Ze Rong

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Ze Rong (笮融) (d. 195 AD) was a general during the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He originally came from Danyang.

Ze Rong began his career under Tao Qian, for whom he served as a general. He was given a post supervising the transportation of grain in Guangling and Pengcheng, but instead seized this grain to fund the construction of a large Buddhist temple. Amazingly, he was not dismissed from Tao Qian's service, and it was only when Cao Cao attacked that he left. Taking with him 10000 people and 3000 horses, Ze Rong departed for Guangling. Zhao Yu, Grand Administrator of Guangling, received him as a guest. Later, an intoxicated Ze Rong killed Zhao Yu.

When Liu Yao was engaged in conflict with Sun Ce, Ze Rong served as one of the former's allies, camping near Moling (present day Nanjing) with Xue Li. They were routed by Sun Ce and forced to retreat, though Ze Rong managed to avoid complete defeat due to an attack on Niuzhu forcing Sun Ce to divert his forces. On his return, Sun Ce suffered an arrow wound in battle and returned once more to his base at Niuzhu. Ze Rong sought to take advantage of this with a quick attack, but this was repelled with heavy losses. In response, he entrenched himself and sought to defend his position, leading to Sun Ce abandoning the attack there.

Following the loss of some other cities, Ze Rong and Liu Yao abandoned their positions and left for Yuzhang. On his way, he killed his old ally Xue Li. Arriving in Yuzhang first, he killed the Grand Administrator Zhu Hao and sought to keep Liu Yao out. Liu Yao attacked Ze Rong and was defeated. After recruiting some troops from the county, he attacked again, and this time prevailed. Ze Rong escaped to the hills, where he was killed by the locals.

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