2000 AD crossovers

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2000 AD crossovers are crossover stories appearing in British comic 2000 AD, its sister title the Judge Dredd Megazine, and other related output, such as novels, audio plays, films and role-playing games.

Not all of the stories told in 2000 AD and its related publications exist in the same shared universe, unlike in some other comics, for example the Marvel Universe. Indeed the majority of stories which have appeared in 2000 AD since 1977 have never been connected with each other. However, the series which are so connected are generally the most significant ones in the comic in terms of the number of issues they have appeared in, their popularity with readers, and their significance in the history of the comic.


[edit] Stories in a shared universe

Those stories which occupy the main 2000 AD universe include:

[edit] Connections between stories

Series can be linked to each other in either of two ways: crossovers and spin-offs. There are also combinations of both.

[edit] Crossovers

Firstly, series which were completely independent of each other when they were created – often by different writers, and sometimes even in different comics – were later linked to each other. This could be done either by a crossover story in which two or more characters from the respective series meet each other, or by a caption or piece of dialogue explicitly referring to events which occurred or characters who appeared in an earlier story in another series. Two examples of the former kind are the Judge Dredd stories "Top Dog" and "Judgement Day", which both featured Johnny Alpha in a major role. Alpha is the lead character from the series Strontium Dog, a series which began in Starlord comic in 1978 (and which later moved to 2000 AD when Starlord ceased publication), but which had never previously hinted at any connection with Dredd's world. Alpha lived over half a century in Dredd's future, and the crossover was accomplished by having Alpha time-travel back to Dredd's era. An example of the second kind is the Judge Dredd story "The Cursed Earth," which featured a dinosaur called Satanus who was described as the clone of another dinosaur which had appeared in most episodes of the earlier series Flesh. Flesh was a previously unconnected series about dinosaurs millions of years in the past.

In either case, once a connection between two series was established, it was often repeated. For example, "Top Dog" was followed up by "Judgement Day," and the reference to Flesh in Judge Dredd was reciprocated by the cameo appearance of a Mega-City judge in Nemesis the Warlock Book V, which was itself a crossover with Flesh because it featured Satanus in a major role. This latter example illustrates how series were not just linked to each other in pairs, but in multitudes. Pat Mills, the first editor of 2000 AD and creator of many enduring series, was responsible for many such connections. He deliberately connected his own series ABC Warriors to Flesh, and then linked Nemesis to both. (All three series were created by him, but they had originally had nothing to do with each other.) This therefore established that Judge Dredd, Flesh, Nemesis, and ABC Warriors all existed in the same continuity: a list which would be added to many more times. Indeed, this was official editorial policy in the comic's early years,[citation needed] although the trend diminished later on.

Sometimes the link between two series can be of paramount importance to the story (such as Alpha's appearance in Judge Dredd); in other stories the reference can be a passing homage to an earlier tale with no effect whatsoever on the plot of the story in which it occurs (such as the reference to Satanus' ancestry in "The Cursed Earth"). However, once a minor link had been made between two series, it was occasionally followed up by a major link in a later story. For example, the original link between Flesh and ABC Warriors was nothing more than a passing reference to the fact that a dinosaur appearing in an ABC Warriors story was a clone of Satanus. But Satanus himself subsequently played an important part in Nemesis Book V, by which time the entire cast of ABC Warriors had themselves moved to the Nemesis strip.

[edit] Spin-offs

Secondly, a new series can be created as a deliberate off-shoot from a parent series. This can also occur in two ways. One method was to take a supporting character from an existing series and start a new series with that character in the lead (sometimes with the lead character from the original series appearing in a cameo). Two examples are Judge Anderson, first introduced in Judge Dredd, being given her own series, Anderson: Psi Division, five years later; and Durham Red getting her own series after her debut in Strontium Dog. Since Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog occupy the same universe, it follows that Anderson and Red do too (although they have never both appeared in the same story).

Another method was to create a brand new character for a new series, but to state from the outset that the story took place in an existing environment from an established strip. Most of the series in the Judge Dredd Megazine were created in this way. Virtually all such stories in the main 2000 AD universe are spin-offs from Judge Dredd, but The 86ers was a series set in the world of Rogue Trooper which did not feature the established cast of its parent strip.

