Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/Conventions

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page is to collect up various mathematics conventions used in Wikipedia. Where there is not complete consensus in the mathematical literature, we want to make consistent choices across articles.

It should not be assumed that the readers of articles are familiar with the conventions listed here. Therefore, when an article could be misunderstood if interpreted according to a convention that is reasonably current in the mathematical literature, the article should make a note of that fact in situ.

[edit] Proposals for new conventions

If you wish to propose a convention that is not already reasonably standard here, add to the top of the list below, and start a discussion on the talk page. Leave the discussion open for at least two weeks, before implementing any large-scale edits based on the convention. Don't assume everyone concerned is watching this page.

[edit] Terminology conventions

These should be regarded as mandatory; any article needing another convention should say so clearly

[edit] Notational conventions

These are advisory. Articles not adopting them may confuse the reader, and therefore should make an effort to be clear about the notation in use

  • The abstract cyclic group of order n, when written additively, has notation Zn, or in contexts where there may be confusion with p-adic integers, Z/nZ; when written multiplicatively, e.g. as roots of unity, Cn is used (this does not affect the notation of isometry groups called Cn ).
  • The abstract dihedral group of order 2n has notation Dihn (but note that the notation D2n is the standard one in finite group theory outside wikipedia); this does not affect the notation of isometry groups (one type in 2D and one in 3D, both of order 2n, are called Dn )
  • Bernoulli numbers are denoted by Bn, and are zero for n odd and greater than 1.
  • In category theory, write Hom-sets, or morphisms from A to B, as Hom(A,B) rather than Mor(A,B) (and with the implied convention that the category is not a small category unless that is said).
  • The semidirect product of groups K and Q should be written K ×φ Q or Q ×φ K where K is the normal subgroup and φ : Q → Aut(K) is the homomorphism defining the product. The semidirect product may also be written K Q or Q K (with the bar on the side of the non-normal subgroup) with or without the φ.
    • The context should clearly state that this is a semidirect product and should state which group is normal.
    • The bar notation is discouraged for reasons outlined on the talk page.
    • If the bar notation is used it should be entered as {{unicode|⋉}} () or {{unicode|⋊}} () for maximum portability.
  • Subset is denoted by \subseteq, proper subset by \subsetneq. The symbol \subset may be used if the meaning is clear from context, or if it is not important whether it is interpreted as subset or as proper subset (for example, A\subset B might be given as the hypothesis of a theorem whose conclusion is obvious in the case that A = B). All other uses of the \subset symbol should be explicitly explained in the text.