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University College, Oxford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

University College, Oxford

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University College, Oxford
College name University College
Collegium Magnae Aulae Universitatis
Named after
Established 1249
Sister College Trinity Hall
Master Lord Butler of Brockwell
JCR President Peter Surr
Undergraduates 420
MCR President Monte MacDiarmid
Graduates 144
Crest of University College, Oxford
Crest of University College, Oxford

University College (in full, the The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University commonly called University College in the University of Oxford, usually known by its abbreviation, Univ.), is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. It is a contender for being the oldest of the colleges of the university, and is amongst the largest in terms of population. It is one of the more wealthy colleges with an estimated financial endowment of £68m (2003).

Univ was founded by William of Durham in 1249 (not King Alfred as has been claimed in the past), and until the sixteenth century was only open to Fellows studying theology. As Univ grew in size and wealth, its medieval buildings were replaced with a new Front Quad in 1640, followed by the additional Radcliffe Quad by 1719, and the Library was built in 1861. Univ only began to accept female undergraduate students in 1979.

The Master, Lord Butler of Brockwell, was appointed head of an inquiry into the 2003 Iraq War in February 2004. Her Majesty The Queen is Visitor. Previous Masters include John Albery, Kingman Brewster, Lord Goodman, Lord Redcliffe-Maud, Arthur Lehman Goodhart, and William Beveridge.

A specially constructed building in the College, the Shelley Memorial, houses a statue by Edward Onslow Ford of the poet Shelley – a former member of the college, who was expelled for writing The Necessity of Atheism – depicted lying dead on the Italian sea-shore. Rumour has it that the sunken area around the statue was once filled with water and live goldfish as a student prank. Another apparently common student prank involving the statue has been to paint his genitalia bright colours; for this reason, the statue's appendage is somewhat smaller than it used to be.

[edit] Notable former students and fellows

See also Former students of University College.

[edit] Partial list of fellows and lecturers

See also Fellows of University College.

[edit] Grace

Univ. has the longest grace of any Oxford (and perhaps Cambridge) College. It is read before every Formal Hall, which takes place every night except Saturday at Univ.

The reading is performed by a Scholar of the College, the same person doing it for a whole week, and whoever is sitting at the head of High Table (typically the Master, but maybe just the most senior Fellow at the table if the Master is not dining). The Scholar says the lines beginning "SCHOL."; the Fellow says the lines beginning "RESP.".

The Scholar does not need to know it by heart, although it is not unusual for people to do so.


SCHOL. Benedictus sit Deus in donis suis.
RESP. Et sanctus in omnibus operibus suis.
SCHOL. Adiutorium nostrum in Nomine Domini.
RESP. Qui fecit coelum et terras.
SCHOL. Sit Nomen Domini benedictum.
RESP. Ab hoc tempore usque in saecula.
SCHOL. Domine Deus, Resurrectio et Vita credentium, Qui semper es laudandus tam in viventibus quam in defunctis, gratias Tibi agimus pro omnibus Fundatoribus caeterisque Benefactoribus nostris, quorum beneficiis hic ad pietatem et ad studia literarum alimur: Te rogantes ut nos, hisce Tuis donis ad Tuam gloriam recte utentes, una cum iis ad vitam immortalem perducamur. Per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum.
RESP. Amen.
SCHOL. Deus det vivis gratiam, defunctis requiem: Ecclesiae, Reginae, Regnoque nostro, pacem et concordiam: et nobis peccatoribus vitam aeternam.
RESP. Amen.

[edit] Reference

  • University College Record, the official annual magazine of University College, Oxford. Issues 1996, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004.

[edit] See also

[edit] External link

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