[edit] Comparison

It should be noted that while writers and editors have generally ensured that events occurring in spin-offs and their parent series are usually mutually consistent with each other, so that events in one such strip do not contradict events in another, much less care – if any – is taken to ensure a uniform continuity between crossover series. Therefore while events which occur in the Anderson, Psi Division spin-off may have repercussions in Judge Dredd and vice versa, the continuity of Strontium Dog might be ignored. This can even occur within the crossover story itself: for example, in "Judgement Day" Johnny Alpha travelled back in time from 2178 to 2114 to arrest a criminal from his own time who started a world war in Dredd's era. It was never explained in the story how an event as significant as a world war did not appear to be remembered by history in Alpha's era.

[edit] Rogue Trooper

The series Rogue Trooper was the most complicated example of all, as it became a combination of both categories: a crossover and a spin-off from itself. The original series ran in 2000 AD from issues 228 to 635, when it ended. A completely new series of Rogue Trooper then began in #650, by a different writer. This was not intended to be a sequel to the old version, but was a brand new, modernised reinterpretation of the character, with significant differences from the old version. It was not supposed to be set in the same universe or continuity, but was a total replacement of both. However, years later and in the hands of a new writer, a story was written which established that the new and old Rogue Troopers were two different people inhabiting the same universe, and a convoluted continuity was contrived to explain their co-existence. In an unusually complicated crossover, the two Rogue Troopers actually met each other. This state of affairs did not continue for long, however, and the old version was killed off. Ironically, the new version declined in popularity and the strip was discontinued, only to be replaced with the original version, in stories set before the original's death.

There have been a number of less complicated Rogue Trooper spinoffs largely following the adventures of the various G.I.s, like Venus Bluegenes, Rafaelle Blue and Tor Cyan.

[edit] Crossovers

As most of the 2000 AD crossovers occur on the same timeline, not in parallel universes, the majority of crossovers take place thanks to the widespread, but temperamental, time travel technology that was invented at the end of the 21st century.

[edit] Stories by Pat Mills

Pat Mills was responsible for the majority of the crossovers.

  • ABC Warriors: "Golgotha", in the first series, featured a clone of Satanus and linked ABC Warriors to Flesh.
  • Nemesis the Warlock: "Book IV: The Gothic Empire" introduced the ABC Warriors to Nemesis. "Book V: The Vengeance of Thoth" featured the return of Satanus in a major role, and a cameo by a judge of Mega-City One, linking Nemesis to Flesh and Judge Dredd.
  • The Volgans appear as the enemies of Bill Savage in Invasion!, and also in early episodes of ABC Warriors as the enemies of the character Hammerstein.

[edit] Stories by other writers

[edit] Judge Dredd stories

A number of characters have appeared in Judge Dredd stories (or vice versa).

[edit] Harlem Heroes

Judge Giant, son of Giant of the Harlem Heroes, graduated from the Academy of Law [1]

[edit] Rogue Trooper

Souther troops flee Nu-Earth back through time to Mega-City One in 2116. They reach an agreement with the judges where they swap medical aid for technology. Friday is blamed for the massacre but, as his memory returns, he realises a traitor is at work and tries to track him down. Unfortunately it seems a far more famous clone may try and stop him - Judge Dredd. [2]

[edit] Skizz

The Gunlords of Omega Ceti try to kill Skizz by travelling back in time but somehow end up in 22nd century Australia where they met Dredd. [3]

[edit] Strontium Dog

Dredd has crossed the path of Strontium Dogs Johnny Alpha and Wulf Sternhammer a couple of times. In the first encounter they travelled back in time to Mega-City One, 2112, and were nearly arrested by Dredd. [4] Later, Johnny Alpha again stepped back in time to 2114 and helped Judge Dredd save Mega-City One from a zombie apocalypse during Judgement Day. [5]

[edit] Rogue Trooper and Mercy Heights

  • Rogue Trooper: "Blue on Blue" and sequels joined together the original and new versions of the character in the same continuity (see above).
  • Mercy Heights was initially a new series with no connection to Rogue Trooper. When the series ended Tor Cyan, a character from the series, began his own eponymous series, in which it was eventually revealed that he was a genetic infantryman like Rogue Trooper.

[edit] Spin-offs

This list does not include direct sequels, such as Inferno and Savage.

