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Wikipedia:Userboxes/Food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



[edit] Eating

[edit] Eating Ethics

Code Result
{{User:Xoloz/UBX/User Vegetarian}}
V This user is a vegetarian.
{{user Halal}}
حلال This user observes the dietary laws of Halal.
{{user fruitarian}}
This user is a Fruitarian.
{{user Raw food diet}}
raw This user is a raw foodist.
{{user flexitarian}}
This user is a committed flexitarian.
{{User:Michael Slone/Userbox/User vegan}}
This user is vegan.
{{user vegan tol}}
V This user is a Vegan with appreciation for pescetarianism and feeding free range cow milk to very young children.
opv This user aims to be an
Ovo(fr) pesco(ds) vegetarian.
(better safe than sausage)
{{user pesco/pollo vegetarian}}
ppv This user is a pesco/pollo vegetarian.
{{user pescetarian}}
pev This user is a pescetarian.
{{user pollotarian}}
pol This user is a pollotarian.
Steak This user is a carnivore.

[edit] Eating Habits & Diets

Code Result
{{user diet}}
This user is on a diet.
This user loves food in moderation.
{{User Carnivore}}
This user is a carnivore.
This user believes that Caffeine is necessary in large doses daily.
{{User Protien diet}}
This user is on a Protein Diet.
{{user gluten-free}}
GF This user follows a gluten-free diet
{{User Silica gel}}
This user has eaten silica gel, and lived to tell the tale.
{{User:Djr_xi/User Omnivore}}
This user is an omnivore.

[edit] Eating Disorders

Code Result
{{User Eating Disorder}}
ED This user suffers from an eating disorder.
{{User Anorexia}}
AN This user suffers from anorexia nervosa.
{{User Bulimia}}
BN This user suffers from bulimia nervosa.
{{User Binge Eating}}
BED This user suffers from binge eating disorder.
{{User ednos}}
EDNOS This user suffers from eating disorder not otherwise specified.

[edit] Foods

Code Result
This user prefers pepperoni pizza.
This user lives for black olive pizza.
This user dreams primarily in terms of Italian sausage pizza.
This user likes any type of pizza so long as it comes in pairs along with a little Roman guy exclaiming "Pizza! Pizza!".
This user largely subsists on cold leftover pizza and credits this diet for their health & success in life.
This user would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.
Like Jimmy Buffet, this user likes 'em with "lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes..."
This user scarfs down burgers by the metric ton.
This user has been known to eat a Hot Dog on occasion.
Image:Selection_hotdogs_151px.png This user loves Hot Dogs in all their varieties.
This user eats sufficient quantities of Hot Dogs to positively qualify as an Honorary Hot Dog in their own right.
This user prefers a true Chicago-style hot dog. With NO ketchup.
This user knows that Chicago-style hot dogs are the only true 'Dawg.
This user prefers Coney Island hot dogs. Preferably with enough chili and onions to require the use of a fork or spoon.
This user prefers Coney Island hot dogs. Preferably with enough chili and onions to require a side-order of Pepto Bismol.
This user knows that Coney Island hot dogs are the only true 'Dawg.
This user prefers cheesesteaks from Pat's, the original Philadelphia steak shop.
This user prefers cheesesteaks from Geno's, the civilized Philadelphia steak shop.
This user DOES like Green Eggs and Ham.
This user DOES NOT like Green Eggs and Ham.
This user MIGHT like Green Eggs and Ham if these were permitted by Jewish & Biblical dietary laws.
This user would gladly eat Green Eggs and Ham for Easter dinner but not during Lent, Advent, and Fridays.
{{User:EReference/Userbox MRE Survivor}}
This user has eaten MREs and lived to tell the tale.
{{User:EReference/Userbox MRE Survivor2}}
This user has eaten MREs and earned a Purple Heart as a consequence.
{{User:EReference/Userbox MRE}}
This user knows that MREs owe their famed longevity to the fact that even bacteria will not touch the stuff.
{{User:EReference/Userbox MRE French}}
This user will dine on MREs as soon as they offer varieties such as "Foie gras de canard aux truffes".
{{User Borscht}}
This user likes to eat borscht.
This user eats cheese.
{{User Chili}}
This user eats chili.
{{User Curry}}
This user would likely die without eating the occasional curry.
{{User fries}}
This user eats fries, or chips.
This user loves to eat fries, or chips.
{{User pasty}}
This user likes a 'proper' Pasty.
This user loves to eat pizza.
{{User Popcorn}}
This user eats popcorn.
{{User Potato Chips}}
This user eats potato chips.
{{user Poutine}}
This user eats poutine.
{{User Quesadillas}}
This user eats quesadillas.
This user loves spaghetti.
{{User Sausages}}
This user loves sausages.
{{User Vegemite}}
This user will eat Vegemite straight if no bread is available.

