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Kelab bolasepak Arsenal (Arsenal F.C.) - Wikipedia

Kelab bolasepak Arsenal (Arsenal F.C.)

From Wikipedia

Templat:Football club infobox Kelab bolasepak Arsenal (Arsenal F.C.) (dikenali sebagai Arsenal atau The Gunners) adalah kelab profesional England football yang berpusat di utara London. Mereka bermain di dalam Liga Perdana Inggeris dan menjadi kelab yang paling berjaya di dalam bola sepak Inggeris. Arsenal telah memenangi tigabelas Division Pertama dan piala Liga Perdana, sepuluh Piala FA dan telah sampai ke perlawanan akhir Liga Juara-Juara UEFA buat kali pertama dalam sejarah mereka semasa 2005-06, yang mana mereka telah tewas 2-1 kepada F.C.Barcelona.

Arsenal telah diasakan di Woolwich, tenggara London, dalam tahun 1886, tetapi dalam tahun 1913 mereka telah berpindah ke utara merentasi bandaraya itu ke Stadium Arsenal, Highbury, yang mana menjadi rumah mereka sehingga bulan Mei 2006. Dalam bulan Julai 2006 kelab tersebut berpindah Stadium Emirates bertempat duduk 60,000 di Ashburton Grove yang berhampiran. Arsenal mempunyai satu sejarah permusuhan yang panjang dengan jiran Tottenham Hotspur, yang hanya terletak empat batu sahaja di Tottenham, yang mana mereka bermain dalam perlawanan London utara.

Arsenal adalah ahli kepada kumpulan G-14 yang terdiri daripada kelab-kelab terkemuka Eropah, sebaris dengan kelab-kelab Barcelona, AC Milan and Manchester United.

Jadual isi kandungan

[Sunting] Sejarah

Untuk perincian mengenai topik ini, sila lihat History of Arsenal F.C..

Arsenal ditubuhkan pada awalnya dengan nama Dial Square pada tahun 1886 oleh pekerja-pekerja di Royal Arsenal yang terletak di Woolwich, tetapi ditukar namanya kepada Royal Arsenal sejurus selepas itu. Mereka menukar nama mereka sekali lagi kepada Woolwich Arsenal selepas menjadi profesional pada tahun 1891. Kelab ini menyertai liga Football League pada tahun 1893, bermula dengan liga Second Division, dan berjaya naik ke liga First Division pada tahun 1904. Akan tetapi, kedudukan geografi kelab ini yang terpinggir menyebabkan kadar kehadiran penontonnya kurang berbanding dengan kelab-kelab lain, seterusnya menyebabkan kelab ini dibebani dengan masalah-masalah kewangan. Pada tahun 1913, selepas jatuh semula ke Divisi Kedua, mereka berpindah menyeberangi Sungai Thames ke stadium baru Arsenal di Highbury, North London. Mereka memadamkan "Woolwich" daripada nama mereka pada tahun berikutnya. Arsenal hanya menamatkan saingan di tangga kelima pada tahun 1919, tetapi dipilih semula untuk menyertai Divisi Pertama dan menyebabkan musuh tradisi mereka Tottenham Hotspur terpaksa menuruni divisi, dengan cara yang dilaporkan agak diragui. [1]

Pada tahun 1925, Arsenal telah melantik Herbert Chapman sebagai pengurus pasukan. Chapman telah memenangi liga dengan Huddersfield Town pada tahun 1924 dan 1925, dan beliau telah membawa Arsenal kepada fasa pertama ke arah kegemilangan. Beliau telah merevolusikan taktik dan sistem latihan, bersama-sama dengan pemain-pemain terkemuka seperti Alex James dan Cliff Bastin, meletakkan asas kepada dominasi kelab tersebut dalam bolasepak Inggers pada tahun 1930-an. Antara tahun 1930 and 1938, Arsenal telah menjuarai Divisi Pertama sebanyak lima kali dan piala FA Cup dua kali, meskipun Chapman tidak sempat untuk melihat pencapaian ini kerana beliau telah menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya akibat penyakit radang paru-paru pada tahun 1934. Sebagai tambahan, Chapman telah dilaporkan telah mengepalai penamaan semula stesen tempatan London Underground dari "Gillespie Road" kepada "Arsenal" pada tahun 1932, menjadikan stesen itu sebagai satu-satunya stesen Tube yang dinamakan sempena sebuah kelab bolasepak.

