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Électricité de France - Wikipedia

Électricité de France

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Électricité de France (EDF)
Image:EDF logo.gif
Tipo di società S.p.a (société anonyme)
Fondazione aprile 1946, spa dal 2004
Slogan Quand votre monde s'éclaire
Quando il vostro mondo si rischiara
Sede sociale Parigi
Personaggi importanti Marcel Paul, fondatore
Pierre Gadonneix, presidente & AD
Settori d'attività produzione e distribuzione di energia, servizi
Principali prodotti elettricità gas naturale
Filiali Gruppo EDF
Dipendenti 167.300 (2004)
Fatturato Image:green up.png €46,928 milioni EUR (2004)
Sito Internet edf.com

Électricité de France (EDF) è la maggiore azienda produttrice e distributrice di energia in Francia.

Venne fondata l'8 aprile 1946, come risultato della nazionalizzazione di un certo numero di produttori, trasportatori e distributori di elettricità, dal ministero comunista per la produzione industriale Marcel Paul. Fino al 19 novembre 2004 era una azienda statale, ma è oggi una società a responsabilità limitata sottoposta al diritto privato (société anonyme).

La EDF ha detenuto il monopolio nella distribuzione, ma non nella produzione, dell'elettricità in Francia fino al 1999, quando venne recepita la prima direttiva della Commissione Europea per armonizzare le regolamentazioni nel mercato dell'elettricità.

EDF è uno dei più grandi produttori di elettricità al mondo. Nel 2003, ha prodotto il 22% dell'elettricità dell'Unione Europea, principalmente dall'energia nucleare:

Da notare che la percentuale di energia nucleare prodotta è in seguito aumentata, arrivando all'85,8% nel 2005, mentre la percentuale della produzione idroelettrica è diminuita (4,2% nel 2005). Queste tendenze sono in contrasto con gli obiettivi definiti dalla commissione europea, cioè il 21% di elettricità di origine rinnovabile nel 2010.

I suoi 58 reattori nucleari attivi (nel 2004) sono distribuiti in 19 diverse centrali nucleari. Sono composti da 34 reattori da 900 MW, 20 da 1300 MW e 4 da 1450 MW, tutti reattori ad acqua pressurizzata.


[modifica] Riforma (1996-2007)

[modifica] L'apertura del mercato elettrico

La decisione di aprire il mercato elettrico alla concorrenza a livello europeo fu presa con le direttive 96/92/CE del 19 dicembre 1996 e 2003/54/CE del 26 giugno 2003. I passaggi verso l'apertura del mercato in Francia sono:

  • 19 febbraio 1999: 20% del mercato : clienti che impiegano più di 100 GWh.
  • 29 maggio 2000: 30% del mercato : clienti che impiegano più di 16 GWh.
  • 10 febbraio 2003: 37% del mercato : clienti che impiegano più di 7 GWh.
  • 1 luglio 2004: 70% del mercato : aziende e industrie (1,3 milioni di clienti).
  • 1 luglio 2007: apertura totale.

[modifica] Status di EDF

EDF era una EPIC (ente pubblico a carattere commerciale e industriale), e in quanto tale era soggetta al "principio di specialità", cioè aveva il diritto di vendere elettricità; lo scopo di questo principio di specialità era di far concentrare l'attività delle aziende come EDF nel loro settore specifico, impedendo loro di entrare in altri mercati.

Il cambiamento di status di EDF, annunciato nel marzo 2004 dal governo francese, divenne effettivo dopo l'approvazione della "Loi relative au service public de l'électricité et du gaz et aux entreprises électriques et gazières" (legge relativa al servizio pubblico dell'elettricità e del gas e alle aziende elettriche e del gas) il 9 agosto 2004, pubblicata sul Journal officiel il 19 novembre 2004.