[edit] Judge Dredd spin-offs

Main article: Judge Dredd Megazine

Judge Dredd spin-offs include:

[edit] Rogue Trooper spin-offs

The original Rogue Trooper led to:

See also Tor Cyan

[edit] Other spin-offs

[edit] Timeline

Unlike both the DC and Marvel Universes the stories within the 2000 AD Universe are largely not part of a multiverse but exist on a timeline:

c. 13.7 billion years BCE
c. 200 million years BCE
  • Big Hungry, a male nothosaur, terrorizes Atlantis, a Trans-Time station operating in the Triassic Period.[7]
c. 65 million years BCE
  • Old One Eye, a female tyrannosaur, survives an attack by her son Satanus, killing him in the process.[8]
  • Disaster strikes as Flesh Base 3, a Trans-Time station operating in the late Cretaceous Period, is overrun by dinosaurs and other localized creatures.[9]
  • Thoth, son of the alien warlock Nemesis, releases the Satanus clone into the wild.[10]
c. 20,000 years BCE
  • Earl Regan, an employee of Trans-Time Incorporated, helps thwart terrorist activity in the Quaternary Period.[11]
793 Common Era
  • Wulf Sternhammer, a Viking marauder, assists Search/Destroy Agent Johnny Alpha in capturing the Max Bubba gang.[12]
Late 15th century
  • Tomás de Torquemada, Grand Inquisitor of Spain, encounters his descendent from the far future, Torquemada. To avenge the murder of his own children by Nemesis, the Grand Master of Termight kills Thoth.[13]
Late 1970s — late 1980s
  • A reality breakdown occurs.[15]
  • The Scottish oil boom.[16]
  • US President Ronald Reagan, having been kidnapped by Kaiakos-K guerrillas, is rescued by Search/Destroy agents Johnny Alpha and Durham Red.[17]
  • A nuclear accident melts the Arctic Ice Cap, submerging Southern England.[18]
  • Construction begins of the Trans-Atlantic Tunnel.[20]
  • Mr. Moonie begins his exploration of the moon.[21]
c. 2040s
  • Satanus, the first dinosaur to be cloned from surviving tyrannosaur DNA, hatches from a surrogate alligator egg.[22]
  • Aeroball, a combination of football, kung fu, and basketball, is increasingly one of the world's most popular sports.[23]
  • John 'Giant' Clay is born.[24]
c. 2050s
  • Golgotha, son of Satanus, hatches.[25]
Mid 21st century
  • Mek-troops start replacing human combatants.[26]
  • The Triumvirate, comprising Mega-Cities One, Two, and Three, signs the Lunar Treaty.[27]
Mid 21st century
  • The Volgan conflict ends.[28]
  • A select squad of mek-troops, led by veteran war droid Hammerstein, is sent to Mars.[29]
  • The first dinosaur park opens in Colorado. Satanus, its star attraction, goes on a killing rampage.[30]
  • US President Robert L. ('Smooth') Booth initiates the Atomic Wars. International laser defence systems prevent direct nuclear attack on the majority of megalopolized areas throughout the world. The peoples of the United States of America depose President Booth and petition the Judges to assume full administration of the country. President Booth is placed in suspended animation by order of an emergency Grand Council of Judges. Mek-troops still loyal to the National Executive, among them veteran war droid Hammerstein, engage in a battle of supremacy with the National Judiciary.[32]
  • The mek-troops comprising Booth's Presidential Guard are defeated by the Judges in the Battle of Armageddon.[33]
c. 2070s
  • The Hiroshima Accord is settled by Mega-Cities One, Two, and Three of North America; Brit-Cit, East-Megs One and Two, and Hondo City of Eurasia; New Jerusalem and Simba City of Pan-Africa; Sydney-Melbourne Conurbation and Friendly City of Oceania; and the Arctic Sector of Laurasia.[34]
  • Chief Judge Fargo, despite strong opposition from Council member Morton Judd, vetoes against eugenics proposals for population control.[35]
  • Having made it through the preliminary rounds of the World Aeroball Championship, the Harlem Heroes' team bus crashes, killing all but four players. Louis Mayer, his brain alone surviving the tragedy, convinces his three fellow survivors, 'Slim', 'Hairy', and team captain John 'Giant' Clay that they can still win the championship title.[36]
  • The Harlem Heroes reforms as the Harlem Hellcats, contesting an Inferno tournament, one of a rising tide of legalized death sports.[37]
  • Hammerstein, an off-line war droid loyal to the National Executive, is reactivated in the Cursed Earth. Resolving to find new purpose now that he is no longer at war with the Judges, Hammerstein enters Mega-City One.[38]
  • Rico and Joe Dredd graduate with honours as full-eagle Judges two years early.[39]
  • Rico Dredd, found guilty of corruption, is sentenced by his brother Joe to twenty years penal servitude on the Judges' Titan prison colony.[40]
Late 21st century
  • Civil war breaks out between Mega-Cities One and Three.[43]
Judge Dredd -- first appearance: Prog 2
  • despite its being the strip least likely to contrive a crossover, Judge Dredd was nonetheless 2000 AD's first venture into shared universe territory by way of its introduction of Judge Giant senior, the son of former aeroball star John 'Giant' Clay. Cadet Giant graduates from the Academy of Law.[44]
  • The people of Mega-City One honour the Judges by unveiling the towering Statue of Judgement.[45]
  • A robot rebellion led by Call-Me-Kenneth, The Robot Wars, brings large-scale destruction to Mega-City One before finally being quelled by the Judges.[46]
  • Rico Dredd, returning from his penal servitude on Titan, is killed during a showdown with his brother Joe.[47]
  • A deadly plague threatens the very exstence of Mega-City Two. A mission led by Judge Dredd to carry the antidote across the Cursed Earth from Mega-City One is successful. During the expedition, Dredd encounters the Satanus and releases the former US President Robert L. Booth from suspended animation allowing him to join a local Cursed Earth farming community.[48]
  • A defunct war droid excavated from the Cursed Earth reactivates and terrorizes the Andy Warhol Block in Mega-City One.[49]
  • The illegitimate son of Judge Giant and Adelle Dormer is inducted into the Academy of Law.
  • Mega-City One's Tek-Division develops Proteus, its first operational time machine.
  • Trekmaster Lucas Rudd leads twenty-eight radwagons through the Cursed Earth to the New Territories. Of the one hundred and eleven helltrekkers who set out from Mega-City One barely more than thirty survive the twelve day journey.
  • A terrorist faction naming itself after the Harlem Heroes escapes from its subterranean penal colony.
  • Sabbat, a necromagus from the year 2178, raises a vast army of zombies worldwide. A select group of international Judges, assisted by Search/Destroy agent Johnny Alpha, unites in defeating him although a number of megalopolized areas, including Mega-City Two, are destroyed in the process.
  • John 'Giant' Clay dies.
2180 — mid-2180s
Strontium Dog -- first appearance: Starzine 1 (StarLord)/Prog 86 (2000 AD)
  • Durham Red (first series): -- a spin-off from Strontium Dog. First appearance of series: Prog 762
23rd Century
  • Trans-Time Incorporated are in operation harvesting dinosaurs from 65 million years BCE.[52]
Rogue Trooper -- first appearance: Prog 228
  • Unlike most standalone strips that now form part of 2000 AD's shared universe, Strontium Dog and Rogue Trooper are late inclusions. In both cases, the main characters of these two strips have made their shared universe début in Judge Dredd.
the far future
Durham Red (later series) -- first appearance in far future: Prog 1078
the far future
Comic Rock -- first appearance: Prog 167
the far future
Nemesis the Warlock -- first appearance: Prog 222
the far future/21st Century
ABC Warriors [second series] -- first appearance: Prog 555
  • it was intended, initially, that Comic Rock would reveal that Nemesis was in fact 'Deadlock', a member of the original ABC Warriors line-up. Nemesis the Warlock is a continuation of Comic Rock that features cameos by Ro-Jaws, Hammerstein, and Mek-Quake. Nemesis later reforms the ABC Warriors as a time-travelling unit.