Berikutan dengan pengantungan bolasepak profesional Inggeris semasa World War II, Arsenal telah menjuarai liga pada tahun 1948 dan 1953 dan piala FA Cup pada tahun 1950. Bagaimanapun, nasib mereka mulai berubah; gagal untuk menarik pemain-pemain berkaliber seperti pemain-pemain pada zaman 30-an, kelab ini telah menghabiskan zaman 1950-an and 1960-an mereka dalam keadaan kekeringan trofi. Hinggakan bekas England kapten Billy Wright pun tidak mampu untuk membawa kejayaan kepada kelab ini sebagai pengurus.

Era kegemilangan Arsenal's kedua bermula dengan perlantikan mengejutkan ahli fisioterapi kelab itu, iaitu Bertie Mee sebagai pengurus pada tahun 1966. Selepas tewas dalam dua perlawanan akhir piala League Cup,mereka telah memenangi piala Inter-Cities Fairs Cup, piala Eropah mereka yang pertama pada tahun 1970. Ini diikuti degan kejayaan yang lebih membanggakan: kejayaan berganda pertama untuk merangkul juara liga dan piala FA pada tahun 1971. Bagaimanapun, dekad-dekad yang berikutnya telah dicirikan sebagai siri-siri yang hampir menang. Arsenal berkedudukan sebagai naib johan Divisi Pertama pada tahun 1973, tewas dalam tiga perlawanan akhir piala FA (1972, 1978 and 1980) dan tewas dalam perlawanan akhir piala Cup Winners' Cup atas sepakan penalti pada tahun 1980. Kejayaan tunggal kelab ini pada era ini adalah piala FA pada tahun 1979, dengan kemenangan 3-2 di saat-saat akhir perlawanan ke atas Manchester United yang hingga kini dianggap sebagai klasik.

Pemain-pemain dan penyokong-penyokong Arsenal meraikan kejuaraan liga 2004 mereka dengan sebuah perarakan bas tidak berbumbung
Pemain-pemain dan penyokong-penyokong Arsenal meraikan kejuaraan liga 2004 mereka dengan sebuah perarakan bas tidak berbumbung

Kepulangan bekas pemain George Graham sebagai pengurus pada tahun 1986 telah membawa kepada sesi kegemilangan yang ketiga. Arsenal telah menjuarai piala League Cup pada tahun 1987, dalam musim pertama Graham memegang jawatan pengurus. Ini diikuti dengan sebuah kejuaraan liga pada tahun 1989, yang dimenangi dengan sebuah gol di minit terakhir perlawanan menentang pencabar kejuaraan Liverpool dalam perlawan terakhir musim tersebut. Arsenal dibawah bimbingan Graham telah memenangi sebuah lagi kejuaraan liga pada tahun 1991, dengan tewas hanya satu perlawanan, memenangi piala berganda FA Cup dan League Cup pada tahun 1993 dan trofi Eropah kedua mereka, piala Cup Winners' Cup, pada tahun 1994. Akan tetapi, reputasi Graham tercalar apabila didedahkan bahawa beliau telah menerima rasuah daripada ejen Rune Hauge kerana telah membeli pemain-pemain tertentu,[2] dan beliau dipecat pada tahun 1995. Pengganti beliau, Bruce Rioch, hanya bertahan selama semusim sahaja, meninggalkan kelab itu selepas bertelagah mengenai isu dana perpindahan pemain.

