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Пол Андерсън — Уикипедия

Пол Андерсън

от Уикипедия, свободната енциклопедия

Пол Уилям Андерсън
американски писател
Роден: 25 ноември 1926
Бристол, Пенсилвания
Починал: 31 юли 2001

Пол Андерсън (на английски:Poul Anderson) е роден в град Бристол, щат Пенсилвания. Семейството му се е преселило от Скандинавия. Има бакалавърска степен по физика от университета в щат Минесота.Неговото второ образование е историческо. Благодарение на произхода си Пол Андерсън има познания по езиците от северните части на Европа.

Неговото първо произведение е разказа "Tomorrow's Children", който излиза през 1947. Разказът е написан в съавторство с Ф. Н. Уолдроп. През кариерата на Андерсън негови произведения са награждавани седем пъти с Награда Хюго; три пъти с Награда Небюла; четири пъти с Награда Прометей. Пол андерсон е лауреат на премията "Гандалф" (1978) и наградата на издателство "Макмиллан" за най-добър детективски роман на годината(1959). Произведенията му извън жанра фантастика не постигат голям успех.

Някои от произведенията на Пол Андерсън са написани в съавторство със съпругата му. Зет му е популярния фантаст Грег Беър. Пол Андерсън умира от рак през 2001 г.


[редактиране] Библиография

[редактиране] Цикли

[редактиране] Цикъл "King of Ys" (& Karen Anderson)

  • Roma Mater
  • Gallicenae
  • Dahut
  • The Dog and the Wolf

[редактиране] Цикъл "Tomorrow's Children"

  • Tomorrow's Children
  • Chain of Logic

[редактиране] Цикъл "Psychotechnic League"

  • Star Ways
  • The Snows of Ganymede
  • Virgin Planet
  • The Psychotechnic League
  • Cold Victory
  • Starship

[редактиране] Цикъл "Hoka" (& Гордън Диксън)

  • Earthman's Burden
  • Star Prince Charlie
  • Hoka!

[редактиране] Цикъл "Nicholas Van Rijn"

  • War of the Wing-Men
  • Trader to the Stars
  • The Trouble Twisters
  • Satan's World (Дяволски свят)
  • The People of the Wind
  • Mirkheim
  • The Earth Book of Stormgate

[редактиране] Цикъл "Dominic Flandry"

  • We Claim These Stars
  • Earthman, Go Home!
  • Let the Spaceman Beware
  • Agent of the Terran Empire
  • Flandry of Terra
  • Ensign Flandry
  • The Rebel Worlds
  • A Circus of Hells
  • The Day of Their Return
  • A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows
  • A Stone in Heaven
  • The Long Night
  • The Game of Empire
  • Flandry

[редактиране] Цикъл "Wing Alak" ("Уинг Айлък")

  • The Double-Dyed Villains
  • Enough Rope
  • The Chapter Ends
  • The Live Coward (Да бъдеш страхливец)

[редактиране] Цикъл "Time Patrol" ("Патрул във времето")

  • Guardians of Time
  • Time Patrolman
  • The Year of the Ransom
  • The Shield of Time
  • The Time Patrol

[редактиране] Цикъл "History of Rustum"

  • Orbit Unlimited
  • New America

[редактиране] Цикъл "Three Hearts"

  • Three Hearts and Three Lions
  • A Midsummer Tempest

[редактиране] Цикъл "The Last Viking" (& Karen Anderson)

  • The Golden Horn
  • The Road of the Sea Horse
  • The Sign of the Raven

[редактиране] Цикъл "Maurai"

  • Maurai and Kith
  • Orion Shall Rise

[редактиране] Цикъл "Harvest of Stars"

  • Harvest of Stars
  • The Stars Are Also Fire
  • Harvest the Fire
  • The Fleet of Stars

[редактиране] Цикъл "Стивън Матучек"

