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United States Senate elections, 2002 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States Senate elections, 2002

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 ██ Republican hold ██ Republican pickup ██ Democratic holdhttp://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=United_States_Senate_elections%2C_2002&action=edit ██ Democratic pickup
██ Republican hold ██ Republican pickup ██ Democratic holdhttp://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=United_States_Senate_elections%2C_2002&action=edit ██ Democratic pickup

The 2002 United States Senate election featured a series of fiercely-contested elections that resulted in a victory for the Republican Party, which gained two seats and thus a narrow majority from the Democratic Party in the United States Senate. Senators who were elected in 1996, known as Senate Class 2, were seeking reelection or retiring. The election was held 5 November 2002.

The Democrats had originally hoped to do well, as four veteran Republicans and no Democrats had retired this year, and open seats are always viewed as the most competitive. However, the open seats were all in the South, and the Republicans found fairly strong candidates who were able to hold all four. Together with gains made in the House of Representatives, it was one of the few mid-term elections in the last one hundred years in which the party in control of the White House gained Congressional seats (the others were 1902, 1934, and 1998).


[edit] Results summary

Summary of the 2002 United States Senate election results
Parties Breakdown Total Seats Popular Vote Total Candidates
Up Elected Not Up 2000 2002 +/- Vote % General1
Republican Party 20 22 29 49 51 +2 21,428,784 51.312% 37
Democratic Party 14 12 36 50 48 -2 18,665,605 44.695% 32
Independent - - 1 1 1 0 405,982 0.972% 9
Libertarian Party - - - - - - 755,872 1.810% 20
Constitution Party - - - - - - 32,185 0.077% 3
Independence Party - - - - - - 46,135 0.110% 2
Green Party - - - - - - 129,475 0.310% 8
Reform Party - - - - - - 175,107 0.419% 3
Socialist Workers Party - - - - - - 2,702 0.006% 1
Other parties - - - - - - 75,339 0.180% 10
Write-in - - - - - - 44,576 0.107% -
Total 34 34 66 100 100 - 41,761,762 100.0% 125
Source: Election Statistics - Office of the Clerk

1 Includes candidates from Louisiana's General Election, not run-off. Totals do not include participating voters who declined to cast a vote for U.S. Senate.

[edit] Notable races

[edit] Democratic gains

  • Arkansas: Sen. Tim Hutchinson (R-AR), who was personally unpopular, perhaps due to divorcing his wife and marrying a young staffer, was defeated by Democratic challenger Mark Pryor, Arkansas Attorney General and the son of a popular former Senator and Governor.

[edit] Republican gains

  • Georgia: Sen. Max Cleland (D-GA) was defeated by Representative Saxby Chambliss in a tough campaign marked by attacks on Cleland's stance on a Department of Homeland Security. Local Georgia issues may also have played a role in the campaign, with Republicans also taking the governorship over unhappiness with the Georgia state flag.
  • Missouri: Sen. Jean Carnahan (D-MO) had been appointed to the Senate after her husband, Mel Carnahan, had narrowly won the 2000 election posthumously. How much Mel Carnahan's victory had been due to sympathy following his death was unclear, but his wife was unable to hold the seat, losing narrowly to former Congressman Jim Talent.
  • Minnesota: Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-MN), in the middle of a tough fight against former St. Paul Mayor Norm Coleman, abruptly died in a plane crash. Many observers expected that this would lead to a sympathy boost for his replacement, liberal stalwart and former Vice President Walter Mondale, but the Democrats received negative press after Wellstone's funeral was marked by political speeches, and Coleman won a close race.

[edit] Democratic holds

  • South Dakota: The Democratic Party also invested heavily in South Dakota to keep Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) in office by 500 votes over Republican challenger John Thune, who accused Johnson and Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) of pushing liberal policies that were different from the promises they made to South Dakota voters. Thune's strategy would work successfully when he defeated Daschle himself in 2004.
  • New Jersey: Democratic incumbent Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) was dogged by scandal, and eventually quit the race so that the party could replace him with a better candidate, retired Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), who went on to win. Republicans challenged this late replacement of a weak candidate, but were not successful in the courts.
  • Louisiana: Republicans ran several candidates at once against incumbent Mary Landrieu (D-LA), hoping to push her vote below 50% and force a runoff in December (according to Louisiana law). They did force a runoff, but Republican Suzanne Haik Terrell narrowly lost the runoff.

[edit] Republican holds

  • New Hampshire: Incumbent Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) had previously quit and rejoined the Republican party in a dispute over his candidacy in the 2000 presidential election, and Republican leaders pushed the candidacy of Congressman John E. Sununu. He defeated Smith in the primary and went on to defeat Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, the retiring governor, in the general election. In this senate race, local Republican officials violated election laws by trying to jam the phones of the Democrat's "Get Out The Vote" efforts; the officials went to prison in a case that reverberated into 2006.

