where I'm coming from. Because I feel so, so, so strongly that I'm right. I know I'm not right about everything, not hardly, but about this matter in particular, I really feel we need to save Sicilian.

Speaking of this, you mentioned in your long response to my long letter, which I will respond to, that a Sicilian Academy, if it existed, would go for modern words/forms. I will admit, that this seems to be the pattern in other Academies, although I can't comment on, for example, the Neapolitan Academy or even the Maltese Academy. I don't know that much about what they've done. But I will tell you, that if the Sicilian Academy tried to use modern words/forms, I would be responding the same way to them, as I am to you, that it's a MISTAKE.

I can't say that I have any documented credentials. I'm not a linguist. So they wouldn't have to listen to me. But I would be on a plane and I would be over there, meeting with these people, to at least tell them how I feel about it, as a Sicilian-American who is in love with the language, and overall to understand why they would want to choose what they choose.

But it wouldn't necessarily end up as you say. If the Academy were formed of linguists from all over the world, especially outside of Italy and Europe, Sicilian would have a much better chance. The Italian-born linguists, unfortunately, are completely corrupted by the system. It's an entire mindset problem. But if, for example, Dr. Cipolla (Arba Sicula) were involved, maybe he could have an effect. I don't know how he is, as he's obviously Italian-born, maybe he still thinks that way or maybe he's seen it differently since he's been out, as usually happens. But it wouldn't necessarily be our fate, and even if that's what an Academy would choose, that sure as hell doesn't mean that they're right in doing so and they we have to do the same. We could set a very strong example for them, as a matter of fact.

Anyway, please let me know how you feel. I feel very strongly, as I'm sure you do, but still, it seems very obvious to me that we would want 100% Sicilian, not half-and-half. I still will respond to your other comments, there were many other things I want to discuss. I will do that with the Cumpenniu, as you suggested, however I'm not sure the best way to go about it. And I'd like to get on Sarvaturi's good side before that, probably Giusi's too.

Salutamu //Micheli 11:09, 16 Uttùviru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Lu patri nostru

Hey Pippu, I have a request... Someone just edited the Sicilian pater noster apud la:Lingua Sicula. It's text matches neither the historic version at vicipaedia (which was taken from the english page, I believe) nor the version at scn. Can you help?--Giosuè Rocchio 03:27, 17 Uttùviru 2006 (UTC)

Thanks! Just wanted to make sure.--Giosuè Rocchio 16:13, 17 Uttùviru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Gratitude

Thankyou so much Pippu d'Angelo for the wonderful translation help!

I am very grateful.

May Sicillian Wikipedia prosper!

(In the future, if you ever need any articles to be translated to the Chinese or Taiwanese language, then I would gladly help you).

Yours Sincerely, From --Jose77 09:09, 23 Uttùviru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Cira

Ciau Pippu, haiu canciatu/migghiuratu lu cuntinutu di l'artìculu Cira (aspettu):

La cira è na sprissioni o n'aspettu dâ facci ch'ìnnica li cunnizzioni fìsichi, o lu statu di saluti di quarchidunu.

Speru ca capisci megghiu.



scrittu doppu: Forsi è megghiu criari la catigurìa "Saluti" mmeci di chidda "Aspettu".?

[cancia] T'arringrazzio

T'arringrazzio pi avirimi fatto viriri u dialettu sicilianu vivu. Liggendo i paggini 'nta sta beddra Wikipedia, pi n'anticchia si cci scorda ca sta lingua, u sicilianu, annascìu e criscìu nta tanta suffirienza. U me sicilianu è n'anticchieddra differenti di lu to, chisto picchì picca voti mi capitò di scrivìllo e anchi picchì io staio in Paliermo, e ca u dialettu è cchiù duru, mbeci u catenisi è cchiù duci e babbiusu.

U stessu missaggio tu mannu puru nta to email (pippudoz at yahoo puntu it).

[I thank you 'cos you've make me seen that sicilian language is alive. Reading the pages of this wonderful Wikipedia, for a little bit of time a sicilian like me can forgot that this language is born and grown among such a suffering. My sicilian is a little bit different because just very few time I've the occasion to write it ed also because I live in Palermo and here the sicilian is more tough/hard, instead the sicilian spoken in Catania is more sweet and funny.