Punca utama kejayaan kelab ini di akhir 1990-an dan 2000-an adalah disebabkan perlantikan pengurus Arsène Wenger pada tahun 1996. Wenger memperkenalkan taktik-taktik serba baru, rejim latihan yang baru dan beberapa pemain-pemain luar negara yang melengkapi bakat pemain-pemain Inggeris yang sedia ada. Arsenal telah memenangi kemenangan berganda liga dan piala untuk kali keduanya pada tahun 1998 dan kali ketiga pada tahun 2002. Sebagai tambahan, kelab ini telah mara ke perlawanan akhir piala UEFA Cup 2000 (tewas penalti kepada Galatasaray), menjuarai piala FA Cup pada tahun 2003 dan 2005, dan menjuarai liga Premier League 2004 tanpa tewas dalam sebarang perlawanan, yang menyebabkan mereka digelar dengan gelaran "The Invincibles";[3] keseluruhannya, kelab ini telah menempuhi 49 perlawanan liga tanpa kalah, sebuah Rekod negara England. Arsenal telah menghabiskan saingan liga samada di tangga pertama atau kedua dalam lapan daripada sepuluh musim Wenger berada di kelab itu, dan mereka adalah salah satu daripada empat pasukan (bersama-sama dengan Manchester United, Blackburn Rovers dan Chelsea) yang telah memenangi liga Premier League semenjak penubuhannya pada tahun 1993. Sehingga baru-baru ini, Arsenal tidak pernah layak ke peringkat separuh akhir kejohanan Champions League; bagaimanapun dalam 2005-06, mereka telah mara ke perlawanan akhir (di mana mereka menetang Barcelona pada May 17, 2006), menjadikan mereka kelab London yang pertama untuk berbuat sedemikian dalam lima puluh tahun sejarah kejohanan ini. Arsenal dikurangkan kepada sepuluh pemain di awal perlawanan, dengan penjaga gol Lehmann di buang padang akibat menjatuhkan Samuel Eto'o dipinggir luar kawasan beliau. Sungguhpun begitu, mereka mendahului 1-0, melalui Sol Campbell, tetapi Barcelona bangkit kembali dengan gol-gol daripada Eto'o dan Belletti untuk memenangi perlawanan itu.

[Sunting] Mercu

Mercu pertama Arsenal dari 1888
Mercu pertama Arsenal dari 1888
Imej:Arsenal fc old crest small.png
Arsenal's crest from c. 1949 to 2002

Mercu Arsenal Diraja pertama, didedahkan pada tahun 1888, mengandungi tiga meriam dilihat dari atas, menghala ke utara, menyerupai mercu Borough of Woolwich. Meriam ini kadangkala disalah tafsir sebagai serombong asap, tetapi kewujudan ukiran kepala singa dan sebiji lada di setiap meriam adalah petanda jelas yang mereka adalah meriam. Pada tahun 1922, kelab ini telah menggunakan mercu satu meriam buat pertama kalinya, mengandungi sebuah meriam yang menghala ke timur. Mercu ini hanaya digunakan sehingga tahun 1925 di mana meriam itu dihala ke arah barat pula selepas itu, tongnya dikecilkan dan nama gelaran kelab ini, "The Gunners", telah ditatah dikiri mercu ini. Pada tahun 1949, kelab ini telah mendedahkan mercu yang telah dimodenkan yang nengandungi gaya meriam yang serupa, nama kelab dalam tulisan blackletter di atas meriam, dan sebuah gulungan yang diukir dengan moto Latin baru, "Victoria Concordia Cresit" (yang bermaksud "kemenangan hasil harmoni"). Buat pertama kalinya, mercu ini diberi warna- merah, hijau, dan emas - yang sedikit bervariasi semenjak kewujudan mercu tersebut.

Disebabkan pelbagai rujukan ke atas mercu ini, Arsenal tidak mampu untuk memberi hakcipta; meskipun kelab itu telah berjaya mendaftarkan mercu itu sebagai trademark, dan telah berbalah (dan memenangi) sebuah perbicaraan dengan seorang peniaga tempatan yang menjual barangan-barangan 'tidak rasmi' Arsenal,[4] Arsenal mencari perlindungan undang-undang yang lebih melengkapi. Maka, pada tahun 2002 mereka memperkenalkan mercu baru yang mangandungi garisan-garisan lengkung moden dan gaya yang ringkas, yang mana boleh dihakciptakan.[5] Meriam tersebut sekali lagi menghala ke timur dan nama kelab ditulis dalam tulisan sans-serif yang tersendiri di atas meriam itu. Hijau telah digantikan dengan biru gelap. Mercu baru in menerima respons yang pelbagai daripada para penyokong, denagn sesetengah daripada mereka mengatakan yang mercu ini telah mengabaikan sejarah dan tradisi Arsenal dengan rekaan moden yang radikal, dan penyokong kelab tidak diajak berbincang secara serius berhubungan dengan isu ini. [6]

[Sunting] Warna-warna

Templat:Football kit box Dalam sebahagian besar sejarah Arsenal, warna rumah mereka ialah baju merah terang dengan lengan putih dan seluar pendek putih, meskipun kadangkala situasi ini berubah. Pemilihan warna merah adalah sebagai menghargai sebuah sumbangan amal daripada Nottingham Forest, sejurus selepas penubuhan Arsenal pada tahun 1886. Dua daripada ahli penubuhan Dial Square, Fred Beardsley dan Morris Bates, adalah bekas pemain Forest yang telah berpindah ke Woolwich untuk bekerja. Sedang mereka menubuhkan kesebelasan utama di kawasan itu, tiada kit yang boleh dijumpai, jadi Beardsley dan Bates telah mengirim surat ke rumah untuk mendapatkan bantuan dan menerima satu set kit dan sebiji bola. Baju itu lebih gelap merahnya berbanding dengan warna moden kelab ini sekarang, hampir ungu, dan telah dipakai dengan samada seluar pendek putih atau gelap.

