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Direct3D - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Direct3D is part of Microsoft's DirectX API. Direct3D is only available for Microsoft's various Windows operating systems (Windows 95 and above) and is the base for the graphics API on the Xbox and Xbox 360 console systems. Direct3D is used to render three dimensional graphics in applications where performance is important, such as games. Direct3D also allows applications to run fullscreen instead of embedded in a window, though they can still run in a window if programmed for that feature. Direct3D uses hardware acceleration if it is available on the graphic board.

Direct3D is a 3D API. That is, it contains many commands for 3D rendering, but contains few commands for rendering 2D graphics.[1] Microsoft strives to continually update Direct3D to support the latest technology available on 3D graphics cards. Direct3D offers full vertex software emulation but no pixel software emulation for features not available in hardware. For example, if a program programmed using Direct3D requires pixel shaders and the graphics card on the user's computer does not support that feature, Direct3D will not emulate it. The program will most likely exit with an error message. The API does define a Reference Rasterizer (or REF device), which emulates a generic graphics card, although it's too slow to be used in any application to emulate pixel shaders and is usually ignored.

Direct3D's main competitor is OpenGL. There are numerous features and issues that proponents for either API disagree over, see comparison of Direct3D and OpenGL for a summary.


[edit] Version history

In 1992, Servan Keondjian started a company named RenderMorphics, which developed a 3D graphics API named Reality Lab, which was used in medical imaging and CAD software. Two versions of this API were released. Microsoft bought RenderMorphics in February 1995, bringing Keondjian on board to implement a 3D graphics engine for Windows 95. This resulted in the first version of Direct3D that shipped in DirectX 2.0 and DirectX 3.0.

Direct3D initially implemented "retained mode" and "immediate mode" 3D APIs. The retained mode was a COM-based scene graph API that attained little adoption. Game developers clamored for more direct control of the hardware's activities than the Direct3D retained mode could provide. Only one game that sold a significant volume, Lego Island, was based on the Direct3D retained mode, so Microsoft did not update the retained mode after DirectX 3.0.

The first version of Direct3D immediate mode was based on an "execute buffer" programming model that Microsoft hoped hardware vendors would support directly. Execute buffers were intended to be allocated in hardware memory and parsed by the hardware in order to perform the 3D rendering. They were extremely awkward to program, however, hindering adoption of the new API and stimulating calls for Microsoft to adopt OpenGL as the official 3D rendering API for games as well as workstation applications. (see OpenGL vs. Direct3D)

Rather than adopt OpenGL as a gaming API, Microsoft chose to continue improving Direct3D, not only to be competitive with OpenGL, but to compete more effectively with proprietary APIs such as 3Dfx's Glide. A team in Redmond took over development of the Direct3D immediate mode, while Servan's RenderMorphics team continued work on the retained mode.

Direct3D 5.0 introduced the DrawPrimitive API that eliminated the need for applications to construct execute buffers.

Direct3D 6.0 introduced numerous features to cover contemporary hardware (such as multitexture and stencil buffers) as well as optimized geometry pipelines for x87, SSE and 3DNow and optional texture management to simplify programming. Direct3D 6.0 also included support for features that had been licensed by Microsoft from specific hardware vendors for inclusion in the API, in exchange for the time-to-market advantage to the licensing vendor. S3 texture compression support was one such feature, renamed as DXTC for purposes of inclusion in the API. Another was TriTech's proprietary bump mapping technique. By including these features in DirectX, Microsoft virtually guaranteed that all PC graphics hardware vendors would support the feature at their earliest opportunity, driving industry standardization in a way that was inconceivable under the auspices of the OpenGL Architectural Review Board.

Direct3D 7.0 introduced the .dds texture format and support for transform and lighting hardware acceleration (first available on PC hardware with NVIDIA's GeForce), as well as the ability to allocate vertex buffers in hardware memory. Hardware vertex buffers represent the first substantive improvement over OpenGL in DirectX history. Direct3D 7.0 also augmented DirectX support for multitexturing hardware, and represents the pinnacle of fixed-function multitexture pipeline features: although powerful, it was so complicated to program that a new programming model was needed to expose the shading capabilities of graphics hardware.

Direct3D 8.0 introduced programmability in the form of vertex and pixel shaders, enabling developers to write code without worrying about superfluous hardware state. They wrote simple shaders to do simple tasks or more complicated shaders to do more complex tasks, and the display driver compiled those shaders to instructions that could be understood by the hardware. Direct3D 8.0 and its programmable shading capabilities were the first major departure from an OpenGL-style fixed-function architecture, where drawing is controlled by a complicated state machine.