PS: Excuse my bad bad english. I hope anyway you understand.


Namu sintutu.

[cancia] Email

Ciau Pippu, t'haiu scrivutu nu email mpurtanti a pippudoz@yahoo.it.

Mi poi arrispùnniri cu nu email. Nun arrispùnniri ntô Cìrculu.



--Sarvaturi 10:29, 6 Nuvèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Logos.it

Ciau Pippu, comu semu? Arriniscisti a usari lu muturi di ricerca di Logos.it? Siddu nun lu sai usari, ti pozzu spiegari n'atra vota. Salutamu. --Sarvaturi 19:30, 27 Nuvèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Re: SWMT

The SWMT (Small Wiki Monitoring Team) is a team of Wikimedians who monitor small and inactive Wikipedias, for abusive editing and spam. For more information take a look at our page on Meta. --Az1568 05:38, 30 Nuvèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Calannariu n sicilianu - Missaggiu alittrònicu

Ciau Pippu,

Mi fici cuntenti quannu ju vitti st'annunziu: "Lu primu calannariu nteramenti n dialettu sicilianu cu a lu nternu, fotu, puisìi, pruverbi, liggenni, nniminagghi, rizzetti tìpichi."

E poi m'havi vinutu la gana d'accattarimillu.

P'arrispùnniri â tò addumannata (Comu accàttanu chiddi ca càmpanu fora d'Italia?) t'haiu scrivutu nu email ô tò nnirizzu "Pippu D'Angelo Scalabbru".

Mi poi arrispùnniri cu nu email. Pi fauri, nun arrispùnniri ntô Cìrculu.



--Sarvaturi 15:05, 1 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Frasi nica pi ncuraggiari li siciliani

Ciau Pippu. Finarmenti haiu scrivutu la frasi "Pruvati a scrìviri in sicilianu, e in picca tempu vi veni fàcili." ntâ pàggina principali. La poi mudificari. Salutamu. --Sarvaturi 15:37, 1 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Pippu

salutamu Pippu,


prima ammettu ca tu ai raciuni, aiu a scriviri articuli di chiui. ma accamora mi veni troppu difficili, aiu bisognu di un sicilianu chiui custanti, di urtugrafia e videmma di vucabbulariu. quannu ncontru na palora ca nun sacciu n sicilianu ma mmeci n talianu, rifiutu di lu-scriviri nna un talianu sicilianizzatu. eu prifirissi a scriviri a palora taliana e poi circari chiddha vera siciliana...n piccittu, di n’amicu oppuru chiamari n sicilia a i mei parenti a cciu-spiari a iddhi. ma sicilianizzari a palora taliana – MAI – e pi chistu mi veni difficili scriviri un saccu di articuli. poi sugnu un tipu “perfezionista” ca tuttu avi a siri beddhu sistimatu. pi chistu vogghiu discurriri e stabbiliri sti cosi, tra i vikipidisti, accussi pozzu eu aviri na cunclusioni affirmativa.

poi eu sugnu cuntenti ca vuliti cunzirvari i palori veri siciliani, chiddhi antichi e beddhi. mi faci assai praciri. ma facennu chistu sulu nun criu ca ai a siri cuntentu e suddisfattu. certu ca sarvamu tanti palori ma nun penzi chiui a chiddhi persi?

siddhu duranti n’incidenti di macchina mi tagghiassi a jamma, fussi cuntenti ca nun murivu ma o stissu tempu chiancissi ca persi me jamma. ma pi furtuna n sicilianu i palori persi nun sunnu comu na jamma tagghiata picchi li putemu sburricari. sta jamma tagghiata, siddhu i duttura mi la putissiru ristituiri, ti pari ca esitassi? nun cci stassi a diciri...ehh, o menu nun sugnu mortu, lassa stari a jamma e vaiu avanti sciancatu! tu forsi fai d’accussi, ai l’uppurtunitati di cummattiri pi ristituiri i palori siciliani, na granni parti da lingua, ma immeci ai dicisu forsi di jiri avanti lassannu perdiri i palori. nun voi cummattiri?