[edit] Fruit

Code Result
{{User Apples}}
This user eats apples.
{{User noApples}}
This user is allergic to apples.
{{User Green apples}}
This user eats Granny Smith apples.
{{User Bananas}}
This user eats bananas.
{{User:Llama man/Userboxes/Cantaloupe}}
This user eats cantaloupes.
{{User Cherimoya}}
This user loves the delicious taste of the South American cherimoyas.
{{User Cucumber}}
This user eats cucumbers.
{{User Oranges}}
This user loves oranges.
{{User Pineapple}}
This user loves to eat pineapples.
{{User jalapeño}}
This user practically inhales jalapeños.
{{User Lime}}
☢ This user enjoys limes AND all things limey.
{{User Peaches}}
If they had their little way, this user would eat peaches every day.
{{User Pears}}
Pear This user eats pears.
{{User Red Pepper-1}}
This user enjoys a little red pepper with their meals.
{{User Red Pepper-2}}
This user really really likes a lot of red pepper.
{{User Red Pepper-3}}
This user likes a little bit of food with their red pepper.
{{User Raspberry}}
This user eats raspberries.
{{User Strawberry}}
This user eats strawberries.
{{User Tomato}}
This user eats tomatoes.
{{User Watermelon}}
This user eats watermelon.

[edit] Grains

Code Result
{{User:Llama man/Userboxes/Bagels}}
This user eats bagels.
{{User bagel without cream cheese}}
This user couldn't live without bagels, but NO CREAM CHEESE!
{{User Cereals}}
This user is a cereal killer.
{{user muffin}}
This user enjoys muffins.
This user loves pancakes.
{{user Pasta}}
This user loves pasta.
This user is a waffle eater.
{{user waffles}}
This user likes waffles.

[edit] Vegetables

Code Result
{{User Beet}}
This user eats beets.
{{User Cabbage}}
☢ This user enjoys Cabbage In soup, Corned Beef, and Fish Tacos
{{User Carrot}}
This user eats carrots.
{{User cucumber watermelon}}
This user believes cucumbers and watermelons taste the same.
{{User Green Beans}}
This user eats green beans.
{{User Eggplant}}
This user eats eggplant.
{{User love iceberg lettuce}}
This user loves iceberg lettuce salad.
{{User hate iceberg lettuce}}
This user hates iceberg lettuce salad.
{{User Potatoes}}
This user eats potatoes.
{{User Salad}}
This user eats salad.
{{User Spinach}}
This user eats spinach.

[edit] Meat & Eggs

Code Result
{{User Chicken Fingers}}
This user eats Chicken Fingers as much as they can.
This user loves to eat beef.
{{user biltong 1}}
This user eats biltong.
{{User Chicken}}
This user eats chicken.
{{user fish}}
This user eats fish.
{{user ham}}
This user eats ham.
align=center This user loves hamburgers.
{{user horse}}
This user likes horses, especially on a sandwich.
{{user kebab}}
This user loves döner kebab.
{{User paella}}
This user loves paella.
{{User steak-rare}}
This user prefers rare steak.
{{user Sunny side up}}
This user enjoys his/her egg with the sunny side up.
{{User:Llama man/Userboxes/Sushi}}
This user eats sushi.

