Wendelin Werner

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Wendelin Werner (born September 1968 in Germany) is a German-born French mathematician working in the area of self-avoiding random walks, Schramm-Loewner evolution, and related theories in probability theory and mathematical physics. In 2006, at the 25th International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid, Spain he received the Fields Medal. He is currently professor at the University of Paris-Sud in Orsay and part-time at the École Normale Supérieure.

Werner became a French national in 1977. He studied at the École Normale Supérieure from 1987 to 1991. His 1993 doctorate was written at the Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie and supervised by Jean-François Le Gall. Werner was a research officer at the CNRS from 1991 to 1997, during which period he held a two-year Leibniz Fellowship, at the University of Cambridge.

He has received other awards, including the 2006 SIAM George Pólya Prize with his collaborators Gregory Lawler and Oded Schramm.

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Fields Medalists

2006: OkounkovPerelmanTaoWerner || 2002: LafforgueVoevodsky || 1998: BorcherdsGowersKontsevichMcMullen || 1994: ZelmanovLionsBourgainYoccoz || 1990: DrinfeldJonesMoriWitten || 1986: DonaldsonFaltingsFreedman || 1982: ConnesThurstonYau || 1978: DeligneFeffermanMargulisQuillen || 1974: BombieriMumford || 1970: BakerHironakaNovikovThompson || 1966: AtiyahCohenGrothendieckSmale || 1962: HörmanderMilnor || 1958: RothThom || 1954: KodairaSerre || 1950: SchwartzSelberg || 1936: AhlforsDouglas