Pada tahun 1933, Herbert Chapman, yang menghendaki pemain-pemainnya untuk berpakaian lebih segak, telah mengubahsuaikan kit tersebut, menambah lengan putih dan merubah merah gelap itu kepada merah yang lebih terang seperti merah peti pos. Pasukan ini telah serasi dengan kombinasi ini semenjak itu, selain daripada dua musim. Mula-mula, pada 1963–64 kit tersebut telah diubah kepada semua merah, tetapi langkah ini didapati tidak popular dan lengan putih kembali pada musim berikutnya. Kali kedua, semasa 2005–06 ialah musim terakhir Arsenal bermain di Highbury, baju pasukan telah diubah sementara kepada warna asli merah gelap, atau "redcurrant", untuk mengenang kembali warna yang telah dipakai semasa musim pertama di Highbury, pada tahun 1913. Kelab ini akan kembali ke warna kebiasaaan mereka untuk musim 2006-07.

Warna rumah Arsenal telah menjadi inspirasi kepada sekurang-kurangnya dua buah kelab lain. Pada tahun 1909, Sparta Prague telah mengambil sebuah kit merah gelap seperti yang dipakai oleh Arsenal sewaktu itu; pada tahun 1930-an, Hibernian mengambil rekaaan lengan Arsenal dalam warna baju hijau dan putih mereka. Kedua-dua kelab tersebut masih memakai rekaan itu hingga ke hari ini.

Warna tempat lawan Arsenal secara tradisinya adalah kuning dan biru, meskipun mereka telah memakai sebuah kit hijau dan biru tentera laut buat sementara ketika awal 1980-an. Sejak 1990-an dan ketibaan pasaran kit yang lumayan, warna tempat lawan mereka telah diubah setiap beberapa musim. Secara amnya, warna itu samada kuning dan biru, ataupun rekaan dua-ton biru, sungguhpun telah ada sebuah rekaan emas metalik dan biru tentera laut untuk musim 2001–02. Bagaimanapun, ramai peminat Arsenal merasakan yang baju biru tersebut membawa nasib malang- kesemua tiga kejuaraan Premier League dicapai dalam musim di mana pasukan ini memakai kuning atau emas. Warna tempat lawan untuk 2005–06 adalah kuning dan kelabu gelap.

[Sunting] Stadium

The North Bank stand, Arsenal Stadium.
The North Bank stand, Arsenal Stadium.
The Emirates Stadium under construction.
The Emirates Stadium under construction.

Stadium Arsenal, lebih dikenali sebagai Highbury, adalah rumah kepada Arsenal dari September 1913 hingga 7 May 2006. Stadium yang asal telah dibina oleh seorang arkitek bolasepak yang terkemuka Archibald Leitch, dan mempunyai rekaan serupa dengan kebanyakan padang-padang bolasepak di UK pada masa itu, dengan satu kawasan tempat duduk berbumbung dan tiga kawasan tempat duduk tidak berbumbung yang bertingkat. Pada tahun 1930-an, keseluruhan stadium telah diubahsuai secara besar-besaran,dengan pembinaan tempat duduk Art Deco Timur dan Barat yang serba baru, and roofs added to the North Bank and Clock End terraces. At its peak, Highbury could hold over 60,000 spectators, and had a capacity of 57,000 until the early 1990s. The Taylor Report and Premier League regulations forced Arsenal to convert Highbury into an all-seater in 1992, reducing its capacity to 38,500; this capacity had to be reduced further during Champions League matches to accommodate additional advertising hoardings. Expansion was restricted because the East Stand had been designated as a Grade II listed building and the other three stands were close to residential properties whose owners objected to expansion.

