2006 Fijian coup d'état

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The Fijian coup d'état of December 2006 occurred as a continuation of the pressure which had been building since the military unrest of the 2000 Fijian coup d'état and 2005-2006 Fijian political crisis.

Fiji has seen four definitive coups in the past two decades. At the heart of the previous three of these lies the tensions between the ethnic Fijians and Indian Fijians[1]. Religion plays a significant role; the majority of ethnic Fijians belong to the Methodist church whereas the majority of the Indians are Hindu. In each coup, one of the sides seeks to establish reduced rights for the Indian Fijians; the other side seeks to grant equality to the Indian Fijians.[2] The coup by Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka in 1987 led to a constitution that ensured that Indian Fijians can only have less than half of all seats in parliament and banned Indians from the post of prime minister. The coup of 2000 by George Speight removed the elected Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudry, who is a Hindu of Indian origin [3]. The church in Fiji has frequently played a significant role—Methodist church leaders supported the 2000 coup and the subsequent proposal to pardon those involved. Even the possibility of declaring Fiji a theocratic Christian state has been proposed in the past.[4] This has brought Josaia Voreqe "Frank" Bainimarama, leader of the December 2006 coup, in conflict with the Methodist church in the past.

The conflict between the government and military of the Republic of the Fiji Islands (Fiji) reached crisis point in early December 2006. The catalysts for the unrest were three bills under consideration by the Fijian parliament, one of which would question the illegality of the Fiji coup of 2000 and offer pardons to some of the people who participated in it. Nine demands were handed down from Commodore Josaia Voreqe "Frank" Bainimarama to Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase largely pertaining to issues concerning these bills[5]. Bainimarama gave an ultimatum to Qarase to concede to these demands or to resign from his post by Friday 1 December. This was then deferred to Monday December 4.

After weeks of preparations by the military, on December 4 a well orchestrated military presence made itself known in Suva by setting up strategic road blocks, making public demonstrations of their presence and seizing weapons from opposing factions, including the police. On 5 December many key government ministers and chief executives were placed under house arrest and President Ratu Josefa Iloilo allegedly signed an order dissolving Parliament, though he later made a press statement denying having done so. So far the coup d'état has been bloodless; although, two Australian soldiers died in a Blackhawk helicopter crash after Australia moved three warships near Fiji in case evacuation of foreign nationals became necessary.[6][7]


[edit] Background

The current crisis has its origins in the Fiji coup of 2000.[8] The 2000 coup was aimed at the multi-ethnic Government led by Mahendra Chaudhry. The proponents of the coup were an armed faction not closely associated with the military, who opposed their actions. After Bainimarama declared martial law and resolved the crisis by force, an interim government was sworn in, headed by current prime minister Laisenia Qarase. The Prime Minister was democratically elected in elections in 2001 and 2006, and has since begun to take actions that have provoked the displeasure of the military.

Three contentious bills have recently come before parliament: the Reconciliation Tolerance and Unity Bill, Qoliqoli Bill and the Land Tribunal Bill, all three of which were considered objectionable by the opponents of the 2000 coup. Perhaps the most significant of these has been the RTU bill, which would grant an amnesty to some of those involved or being investigated for involvement in the coup of 2000, including individuals who are presently officials within government.

There was friction concerning these bills and a truce was brokered by Vice-President Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi on January 16, 2006 which cooled the 2005-2006 Fijian political crisis. Nonetheless, relations between the government and the military remained strained.

On September 22, 2006, Military Commander Frank Bainimarama attacked government policies in a speech at Ratu Latianara Secondary School. News service Fiji Village reported that he claimed that government leniency towards perpetrators of the 2000 coup had created a culture of disrespect for the law, to which he attributed the increasing incidents of rape, homicide, and desecration of Hindu temples. He also criticized the Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma, for supporting the government.

The next day Prime Minister Qarase accused the Commander's statements of being unconstitutional, and announced his intention to refer the matter to the Supreme Court for a judgement on the proper role of the military.

The Methodist Church also reacted strongly to the Commander's suggestion that government policies could take Fiji back to paganism and cannibalism. Reverend Ame Tugaue, the General Secretary of the Church, commented that the Commander appeared to be ignoring the fact that it was the influence of Christianity that had abolished cannibalism in Fiji.