  • Operation Chaos (Операция "Хаос")
  • Operation Luna

[редактиране] Романи

  • After Doomsday
  • Brain Wave
  • Conan the Rebel
  • Fire Time
  • Genesis
  • Hrolf Kraki's Saga
  • Inheritors of Earth (& Gordon Eklund)
  • Murder Bound
  • Murder in Black Letter
  • No Truce with Kings
  • No World of Their Own
  • Perish by the Sword
  • Planet of No Return (& Karen Anderson)
  • Shield
  • Starfarers
  • Tales of the Flying Mountains
  • Tau Zero
  • The Avatar
  • The Boat of a Million Years
  • The Broken Sword
  • The Byworlder
  • The Corridors of Time
  • The Dancer from Atlantis
  • The Demon of Scattery (& Mildred Downey Broxon)
  • The Devil's Game
  • The High Crusade (Кръстоносци в космоса)
  • The Longest Voyage
  • The Makeshift Rocket
  • The Merman's Children
  • The Saturn Game
  • The Star Fox
  • The Winter of the World
  • There Will Be Time
  • Three Worlds to Conquer
  • Twilight World
  • Vault of the Ages
  • War of the Gods
  • War of Two Worlds
  • We Have Fed Our Seas
  • World Without Stars

[редактиране] Повести и разкази

  • A Bicycle Built for Brew
  • A Chapter of Revelation
  • A Fair Exchange
  • A Handful of Stars
  • A Little Knowledge
  • A Logical Conclusion
  • A Man to My Wounding
  • A Message in Secret
  • A Philosophical Dialogue
  • A Tragedy of Errors
  • A World Named Cleopatra
  • Admiralty
  • Among Thieves
  • And How They Fought at the River Niss
  • And Yet So Far
  • Arsenal Port
  • Backwardness
  • Ballade of an Artificial Satellite
  • Barnacle Bull
  • Birthright
  • Brain Wave
  • Brake
  • Bullwinch's Mythology
  • Butch
  • Call Me Joe (Наричайте ме Джо)
  • Captive of the Centaurianess
  • Children of Fortune
  • Cold Victory
  • Conversation in Arcady
  • Courier of Chaos
  • Death and the Knight
  • Deathwomb
  • Details
  • Dialogue
  • Door to Anywhere
  • Duel on Syrtis
  • Earthman, Beware!
  • Elementary Mistake
  • Entity (& John Gergen)
  • Epilogue
  • Esau
  • Escape from Orbit
  • Escape the Morning
  • Eutopia
  • Eve Times Four
  • Fairy Gold
  • Flight to Forever
  • For the Duration
  • Fortune Hunter
  • Garden in the Void
  • Genesis
  • Genius
  • Ghetto
  • Goat Song
  • Goodbye, Atlantis!
  • Gypsy
  • High Treason
  • Holmgang
  • Home
  • Honorable Enemies
  • Horse Trader
  • House Rule
  • How to Be Ethnic in One Easy Lesson
  • Hunter's Moon
  • I Tell You, It's True
  • In Memoriam
  • In the House of Sorrows
  • In the Shadow
  • Incomplete Superman
  • Inconstant Star
  • Inside Earth
  • Inside Passage
  • Inside Straight
  • Interloper
  • Iron
  • Ivory, and Apes, and Peacocks
  • Joelle
  • Journey's End (Краят на пътя)
  • Kings Who Die
  • Kyrie
  • Language
  • Letter from Tomorrow
  • License
  • Life Cycle
  • Lodestar
  • Lord of a Thousand Suns (Господарят на хилядите слънца)
  • Loser's Night
  • Margin of Profit
  • Marius
  • Marque and Reprisal
  • Memory
  • Mustn't Touch
  • My Object All Sublime
  • My Own, My Native Land
  • Night Piece
  • No Truce with Kings
  • Nothing Succeeds Like Failure
  • Of Thora Thorbergsdottir
  • Outpost of Empire
  • Pact
  • Passing the Love of Women
  • Peek! I See You!
  • Pride
  • Progress
  • Prologue
  • Prophecy
  • Que Donn'rez Vous?
  • Quest
  • Quixote and the Windmill
  • Ramble with a Gamblin' Man