These limitations in Highbury's capacity have prevented the club from maximising the revenue that their domestic form could have brought in recent seasons. Although the club remains highly profitable, Arsenal are currently in the process of building the Emirates Stadium, a new 60,000-seater stadium at Ashburton Grove, about 500 metres south-west of Highbury. While this project was delayed by red tape (including final approval of the necessary compulsory purchase orders by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott) and rising costs, construction is now nearly complete and the stadium is ready for the start of the 2006–07 season. The stadium is named after its sponsors, the airline company Emirates, with whom the club signed the largest sponsorship deal in English football history, worth approximately £100 million[7] over the term of the deal. As a part of the deal the stadium will be known as Emirates Stadium for at least until 2021, and the airline will be the club's shirt sponsor from 2006 until the end of the 2013–14 season, having previously been Chelsea's shirt sponsors. The first game to be played there will be Arsenal legend, Dennis Bergkamp's testimonial game against his former club, Ajax.

[Sunting] Penyokong

Arsenal have a large and generally loyal fanbase, with virtually all home matches selling out; in 2005-06, Arsenal had the sixth-highest average attendance in England (38,184).[8] Arsenal fans often refer to themselves as "Gooners", the name being derived from the team's nickname, "The Gunners". The club's location, adjoining both wealthy areas such as Canonbury and Barnsbury, mixed areas such as Finsbury Park and Highbury, and largely working class areas such as Holloway and Stoke Newington has meant that Arsenal's supporters have come from across the usual class divides. Arsenal have the highest proportion (7.7%) of non-white attending supporters of any club in English football,[9] possibly because of the high proportion of ethnic minorities in north London.

Like all major English football clubs, Arsenal have a number of domestic supporters' clubs, including the Official Arsenal Football Supporters Club, which is affiliated with the club, and the Arsenal Independent Supporters' Association, which maintains an independent line. The club's supporters also publish fanzines such as The Gooner, Highbury High, Gunflash and the less cerebral Up The Arse!. In addition to the usual English football chants, Arsenal's supporters sing "One-Nil to the Arsenal" (to the tune of "Go West") and "Boring, Boring Arsenal", which used to be a common taunt from opposition fans but is now sung ironically by Arsenal supporters when the team is playing well.

In recent times, a supporter's attachment to a football club has become less dependent on geography, so Arsenal now have many fans not just from London but all over England and the world. While there have always been small pockets of supporters abroad, Arsenal's support base has widened considerably with the advent of satellite television, and there are now significant supporters' clubs in Scandinavia, South East and East Asia and the United States. A 2005 report by Granada Ventures, which owns a 9.9% stake in the club, estimated Arsenal's global fanbase at 27 million, the third largest in the world.[10]

Arsenal's longest-running and deepest rivalry is with their nearest major neighbour, Tottenham Hotspur, with matches between the two being referred to as North London derbies. Matches against other London sides, such as Chelsea and West Ham United are also derbies, but the rivalry is not as intense as that between Arsenal and Tottenham. In addition, Arsenal and Manchester United have had a strong on-pitch rivalry since the late 1980s, which has intensified in recent years when both clubs have been competing for the Premier League title.

[Sunting] Hakmilik

Arsenal's parent company, Arsenal Holdings, operates as a public limited company. However, Arsenal's ownership is considerably different from that of other football clubs. Only 62,000 shares in Arsenal have been issued, and they are not traded on a public exchange such as the FTSE or AIM; instead, they are traded infrequently on OFEX, a specialist market. As of December 2005, Arsenal's market capitalization value is £290m, and the club made a pre-tax profit of £19.3m in the 2004-05 financial year.[11]

Currently, the club's largest shareholders are Danny Fiszman (a London diamond dealer) and Nina Bracewell-Smith (a descendant by marriage of former chairman Sir Bracewell Smith), who hold 25.2% and 15.9% respectively. Vice-chairman David Dein holds 14.6% while club chairman Peter Hill-Wood owns less than 1%.[12] Arsenal's board of directors hold the majority of the club's shares, but in recent years, with Arsenal becoming a significant media asset, outside organisations have bought into the club. These include entertainment firm Granada Ventures (a subsidiary of ITV plc) (9.9%) and hedge fund Lansdowne Partners (2.7%); Lansdowne used to have a stake in Manchester United before selling it to Malcolm Glazer.[13]

[Sunting] Arsenal dalam budaya popular

As one of the most successful teams in the country, Arsenal have often featured when football is depicted in British culture and have appeared in a number of media "firsts". On January 22 1927, their match at Highbury against Sheffield United was the first English League match to be broadcast live on radio.[14] A decade later, on September 16 1937, an exhibition match between Arsenal's first team and the reserves was the first ever football match to be televised live.[15]

Arsenal also formed the backdrop to one of the earliest football-related films, The Arsenal Stadium Mystery (1939). The film is centred on a friendly match between Arsenal and an amateur side, one of whose players is poisoned whilst playing. Many Arsenal players appeared as themselves, although only manager George Allison was given a speaking part.

