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발트 독일인 - 위키백과

발트 독일인

위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.

발트 독일인(독일어; Deutsch-Balten, Deutschbalten)들은 발트해 연안에 거주하는 독일인들을 말한다.


[편집] 현황

발트독일인들은 에스토니아(탈린(독일명 'Raval(라발)'), 타르투(독일명 'Dorpat(도르파트)'), 리보니아, 사레마 섬(독일명 'Ösel(외셀)'), 히우마 섬(독일명 'Dagö(다괴)')), 라트비아(리가, 리보니아, 쿠를란트), 리투아니아에 거주한다. 1945년에는 대부분이 독일이나 시베리아, 중앙아시아로 추방되었다.

[편집] 문화

문화적으로 보면 발트독일인들은 대부분이 독일어를 쓰고 있으나, 19세기 제정러시아의 영향과 1945년 소련의 영향으로 이들도 대부분 러시아어를 할줄안다. 대부분이 개신교를 믿고 일부는 러시아 정교회를 믿는다.

[편집] 역사

발트독일인들의 역사는 12세기때 발트지방으로 선교사를 활동하던 시절로 거슬러 올라갈수있다. 발트독일인들은 인도유럽어족이나 핀우그리아어족과 구별되었고 거주준비가 되었다. 1199년 독일인들이 발트 지방에 규칙적으로 정착할시점 알베르트 폰 북소에베덴때 비숍의 리보니아가 선택되었다. 2년뒤 형제의 칼의 정리에 리가시가 기초가 되었다. a German Knights' order to protect the mission against the local "heathen" and to administer the territory. The Sword Brothers, in 1236, became part of the Teutonic Order. For 200 years, the Order State in the Baltics had a support from the Holy Roman Empire.

Since the 1466 weakening and eventually 1525 dissolution of the Teutonic Order state, state of Order of the Sword Brothers became again independent between much stronger countries. In 1558 the invasion of Russia started Livland war that continued for over 20 years between Russia, Poland, Sweden and Denmark.

In course of the war, the state was divided between Denmark, which took the islands, Sweden, which took Estonia, Poland that took Livland and protestant state of Kurland, a Polish fief.

[편집] Reformation

Kurland became Protestant during the Reformation, and the land was split up among the knights. These form part of the German aristocracy.

Kurland existed as German-speaking country for over 200 years, while Livland was once again split. Sweden controlled Estland between 1561 and 1710 and Livland between 1621 and 1710, having signed an agreement to not undermine German Baltic autonomy. The German-language University of Tartu (then University of Dorpat), the foundation of which was supported by King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, remained the only one in the Baltic region for centuries and became the intellectual focus of the Baltic Germans, both nobility and literati.

[편집] Russian control

Between 1710 and 1795, following Russia's success in the Great Northern War, all Baltic areas became provinces of Russia.

However, the Baltic provinces remained dominated, and self-governed, by the local German-speaking aristocracy, which was based on the former knights but included several newcomers from Continental Germany as well. Originally German people also formed most of the professional classes in the region, the literati. Government, however, was in the hand of the Ritterschaft of each of the provinces, in which only members of the matriculated nobility held membership. Autonomy was guaranteed by the various rulers, especially during Russian times. Germans, other than the estate-owners, mainly settled in the cities, such as Reval, Riga, Dorpat, and Pernau, often German foundations and as late as in the mid-19th century still with a minority Estonian or Latvian population.

Local (indigenous) rural people from the Baltic region enjoyed no comparable rights under the Baltic German nobility to those of their brethren in Germany, Sweden or even Poland, rather was their fate comparable with that of the serfs in Russia. Harsh treatment resulted in some uprisings that were brutally suppressed. The situation in the cities was in some cases better.

German cultural autonomy ceased in the 1880s, when Russification precluded much schooling in German, German-language university instruction, etc. The Revolution of 1905 led to attacks against the Germans, burning of manors, and killing and torturing of members of the nobility, if usually not by the local inhabitants but by outside revolutionary bands. During World War I, Baltic Germans as ethnic Germans were seen as the enemy by Russians (and as traitors by Germans). As a result of the Russian Revolution and the subsequent Russian Civil War, many of the Baltic Germans fled to Germany.

[편집] Post WWI

When the Republics of Estonia and Latvia were founded in 1918/1919, the Baltic German estate owners were largely expropriated in a land reform, though they eventually regained some cultural autonomy. However, they were quite poor by then and had lost their influence, and even more emigrated. Finally, in 1939, the pact between Germany and Russia, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which "returned" Estonia and Latvia to Russia (the Soviet Union), the remaining Baltic Germans were evacuated and resettled by force - for some part, into the Warthegau and other areas that are parts of Poland today. The invasion of Russian armies into Poland and Prussia in 1945 resulted in their having to trek to the West.

When Estonia declared its independence of the Soviet Union on August 24, 1991, the exiled association of the German Baltic nobility sent an official message to president-to-be Lennart Meri that no member of the association would claim proprietary rights to their former Estonian lands. This, and the fact that the first German ambassadors to Estonia and Latvia were both Baltic Germans, helped reconcile the peoples.

[편집] 유명한 발트독일인들

A number of Baltic Germans, such as Karl Ernst von Baer, Johann Friedrich von Eschscholtz, Alexander von Oettingen, and Adam Johann von Krusenstern became famous as explorers or scientists. A number of Baltic Germans, most notably Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly, served as ranking generals in the Russian army.

Sergei Eisenstein's father was an architect in Riga who designed many of the city's best-known examples of Art Nouveau architecture.

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