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Dungeon Master's Guide II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dungeon Master's Guide II

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Dungeon Master's Guide II is a book of rules for the Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition seminal fantasy role-playing game. Like the Dungeon Master's Guide it is focused on providing Dungeon Masters with assistance in running the game. It contains a number of chapters providing advice on the more difficult aspects of running a game as well as complex pregenerated characters (often using Prestige Classes).

This is the first Dungeon Master's Guide II to be published; however, it was followed by the Player's Handbook II.

[edit] Points of Interest

[edit] Player types

The DM Guide II introduces Dungeon Masters to various types of people who enjoy the D&D game, and it explains why exactly they enjoy.

Examples include:

  • Brilliant planner- A leader-type who is happiest when planning for the night's adventure
  • Cool guy- Player who likes to get cool powers and cool weapons
  • Lurker- Someone who is happiest when left to their own devices
  • Outlier- An oddball player who likes to see their character lose, seeing it as a victory more than a defeat
  • Psychodramatist- A player who likes exploring the background of his/her character, and would love to have a session centered around their character

Dungeons & Dragons Core Rule Books
Player's Handbook | Dungeon Master's Guide | Monster Manual
3.5 Dungeons & Dragons Supplemental Source Books
Book of Exalted Deeds | Cityscape | Complete Adventurer | Complete Arcane | Complete Divine | Complete Mage | Complete Psionic | Complete Warrior | Dragon Magic | Dungeon Master's Guide II | Expanded Psionics Handbook | Fiendish Codex I II | Frostburn | Heroes of Battle | Heroes of Horror | Libris Mortis | Lords of Madness | Magic of Incarnum | Monster Manual III IV | Planar Handbook | Player's Handbook II | Races of Destiny | Races of the Dragon | Races of Stone | Races of the Wild | Sandstorm | Spell Compendium | Stormwrack | Tome of Battle | Tome of Magic | Unearthed Arcana | Weapons of Legacy
3.0 Dungeons & Dragons Supplemental Source Books
Arms and Equipment Guide | Book of Challenges | Book of Vile Darkness | Defenders of the Faith | Deities and Demigods | Draconomicon | Enemies and Allies | Epic Level Handbook | Fiend Folio | Hero Builders Guidebook | Manual of the Planes | Masters of the Wild | Miniatures Handbook | Monster Manual II | Psionics Handbook | Savage Species | Song and Silence | Stronghold Builders Guidebook | Sword and Fist | Tome and Blood
3.0/3.5 Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Setting-Specific Source Books
Dragonlance: Dragonlance Campaign Setting • Eberron: Dragonmarked | Eberron Campaign Setting | Explorer's Handbook | Faiths of Eberron | Five Nations | Magic of Eberron | Player's Guide to Eberron | Races of Eberron | Secrets of Xen'drik | SharnForgotten Realms: Champions of Ruin | Champions of Valor | City of Splendors | Dragons of Faerûn | Faiths and Pantheons | Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting | Lords of Darkness | Lost Empires of Faerûn | Magic of Faerûn |Mysteries of the Moonsea | Player's Guide to Faerûn | Power of Faerûn | Races of Faerûn | Serpent Kingdoms | Shining South | Silver Marches | Unapproachable East | UnderdarkGhostwalk: GhostwalkGreyhawk: D&D Gazetteer | Living Greyhawk GazetteerOriental Adventures: Oriental Adventures
Other 3.0/3.5 Dungeons & Dragons Material
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1 | Dragon Magazine | Dungeon Magazine | 3E/3.5 adventure modules

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