More recently, the book Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby was an autobiographical account of Hornby's life and relationship with football and Arsenal in particular. Published in 1992, it formed part of, and may have played an active part in, the revival and rehabilitation of football in British society during the 1990s. The book was later made into a film starring Colin Firth, which centred on the club's 1988–89 title win. The book also inspired an American film adaptation, about a fan of baseball's Boston Red Sox.

Arsenal's perceived tendency to be defensive and "boring" through the 1970s and 1980s made the team the butt of jokes by many comedians such as Eric Morecambe. The theme was repeated in the 1997 film The Full Monty, in a scene where the lead actors move in a line and raise their hands, deliberately mimicking the Arsenal defence's offside trap, in an attempt to co-ordinate their stripping.

The club is also mentioned in several Monty Python's Flying Circus sketches, and in Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where a barman remarks that the impending end of the world is a "lucky escape" for Arsenal, who are playing that afternoon. Most recently, in the 2004 box office hit Ocean's Twelve the stars put on Arsenal tracksuits to escape from a hotel as part of one of their European heists.

An archival photograph of Arsenal's fan-packed bleachers serves as the endpaper for Sex Pistols vocalist John Lydon's autobiography Rotten: No Irish No Blacks No Dogs. Lydon is an open fan of Arsenal and makes several references to the team in the book.

[Sunting] Gadis-gadis Arsenal

Untuk perincian mengenai topik ini, sila lihat Arsenal L.F.C..

Arsenal Ladies are the women's football club affiliated to Arsenal. Founded in 1987, they turned semi-professional in 2002 and are one of the most successful teams in English women's football today. They are managed by Vic Akers, who is also kit manager for the men's side, and play in the FA Women's Premier League; Arsenal Ladies are currently reigning champions, having won their eighth title in 2006. They also won the FA Women's Cup for the seventh time in 2006, and they have won the Women's League Cup eight times. They have reached the semi-finals of the UEFA Women's Cup twice, the furthest any English women's club have ever got. While the men's and women's clubs are formally separate they have quite close ties; Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein is president of Arsenal Ladies, and they are entitled to play once a season at Highbury (they usually play their home matches at Boreham Wood).

[Sunting] Statistik dand rekod-rekod

Untuk perincian mengenai topik ini, sila lihat Arsenal F.C. records.

David O'Leary holds the record for Arsenal appearances, having played 722 first-team matches between 1975 and 1993. Fellow centre half and former captain Tony Adams comes second, having played 668 times. The record for a goalkeeper is held by David Seaman, with 563 appearances.

Current Arsenal captain Thierry Henry is the club's top goalscorer with 214 goals in all competitions (as of May 7, 2006), having surpassed Ian Wright's total of 185 in October 2005. Wright's record had stood since 1997, a feat which overtook the longstanding total of 178 goals set by winger Cliff Bastin in 1939. Henry also holds the club record for goals scored in the League (164, as of May 7 2006), a record that had been held by Bastin until February 2006.

Arsenal's record home attendance is 73,707, for a UEFA Champions League match against RC Lens on November 25, 1998 at Wembley Stadium, where Arsenal formerly played home European matches because of the limits on Highbury's capacity. The record attendance for an Arsenal match at Highbury is 73,295, for a 0-0 draw against Sunderland on 9 March 1935. The current capacity of Highbury is 38,500 and the planned capacity of Emirates Stadium is 60,000; as a result, these records are unlikely to be broken in the foreseeable future.

Arsenal have also set records in English football, most notably the most consecutive seasons spent in the top flight (79, as of 2005-06) and the longest run of unbeaten League matches (49 between May 2003 and October 2004). This included all 38 matches of the 2003–04 season, making Arsenal only the second club ever to finish a top-flight campaign unbeaten, after Preston North End (who played only 22 matches) in 1888–89.

Arsenal have also set a UEFA Champions League record during the 2005-2006 season by going ten matches without conceding a goal, beating the previous best of seven, set by A.C. Milan. They have gone a record total stretch of 919 minutes without letting an opponent score. This streak ended on May 17, 2006 in the UEFA Champions League Final match against FC Barcelona. Samuel Eto'o broke the impressive defensive campaign scoring in the match's 76th minute.Full back Belleti scored in the 81st minute to give Barcelona a 2-1 victory denying Arsenal their first Champions league win.