On September 25, military spokesman Major Neumi Leweni said that the government's proposed court action was a threat to the nation, and that the military was united in its resolve to prosecute persons implicated in the 2000 coup and in its opposition to legislation proposing amnesty for such offenders. He also reiterated the opposition of the military to the "Qoliqoli Bill", which proposed to hand control of seabed resources to ethnic Fijians.

The Fiji Sun quoted Bainimarama on September 25 as saying that his speech at Ratu Latianara Secondary School had been based on the advice of United States General John Brown. The same afternoon, however, United States Ambassador Larry Dinger Jr. told the Fiji Village News that Bainimarama had misunderstood Brown's intentions. The military must never challenge the rule of a constitutional government, Dinger insisted. Brown feels that his words of encouragement were misconstrued and may have led to the coup. [9] Leweni subsequently denied that the Fijian military stance on the Qoliqoli Bill had been influenced by Brown. [10]

Neumi Leweni called on the Qarase government to resign on October 6, 2006, saying that the government had lost all semblance of credibility, integrity and honesty and that the country was sinking into an economic and financial abyss.[11]

[edit] Ultimatum handed down, crisis imminent

On October 16, 2006 Bainimarama issued a three week ultimatum for the government to meet nine demands, or resign.[12]

The nine demands mainly center around: the 2000 coup proponents being brought to justice; withdrawing any political machinations which would potentially further economic inequality based on racial grounds; denying intervention by foreign authority (mentioning by name Police Commissioner Andrew Hughes, an Australian national); dropping the court proceedings regarding the military's statements from earlier in the year and formally addressing concerns about government spending and internal governance.

A week and a half later, on October 31, 2006, the military staged exercises around Suva and closed off the city's army barracks. The military said that the exercises were not threatening. [13]

Meanwhile, Qarase and President Ratu Josefa Iloilo attempted to sack Bainimarama, who was in Iraq inspecting Fijian peacekeeping troops, but their nominee for his replacement declined the position and Major Neumi Leweni said the Army remained loyal to Bainimarama.[14] Bainimarama in response repeated his call for the government to meet his demands or step down.

ABC News in Australia reported claims that Qarase had told Iloilo that the government would step down if Bainimarama was not removed. The Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said there was a real risk of a coup in Fiji.[15]. Australia sent naval ships to Fiji to assist in the evacuation of Australian citizens should a coup occur.

On November 4, Qarase suspended amnesty provisions for the leaders of the 2000 coup from the Reconciliation, Tolerance and Unity Bill, saying that they will investigate further whether the provisions were unconstitutional.[16] Up to this point, this was the only concession made to the military's demands.

[edit] Escalation

The crisis came to a head when, on November 26, during a private trip to New Zealand, Bainimarama called up 1,000 reserve troops to the Fijian Army, and reiterated his intention to topple the Fijian government. This came shortly after police revealed that he would soon be charged with sedition.[17]

Qarase flew to New Zealand on November 28 to meet with Bainimarama. The night before the meeting, Bainimarama said "It's very simple. He [Qarase] comes with a yes or a no to our demands, full stop." "He's going to be wasting his time debating issues with me. The meeting's going to be the shortest meeting he's ever attended in his life." The meeting lasted two hours, but no resolution was reached. Both men returned to Fiji after the meeting.[18]

On November 30, Qarase partially conceded to some of the demands: He agreed to suspend the three bills mentioned amongst the demands, and to drop them altogether if a review found them unconstitutional; he recognized that the 2000 coup had been illegal; he agreed to accept the decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions not to lay sedition charges against military leaders; and he agreed to review the position of the Police Commissioner Hughes[19].

Not long after this meeting Hughes announced he was taking leave that was owed to him and returned to his home in Cairns[citation needed].