[edit] Senate contests in 2002

State Incumbent Party Status Opposing Candidates
Alabama Jeff Sessions Republican Re-elected, 59 - 40 Susan Parker (Democrat)
Alaska Ted Stevens Republican Re-elected, 78 - 11 - 8 Frank J. Vondersaar (Democrat)
Jim Sykes (Green)
Arkansas Tim Hutchinson Republican Defeated, 54 - 46 Mark Pryor (Democrat)
Colorado Wayne Allard Republican Re-elected, 51 - 46 Tom Strickland (Democrat)
Delaware Joe Biden Democrat Re-elected, 58 - 41 Raymond J. Clatworthy (Republican)
Georgia Max Cleland Democrat Defeated, 53 - 46 Saxby Chambliss (Republican)
Idaho Larry E. Craig Republican Re-elected, 65 - 33 Alan Blinken (Democrat)
Illinois Richard J. Durbin Democrat Re-elected, 60 - 38 Jim Durkin (Republican)
Iowa Tom Harkin Democrat Re-elected, 54 - 44 Greg Ganske (Republican)
Kansas Pat Roberts Republican Re-elected, 83 - 9 - 8 Steven A. Rosile (Libertarian)
George Cook (Reform)
Kentucky Mitch McConnell Republican Re-elected, 65 - 35 Lois Combs Weinberg (Democrat)
Louisiana Mary Landrieu Democrat Re-elected, 52 - 48 (in runoff) Suzanne Haik Terrell (Republican)
Maine Susan M. Collins Republican Re-elected, 58 - 42 Chellie Pingree (Democrat)
Massachusetts John Kerry Democrat Re-elected, 80 - 18 Michael E. Cloud (Libertarian)
Michigan Carl Levin Democrat Re-elected, 60 - 38 Andrew Raczkowski (Republican)
Minnesota Paul Wellstone Democrat (DFL) Deceased: Republican victory, 49 - 47 Norm Coleman (Republican)
Walter Mondale (Democrat [DFL])
Mississippi Thad Cochran Republican Re-elected, 85 - 15 Shawn O'Hara (Reform)
Missouri1 Jean Carnahan Democrat Defeated, 50 - 49 Jim Talent (Republican)
Montana Max Baucus Democrat Re-elected, 63 - 32 Mike Taylor (Republican)
Nebraska Chuck Hagel Republican Re-elected, 83 - 15 Charlie A. Matulka (Democrat)
New Hampshire Bob Smith Republican Lost primary: Republican victory, 51 - 46 John E. Sununu (Republican)
Jeanne Shaheen (Democrat)
New Jersey Robert Torricelli Democrat Withdrew: Democratic victory, 54 - 44 Frank R. Lautenberg (Democrat)
Douglas R. Forrester (Republican)
New Mexico Pete Domenici Republican Re-elected, 65 - 35 Gloria Tristani (Democrat)
North Carolina Jesse Helms Republican Retired: Republican victory, 54 - 45 Elizabeth Dole (Republican)
Erskine Bowles (Democrat)
Oklahoma Jim Inhofe Republican Re-elected, 57 - 36 - 6 David Walters (Democrat)
James Germalic (Independent)
Oregon Gordon H. Smith Republican Re-elected, 56 - 40 Bill Bradbury (Democrat)
Rhode Island John F. Reed Democrat Re-elected, 78 - 22 Robert G. Tingle (Republican)
South Carolina Strom Thurmond Republican Retired: Republican victory, 54 - 44

Lindsey Graham (Republican)
Alex Sanders (Democrat)

South Dakota Tim Johnson Democrat Re-elected, 50 - 49 John R. Thune (Republican)
Tennessee Fred Thompson Republican Retired: Republican victory, 54 - 44 Lamar Alexander (Republican)
Bob Clement (Democrat)
Texas Phil Gramm Republican Retired: Republican victory, 55 - 43 John Cornyn (Republican)
Ron Kirk (Democrat)
Virginia John Warner Republican Re-elected, 83 - 10 - 7 Nancy Spannaus (Independent)
Jacob G. Hornberger, Jr. (Independent)
West Virginia Jay Rockefeller Democrat Re-elected, 63 - 37 Jay Wolfe (Republican)
Wyoming Michael B. Enzi Republican Re-elected, 73 - 27 Joyce Jansa Corcoran (Democrat)

1 special election due to death of Mel Carnahan; Talent was defeated for reelection in 2006.

[edit] Senate composition before and after elections

107th Congress Senate Composition   108th Congress Senate Composition
Color Key: Republicans Independent Democrats

[edit] References

  • Robert M. Sanders; "How Environmentally-Friendly Candidates Fared in the Congressional Elections of 2002: A Time of Green Anxiety?" International Social Science Review, Vol. 79, 2004

[edit] See also

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