La trasformazione in una Société anonyme fu effettuata per diversi motivi:

  • prima di tutto, lo status di EDF come 'EPIC' le dava un vantaggio sui suoi concorrenti durante il processo di apertura del mercato dell'elettricità, poiché poteva beneficiare della garanzia illimitata dello Stato e quindi ottenere prestiti a tassi inferiori;
  • in secondo luogo, lo statuto di SA consentirà a EDF di aumentare il proprio capitale con l'ingresso di nuovi investitori come soci, e di dedicarsi ad altri mercati oltre a quello dell'elettricità, senza essere più soggetta al "principio di specialità".
  • lo status di société anonyme, in cui lo Stato può mantenere una quota di proprietà dominante (la legge anzi prescrive che questa quota non sia inferiore al 70%) non è in contrasto con il ruolo di servizio pubblico.

[modifica] Punti della riforma

Lo status di EPIC creava un vantaggio competitivo che divenne insostenibile da parte degli altri produttori di elettricità europei, specialmente quando EDF iniziò una serie di acquisizioni all'estero, nel Regno Unito, in Italia e in Germania. Per questa ragione, i concorrenti esteri di EDF chiesero che le 'regole del gioco' fossero le stesse per tutti.

Da parte sua, EDF aveva bisogno di una struttura societaria che le consentisse di aumentare il capitale attirando nuovi soci e investitori. Il suo fabbisogno di nuovi capitali era stimato, nel maggio 2004, tra i 10 e i 15 miliardi di euro.

[modifica] Sistema di welfare

The specific regime of social welfare system and that of supplementary illness, cover 300,000 electricians and gas workers. A ratified agreement, in November 2004, by only two labour unions, reached a deadlock and the three others opposed it.

[modifica] Finanze

For a long time, EDF suffered from a very low rentability for a group benefiting from such monopoly, especially since in the weakness of its results on the domestic market, were added the poor performances of its foreign subsidiaries. Nevertheless, its balance sheet is very fragile, because of its international development, of its tariff policy in France and of its quickened deterioration by its rentability.

From 2001 till 2003, EDF was forced to reduce its equity capitals due to untoward deviations of conversion in South America and its depreciated its assets in Germany, Italy and in Brazil for a €6.4 billion total. However, according to the report of the Roulet Commission, international development, although costly, must be followed, because if EDF spent €15 billion euro on acquisitions, its rivals would spend €70 billion. The commission recommends a European strategy, an international presence, but directed, and a larger drive to supply gas.

The most significant problem (in May, 2004) was the rocking of the balance sheet between equity capitals of €19 billion and a €24.5 billion debt (November, 2004), for which it is necessary to add:

  • about €30 billion to regulate its commitments to retirement in electrical and gas industries (reprocess in 55 years, more favourable rate, etc), which will be audited in time by the new tax payable tariff by the consumers.
  • €6.4 billion for financial commitments in Italy and in Germany, a sum which could come to more than €10 billion, from 2005.
  • and a huge sum to continue constituting supplies to finance the future dismantling of the 58 nuclear power stations. A theoretical supply held concurrently by a further €28 billion was made, but it is far from being sufficient and it is used in fact to a greater extent for international development.

And, as of November, 2004, complete commitment will overtop the €35 billion euro, which seems to mean that it is not ready to cope with its retirement commitments or the dismantling of its nuclear power stations.

2002 was considered a bad year, with a small €481 million net profit. 2003 saw a small increase with a €857 million net profit. In the first quarter of 2004, the net profit rose to about €1.5 billion (up 50 % in comparison with the 1st quarter of 2003).

The tariff policy ordered by the company contract of 1997-2000 had imposed a reduction of 14% of tariffs. Today, EDF's tariffs in France are among lowest in the world, which leaves room for manoeuvre to impose an increment of tariffs.

[modifica] Politica energetica

EDF produces its electricity primarily from nuclear power plants
EDF produces its electricity primarily from nuclear power plants

The choice of nuclear technology, as always, was considered peculiar for EDF. Its engineers made France the first country to produce electricity of nuclear origin (74.5 % of French production in 2003).