Bainimarama rejected this compromise and reiterated his ultimatum that Qarase must accept all demands by noon the following day or be overthrown by the military.[20]

After the deadline passed on December 1, Qarase said that the deadline had been extended until December 3, due to the annual rugby game played between the National Police and the military, but Bainimarama denied that there was an extension. He said he intended to begin a "clean up" campaign of government. Qarase and his government moved to secret locations.[21]

On December 3, Bainimarama announced that he had taken control of Fiji, but Qarase emerged from hiding and said he was still in charge.[22] Radio New Zealand reported on December 3 that Fiji's civil service was still taking its instructions from the civilian administration, and quoted Stuart Huggett, the head of the civil service, as anticipating no change to that.[23]

[edit] Coup and deposition of the government

Fijian troops confiscated arms at the headquarters of the armed police division in Nasinu on December 4. Troops later surrounded the Nasova Police Academy in Suva and removed weapons from the armoury.[24][25]

Acting Police Commissioner Moses Driver said the military action was unlawful and unnecessary.[26] Military commander Bainimarama was quoted as saying that the military had taken this action as "we would not want to see a situation whereby the police and the military are opposed in an armed confrontation".[27]

Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase was stopped while trying to enter Government House in the afternoon by a military roadblock set up there. Military personnel were checking vehicles traveling on the road between the Suva and the province of Naitasiri, 30 miles northeast of Suva. Qarase avoided the military roadblocks by travelling using helicopter to return to his home in the centre of Suva after attending a provincial council meeting in this province.[28][29]

Although a cabinet meeting on December 5 was called by Qarase at Government House to discuss the 19 demands of military, the Prime Minister and other ministers were not present at Government House.[30] Mr. Qarase asked New Zealand and Australian governments for military assistance. This was declined. New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark said "Our judgment is that this would make the situation worse, and it is not a step we are contemplating".[2]

President Ratu Josefa Iloilo allegedly signed an order dissolving Parliament on December 5
President Ratu Josefa Iloilo allegedly signed an order dissolving Parliament on December 5

The President Ratu Josefa Iloilo allegedly signed an order dissolving the Parliament, and called on the Prime Minister to follow the military's demands or resign.[31] He later denied having signed such an order, and condemned the military takeover. Speaking from Australia, exiled Police Commissioner Andrew Hughes accused Rupeni Nacewa, the President's secretary, of having fabricated the alleged presidential decree. [3]

On the morning of the 5th, armed troops surrounded the offices of government ministers and began taking their cars. Laisenia Qarase has stated that the coup is "virtually underway", but that he will not resign, and he still has control of the country.[32] The military forces said that all ministers would be under house arrest, and all ministers' vehicles and mobile phones seized by the end of the day.[33] The military were reported to have surrounded Qarase's house at around 12 p.m., and were trying to force their way in. The police are reported to be trying to negotiate with them.[34]

After meeting with Commodore Bainimarama on the morning of December 5, Iloilo signed a legal order dissolving Parliament, citing the doctrine of necessity, paving the way for the formation of an interim administration.[35] In a subsequent press release, however, Iloilo said that he had not endorsed the coup and that its perpetrators were acting against his orders.

Soldiers entered the Parliament and disbanded the meeting of Senators discussing a motion to condemn the coup.

Bainimarama announced on December 6 that the military had taken control of the government as executive authority in the running of the country.[36]

Bainimarama dismissed a number of public servants, at least some of whom refused to cooperate with his regime, including: President Ratu Josefa Iloilo, Vice President Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi, Police Commissioner Andrew Hughes, Acting Police Commissioner Moses Driver, Assistant Police Commissioner Kevueli Bulamainaivalu, Public Service Commission chairman Stuart Huggett and chief executive Anare Jale, Solicitor General Nairendra Nand, Prime Minister's Office chief executive Jioji Kotobalavu and the supervisor of elections.[37]

[edit] Fijian response to the coup

Unlike the 2000 coup, which was marked by looting and burning of businessess, no significant protests or violence have occurred on Fiji during this coup.[38]

The army did not gain the support of several key bodies. The Great Council of Chiefs, on December 7, called the coup illegal and called upon soldiers to "to leave the barracks and return home to your people"[39] The President of the Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma led a delegation to visit and support the Prime Minister while he was under effective house arrest. The Archbishop of the Anglican Church issued a statement opposing the coup. Churches took out newspaper ads including one quoting Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, president of the Fiji Council of Churches, saying "We are deeply convinced that the move now taken by the commander and his advisers is the manifestation of darkness and evil".[40] Roman Catholic Archbishop Petero Mataca took a more nuanced position, however. In a letter to the Fiji Sun on 10 December, he condemned the coup, but also claimed that the government had pursued policies that had led to it. Part of this statement was quoted in Fiji Village on 12 December. [41]