  • Recruiting Nation
  • Renascence
  • Requium For a Universe
  • Rescue on Avalon
  • Robin Hood's Barn
  • Rokuro
  • Sam Hall
  • Sargasso of Lost Starships
  • Say It with Flowers
  • Scarecrow
  • Security Risk
  • Sister Planet
  • Snowball
  • Son of the Sword
  • SOS
  • Star Ship
  • Starfog
  • Statesmen
  • Strange Bedfellows
  • Strangers
  • Strength (& Mildred Downey Broxon)
  • Sunjammer
  • Supernova
  • Superstition
  • Survival Technique (& Kenneth Gray)
  • Swordsman of Lost Terra
  • Symmetry
  • Terminal Quest
  • Teucan
  • The Acolytes
  • The Alien Enemy
  • The Apprentice Wobbler
  • The Asking of Questions
  • The Barbarian
  • The Barrier Moment
  • The Big Rain
  • The Bitter Bread
  • The Burning Bridge
  • The Communicators
  • The Comrade
  • The Corkscrew of Space
  • The Critique of Impure Reason
  • The Disintegrating Sky
  • The Fatal Fulfillment
  • The Faun
  • The Forest
  • The Fox, the Dog and the Griffin
  • The Game of Glory
  • The Gate of the Flying Knives
  • The Green Thumb
  • The Helping Hand
  • The High Ones
  • The Horn of Time the Hunter
  • The House of Sorrows
  • The Immortal Game
  • The Inevitable Weapon
  • The Last Monster
  • The Last of the Deliverers
  • The Life of Your Time
  • The Light
  • The Little Monster
  • The Live Coward
  • The Long Remembering
  • The Long Return
  • The Longest Voyage
  • The Man Who Came Early
  • The Man Who Counts
  • The Martian Crown Jewels
  • The Martyr
  • The Merman's Children
  • The Mills of the Gods
  • The Moonrakers
  • The Nest
  • The Only Bed to Lie In
  • The Peacemongers
  • The Peat Bog
  • The Perfect Weapon
  • The Pirate (Мародерът)
  • The Problem of Pain
  • The Pugilist
  • The Queen of Air and Darkness
  • The Rogue
  • The Saga of Harald Hardrede
  • The Saturn Game
  • The Season of Forgiveness
  • The Sensitive Man
  • The Serpent in Eden
  • The Sharing of Flesh
  • The Sky People
  • The Snows of Ganymede
  • The Soldier from the Stars
  • The Sorrow of Odin the Goth
  • The Star Beast
  • The Star Plunderer
  • The Tale of Hauk
  • The Tale of the Cat
  • The Tinkler
  • The Troublemakers
  • The Tupilak
  • The Valor of Cappen Varra
  • The Virgin of Valkarion
  • The Visitor
  • The Voortrekkers
  • The Ways of Love
  • The White King's War
  • The Word to Space
  • Third Stage
  • Three Wishes
  • Tiger by the Tail
  • Time Heals
  • Time Lag
  • To Outlive Eternity
  • To Promote the General Welfare
  • Turning Point
  • Tyranny
  • Un-Man
  • Uncleftish Beholding
  • Virgin Planet
  • Vulcan's Forge
  • War-Maid of Mars
  • Warriors from Nowhere
  • Welcome
  • What Shall It Profit?
  • When Half-Gods Go
  • Wherever You Are
  • Wildcat
  • Windmill
  • Wingless
  • Wingless on Avalon
  • Wings of Victory
  • Witch of the Demon Seas
  • Wolfram
  • World of the Mad
Our "Network":

Project Gutenberg

Encyclopaedia Britannica 1911

Librivox Audiobooks

Linux Distributions

Magnatune (MP3 Music)

Static Wikipedia (June 2008)

Static Wikipedia (March 2008)

Static Wikipedia (2007)

Static Wikipedia (2006)

Liber Liber

ZIM Files for Kiwix

Other Websites:

Bach - Goldberg Variations

Lazarillo de Tormes

Madame Bovary

Il Fu Mattia Pascal

The Voice in the Desert

Confessione d'un amore fascista


Debito formativo

Adina Spire