Nuclear technology produces clean electricity, but with huge risks, even if they are controlled better and better. In May, 2004, the French minister Nicolas Sarkozy reasserted, in front of the French Parliament, the primacy of a nuclear power, much to the relief of labour unions of EDF. On this opportunity, the minister had imitated the famous slogan "We do not have oil, but we have ideas" by declaring: "We do not have oil, we do not have gas, we do not have coal, but we had ideas".

[modifica] Opinioni sulla riforma

[modifica] Autorità locali

In general, the local elected representatives were against the modification of the status of the government-owned firm and expressed it aloud. They fear, particularly those of rural districts, and perhaps justifiably, that after the disappearance of post offices and schools, that of the EDF/GDF, and have held talks, in summary:

  • Electricity is a vital requirement, which should not be managed according to a market principle.
  • EDF and Gaz de France stemmed from the National Council of the Resistance and complied with their mission of public service and town and country planning.
  • Numerous examples exist, following the example of California, where the private firms of production and distribution of electricity are not the best resolution.
  • Those to the left of the political spectrum think that the logic of markets can only drive away rises of expenses and selling prices.

They also wonder about the assertion of the principle of the tariff adjustment (a unique tariff on the whole territory and equality of users), because as soon as the sale of electricity becomes readily available, it is subjected to the rule of competition and taken into account the true expenses on every segment of customers. The countryside, sparsely populated, risk being the biggest losers.

They also wonder about the true purpose of the government in this affair, and about the strategical will of partners deprived in the capital of EDF, whilst heavy threats (question of retirement, dismantling of nuclear power stations) tax the true balance sheets of the firm.

[modifica] La posizione dell'ex-presidente

According to François Roussely the former president of EDF, it is not possible to reconcile low prices and competition in electricity. At any rate where countries privatized electricity, it was rapidly followed by an increase in prices and a certain insecurity about energy, notably owing to speculation on electricity (e.g. Enron).

[modifica] Rete distributiva

The electricity network is subdivided by:

  • a transport system of high voltage electricity and very high voltage (100,000 km of lines). This part of the system is managed by RTE (transport system of electricity) who acts as an independent administrator of infrastructure, although it stays in the lap of EDF.
  • a network of distribution with medium and low tension (1,200,000 km of lines); the electricity supply in France is maintained by EDF-GDF Services, a subsidiary of Gaz de France (French Gas).

Before 1956, the electricity companies of France did not have a standardised voltage level. Between 1956 and 1991, a standardisation took place, and today the voltage is 230v on all French territory. This voltage allows more disposal electricity with fewer losses on the network.

Migration in 220 volts had cost the equivalent of €70 per subscriber in the beginning, and €1,000 per subscriber in 1991. Eventually, the old usage of 220 volts in France standardized itself to 230 volts, in accordance with European standard.

[modifica] Concorrenza

[modifica] Electrabel ed Endesa

Apart from the producers and foreign distributors, in France, there are some important companies, which, although their market share is weak with regard to that of EDF, are a significant competition. These are:

  • SNET (Société nationale d'électricité et de thermique): This company is the successor of depleting coal companies and primarily produce thermal electricity (2,5 TWh). Its capital (81 %) belonged predominantly to Collieries of France and with EDF. A portion of the capital (30 %) was sold to Endesa, the main Spanish electricity producer.
  • CNR (Compagnie nationale du Rhône): the capital of which is predominantly public, the company exploits 19 hydroelectric plants installed on the banks of the Rhône. Its production of 19 TWh makes it the second largest French producer with 4 % of the market. CNR signed a partnership agreement with Electrabel (a Belgian subsidiary of SUEZ).
  • SHEM (Société hydro-électrique du Midi): a subsidiary of SNCF, of which it produces about 1/3 of the electricity used by SNCF. This company will probably be sold as part of a policy of refocusing of SNCF in due time. A partnership agreement was signed with Electrabel.

[modifica] Consigli a controllo locale o fra locali

Among the other rivals of EDF, one can count a number of municipally governed companies, known under the generic term 'entreprises locales de distribution' ('local businesses of distribution'), who are electricity producers exploiting EDF's network.