On December 7, 300 villagers blocked the entrance to Tavualevu Village, in response to a rumor that the military was coming to arrest Ratu Ovini Bokini, Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs. The army quickly denied the rumor.[42] Most government ministries had a full turn out at work, except for certain CEOs, and parliament workers were reportedly offered positions elsewhere in government.[43]

Bainimarama told a press conference on 15 December that he would agree to attend a forthcoming meeting of the Great Council of Chiefs, the feudal body empowered to choose the country's President, Vice-President, and 14 of the 32 Senators, only in his capacity as President of the Republic, the Fiji Sun reported. [4][5] Told that the Great Council still recognized Ratu Josefa Iloilo as President, he said that in that case he would boycott the meeting. He also condemned the Great Council's invitation to deposed Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase, saying that Qarase would not be allowed to return to Suva to attend the meeting.

[edit] Fiji's future government

Fiji's newly-appointed caretaker prime minister, Jona Senilagakali, a 77-year-old military doctor, was sworn in on Wednesday to replace former prime minister Laisenia Qarase. The figurehead appointee said he had no choice but to take the job after being ordered to do so by military chief Voreqe Bainimarama. Fresh democratic elections in Fiji could however be "12 months to two years" away, Senilagakali said. [44]

The military regime announced that their plans "clean-up" government and reinstall the country's president will take longer than expected as opposition to this week's army coup mounts. Announcing he had toppled the elected government and taken control on Tuesday, Bainimara said he was assuming the presidency until next week when the Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) would reappoint President Ratu Josefa Iloilo who would then have the authority to appoint an interim government. However, the GCC has slammed Bainimarama's "illegal, unconstitutional" activities and cancelled their meeting next week and indicated they were not keen to meet following the turbulent events of this week; posing a potential obstacle to coup leaders who are meanwhile advertising for candidates for posts in the interim government. [45]

On December 14, Bainimarama declared that his interim government could rule for 50 years if the Great Council of Chiefs continued to hold off appointing a new president of Fiji, who would swear in a military-backed government. Bainimarama also dismissed Adi Litia Qionbaravi as head of the Fijian Affairs Board which convenes meeting of the Great Council of Chiefs.[46]

[edit] International response to the crisis

There has been considerable international concern about the situation in Fiji, and active involvement by other governments to try to prevent a coup. The Australian and New Zealand governments and media in particular have strongly condemned the coup.

In November, an eminent persons group of Pacific Foreign Ministers was formed to try and defuse the situation. On 28 November the New Zealand Government brought Qarase to New Zealand in order to negotiate with Bainimarama, at a meeting hosted by New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters. No agreement was reached. Bainimarama later warned the New Zealand and Australian Governments that any military intervention would be strongly repelled.

The New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters has described the current crisis as a coup and a "creeping siege on democratic institutions".[47] New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark said that the Fijian constitution only allowed the President to request the dissolving of Parliament if the Prime Minister no longer had the confidence of the Parliament and that this was clearly not the case.[48] The New Zealand Government has also stated those taking part in the coup will be banned from entry to New Zealand, and that military ties, aid and sporting contacts will be cut. Helen Clark has said in the NZ Herald that she would consider sanctions against Fiji.[49]

Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has said that the military were "slowly trying to take control" and pressure the PM to resign.[50] Other notable Australians have also commented on the situation such as Australian Prime Minister John Howard.

The United States suspended $2.5 million in aid money pending a review of the situation.[51] The United Kingdom, the United States, and the United Nations have all expressed concern at the situation, with Kofi Annan having made a public statement and personally spoken to both President Iloilo and Prime Minister Qarase.

The Commonwealth suspended Fiji's membership on 8 December.[52] Its Secretary General, Don McKinnon, has stated that Bainimarama should resign and that the coup is a total violation of Commonwealth principles.[53]

On 10 December the International Federation of Netball Associations announced that Fiji, which had been scheduled to host the 2007 Netball World Championships, had been stripped of its hosting rights as a direct result of the coup.[54]

[edit] Censorship

The headline of the Fiji Times when it resumed publication on December 7, 2006.
The headline of the Fiji Times when it resumed publication on December 7, 2006.

