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Talk:Paġna prinċipali - Wikipedija

Talk:Paġna prinċipali

Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija ħielsa.

moved a bunch of stuff to Talk:Main_Page/Archive and to Wikipedia:Pjazza

Prosit roderick.. looking good. I wonder if Kategoriji should eventually be an article instead of a list. Srl | lblb 14:47, 7 Awissu 2005 (UTC)

Tieħdux qatgħa jekk taraw xi tibdil fil-paġna prinċipali tal-Wiki. Bħalissa qiegħed nagħti daqsxejn struttura lill-paġa sabiex iktar 'l quddiem inisbu x-xogħol eħfef. Għamilt xi templates ġodda u użajt bħala referenza il-Wiki Taljan. (en. At the moment I'm restructuring the page so as to make it easier for us to edit it in the future. Worked on some new templates for which I used the Italian Wiki as a reference).

Nixtieq iktar suġġerimenti, kummenti, kritika minn naħa tagħkhom. Nixtieq inkun naf jekk il-Wiki huwiex user-friendly biżżejjed. --Roderick Mallia 17:59, 2 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

It-Template ta' l-almanakk ħadem! :D --Roderick Mallia 11:38, 4 Settembru 2005 (UTC)


[editja] il-link u afffarijiet oħra

  1. il-link hawn fuq Wikipedia:Pjazza jitfek f'pagna en.wiki.
  2. nixtieq nagħmel link biex per eżempju minn idaħħal komputer dan imur ġewwa kompjuter. Kif?

Evan Camilleri (Holistic) 21:26, 11 Settembru 2006 (UTC)

[editja] menu żgħir

Żidt menu żgħir fil-paġna prinċipali (taħt it-titlu) sabiex nagħmel in-navigazzjoni eħfef --Roderick Mallia 13:18, 5 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

nice.. imma, ma nifhem ir-raġun għall "immodifika" (b' żball) meta għandna "immodifika" 'il fuq f'paġna.. (artiklu, diskussjoni, immodifika, +, ... ) Srl | lblb 15:34, 5 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

Good question Srl. The 'immodifika' in the new menu will contain the list of all the templates used in the main page for easier edits and modifications. Also I intend to dedicate a section in this page to previous modifications, just for the sake of keeping a history and comparing previous versions of the main page. It would be nice in a couple of months time to see how the main page of the wiki was and how it evolved. In addition, from now on, this page will be used by wikipedians (us admins included) to post their ideas and suggestions regarding the look of the main page (format, colours, articles to appear in the "kont taf li..." section, etc) These will be followed by a discussion and a vote to decide if the modifications should be carried out or not. This will lead to more interaction between us admins and the wikipedians. After all it is everybody's wiki and everyone should have a say in the running of things. We must keep in mind that the main page is crucial for the wiki in the sense that if it isn't attractive and user-friendly enough, a potential wikipedian is lost since he/she would think twice about visiting the wiki again. The main page must be therefore designed by the people and for the peopl to be effective. If it is attractive enough, we'll get people visiting it again and that's what we all want :) --Roderick Mallia 17:31, 5 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

Prosit. Għamilt naqra ta' xogħol sabih.

Ara jirnexxilkomx issolvu din il-problema tiegħi: Meta nidħol ġo paġna Maltija jiġini runtime error fl-iscript (Line: 6, Error: Expected ')'). Ma nafx tiġikomx lilkom ukoll. Huwa possibli li l-php script ma jaċċettax karattri Maltin? VodkaJazz 04:12, 6 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

[editja] Anton Buttigieg

[editja] Inserixxi??

Jiena ta' l-ideja li flok 'inserixxi' li hija kelma artificjali ghall- ahhar fil-lingwa Maltija, tintuza l-kelma 'Dahhal'. Ahjar u iktar naturali. Ghadni s'issa ma nistax nifhem x'tahbat il-pjazza! kelma ohra flok forum??? L-awtur mhux magħruf

żid? 16:41, 19 Novembru 2006 (UTC)

[editja] Suġġeriment

Suġġeriment: flok "Uri l-anteprima" uża "Uri l-abbozz".

[editja] Suggerimenti ohra

Ma nafx ghala fil homepage tal wikipedia bil malti wikipedia giet maqluba f WIKIPEDIJA! :/ Ikunahjar ukoll kieku fil lista tal lingwi, flok "bil-Malti" ikun hemm "Malti"

[editja] Merhba

Hey there,

Would it be a good idea to add links to the other langs of wikipedia. ??


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