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Lista de lenguajes de programación esotéricos - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Lista de lenguajes de programación esotéricos

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

La siguiente es una lista de lenguajes de programación esotéricos. Estos lenguajes no son diseñados para ser útiles. Al contrario, son hechos como bromas o experimentos.

Tabla de contenidos

[editar] 0–9

  • [] [1]
  • 0x29A [2]
  • 23
  • 2L
  • 4DL, un funge tetradimensional

[editar] A

[editar] B

  • B5 [5]
  • BAK
  • BANCStar [6]
  • Beatnik
  • Befreak
  • Befunge, el funge original
  • beta-Juliet [7]
  • BFM [8], variante de Brainfuck con macros
  • BIT [9]
  • BlooP
  • BogusForth [10]
  • Bon
  • Boolfuck [11]
  • Boo-yah! [12]
  • Borg
  • Braincopter, clon de Brainfuck basado en imágenes
  • Brainfuck, diseñado para tener el compilador más pequeño
  • Brainfork, variante de Brainfuck con hilos múltiples
  • Braintwist, una versión de Brainfuck más complicado
  • Brainloller, clon de Brainfuck basado en imágenes
  • Bub, variante de Brainfuck
  • Bubble
  • Bullfrog

[editar] C

  • Chef
  • Choon
  • Condit
  • COW
  • C-P-L [13]

[editar] D

[editar] E

  • eBDML, e-Business Designer Markup Language [15]
  • Enema [16]
  • Epimetheus [17]
  • ETA

[editar] F

  • FiPL
  • Flatline, derivado de Brainfuck
  • Flip
  • FlooP
  • Fromage
  • Fuckfuck (también conocido como F*ckF*ck, FeckFeck and FF)

[editar] G

  • Gammaplex
  • Gorby
  • GOTO++
  • GPLZ

[editar] H

  • Haifu [18]
  • Hanoi love [19], a Spaz derivative
  • hBefunge [20], a superset of Befunge-93
  • HELP [21], HELP stands for Hellish & Esoteric Language for Palm
  • Homespring [22], an excessively high-level language, where the instructions are English sentences based around the metaphor of a mountainside river.
  • HQ9+
  • HQ9++
  • Hunter [23], a language related to noit o’ mnain worb and RUBE

[editar] I

  • iag [24]
  • Illberon, a variant of Illgol
  • Illgol [25]
  • Illgola-2, a variant of Illgol
  • Illgol##, a variant of Illgol
  • Implied Truth, a fully binary language based upon the implies binary gate. Also known as IT.
  • Iota

[editar] J

  • Java2K, a probabilistic language
  • Jot
  • Justif & Recursion [26]

[editar] K

  • Kipple, a minimalistic programming language where all data manipulation is done with stacks of integers
  • Kvikkalkul

[editar] L

  • L
  • l33t, inspired by Brainfuck and Beatnik, source code is entered as 'l33t 5p34k'
  • Lambda programming language, lambda calculus + neumann = self-modifying code
  • LAIDBACK, a fictional joke language
  • Lazy K
  • LITHP, a fictional joke language
  • L00P, a Brainfuck-style language

[editar] M

  • Magenta [27]
  • Malbolge
  • Maentwrog
  • MDPN [28], a meta-language extending the EBNF
  • MISC, an alternative to CISC and RISC
  • MUMON, a language with a 14-byte bootstrap
  • Muriel, a quine-based language
  • Mycelium, a 2-dimensional image based language where the code is read from a png image

[editar] N

  • Nil programming language, a nihilistic programming language
  • noit o' mnain worb [29], a particle automaton
  • nouse [30]
  • NULL [31], zero-dimensional language
  • Numberix, a language that has been compared to fungeoid machine code
  • Nietzsche, an hexadecimal language

[editar] O

  • Obfuna, single character instructions for unary operations
  • OISC, one instruction set computer
  • Ook!, a brainfuck-style language
  • OOPS
  • Oroogu, a descendant of Q-BAL
  • Orthagonal, a two-dimensional stack-based language
  • OrthINTERCAL, a combination of Orthogonal and INTERCAL
  • Orthogonal, successor of Orthagonal

[editar] P

  • Pandora
  • PATH, derived from Brainfuck
  • pax
  • Perligata [32], Latinized Perl
  • Piet, an art-based programming language
  • PingPong [33]

[editar] Q

  • Q-BAL [34], a queue-based language
  • QUATRE-CALC [35], a can (BIDON in french) based language, with only one arithmetic instruction: POUR a CAN into another one.
  • QUOTE, a Brainfuck-inspired language written to be a wrapper around Perl and C

[editar] R

  • REDCODE [36], assembly code used in Corewars
  • REDGREEN [37], an update of RUBE
  • reMorse [38]
  • RENE
  • REVERSE [39]
  • Romantic
  • RUBE [40], not quite a cellular automaton

[editar] S

  • S0
  • Sally
  • Sansism, a mixture of Befunge and Brainfuck
  • SARTRE, a fictional joke language
  • Shakespeare, programs appear to be Shakespearean plays
  • Shelta [41], sometimes described as a minimal version of FALSE
  • SIMPLE, a fictional joke language
  • SLOBOL, a fictional joke language
  • SMITH, successor of SMETANA
  • SMITH#, described as "the future of GOTO"
  • Smurf, a stripped-down version of Muriel
  • Sorted! [43]
  • Spaghetti
  • Spiral [44]
  • Spaz
  • Spoon, a Brainfuck derivative
  • Sqirrel - Peter [45]
  • SQUISHY, a language based on semi-Thue grammars

[editar] T

  • Tamerlane [46]
  • Taxi
  • thETA, a threaded version of ETA
  • Thue, successor of SQUISHY
  • TiKu, a boring version of tikuas
  • Toadskin [47]
  • Tory[I] [48]
  • trac
  • TRUE [49], a variant of FALSE
  • TURKEY BOMB [50]
  • TWDL[I]
  • TWiRQ [51], a two-dimensional language

[editar] U

  • Unary programming language, a language where Brainfuck code is converted to the unary number system
  • UNITY, a programming language without program flow.
  • Unlambda, a minimal functional language based on the s and k combinators
  • URISC, a machine with only one instruction

[editar] V

  • VALGOL, a fictional joke language
  • var'aq [53], a Klingon programming language

[editar] W

  • *W [54]
  • Waduzitdo [55]
  • WAFL
  • Wheat [56], a language and environment for creating dynamic web sites like blogs and portals.
  • Whenever, a language with no sense of urgency
  • Whirl, two instructions to rotate two rings
  • Whitespace, only spaces, tabs and newlines are considered syntax
  • Wierd
  • Wiki, programs consist of machine code encoded as Wikipedia articles.
  • WorLD [57]

[editar] X

[editar] Y

  • Y, a FALSE-like language

[editar] Z

  • ZT, a fungeoid

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