On December 5, 2006, Fiji's largest newspaper, the Fiji Times, refused to publish the next day's edition, citing military interference. Soldiers had occupied the premises and warned against publishing "propaganda" from the deposed government. The soldiers had insisted on monitoring news content and demanded approval rights for editorial material, as well as access to news sources.[55][56][57] The Daily Post also reported receiving military threats and has since been closed since the coup began.[56] Following this event, Fiji TV, under pressure from the military, pulled its late evening news bulletin from the air.[57] Fiji TV announced it would not run any more news bulletins until it was satisfied the army would not interfere in its content.[56] It was reported that the military entered the premises of state radio station Fiji Broadcasting Corporation; due to reported military scrutiny of its news scripts the radio station has closed down.[57][56][58]

On December 6, the military allowed Fiji Times Limited to resume publication without any interference from its armed forces. The newspaper plans to publish an afternoon edition and normal daily publications from 7 December, but without cartoons [59].

[edit] Question of legality

The junta-installed leader stated that he thought that the military coup constituted an illegal act, though a lesser illegal act when compared to the rule of the previous government.[60]

It is legally unclear whether removal of a government with the consent of the President would constitute a coup, as that term is usually understood. According to the Constitution of Fiji, under certain conditions if a state of emergency is declared, the President will be able to legally appoint an interim government. However, it is uncertain that the President chose of his free will to remove the Prime Minister, rather than simply appearing to accede to the demands of the military. Although the legality of the actions of the military may yet be subject to review by a court, the consensus of legal opinion is that the actions of the Fijian military do constitute an illegal act[citation needed], one which renders the leaders of the coup liable to prosecution for treason. Given that one of the grievances of the military was the alleged leniency of the treatment of the perpetrators of the 2000 coup, the irony of the situation has provoked comment from a number of observers[61].