[edit] Parallel universes

As well as the above timeline tying together a lot of the stories in 2000 AD, other parallel universes are known to co-exist alongside the main one, and some of them have intruded into it. Most famously this has happened with Judge Death and the Dark Judges who, in the story "Helter Skelter" (progs 1250 to 1261), provide dimension jump technology to an alternate Judge Cal who brought together a wide range of 2000 AD heroes and villains. ("Helter Skelter" (written by Garth Ennis) actually referenced many different 2000 AD characters who are not part of the 2000 AD Universe, stating that they all exist in parallel dimensions.)

[edit] Intercompany crossovers

There have been numerous intercompany crossovers between 2000 AD stories and with stories published by other companies (DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics). Given his high profile these often mix other characters with Judge Dredd. These include:

[edit] Aliens

Mr Bones eventually manages to launch his revenge on Mega-City One, unleashing the Xenomorph (called the Incubus here) into the Grand Hall of Justice itself. [53]

[edit] Batman

Main article: Judgement on Gotham

There have been a number of crossovers with the Dark Detective including a team-up with Dredd to defeat the combined might of Judge Death and The Scarecrow.[54]

[edit] Lobo

Lobo, the intergalactic mercenary, became a popular character when Alan Grant took on the writing duties so a run-in with Dredd was a logical progression. [55]

[edit] Predator

The Predator has made many visits to Earth throughout history, and in a number of parallel universes, so it was almost inevitable that they would eventually clash with Dredd. [56]

[edit] Pseudonyms and cameos

Occasionally real life creators and individuals pop up in disguise.