ti cunzigghiu a leggiri soccu scrissi a Giusi, accussi nun l’aiu a scriviri arreri. vulissi a sapiri chi nni penzi. e si, capisciu ca t’impegni tantu di l’articuli, ma sti cosi sunnu videmma mpurtanti assai. aspettu na rispusta quannu asci u tempu. salutamu,

p.s. ti fazzu n’asempru di comu sugnu. tu avivi a vidiri quantu nfurmazioni avia riccotu pi scriviri n’articulu ncapu Sambuca di Sicilia, unu di mei paisi di uriggini. avia tanti libra ca m’accattai quannu cc’era nzemmula a tanti autri cosi, fotu, cunti, pruverbi, assaggi ncapu u dialettu, vucabbulari di palori dialittali, tutti cosi. accuminzai a scriviri ma mi persi tra a data. accussi sugnu, vogghiu sempri faciri l’opira chiui beddha...”perfezionista”. ma poi pinzava videmma ca forsi nun valissi tutta sta pena a scriviri n’articulu ca ognidunu cci putissi agghicari a canciari. un granni travagghiu ca vinissi sminchiatu di quarchi picciuttazzu cu a mattina libbira...mah.

nno prossimu futuru paro. nun ai a pinzari paro ca nun vogghiu scriviri o ca nun sugnu capaci. quannu stabbilisciu i reguli, ai a vidiri quantu nni pozzu scriviri...un saccu. ma i discursi cci vonnu ncapu l’urtugrafia, a grammatica, ecc.

salutamu ancora,

//Micheli 13:01, 3 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Frasa nica

Ciau Pippu, grazzi pi lu tò missaggiu e pi la tò spiegazzioni ntirissanti supra "frasi/frasa". Pi daveru Mastru Piccittu spertu era! Chistu mi faci pinzari ca ci sunnu zoni ntâ Calabbria e ntô Salentu ca la genti dici 'u canu mmeci di 'u cani, 'u panu mmeci di 'u pani, 'a mugghiera mmeci di 'a mugghieri, ecc. Salutamu. --Sarvaturi 22:34, 3 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Ricanuscimentu di la lingua siciliana

Ciau Pippu, sta sira haiu arricivutu l'ùrtima newsletter di lu partitu pulìticu sicilianu "L'Altra Sicilia", e sta newsletter è veru ntirissanti pirchì pruponi di fàciri arricanùsciri lu sicilianu comu na lingua ufficiali dâ Sicilia (nta nu bilinguismu sicilianu-talianu ufficiali). Stu partitu voli ntrodùciri lu Sicilianu e àutri "materi" di civilitati siciliana (storia, littiratura, tiatru, ecc.) ntê scoli di l'ìsula. Stu partitu voli li ducumenti pùbbrici 'n sicilianu, li nzegni 'n sicilianu, li nnicazzioni stratali 'n sicilianu, e voli macari la criazzioni di na radiu-tv autenticamenti siciliana.

Pi sapìrinni cchiossai poi lèggiri l'artìculu ccà:

Laltrasicilia.org: Pruggettu linguìsticu di L'Altra Sicilia: pi lu bilinguismu ufficiali 'n Sicilia

Viva la Sicilia!

Salutamu! --Sarvaturi 20:02, 4 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] U calannariu n lingua siciliana

Ciau Pippu, ti vogghiu dìciri ca lu staff di lu situ Siculo.it (chiddu ca criau lu primu calannariu n sicilianu) m'havi arrispunnutu dicènnumi lu "importo totale da spedire tramite vaglia postale internazionale": € 5.00 (= € 2.00 lu calannariu + € 3.00 li spisi pustali). Vaiu a mannari li dinari dumani a matina.

Speru ca t'hannu arrispunnutu puru a tia.

Let me know.

Salutamu --Sarvaturi 19:08, 7 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Projects support

Dear Pippu,
for me is a bit difficult to say to someone else how much I support any linguistic edition of Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects. I understand that some people are concerned that Stewards coming only from the biggest projects are not willing to help and to listen to other requests, but this is not my case. Speaking up for oneself is not the best options, so I ask you if you can testify my friendly commitment to scn.wiki as well as to any smaller edition of any Wikimedia project (I also helped Wikinotizie startup last year). Since your support on meta was important to me in the past, I'm wondering if you can add a comment to Moch request on the election page. Grazzî, salutamu. --M7 01:03, 10 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

Thank you again for your warm and friendly words, and thank you also for your great work in preserving and diffusing Sicilianu language and original traditions. Salutamu, M7

[cancia] La nizziativa di L'Altra Sicilia...