[edit] Sweets

Code Result
This user loves brownies.
This user loves cake.
{{User:Llama man/Userboxes/Candy corn}}
This user eats candy corn.
This user eats chocolate.
{{User Jelly Beans}}
This user enjoys jelly beans.
{{User M & M's}}
M&M's This user eats M & M's.
{{User peeps}}
This user likes to eat peeps!
{{User pie}}
This user likes pie.
{{User addict pixe stick}}
PS This user is addicted to Pixy Stixs
{{User Swedish Fish}}
This user eats Swedish Fish.

[edit] Cookies

Code Result
This user eats cookies.
{{User Custard creams}}
This user eats custard creams.
{{User Gingerbread Cookies:yes}}
This user eats Gingerbread Cookies.
{{User Peanut Butter Cookies}}
This user eats Peanut Butter Cookies.

[edit] Beverages

Code Result
{{user hot chocolate}}
This user drinks hot chocolate.
{{user OJ}}
This user drinks orange juice.
{{user milk}}
This user drinks milk.
This user drinks chocolate milk.
{{User doogh}}
This user proudly drinks
{{user soymilk}}
This user drinks soy milk.
{{user water}}
This user drinks water regularly.
{{User water2}}
H20 This user drinks water.
{{User H2O}}
H2O This user drinks water regularly.
{{user No Water}}
H2O This user is H2O intolerant. Achoo!
{{User:Ginkgo100/Userboxes/User water drinker}}
This user exercises regularly and drinks a lot of water to stay hydrated.

[edit] Coffee

Code Result
This user drinks coffee.
{{User:N4nojohn/Userboxes/Coffee|number cream|number sugar}}
This user takes his/her coffee with 3 creams and 4 sugars.
{{user java coffee}}
Java-4 This user is an expert coffee drinker.
{{user black coffee}}
This user likes the taste of coffee, not cream / sugar /
hazelnut / what have you.
{{User:N4nojohn/Userboxes/Coffee Over Tea}}
This user would rather drink coffee than tea.
{{user espresso}}
This user loves espresso.
{{user cappuccino}}
This user drinks cappuccino.
{{User frappe}}
This user drinks Greek frappé coffee.
{{User frappe-0}}
This user likes their frappé black.
{{User frappe-1}}
This user likes their frappé glyko me gala.
{{User frappe-2}}
This user likes their frappé metrio horis gala.

[edit] Tea

Code Result
{{user bubble tea}}
This user drinks bubble tea.
{{User:N4nojohn/Userboxes/Tea Over Coffee}}
This user would rather drink tea than coffee.
{{user greentea}}
This user drinks green tea.
{{user mate}}
This user drinks mate.
{{user oolong}}
This user drinks oolong tea .
{{user tea}}
This user drinks tea.
{{user sweet tea}}
TEA! This user is addicted to Southern sweet tea.
{{user Teabag}}
This user believes that you should never put milk in with the tea bag.

[edit] Soft Drinks

Code Result
{{user soda-0}}
S-0 This user does not drink carbonated beverages.
{{User soda-1}}
S-1 This user only drinks carbonated beverages on special occasions.
B This user loves the taste of BAWLS in their mouth.
{{user dp}}
DP This user drinks nothing but Dr. Pepper.
{{user Fanta Orange}}
Fanta This user drinks Fanta Orange.
{{User:Tedius Zanarukando/Userboxes/User Fanta Grape}}
Fanta This user drinks Fanta Grape.
{{user ginger ale}}
ginger ale This user drinks ginger ale.
{{user Jones Soda}}
This user drinks Jones Soda.
{{user mountain dew}}
This user drinks Mountain Dew.
{{User:DarknessLord/Custom Userboxes/Sprite}}
This user likes both kinds of sprites: video games and drinks.

{{user Snapple}}
This user drinks Snapple.
{{user Surge}}
S This user believes Surge is the best soft drink in the history of forever.