[edit] Pseudonyms

Some work in the 2000 AD Universe has been done by people using pseudonyms for various reasons:

  • K. Edwards (from the spud/potato ) - Gary Leach (as Paul Behrer), Will Simpson and Dave Elliot. This arose because the scripts for the "Oz" epic were late and so the three artists had to collaborate. The name is based on a type of potato, the King Edward, and "Spud" is not only a slang term for a potato, but also Elliot's nickname that he and Leach have used as a pseudonym previously when collaborating.[57]

[edit] Cameos

People from the comics world, as well as public figures, have made cameo appearances within the 2000 AD Universe including:

  • Judge Logan has appeared in a number of stories including the current epic "Origins" and is named after W.R. Logan who started Class of '79.
  • Kenny Who? is based on artist Cam Kennedy and his storylines (drawn by Kennedy) dealt with issues he encountered in the American comic industry.

[edit] The "Smithiverse"

The writer John Smith often places a number of his characters in the same stories, which has become known among fans as The Smithiverse. These have never been explicitly linked to the main 2000 AD Universe, but stand together as an independent universe of their own. However, one particular species of alien of Smith's creation has appeared in both the Smithiverse (in Firekind and Tyranny Rex) and in the regular 2000 AD Universe (in Devlin Waugh spinoff Pussyfoot 5).

Smithiverse stories include Indigo Prime, Tyranny Rex and Firekind.

