Western cuisine

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This article is part
of the Cuisine series
Preparation techniques and cooking items
Techniques - Utensils
Weights and measures
Ingredients and types of food
Spices and Herbs
Sauces - Soups - Desserts
Cheese - Pasta - Bread - Tea

Other ingredients

Regional cuisines
Asia - Europe - Caribbean
South Asian - Latin America
Mideast - North America - Africa
Other cuisines...
See also:
Famous chefs - Kitchens - Meals
Wikibooks: Cookbook

Western cuisine is a term used for cuisine in The Americas and in Europe.

Compared to oriental cuisine, western cuisine tends to homogenize materials a lot, i.e., break them up and mix them up evenly. Oriental cuisine tend to keep materials in chunks to different extent, so that stimulations to different areas of the tongue generate more excitements of appetite

[edit] See also

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