Zero Point Module

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Zero Point Module (ZPM)
Zero Point Module (ZPM)

A Zero Point Module, abbreviated ZPM, is a power source device in the fictional Stargate universe.


[edit] Definition

A ZPM is capable of generating immense amounts of energy by utilizing zero point energy which derives from a phenomenon known as the quantum foam (subatomic wormholes opening and closing constantly in and out of subspace). A ZPM contains an artificially created region of subspace from which this power is drawn. Since this process is thermodynamically irreversible, every ZPM (if used) will eventually reach maximum entropy, at which point it is depleted and can no longer provide power. It is still unknown how the Ancients constructed ZPM's, (the Asurans can make them, and have many, however) and if they were made on Atlantis or off world.

ZPM technology was created by the Ancients, and like many types of Ancient technology, it appears to be crystal-based. The devices are extremely rare—as of yet, only a dozen ZPMs have been discovered by SG or Atlantis teams (see below)—despite Ancient artifacts (including the Stargates) having been scattered over two galaxies. Their purpose was apparently unknown until recently, even to the Goa'uld, who have been scavenging Ancient technology for millennia. No explanation for the apparent rarity of ZPMs has yet been given, although it is known that near the end of their war with the Wraith, the Ancients attempted to replace them with the more powerful Project Arcturus.[1] Whether Arcturus was initiated in response to a perceived deficiency of ZPM technology (which might explain their rarity) is a matter of speculation.

The Ancient city of Atlantis was designed to be powered by three ZPMs simultaneously, although most functionality, such as the shield can function with only one. Presumably her unnamed sister city "The Tower"[2] also required three. A ZPM is also required to establish a wormhole to another galaxy, although it has been shown that an 8 symbol address can be dialed by other means too, e.g. the device built by O'Neill under influence of ancient knowledge,[3] recharged, and ultimately given to an SGC in an alternate reality.[4] This device was clearly not a Zero Point Module, since it used the liquid Naqahdah fuel cell from Teal'c staff weapon, whereas ZPMs extract vacuum energy from subspace. A normal ZPM retains its power for a long time, whereas O'Neill's device was only enough to maintain an outgoing wormhole to Othala, the homeworld of the Asgard, for a few minutes, after which it burned out.

ZPMs have been found necessary to power the Ancient Drone Weapon platforms in Antarctica and at Proclarush Taonas, though Earth's Mk II Naqahdah generators were able to power the chair against the Wraith[5] and have been somewhat successful with the chair in the Antarctica.[6] The ZPM has also been found powering specialised EM field generators[7] and time dilation fields.[8]

[edit] Destructive power of a ZPM

There have been various shows of power of a Zero Point Module. When Camulus was shown to possess one and when the SGC learned it was tampered, the destructive power of it was said to be able to devastate the entire solar system. However, this ZPM was said to be 'tainted' (It was coated with a material which when exposed to a constant electrical current, will cause a massive chain reaction) which may have increased its destructive potential. Another time the destructive power of the ZPM was shown was when the Trust used an operative to sabotage Atlantis's ZPM to be used in conjunction with the gate. Again planetary destruction was an option—however, in this case, Atlantis's fail safes for utilizing the ZPM were compromised, and it is unknown how and why these mechanisms are necessary when the SGC was able to use a ZPM without incident. Finally, the Asuran City ship was equipped with three ZPM's—however, its destruction in the Lantean system simply caused a large explosion in orbit, but otherwise no damage to the planet itself. Certain theories suggest that perhaps failsafe features were incorporated within the city ship to prevent such a disaster.

[edit] History

SG-1 first discovered the technology when Col. Jack O'Neill, having downloaded the Ancient database on his mind for a second time, led the team to the planet Proclarush Taonas and retrieved a ZPM from an abandoned Ancient base. SG-1 brought the device back to Earth and found the Ancient outpost in Antarctica, where the device powered the Ancient Drone Weapons that destroyed Anubis's attacking fleet.[9] The module was later used to power the Stargate for the Atlantis expedition's long-distance journey to the Pegasus Galaxy.[10]

SG-1 later went back in time to the ancient Egypt and stole a ZPM from Ra.[11] This ZPM was used to send reinforcements to Atlantis[12] and, just afterwards, was sent to Atlantis on board the Daedalus to power the city's shield,[13] This ZPM was depleted by the Atlantis expedition to close an interdimensional matter bridge.[14]

Later, Atlantis was invaded and captured by the Asurans, who installed ZPMs in the city to power its stardrive. When the Asurans were destroyed and the Atlantis expedition reclaimed the city, three ZPMs were recovered.[15] One was kept to power the city, while the other two were sent back to Earth, for use in the Ancient outpost in Antarctica and the battlecruiser Odyssey, respectively.[16]

[edit] Known ZPMs

Listed by the order in which they were found.