[edit] References

  1. ^ "The Academy of Law" (by John Wagner)
  2. ^ Judge Dredd: "Casualties Of War" (by John Wagner and John Higgins, in 2000 AD #900, 1994)
  3. ^ Skizz: "Skizz Book 3" (by Jim Baikie, in 2000 AD #912-927, 1994)
  4. ^ "Top Dogs" (by John Wagner, in Judge Dredd Annual 1991, 1990)
  5. ^ Judgement Day" (by Garth Ennis/John Wagner; art by Peter Doherty & Carlos Ezquerra tpb, 1999, collects Judgement Day in 2000 AD #786-799 and Judge Dredd Megazine #2.4-9, 1992)
  6. ^ Strontium Dog "Incident at the Beginning of the Universe", 2000 AD Winter Special 1988
  7. ^ Flesh Book 2, 2000 AD Progs 86 — 99
  8. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "The Cursed Earth", 2000 AD Prog 73
  9. ^ Flesh [Book 1], 2000 AD Progs 1 — 19
  10. ^ Nemesis the Warlock Book Seven: The Two Torquemadas, 2000 AD Prog 552
  11. ^ Flesh - Chronocide, 2000 AD Progs 973 — 979
  12. ^ Strontium Dog "The Ragnarok Job", 2000 AD Progs 445 — 465
  13. ^ Nemesis the Warlock Book Seven: The Two Torquemadas, 2000 AD Progs 546 — 557
  14. ^ Strontium Dog "The Schicklgruber Grab", 2000 AD Progs 182 — 188
  15. ^ Nemesis the Warlock Book Nine: Deathbringer, 2000 AD Progs 586 — 593, 604 — 608
  16. ^ q.v. Harlem Heroes [first series] "The Flying Scotsmen", 2000 AD Prog 12
  17. ^ Strontium Dog "Bitch", 2000 AD Progs 505 — 529
  18. ^ Disaster 1990, 2000 AD Prog 6
  19. ^ Invasion!, 2000 AD Progs 1 — 35, 37 — 38, 40, 42 — 51; 2000 AD Annuals 1978, 1979, and 1980
  20. ^ q.v. Harlem Heroes [first series] "The Siberian Wolves", 2000 AD Prog 6
  21. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "Meet Mr. Moonie", 2000 AD Prog 46
  22. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "The Cursed Earth", 2000 AD Prog 73
  23. ^ q.v. Harlem Heroes [first series] "The Sport of Tomorrow", 2000 AD Prog 1
  24. ^ q.v. Inferno, 2000 AD Prog 72
  25. ^ q.v. ABC Warriors "The Mek-Nificent Seven", 2000 AD Prog 135
  26. ^ q.v. ABC Warriors "The Black Hole", 2000 AD Prog 562; q.v. Ro-Busters "Hammer-Stein's War Memoirs", 2000 AD Prog 88 — 92; q.v. ABC Warriors "Dishonourable Discharge", 2000 AD Winter Special 1992; q.v. ABC Warriors "Volgo, the Ultimate Death Machine", Dice Man #2
  27. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "Luna-1", 2000 AD Prog 42
  28. ^ ABC Warriors "The Mek-Nificent Seven", 2000 AD Progs 119 — 128; ABC Warriors "Retreat From Volgow", 2000 AD Annual 1981
  29. ^ ABC Warriors "The Mek-Nificent Seven", 2000 AD Progs 129 — 139; ABC Warriors "Red Planet Blues", 2000 AD Annual 1985
  30. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "The Cursed Earth", 2000 AD Prog 73; q.v. Flesh "The Trans-Time File", 2000 AD Annual 1989
  31. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "Mutie the Pig", 2000 AD Prog 34; q.v. Judge Dredd "A Case for Treatment", 2000 AD Prog 389
  32. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "The Cursed Earth", 2000 AD Prog 68; q.v. Hammerstein, 2000 AD Prog 960; q.v. Judge Dredd "The Cursed Earth", 2000 AD Prog 83
  33. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "The Cursed Earth", 2000 AD Prog 83
  34. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "Dredd's World", Judge Dredd Mega-Special No. 1;q.v. Anderson: Psi Division "Shamballa", 2000 AD Prog 701
  35. ^ Judge Dredd "Oz", 2000 AD Prog 559
  36. ^ Harlem Heroes [first series], 2000 AD Progs 1 — 27
  37. ^ Inferno, 2000 AD Progs 36 — 75
  38. ^ Hammerstein, 2000 AD Progs 960 — 963
  39. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "The Academy of Law", 2000 AD Prog 27
  40. ^ q.v. Judge Dredd "The Return of Rico!", 2000 AD Prog 30
  41. ^ Ro-Busters "The Rise and Fall of Ro-Jaws and Hammer-Stein", 2000 AD Progs 103 — 115
  42. ^ q.v. Anderson: Psi Division "The Haunting", 2000 AD Annual 1984
  43. ^ Judge Dredd "Civil War" wraparound cover, 2000 AD Prog 169
  44. ^ Judge Dredd "The Academy of Law", 2000 AD Progs 27 — 28
  45. ^ Judge Dredd "The Statue of Judgement", 2000 AD Prog 7
  46. ^ Judge Dredd "Robots", "Robot Wars", 2000 AD Progs 9, 10 — 17
  47. ^ Judge Dredd "The Return of Rico!", 2000 AD Prog 30
  48. ^ Judge Dredd "The Cursed Earth", 2000 AD Progs 61 — 85
  49. ^ Walter's Wobo-Tale "Shok!", Judge Dredd Annual 1981
  50. ^ Judge Dredd "Block Mania", 2000 AD Prog 242
  51. ^ Judge Dredd "The Apocalypse War", 2000 AD Progs 245 — 270
  52. ^ Flesh [Book 1], 2000 AD Progs 1 — 19
  53. ^ Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus (written by John Wagner and Andy Diggle, with art by Henry Flint, in 2000 AD #1332-1335, 2003, tpb, 104 pages, Rebellion, 2003, ISBN 1904265103, Dark Horse, 2004, ISBN 1569719837)
    Aliens crossover publication details
  54. ^ Judgement on Gotham (written by John Wagner and Alan Grant, with art by Simon Bisley, graphic novel, 1991) and three sequels
    Batman crossover publication details
  55. ^ Judge Dredd vs. Lobo: Psycho-Bikers vs The Mutants From Hell (written by John Wagner and Alan Grant, with pencils by Val Semeiks, inks by John Dell and colours by Gloria Vasquez, 48 pages, DC, 1995, ISBN 1563892391)
    Lobo crossover publication details
  56. ^ Predator vs. Judge Dredd (written by John Wagner, with art by Enrique Alcatera, 80 pages, Titan, 1998, ISBN 1840230215, Dark Horse Comics, 1999, ISBN 1569713456)
    Predator crossover publication details
  57. ^ *Alan Grant's introduction to the "Oz" trade paperback and discussion on the 2000 AD message board
  58. ^ *Dan Abnett's blog entry where he reveals he was Cal Hamilton

[edit] External links