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Background to Fiji's four coups", BBC News, 2006-12-05.
  2. ^ "Future bleak for Fiji's Indians", BBC News, 2000-07-12.
  3. ^ "Ethnic split haunts Fijian politics", BBC News, 2000-05-19.
  4. ^ Roots of Land and Church: the Christian State Debate in Fiji. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church (March 2005).
  5. ^ Meeting between Prime Minister Qarase and Commodore Bainimaram (PDF) (2006-11-29).
  6. ^ No major source has reported any bloodshed on Fiji.
  7. ^ 2 dead after Australian army Blackhawk helicopter crashes off Fiji, military says. AP (2006-11-29).
  8. ^ Associated Press. "Ousted PM says he's still Fiji's legal leader; chiefs indicate they'll meet coup leader", International Herald-Tribune, 2006-12-07. Retrieved on 2006-12-07.
  9. ^ "US advises Commander to avoid Politics", Fiji Village, 2006-09-25.
  10. ^ "RFMF Calls on US Ambassador to Apologize", Fiji Village, 2006-09-27.
  11. ^ "Fiji’s military calls on government to resign", Radio New Zealand, October 6, 2006.
  12. ^ "Fiji military to government: resign or else", The Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Associated Press, October 17, 2006.
  13. ^ "Fiji tense as army exercises in capital", ABC News and Current Affairs, Reuters, October 31, 2006.
  14. ^ "Tension in Fiji after failed attempt to replace military boss", ABC News and Current Affairs, November 1, 2006.
  15. ^ "Fiji PM meets security chiefs amid coup fears", ABC News and Current Affairs, November 1, 2006.
  16. ^ "Fiji PM drops controversial bill", The New Zealand Herald, Australian Associated Press, November 4, 2006.
  17. ^ "Fiji military recalls 1,000 reservists for 'clean-up'", ABC News and Current Affairs, Agence France-Presse, November 26, 2006.
  18. ^ "Fiji crisis deepens as military secure parts of Suva", The New Zealand Herald, November 29, 2006.
  19. ^ "Fiji PM agrees to military demands", Herald Sun, November 30, 2006.
  20. ^ "Fiji military chief rejects PM's concessions, issues ultimatum", ABC News and Current Affairs, November 30, 2006.
  21. ^ "Fiji military play rugby amidst confusion over coup", The New Zealand Herald, December 1, 2006.
  22. ^ "Fiji's military leader rules out further talks - report", The New Zealand Herald, December 3, 2006.
  23. ^ "Fiji public service commission says it is taking orders from civilian government", Radio New Zealand, December 3, 2006.
  24. ^ "Army removes weapons threat: Driti", Fiji Live, December 4, 2006.
  25. ^ "Fiji coup under way as troops seize weapons", The New Zealand Herald, December 4, 2006.
  26. ^ "Bainimarama To Make Public Statement", newswire.co.nz, 2006-12-04.
  27. ^ "PM's bodyguards got arms: Army", Fiji Live, December 4, 2006.
  28. ^ "TV3 News", TV3 (New Zealand), December 4, 2006.
  29. ^ "Fiji military sets up roadblock", ninemsn, December 4, 2006.
  30. ^ "Military checkpoints at Govt Buildings", Fiji Live, December 5, 2006.
  31. ^ "Meet army's demands or resign, Qarase told", Fiji Live, December 5, 2006.
  32. ^ "Fiji troops surround govt offices", Radio New Zealand, December 5, 2006.
  33. ^ "Fiji ministers face house arrest", Fiji Live, 2006-12-05.
  34. ^ "Soldiers reportedly breaking into Fiji PMs house", Radio New Zealand, December 5, 2006.
  35. ^ "President gives army green light to take over", Fiji Live, December 5, 2006.
  36. ^ "Fiji - Alone under the gun", New Zealand Herald, 2006-12-06.
  37. ^ Commission 'to probe ousted Fiji govt'. The Age (2006-12-07).
  38. ^ Splits widen as church, chiefs oppose Fiji coup. Rueters (2006-12-08).
  39. ^ Fiji chiefs call on troops to lay down arms. Reuters (2006-12-07).
  40. ^ Splits widen as church, chiefs oppose Fiji coup. Rueters (2006-12-08).
  41. ^ Catholic Church says it's not the time for vindication. Fiji Times (2006-12-12).
  42. ^ Fiji military denies detention claims. Fiji Times (2006-12-07).
  43. ^ Finance CEO stays away from military. Fiji Times Online (2006-12-09).
  44. ^ New Fiji 'PM' says coup illegal, election up to two years away. ChannelNewsAsia.com (2006-12-07).
  45. ^ Fiji coup leaders concede delays in 'clean-up' amid opposition. ChannelNewsAsia.com (2006-12-08).
  46. ^ Fiji military chief says his regime could rule for 50 years. Radio New Zealand International (2006-12-14).
  47. ^ "Clark: Bainimarama attempting 'Thai-style coup'", The New Zealand Herald, December 5, 2006.
  48. ^ "NZ PM condemns Fijian coup takeover", Radio New Zealand, December 5, 2006.
  49. ^ Phil Taylor and agencies. "NZ suspends aid and sport contacts with Fiji as state of emergency declared", The New Zealand Herald, December 6, 2006.
  50. ^ "Coup participants will be banned from NZ", Radio New Zealand, December 5, 2006.
  51. ^ "Fiji military stages coup, U.S. suspends aid", Reuters, December 5, 2006.
  52. ^ "Fiji suspended from Commonwealth", December 8, 2006.
  53. ^ "World condemns Fiji military coup", Bangkok Post, December 6, 2006.
  54. ^ "Fiji loses world netball champs", December 10, 2006.
  55. ^ "News Limited calls for free press in Fiji", Fiji Times Online, December 6, 2006.
  56. ^ a b c d "Troops shut down media, streets and towns", Monsters and Critics.
  57. ^ a b c "Deposed PM vows: 'We can fix this'", Stuff.Co.NZ, December 6, 2006.
  58. ^ "Military chief in control of Fiji", The Australian, December 6, 2006.
  59. ^ "Fiji Times allowed to resume publication", Fiji Times, December 6, 2006.
  60. ^ The Age, Back off Australia, warns new PM, 7 December 2006
  61. ^ [1]
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