[edit] Cola

Code Result
Coke This user drinks Coca-Cola.
{{user Black Cherry Vanilla Coke}}
Coke This user drinks Coca-Cola Black Cherry Vanilla.
{{User:N4nojohn/Userboxes/Coke Over Pepsi}}
This user prefers Coca-Cola over Pepsi.
{{User:N4nojohn/Userboxes/Pepsi Over Coke}}
Pepsi This user prefers Pepsi over Coca-Cola.
{{user inca kola}}
IK This user drinks Inca Kola.
{{user pepsi}}
P This user drinks Pepsi.
{{user dietcaffienefreepepsi}}
P This user drinks Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi.
{{user Crystal Pepsi}}
PEPSI This user misses Crystal Pepsi.
{{user Wild Cherry Pepsi}}
PEPSI Instead of a regular cola, this user is addicted to Wild Cherry Pepsi.
{{user rccola}}
RC This user drinks R.C. Cola.
{{user Coke Pepsi}}
C This user can't make up their mind if Coke or Pepsi is better and/or drinks both. This user may prefer other soft drinks. P
{{User LA Ice Cola}}
LA This user drinks LA Ice Cola.
{{User Moxie}}
This user drinks Moxie.

[edit] Alcoholic beverages

Code Result
{{user alcohol}}
This user drinks. Period.
{{user alcohol2}}
This user drinks.
{{user Alcohol-0}}
C2H6O-0 This user is a non-drinker.
{{user Alcohol-1}}
C2H6O-1 This user drinks relatively infrequently. He or she is probably the better for it.
{{user Alcohol-2}}
C2H6O-2 This user drinks occasionally.
{{user Alcohol-3}}
C2H6O-3 This user utilizes alcohol at an advanced level.
{{user Alcohol-4}}
C2H6O-4 Hi everyone. My name's Userboxes/Food, and I'm an alcoholic.
{{user Alcohol-5}}
C2H6O-5 This user does not stand on kegs. This user extends their hands, and kegs appear atop them.
{{user Islay Malts}}
This user prefers Islay malts.
{{User kalimotxo}}
kalimotxo This user drinks kalimotxos.
{{User kalimotxo eu}}
kalimotxo Erabiltzaile honi kalimotxoak edatea gustatzen zaio.
{{User Mojito}}
This user favours the green mint-flavoured spring cocktail Mojito.
{{User Piña Colada}}
If you like... This user likes Piña Coladas.
{{User Piña Colada2}}
Piña This user likes the sweet flavour of the Piña Coladas.
{{User sparkling wine}}
This user prefers the world of sparkling wines.
{{User Vodka}}
This user bows down before the awesome might of Vodka.
{{User wine}}
Image:Glass of wine.png This user drinks wine.

[edit] Whisky

Code Result
{{User Bushmills}}
This user's mind was poisoned by Spider Robinson, and has strongly preferred Old Bushmills ever since
{{User Whisky}}
Being from a civilized *urp* nation, I spell whisky without an 'E'

[edit] Ales & Beers

Code Result
{{User beer}}
This user drinks beer.
{{User beer respect}}
Beer respects me.
{{User Out of beer}}
Image:Glass of wine.png This user drinks wine only when there's no more beer.
{{user Belgian beer}}
This user prefers Belgian beer.
{{User Duff}}
Duff This user drinks Duff Beer.
{{user rogue}}
RN This user is a citizen of Rogue Nation.
{{User Fosters Beer}}
There's nothing better than Foster's.

[edit] Restaurants

Code Result
{{User Bertucci's}}
This user eats at Bertucci's.
{{User Blimpie}}
This user eats at Blimpie.
{{User BurgerKing}}
This user eats at Burger King.
{{User Chipotle}}
CHIPOTLE! This is user is absolutely addicted to Chipotle Mexican Grill
{{User KFC}}
This user eats at KFC.
{{User McDonald's}}
This user eats at McDonald's.
{{User Papa Gino's}}
This user eats at Papa Gino's.
QDBA This user will settle for Qdoba if they can't eat at Chipotle Mexican Grill, since it's the next best thing.
{{User Quiznos Sub}}
This user eats at Quiznos Sub.
{{User TacoBell}}
This user eats at Taco Bell.
{{User whitecastlefan}}
This user is addicted to White Castle cheeseburgers.

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WikiProjects | Comedy | Computing | Food | Games | History | Mathematics | Music | Science | Sports | Miscellaneous
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Time: SeasonalTime zone


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