Direct3D 8.0 also eliminated DirectDraw as a separate API. Direct3D subsumed all remaining DirectDraw API calls still needed for application development, such as Present(), the function used to display rendering results.

Direct3D was not considered to be user friendly, but as of DirectX version 8.1, many usability problems were resolved. Direct3D 8 contained many powerful 3D graphics features, such as vertex shaders, pixel shaders, fog, bump mapping and texture mapping.

DirectX version 9.0 added a new version of the High Level Shader Language, support for high dynamic range lighting, multiple render targets, and vertex buffer indexing.

DirectX version 10.0, included with Windows Vista, is described in the next section.

[edit] Direct3D 10

Windows Vista includes a major update to the Direct3D API. Originally called WGF 2.0 (Windows Graphics Foundation 2.0), DirectX 10 and DirectX Next, it features an updated shader model — the shaders still consist of fixed stages like on previous APIs, but all stages sport a nearly unified interface, as well as a unified access to resources. The language itself has been extended to be more expressive (integer operations, nearly unlimited instructions count). In addition to the previously available vertex and pixel shader stages, the API includes a geometry shader stage that breaks the old model of one vertex in/one vertex out, to allow for more complex effects in real time. Direct3D 10 no longer uses "capability bits" to indicate which features are active on the current hardware. Instead, it defines a minimum standard of hardware capabilities which must be supported for a display system to be "Direct3D 10 compatible". Therefore, contrary to the previous revisions of Direct3D, it requires new graphics hardware to run at all, whereas prior versions allow the old hardware capabilities to be addressed within the new interface. This is one of the major departure of this new API, and it is justified by Microsoft as the only way to achieve the CPU efficiency gains needed for the newest pieces of hardware without the clutter of legacy code.

Many of the advanced features and performance improvements of Direct3D 10 mandate the use of WDDM-compliant drivers. WDDM drivers are also required by Direct3D9Ex, an extended version of DirectX 9.0c, used in Windows Vista. D3D9Ex was previously known as WGF 1.0 and D3D9.0L. However, D3D9Ex needs WGF 1.0 drivers (previously, basic profile), and D3D10 needs WDDM 2.x drivers (previously, Advanced profile) which supports the extended graphics pipeline. D3D9Ex features similar improvements like better gamma control, support for virtualization of resources and safe device removal, other improvements make D3D10 incompatible with previous versions.

Because Direct3D 10 hardware will be comparatively rare for a period of time after the release of Windows Vista, and because the Vista Premium logo program does not require Direct3D 10 to be supported, the first D3D10-compatible games will most likely still provide a D3D9/D3D9Ex render path.

[edit] New features

  • Fixed pipelines[2] are being done away with in favor of fully programmable pipelines (often referred to as unified pipeline architecture), which can be programmed to emulate the same.
  • Paging of graphics memory, to allow data to be loaded to Video RAM when needed and move it out when not needed. This enables usage of the system memory to hold graphics data, such as textures, thereby allowing use of more and higher resolution textures in games.
  • There is no limit on the number of objects which can be rendered, provided enough resources are available.[3]
  • Virtualization of the graphics hardware, to allow multiple threads/processes to use it, in turns.
  • New state object to enable the GPU to change states efficiently.
  • Shader Model 4.0, enhances the programmability of the graphics pipeline. It adds instructions for integer and bitwise calculations.
  • Geometry shaders, which work on individual triangles which form a mesh.
  • Texture arrays enable swapping of textures in GPU without CPU intervention.
  • Resource View enables pre-caching of resources, thereby reducing latency.
  • Predicated Rendering allows drawing calls to be ignored based on some other conditions. This enables rapid occlusion culling, which prevents objects from being rendered if it is not visible or too far to be visible.

[edit] Related tools

DirectX comes with D3DX, a library of tools designed to perform common mathematical calculations and several more complicated tasks, such as compiling or assembling shaders used for 3D graphic programming. It also includes several classes that simplify the use of 3D-models and, for example, particle systems. D3DX is provided as a dynamic link library (DLL).

DXUT (also called the sample framework) is a layer built on top of the Direct3D API. The framework is designed to help the programmer spend less time with mundane tasks, such as creating a window, creating a device, processing Windows messages and handling device events.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Microsoft DirectX SDK Readme (October 2006)
  2. ^ CNet News
  3. ^ SDK March 2006
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