[Sunting] Skuad terkini

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[Sunting] Pemain-pemain yang dipinjamkan

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[Sunting] Pemain-pemain terkemuka

Untuk perincian mengenai topik ini, sila lihat List of Arsenal F.C. players.

Listed according to year of Arsenal first-team debut (year in parentheses):

  • 1920s: Jimmy Brain (1924), Joe Hulme (1926), Eddie Hapgood (1927), David Jack (1928), Cliff Bastin (1929), Alex James (1929).
  • 1930s: Leslie Compton (1930), Ted Drake (1934), Wilf Copping (1934), George Swindin (1936), Denis Compton (1936), Reg Lewis (1938).
  • 1940s: Walley Barnes (1946), Jimmy Logie (1946), Joe Mercer (1946), Laurie Scott (1946), Doug Lishman (1948).
  • 1950s: Cliff Holton (1950), Dave Bowen (1951), Jack Kelsey (1951), Jimmy Bloomfield (1954), David Herd (1954).
  • 1960s: George Armstrong (1962), Bob Wilson (1963), John Radford (1963), Frank McLintock (1964), Peter Simpson (1964), Sammy Nelson (1965), Bob McNab (1966), George Graham (1966), Pat Rice (1967). Charlie George (1969), Ray Kennedy (1969).
  • 1970s: Liam Brady (1973), Frank Stapleton (1975), David O'Leary (1975), Pat Jennings (1977), Graham Rix (1977).
  • 1980s: Paul Davis (1980), Kenny Sansom (1980), Tony Adams (1983), Martin Keown (1984), David Rocastle (1985), Paul Merson (1986), Michael Thomas (1986), Steve Bould (1988), Lee Dixon (1988), Nigel Winterburn (1988).
  • 1990s: David Seaman (1990), Ian Wright (1991), Ray Parlour (1992), Dennis Bergkamp (1995), Patrick Vieira (1996), Emmanuel Petit (1997), Marc Overmars (1997), Fredrik Ljungberg (1998), Thierry Henry (1999).
  • 2000s: Ashley Cole (2000), Lauren (2000), Robert Pirès (2000), Sol Campbell (2001), Kolo Touré (2002), Jens Lehmann (2003).

[Sunting] Pengurus-pengurus

As of May 7, 2006. Only competitive matches are counted.

Name Nat From To Record
Sam Hollis [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] August 1894 July 1897 95 43 14 38 213 181
Thomas Mitchell [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias Scotland|22x20px|Templat:Country alias Scotland]] August 1897 March 1898 26 14 4 8 66 46
George Elcoat [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] March 1898 May 1899 43 23 6 14 92 55
Harry Bradshaw [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] August 1899 May 1904 189 96 39 54 329 173
Phil Kelso [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias Scotland|22x20px|Templat:Country alias Scotland]] July 1904 February 1908 151 63 31 57 225 228
George Morrell [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias Scotland|22x20px|Templat:Country alias Scotland]] February 1908 May 1915 294 104 73 117 365 412
Leslie Knighton [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] May 1919 June 1925 267 92 62 114 330 380
Herbert Chapman [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] June 1925 6 January 1934 403 201 97 105 864 598
Joe Shaw [17] [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] 6 January 1934 June 1934 23 14 3 6 44 29
George Allison [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] June 1934 May 1947 283 131 75 77 543 333
Tom Whittaker [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] June 1947 24 October 1956 428 202 106 120 797 566
Jack Crayston [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] 24 October 1956 May 1958 77 33 16 28 142 142
George Swindin [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] 21 June 1958 May 1962 179 70 43 66 320 320
Billy Wright [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] May 1962 June 1966 182 70 43 69 336 330
Bertie Mee [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] June 1966 4 May 1976 539 241 148 150 739 542
Terry Neill [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias Northern Ireland|22x20px|Templat:Country alias Northern Ireland]] 9 July 1976 16 December 1983 414 187 117 112 601 446
Don Howe [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] 16 December 1983 22 March 1986 116 56 32 31 187 142
Steve Burtenshaw [17] [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias England|22x20px|Templat:Country alias England]] 23 March 1986 14 May 1986 11 3 2 6 7 15
George Graham [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias Scotland|22x20px|Templat:Country alias Scotland]] 14 May 1986 21 February 1995 460 225 133 102 711 403
Stewart Houston [17] [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias Scotland|22x20px|Templat:Country alias Scotland]] 21 February 1995 15 June 1995 19 7 3 9 29 25
Bruce Rioch [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias Scotland|22x20px|Templat:Country alias Scotland]] 15 June 1995 12 August 1996 47 22 15 10 67 37
Stewart Houston [17] [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias Scotland|22x20px|Templat:Country alias Scotland]] 12 August 1996 15 September 1996 6 2 2 2 11 10
Pat Rice [17] [[Image:Templat:Country flag alias Northern Ireland|22x20px|Templat:Country alias Northern Ireland]] 16 September 1996 30 September 1996 4 3 0 1 10 4
Arsène Wenger Perancis 30 September 1996 Present 555 320 137 98 1004 505