The nationalisation of electricity and gas on April 8, 1946, which profoundly changed the French electrical and gas organization, had however acknowledged the right of villages to keep their role in the public distribution of electricity and gas.

In 1946, certain firms, villages or groups of villages, did not accept the proposal of nationalisation and created autonomous state controls (who held the monopoly of distribution, until 2004, in their area). To note, contrary to the initial idea, local controllers of electricity, have had, since 1946, the choice to continue to produce electricity. In fact, their production was rather marginal, except in Rhône-Alpes; having often preferred buying the majority of the electrical power from EDF. With the recent opening of the electricity market, local controllers are considering developing, augmenting and diversifying their own production, (e.g. Ouest Énergie, the subsidiary company of SIEDS) and/or to diversify their sources of supply.

To date, the number of local businesses of distribution is approximately 170 and holds 5% of the distribution of French electrical power in 2,500 villages. Created by local authorities, they serve about 3 million people and represent 7,000 jobs. Around thirty of them - 9 during creation in 1962 - are federated in a national entity known as ANROC [1].

Several departments are not therefore served entirely or partly by EDF, for instance:

  • Deux-Sèvres, supplied by SIEDS: Labour union between local councils of Electricity of Deux-Sèvres;
  • Vienne, supplied by SIEEDV: Labour union between local councils of Electricity and Works of the Department of Vienne;
  • Charente-Maritime, supplied by SDEER: Labour union of Electricity and Rural Works of the Department of Charente-Maritime;
  • Gironde, supplied by Gironde Electricity. However, the company was sold to EDF at the beginning of 2000 because it could not financially maintain the damage of the severe weather of December 1999, on its network;
  • Alsace;
  • Rhône-Alpes.

[modifica] Gruppo EDF

EDF's global presence
EDF's global presence

EDF is present in Europe, South America, Africa and Asia.

[modifica] Principali partner

  • In Europe EDF owns parts or all of the following companies:
    • Austria: 100% ASA Holding, 100% Vero, 20% Groupe Estag
    • Belgium: 100% Semobis
    • France: 100% C2, 100% C3, 100% EDF, 100% Immob. Wagram Étoile, 100% Richemont, 100% Sapar, 100% Sofilo, 99.86% Gérance Générale Foncière, 80% Sté Investments in Austria, 74.86% Électricité de Strasbourg, 67% Dalkia Investments, 51% TIRU, 50% Cerga, 50% Edenkia, 50% Dalkia International, 50% Immob. PB6, 50% SIIF Énergies, 34% Dalkia Hdg,
    • Germany: 45.81% of EnBW in 2002 (35.38 % in 2001), 100% EDF Ostalbkreis, 100% EDF Weinsberg, 50% RKI.
    • Hungary: 95,56% Bert, 60,91% Demasz
    • Italy: 15% Italenergiabis (holding company of control of Edison) but only 2 % of rights to vote by decision of the Italian government, see Negotiations between EDF and ENEL, 100% EDF Energia Italia which sells directly 2.2 TWh to Italy, 100% Fenice, 40% Finei, 30% ISE
    • The Netherlands: 100 % Finelex, 50% Cinergy Holding
    • Poland: 76.63% Rybnik, 66.08% Eck, 49.19% ECW, 35.42% Kogeneracja, 24.61% Zielona Gora
    • Slovakia: 49% SSE
    • Spain: 100% Hispaelec
    • Sweden: 100% Skandrenkraft, 36.32% Groupe Graninge
    • Switzerland: 50% Chatelot, 50% Emosson, 14.25% Groupe ATEL, 26.26% Motor Columbus
    • United Kingdom: 100% EDF Energy - created after the acquisition of Seeboard by London Electricity Group in July 2002, 100% EDF Trading, 100% EDF UK. EDF owns the British electricity company EDF Energy - a merger of London Energy, SWEB Energy and Seeboard Energy - which distributes 22% of Britain's electricity. Its call centres are based in London, Sunderland, Hove and Exeter.
  • In Africa:
    • Côte d'Ivoire: 50% Azito O&M, 32.85% Azito Energie
    • Egypt: 100% Port Saïd, 100 % Port Suez
  • In the Americas:
    • Argentina: 25% Edenor, 45% Sodemsa, 22.95% Edemsa
    • Brazil: 100% Lidil, 94.79% Light Energy (Light Overseas Investment - 35.29% in 2001), 90% Norte Fluminense
    • USA: 50% EnXco
    • Mexico: 100% Central Anahuac, 100% Central Lomas del Rey, 100% Central Saltillo, 100% Controladora del Golfo, 100% Rio Bravo 4, 51% Altamira
  • In Asia:
    • China: 85% Synergie, 60% Figlec], 19.6% Shandong Zhonghua Power Cy
    • Vietnam: 56.25% Mecco