Pippu...prima ti ringrazziu pa pampina di prova ca mi facisti. Accamora la vitti dunca nun aiu avutu a ccianza di cci-faciri nenti. A viatu parò.

Vogghiu sapiri chi dici di sta nizziativa di L'Altra Sicilia. Nun ti pozzu diciri cuantu cuntentu sugnu e nno stissu tempu nirvusu a spiarimi chi cc'hannu a faciri i siciliani. Liggivu dui rispusti posti nna paggina di discussioni di Turi e mi ficiru scantari.

Mai hê arrinesciri a capiri a mintalitati siciliana e speru ca nun ammarra (impedisca) u successu di sta nizziativa. Ma chi cci stai facennu nn'Australia? Accamora lu vitti e sennu duminica nun cci pozzu faciri nenti. Ma dumani hê faciri tanti chiamati e mannari tanti littri. Hê chiamari tutti li posti lucali, li sucitati, club, cresi, musei, urganizzazzioni (figghi d'italia, NIAF, ecc.) e poi mannari littri a la stissa genti nna l'avutri paisi. ccà n chicago avemu l'uffizziu di l'unicu sinaturi ca rapprisenta la nord e sud america nn'italia. aiu a scriviri e forsi chiamari nni iddu.

ti preu a leggiri soccu scrissi a Turi ncapu la nostra paggina prinzipali: http://scn.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Sarvaturi#La_nizziativa_di_l.27Avutra_Sicilia

nun mi vogghiu ripetiri. ma sfurzamuni! chi bedda nizziativa! salutamu,

// 01:28, 11 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Garòfalu

Ciau Pippu! Pirchì facisti tutti sti redirect pi sta parola ? E pirchì tutti si redirect pòrtanu versu nu liami russu ? Salutamu . Peppi --Gmelfi 15:15, 14 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

[cancia] Jaròfulu

Ciau. Hai raggiuni. Li dui difinizzioni sunnu giusti. Ntê mè banni iu haiu dittu sempri (e li genti dìcunu) Jaròfulu, ma puru lu mè dizziunariu dici Galòfaru. Nun sacciu si sta virsioni è cchiù usata. A diri la viritati nun l'haiu mai ntisa. Salutamu. Peppi --Gmelfi 13:28, 15 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

  • Ciau Pippu, puru Etimo.it porta la forma sìcula galòfaru...

La palora siciliana galòfaru (comu chidda taliana garofano) veni dû grecu karyòfyllon.

Fonti: http://www.etimo.it/?term=garofano

Haiu asciatu midemma nta Google:

Galofaru (22 risurtati)

Garofalu (195 risurtati)

Galuofaru (0 risurtati)

Galuofalu (0 risurtati)

Galofuru (12 risurtati)

Galofru (3 risurtati)

Galofiru (6 risurtati)

Galofinu (3 risurtati)

Galoffuru (4 risurtati)

Galoffu (0 risurtati)

Galoffaru (7 risurtati)

Galofanu (0 risurtati)

Caronfulu (0 risurtati)

Carofulu (7 risurtati)

Carofanu (11 risurtati)

Calofru (0 risurtati)

Caloffuru (0 risurtati)

Caloffaru (0 risurtati)

Callofaru (0 risurtati)

Arofulu (0 risurtati)

Arofinu (0 risurtati)

Arofilu (0 risurtati)

Arofanu (0 risurtati)

Arofalu (8 risurtati)

Alofuru (0 risurtati)

Alofiru (0 risurtati)

Alofru (10 risurtati)

Aloffaru (0 risurtati)

Alofaru (10 risurtati)

Garonfulu (0 risurtati)

Garonfaru (0 risurtati)

Garofuru (8 risurtati)

Garofulu (11 risurtati)

Garoffulu (6 risurtati)

Garoffanu (0 risurtati)

Garofanu (50 risurtati)

Gghialofru (0 risurtati)

Salutamu. --Sarvaturi 22:10, 15 Dicèmmiru 2006 (UTC)

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