Found Quantity Status Current Location Notes
Proclarush Taonas 1 Depleted Earth or Ba'al's planet. Taken to Earth.[9] Used to send the Atlantis expedition to Atlantis.[10] Later either it or the Antarctic ZPM was exchanged with Camulus' original ZPM and then taken to Ba'al.[17]
Earth (Antarctica) 1 Depleted Earth or Ba'al's planet. See above.
Atlantis 3 Depleted Atlantis Kept the city's shield up for 10,000 years.[18]
M7G-677 1 Almost depleted M7G-677 Powering the planet's EM shield.[7]
Dagan 1 Presumed full Unknown Also known as the Potentia. It was found by Sheppard and McKay, but the Brotherhood took it away to hide since they believe the Ancients will return at some point.[19]
Earth (Ancient Egypt) 1 Depleted Atlantis Found by SG-1. Sent to Atlantis to power up the city's shield.[13] Drained by Dr. McKay to save alternate Atlantis.[20]
 ? 1 50% capacity remaining Earth Tampered with by Camulus, so could destroy an entire solar system if switched on. Retrieved by O'Neill.[17]
Sanctuary  ? Unknown Sanctuary Powering the time dilation field.[8]
The Tower  ? Depleted The Tower Used by 'The Lord Protector' to protect the local village, until completely depleted on purpose by McKay to dethrone the corrupt 'Lord Protector'.[2]
Genii Homeworld 1 Depleted Destroyed Destroyed in a nuclear explosion.[21]
Asuras 3 Full Destroyed Powered the Asuran city ship.[22]
Asuras Unknown (Many) Full (replaced as needed) Asuran Homeworld Powering the remainder of the Asuran homeworld.[22]
Asuras 1 Unknown Atlantis Brought to Atlantis by the Asurans when they captured.
Asuras 1 Full Earth (Antarctica) Brought to Atlantis by the Asurans when they captured it and later given to Earth by the Atlantis Expedition to power the Ancient outpost in the event of an Ori attack on Earth.[23]
Asuras 1 Full The Odyssey Brought to Atlantis by the Asurans when they captured it and later given to Earth by the Atlantis Expedition to the Earth vessel Odyssey to defend against the Ori.[23]

[edit] Pronunciation

Most of the Atlantis characters, being American, pronounce ZPM as Zee-P-M (the American way). The team's Canadian scientist, Rodney McKay, on the other hand, pronounces the acronym in the British (and Commonwealth) fashion, Zed-P-M. Curiously, most of the aliens encountered pronounce it Zee-P-M.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Technology in the Stargate universe Edit
Tau'ri GDO | IDC | Stargate Iris | Kull Disruptor | P90 | MALP | The Seeker Project | Naqahdah Generator | Wraith retrovirus
F-302 | Prometheus (BC-303) | Daedalus (BC-304)-class Battlecruiser
Goa'uld/Tok'ra Al'kesh | Death Glider | Ha'tak Mothership | Hand Device | Healing Device | Intar | Sarcophagus | Staff Weapon
Tel'tak | TER | Tunnel Crystals | Zat | Zatarc detector
Ancient Ancient City Ship | Ancient Control Chair | ATA Gene | Atlantis | Aurora-class Battleship | Dakara Weapon | DHD
DNA Resequencer | Drone Weapon | Healing Device | Project Arcturus | Puddle Jumper | Repository of Knowledge
Ring Transporter | Stargate | Time Dilation Device | Zero Point Module
Asgard Beliskner-class ship | Daniel Jackson-class ship | O'Neill-class ship | Thor's Hammer
Other Wraith Dart | Wraith Hive-Ship | Supergate | Ori Battlecruiser
Lists by race All | Tau'ri | Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Ori, Tok'ra, Tollan, Wraith | Other