[Sunting] Penerima Anugerah

Untuk perincian mengenai topik ini, sila lihat Arsenal F.C. seasons.
  • First Division and Premier League[18] titles: 13
    • 1931, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1938, 1948, 1953, 1971, 1989, 1991, 1998, 2002, 2004
  • FA Cups: 10
    • 1930, 1936, 1950, 1971, 1979, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2005
  • League Cups: 2
    • 1987, 1993
  • Charity Shields and Community Shields[19]: 12
    • 1930, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1938, 1948, 1953, 1991 (shared), 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004
  • Inter-Cities Fairs Cup (predecessor of the UEFA Cup): 1
    • 1970
  • European Cup Winners' Cup: 1
    • 1994
  • Three "Doubles": 1971, 1998, 2002
  • One Domestic Cup Double: 1993

Arsenal's tally of thirteen League Championships is the third highest in English football, after Liverpool and Manchester United, while the total of ten FA Cups is the second highest, after Manchester United. Arsenal have one of the best top-flight records in history, having finished below fourteenth only seven times, and never below twentieth. In addition, they are one of only five clubs to have won the FA Cup twice in succession. Arsenal also have the highest average league finishing position for the years between 1900-1999, on average finishing 8.5 in the league.[20]

[Sunting] Notakaki

  1. It has been alleged that Arsenal's promotion, on historical grounds rather than merit, was thanks to underhand actions by the then Arsenal chairman, Sir Henry Norris (see History of Arsenal F.C. for more details). No firm proof has ever been offered, though Chapter Two of Rebels for the Cause (listed below) and this webpage present plenty of supporting evidence.
  2. Graham was banned for a year by the Football Association for his involvement in the scandal after he admitted he had received an "unsolicited gift" from Hauge. As one of the few football corruption cases where wrongdoing was proven, it is often referenced in the press (e.g. in this Observer article), and is given a detailed treatment in Broken Dreams by Tom Bower (ISBN 0743440331).
  3. Arsenal the Invincibles. BBC Sport. Dicapai pada April 21 2006.
  4. Arsenal v. Reed in the Court of Appeal. Michael Simkins LLP. Dicapai pada December 14 2005.
  5. Arsenal go for a makeover. BBC News. Dicapai pada October 14 2005.
  6. Crestfallen. Arsenal Independent Supporters' Association. Dicapai pada April 19 2006.
  7. Arsenal announce deal with Emirates. Arsenal.com. Dicapai pada April 5 2006.
  8. Attendance Comparisons. Tony's English Football Site. Dicapai pada May 16 2006.
  9. Soccer violence declining say fans. BBC News. Dicapai pada October 13 2005.
  10. Arsenal named the Premiership's fastest-growing brand. Brand Republic. Dicapai pada October 13 2005.
  11. OFEX Company Profile: Arsenal Holdings plc. OFEX. Dicapai pada December 23 2005.
  12. Arsenal FC Statement of Accounts & Annual Report 2004/2005. OFEX. Dicapai pada December 23 2005.
  13. Arsenal fans fear takeover as share price continues to rise. Daily Telegraph. Dicapai pada December 23 2005.
  14. It Happened at Highbury: First live radio broadcast. Arsenal.com. Dicapai pada April 19 2006.
  15. Happened on this day - 16 September. BBC Sport. Dicapai pada April 19 2006.
  16. Carlos Vela - Poised for European Stage. FIFA.com. Dicapai pada April 29 2006.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Served as caretaker manager.
  18. Up until 1992, the top division of English football was the Football League First Division; since then, it has been the FA Premier League.
  19. The trophy was known as the Charity Shield until 2002, and as the Community Shield since then.
  20. Arsenal: team of the century 1900-1999. The Independent. Dicapai pada May 18 2006.

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