[modifica] Negoziati fra EDF ed ENEL

In Italy, EDF holds 15% of Italenergiabis (the holding company of control of Edison), but has only 2% of decision rights by proclamation of the Italian government.

Negotiations had taken place in 2004 for the entrance of ENEL on the French market, with freedom to acquire quantities of electricity from EDF, and on the other hand the implementation of buying Edison. Negotiations at this point did not succeed, which forced EDF to buy back, at the beginning of 2005, 3% of its actual partners (Fiat, Carlo Tassara, and from banks) for €606 million, but without recovering decision-making rights.

But negotiations carry on and in February and April 2005, EDF bought back the participation of other majority shareholders, in total, and considering the takeover bid which it will also have to throw on the minority shareholders, EDF will have to disburse more than €14 billion. EDF will then be in a grotesque situation, because detaining 100% of capital, its rights to vote will always be blocked to 2%, as long as France does not open its energy market to foreign competition.

The former president of EDF, François Roussely, had bargained for ENEL a right of 4 megawatts so that the Italian firm can gain knowledge of the French market, before buying a participation in the transport system of electricity. But the new president, Pierre Gadonneix, cut short any negotiations. Also, ENEL which was interested in buying 35% of SNET, put up for sale by Collieries of France, was doubled by Gaz de France.

Negotiations take place and since the end of January, the matter is at the level of the Italian and French ministries. These negotiations concern:

  • the role of ENEL on the French market;
  • the opening of energy markets between France and Italy;
  • a French-Italian-Spanish platform of electricity networks
  • a resolution for the participation of EDFin Ediso, via Italenergia Bis;
  • the abandonment of the acquisition of Gaz de France of SNET, as, according to a spokesman, "ENEL, which plays a larger part in the energy markets of the world, has no intention of becoming a minority shareholder of EDF" (but it has ambition to become a competitor with EDF on French soil).

[modifica] Direttore

  • Presidente: Pierre Gadonneix, dal Settembre 2004.

[modifica] Statistiche (stima 2003)

  • Clienti: 41.6 million customers in the world (35.6 million in Europe, of which 31 million are based in France).
  • 2003 Turnover: €44.92 billion (23% from France) - €41.82 billion in 2002.
  • Profit: €5.15 billion in 2002 - €6.83 billion in 2003.
  • Net profit: €481 million in 2002 - €857 million in 2003.
  • Profits before expenses: €11 billion in 2003 and a predicted €13 billion in 2004.
  • Net Debt: €24 billions in 2003 - €26.9 billion in 2002 and €25.8 billion in 2001.
  • Cashflow/debt ratio: 36% in 2002 - 33% in 2001.
  • The quantity of produced electrical power is about 470 TWh. Installed potency is 122.6 GWe (118 GWe in Europe, 101 GWe in France).
  • Employees: 167,300 persons (2003), among whom 110,000 are based in France (172,000 in 2002 and 162,000 in 2001).

[modifica] Logo

EDF's old logo (1987–2005)
EDF's old logo (1987–2005)

On July 8 2005, EDF adopted a new logo. The previous logo had not been modified much since the company's founding, the last and only edit being made in 1987. According to EDF, the former logo featured the tricolours of the French flag and considered it "poorly adapted to unifying group subsidaries." The new logo is suggestive of a turbine and "embodies the Group's commercial and industrial dynamism." [2]

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